View Full Version : i almost got kicked out of school today
09-16-2004, 03:02 PM
my "firends" and i decided to make shirst that said junior men on them for school this year and on the back there was a giant picture of the shocker. well we got the first order made and me and my "friends wore them to school, everybody liked them and thought they were cool so we started taking names for a new shirt order.
welll last night bziggums called me up and said that we should all wear the shirts and i said ok, well 8:05 this moring i got a pass to go see the assoc. principal and he decided that the shocker wasnt an appropiate signal to put on a shirt. well he knew that other people had the shirts and wanted to know names and threatened to susspend me for 3 days or so and i gave the names out becuse we wernt in trouble or anything he just wanted to them not to wear the shirts.
well when we made the design one of my "friends" took all the credit for them and that was ok becuse he made the picture not the idea. well the other 4 guys went to the office and the "mastermind" behind the shirts convinced everybody to blame everything on me such as it being my idea, desinging and so forth then i got in trouble again b/c of my " friends"
even though we all agreed to make the shirts together split the profits equaly they blamed it on me. they said all they did was pay for the shirt wich is bullshit.
i still am going to sell them an i am going to keep the profits b/c it was all my "fualt" and my idea.
09-16-2004, 03:23 PM
Regeneration X
09-16-2004, 07:00 PM
yea when i heard they blamed it on you chad, i was like thats bull shit.
09-16-2004, 07:33 PM
1. adam when we told u bout it in spanish u laughed, u didnt say bullshit.
2. chad dont even put it on me when u can ask matt when we were in the office he asked now who came up with these shirts...patrick said chad kriz, erik said ya chad....and dude we didnt even get in trouble really...we got called to the office, talked to, and that was all. Also im not saying it was all u cuz ya we did all agree..but u and matt did come over to my house and say yea mang we got this shirt design and fuck i thought it was tite so i wanted one..
09-16-2004, 07:40 PM
hey Bizi, you just lost your last shred of respectability with me. i can see why the school wouldnt want you to wear them, but it shouldnt have been blamed on any one person at all.
09-16-2004, 08:16 PM
we even put it on mw? if you agrre to also being your shirt desing too. even though i didnt get in trouble he talked to me again, which is no big deal but fucking twice in one day i had to go see mr williams and i was pointing out how matt wanted to take all the credit fir the desing and wich he did but when it came down to going to the office he had nothing to do with it. and there is no reason that you can get pissed cuz b/c i am the one that had to go there twice and ben said that you guys were laughing about blaming me???? hows that funny?
09-16-2004, 08:40 PM
dustin...if u read anything of what i said, I PERSONALLY did not blame him or call him out to mr williams.
chad, first off we didnt know u had already been into the office...ME ERIK AND PAT were gonna say just matt...but he had to come with us...again we didnt get in any trouble so it isssssss OK, technically u have to admit that IT was ur and matts idea, and also sorry for what THEY did i guess, BUT if we had jus said it was all of us that designed it, what difference would it of made..
also when we went in there no one else was talkin so i answered most of the questions..but then when that one poped up patrik did jump out and say that, followed by erik...
AAALLLLSoo when me and matt were talkin to ben up the stairs before LA we were laughin cuz we got caught then while we were laughin we had told ben that patrik had blamed you...
allllsoo...remember last year when u bascially ratted me out to mike luis and them...oh hey yea that was gay im not really friends wit them anymore, just sayin hey in the halls and shiet
ALLLSoo...i know some of it is my fault becuz when pat said that to mr williams i did not say "no, it was all of our ideas".....sorry homie
Regeneration X
09-17-2004, 06:11 AM
No were all in on it, you ALL take the blame...
Trying to blame it on your so called "friends" is pretty fucking stupid. I didn't laugh because i thought it was funny, it was a forced laugh.
I knew patrick and erik would pull some kind of bull shit like that, blaming it on someone else to get out of trouble, but I didn't think you would.
Yes, you may not have said anything about blaming it on someone...and thats what makes it your fault. When patrick said it was Chad that did it, you could have spoken up, so you arejust as bad as them.
Now if you tried pulling that shit on me, if i was i the situation...yyour ass would be grass, but its not me, so really...all i can do is put my 2 cents in, not really take an action.
Ahhh, the days of high school that I don't miss. I'm going to be going on like my 5 year Reunion soon.
09-17-2004, 07:44 AM
i think BMXICAN and Bizi just need to duke it out. we could tape it and put it on the site, it'd be awesome. i could be the ref if you guys want.
09-17-2004, 08:07 AM
yeah..............this makes me glad I graduated last Way too much drama!!!!
but hey! Go Warriros! lol
09-17-2004, 01:46 PM
i agree with both Fate and Dustin on this one, i hated high school, buncha Nazi's out at Prairie, and i think we should have BMX dude and Bizi fight and tape it, that would be sweet.
09-17-2004, 05:33 PM
ADAM you dont know shit about what you are talking about. You didnt say shit about anything and you wouldnt do shit about anything if you were in that situation eaither.
09-17-2004, 07:14 PM
Fuck that bullshit....lemme see the much you want for one :-)
09-17-2004, 09:09 PM
the shocker would be cool on a shirt, but i dont want to wear a shirt that says "Junior Guys" on the front. sorry guys.
09-18-2004, 01:56 AM
I agree with Dustin only my beef is with Narks. What kind of little bitch would rat out customers because he is afraid of being suspended no matter how inappropriate they think the shirt's symbol means. They are full of crap because you could always ltigate them. Damn kids need to learn things I tell ya. I did worse shit when i was in school and I don't think i got in trouble once.
09-18-2004, 07:39 AM
its all that damn rap music and sexual content on TV i tell ya. those damn 50 cents and Marilyn Manson characters, its all their fault. blame it on them.
09-18-2004, 11:47 AM
yeah i adam i wouldnt take it that far, its not like you got in trouble so lets not go starting shit about what you would have done if you were in that situation
09-21-2004, 07:49 AM
lol I remember last year, a bunch of my friends got suspended for "smiting" people. I guess they chased people around town smacking them with plastic meat cleavers. lol Then the next day, when they all got suspended, a bunch of people made shirts that said "I smite you" and everyone was signing them. haha, crazy kids lemme tell ya.
I do agree that all of this is bullshit...but look at it this way: Are you really going to throw this big of a fit over something that isnt that big of a deal? hmmmm....
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