View Full Version : Monthly CRU dinner
09-12-2004, 06:11 PM
Who thinks that it would be cool to have a monthly CR:U dinner?
09-12-2004, 06:16 PM
i think it would totally kick ass....good idea
09-12-2004, 06:19 PM
sweet sounds like a good idea.....just lemme know when!
09-12-2004, 06:20 PM
month from last saturday
09-12-2004, 06:21 PM
ok....kewl....closer we get the more details you'll let us know carlson?
09-12-2004, 06:22 PM
sounds good
09-12-2004, 06:58 PM
Any way you slice it, it's a good idea. I think most of us can afford a dinner once a month, and i also think most of us would do our best to be there. Just need someone setting it up.
09-12-2004, 07:00 PM
I like the dinner saturday cause i met alot of people from cru and found out stuff i could get from my car from them. I think everyone could get something out of it.
09-12-2004, 07:01 PM would be better for me if the dinner was on the weekend....i usually can only come to CR on the weekends
09-12-2004, 07:03 PM
How bout the first saturday of each month. Go out to eat then our for a cruise.
09-12-2004, 07:05 PM
while we're planning this so far in advance.. i'm going to throw my two cents in, because i'm tired of being left out. just an idea.. but maybe it could NOT be on a friday or saturday night. i dont know about anyone else, but i work every single friday and saturday night 4 til 10, which is why i've missed most of the get togethers we've ever had. i dont expect you guys to try and schedule everything around peoples work schedules, i just know people like to go out to bars and stuff like that those nights too. so maybe a lunch type thing would work instead of a night thing. i dont know, just an idea. =)
09-12-2004, 07:06 PM the same time....not every single person on this board lives in CR......its really hard to come down during the week...not just for me but i'm sure for others too
09-12-2004, 07:08 PM
i didn't mean during the week.. because lots of people have school as well. i meant like a saturday afternoon or something.
09-12-2004, 07:08 PM
what about sunday nights?
09-12-2004, 07:09 PM
Days would be cool too.
09-12-2004, 07:09 PM
well why do we do the cruise at like....10 and then at like...12 go to dinner at Perkins....they are open all the time
09-12-2004, 07:11 PM
sounds good. just somthing for everyone to meet up together.
09-12-2004, 07:12 PM
well why do we do the cruise at like....10 and then at like...12 go to dinner at Perkins....they are open all the time
because a certain someone got herself in a lot of trouble and has to come home straight after work. =)
but whatever it doesn't matter.. if it's best for everyone to do it saturday night, then do it then, and i'll find some other time to meet everyone. its not a big deal.
09-12-2004, 07:12 PM
well...we should try and include everyone
09-12-2004, 07:13 PM
what about sundays?
09-12-2004, 07:13 PM
i could do it sundays......but only during the day cause i have to get back to Cedar Falls for classes on monday
09-12-2004, 07:14 PM
sundays work awesome. for me, at least.
09-12-2004, 07:14 PM
i dont think the lunch idea is bad.....i mean we can always change it up every month if we are going to do this regularly.
09-12-2004, 07:14 PM
We simply can't please everyone. It's as simple as that.
And Ashley, I'll talk to you on AIM about this....but I think you're completely missing the point of the details of you being in trouble.
I say set a date, and a time......if people can come, then they'll come. If they can't make it, well better luck next time.
...and that's MY 2 cents.
09-12-2004, 07:16 PM
like honeybee said....every other weekend could switch between lunch and dinner.....then it gives more people a chance to come...even if its only every other month
09-12-2004, 07:28 PM
I still say pick a date, and whoever can make it will make it. Of course jumble around with the times and what-not, but I think we'll find out that evenings will always have a better showup. There's not many people that have to work past 6 on saturdays.....I do sometimes, but a lot of places are closing by then on saturday.
09-12-2004, 07:28 PM
Alright vote for next time. Sunday or Saturday.
09-12-2004, 07:29 PM
I say saturday night.
09-12-2004, 07:47 PM
i dont care....hows that one!
09-13-2004, 12:50 AM
i'll be there. just let me know.
09-13-2004, 09:32 AM
i'll be there. just let me know.
Thats exactly how I feel...hehe...Carlson if you need help planning let me know...cause really you aren't going to get everyone there every time.
09-13-2004, 11:18 AM
Just some tips for those of you who want to plan this...from someone who made the mistake and still won't help plan anything. (heheheh)
-Make a date and time. Don't listen to bitching. Out of 20 people that are going to be there, there will be always 1 or 2 people who can't make it and will try and get you to switch it around. Well if you switch it around, then a different 1 or 2 people will complain. Make a date and a time and set it in stone unless something serious happens.
-The eating needs to come's a mistake to try and do something else as a group before eating. We tried to have a mini-car show before BWW last time...but everyone was hungry and we all went in about 45 minutes early, so the place was packed, and half the people hadn't even shown up yet. So when people started showing up for dinner, we werre already eating. Some people left, and some people just sat at other places in BWW because we didn't have enough seats.
-Don't be too concerned with how many people are going. We had a barbeque at Jake's house with like 6 or 7 people and it was plenty fun. "The more, the Merrier" isn't always true. Sometimes less people means you have more fun just on the basis of everyone being more comfortable.
Just a few tips to help you guys. I'm really not ready to take on another dinner planning. I'll help out with some stuff though. If you guys need a mass email sent out, gimme a hollar and I'll put it out.
09-13-2004, 11:38 AM
I can always help....even though i'm 45 min away...anything i can do...i'll def. do
09-13-2004, 04:24 PM
alright the date is october 2nd. We will prolly meet again at montgumry wards parking lot. where does everyone wanna eat at.
09-13-2004, 05:20 PM
wait....what time on saturday?? i'll actually be in town that weekend...
09-13-2004, 07:46 PM
wait....what time on saturday?? i'll actually be in town that weekend...prolly meet up around 6:45
09-13-2004, 11:36 PM
im down with goin. i'll let you guys know if im partying at my house that night. you guys could probably come over if i am. we'll figure somethin out.
09-13-2004, 11:44 PM
Not sure how many I would be able to attend but it sounds like a great idea.
09-14-2004, 06:11 AM
Yah Steve if Bryan couldn't bring you just let me know. I'd have no problem swinging by Dubuque to get you.
But if you're still feeling well next time, you're more than welcome to join us.
09-14-2004, 07:12 AM
hehehehe, "swing by debuque". youre a good guy Zac.
09-14-2004, 11:39 AM time lets go to more of a cheaper place to....the last time was kinda a specaial it was ok....but if we do it just an idea.
09-14-2004, 01:47 PM
My plate was $12......I thought that was pretty damn cheap. lol
09-14-2004, 02:03 PM
thats about how much i spent, and i would again, but i like places where we can be a little louder, you know?
09-19-2004, 07:44 PM
Alright its a week from saturday and we need a place to eat at. Where does everyone wanna eat at?
09-19-2004, 08:08 PM
Carlson you should open a new thread and ask again. You'll get a better response because it'll be a new thread.
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