View Full Version : Poll why do you come to CR:U
Well, it's pretty self explanatory. Just kind of wondering what everyones general thoughts on why they come here.
Regeneration X
07-31-2004, 04:18 PM
i read everythin there is a new post about.
07-31-2004, 04:24 PM
I read everything also...altough I don't always know what people are talking about...I still read them just to see whats going on
07-31-2004, 04:32 PM
I'm one to read....but I dont usually post in there cause like April I soemtimes don't know what is being talked about.....but before the forums got restarted...I had used the other parts to get an opionion poll on my car for a few things....and it helped me it can be a good resorce!
07-31-2004, 10:55 PM
The clubhouse is what brings everyone from all the other forums together. I am seriously considering merging the auto forums into simple Domestic and Imports until we get more members.
With the experience I've had managing a few other message boards, the less forums, the better. You really want to have as few as possible and only add forums when it seems like your forums are getting crowded.
An example of this would be They have like almost a hundred thousand members or something along those lines and they could not add enough forums to keep them from being crowded.
If you post something in any one of those forums, you'll have a response within 10 minutes if there is a response to be given....and within an hour your post won't even be on the most recent page.
It's good to see that most of you come to read all the forums rather than just the clubhouse!
Surprising results! Definatly a good sign I guess!
08-01-2004, 02:22 AM
no, i usuaully try to keep an eye on everything just because im a nerd like that. what can i say?
no, i usuaully try to keep an eye on everything just because im a nerd like that. what can i say?
It's cool to geek out. Remember that
08-01-2004, 09:59 AM
Yeah, seriously....i'm the biggest dork in the world
Regeneration X
08-01-2004, 10:54 AM
i second that
08-01-2004, 04:35 PM
i second that
umm.....ur not supposed to agree!!!!!
08-01-2004, 04:40 PM
LOL.....slapped ya in the face huh April? Don't you hate it when that happens!
Regeneration X
08-01-2004, 05:26 PM
hahahaha why cant i?
08-01-2004, 06:27 PM
But she is a big dork ;) so is mel.... :-D
I come here for the bitches!!! :twisted:
I'm so lonely :(
08-01-2004, 09:17 PM
Thanx bunches Tyberius :lol:
Regeneration X
08-01-2004, 11:26 PM
I come here for the bitches!!! :twisted:
I'm so lonely :(
08-02-2004, 12:23 PM
How about a forum for people who have really slow cars that wish they had a fast one so that could race.....yeah. i could lead that one. lol
Regeneration X
08-02-2004, 02:26 PM
yea same here
08-02-2004, 02:36 PM
How about a forum for people who have really slow cars that wish they had a fast one so that could race.....yeah. i could lead that one. lol
im not touchin that one with a 10' pole.
08-02-2004, 03:13 PM
How about a forum for people who have really slow cars that wish they had a fast one so that could race.....yeah. i could lead that one. lol
im not touchin that one with a 10' pole.
Dustin don't have to. but....i think there should be one.
08-02-2004, 06:39 PM
Well before the site changed I came to talk about cars, and answer questions. Now I just come to read random arguing trash and meeting times for races/events that I probably wont end up going to :Hangman:
08-02-2004, 06:41 PM
So JJ are you saying you dont like the way the site is going? :roll:
08-02-2004, 06:52 PM
well no not posted while I was outside smoking building up a huge rant post then mellowing out and deciding not to post it.
08-02-2004, 06:52 PM
add you between lol and posted and it makes more sense
08-02-2004, 06:54 PM
I know the clubhouse is kinda that way.....but the other forums are not so why not tend to steer clear of the club house and stay more in the car forums?
08-02-2004, 07:05 PM
car forums are pretty much a void now. And its not so much the lack of anything useful, its the whole cedar rapids scene. After going to races in bigger cities I decided I didnt even want to come watch here anymore let alone participate. I moved back to CR recently and havent gone to a race yet. As far as the site goes it just seems to be a big pile of fanboi's who dont have a fast car let alone care about having one...they would rather add fiberglass than metal parts to their car. And no offense but I seriously lost faith in this sites ability to make something of the weak race scene when it got cheerleaders. And if noone agrees with this they can ignore it, its just a rant. I tried to chip in and help out in the beginning to make things move more towards improving the races here, but it seems worse than before the way things look here. I have a bottle fed geo metro who wants to race me for $50 bucks now because its fast :roll: if that helps you understand where Im coming from.
/end rant-bot-sequence
08-02-2004, 07:08 PM
I see.....well your right everyone has a right to thier opinion....the thing with CR is that its not a big its not going to have the races likea big town....but there are some people in CR who are into making there car fast and not look example is DustysDuster.....his Duster is getting engine work done on it almost every day.....but not the body work.....same with my TA.....its not a 12 sec car by any means....but im working on the engine before i make the body pretty.....just some food for thought.
08-02-2004, 07:15 PM
Well maybe Ill suck it up and hit the races in a couple weeks. Give it another chance. I dont even know who to call though now that gryph is gone. Last I cared he was the one who told me where everything was happening.
08-02-2004, 07:16 PM
And as far as town size...we can have races just like a big city...only smaller scale. At most 25% of the cars should be parked.
08-02-2004, 07:20 PM
Yeah I guess so....but i think the races are only as good as those who are willing to participate....and im not one to preach....cause i haven't been there since i got busted up with em all......but you will always have your "ricers" out there.....and i almost think thats in any city scene.
08-02-2004, 07:21 PM
Just to clarify....CRunderground is not the "official" street racing site. It is a general car site for people in cedar rapids that just happens to have *a little* information about what is going on at the races.
I own the site and I've been to 2
This site hasn't been an official street racing link since we removed the "certified racers" section. Right now it's more of a connection for anyone interested in cars in Cedar Rapids.
As far as the site being full of people with slow cars...maybe you've got me there...and pretty much only me. I'm pretty much the only person here who doesn't have the desire to own a 10 second or faster car. I am working on engine work...but I am not interested in making my car go that fast.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion, which has been said numerous times in this thread. But if I choose that I don't have the desire to own a 10 second car, that doesn't make me any less important than anyone else here and doesn't automatically make this site "full of people with slow cars with no intention on getting a fast car."
But hopefully you've noticed that we have no access to the street racing locations nor do we have access to the times. Using this website, you can find the people you need to find the races, but this site does not contain the information you claim that it does.
08-02-2004, 07:23 PM
Thats very true and good points.....
08-02-2004, 07:25 PM
Yeah youre probably right. I guess the site really isnt even about racing now...As far as I could tell that WAS the true purpose when I first came here. Thats why I lent a hand. To make a better place for local car performance enthusiasts.
08-02-2004, 07:59 PM
Well the goals you mentioned are exactly what we are trying to do here.
Fact is, with only 121 members we're not in any position to do a whole lotta good right now.
What we're trying to do right now is make this a welcoming environment that people feel free to post in. I believe that is what we have right now. Then slowly as we start getting more members everyday I will begin to boost our tech boards. (I have my own plans for that :twisted: ) Once we get more tekkies talking, I will start adding new tech boards. (Such as Volkswagan....we have a few guys that are interested in starting this board right now)
Basically the site is moving in the direction that will please everyone, and that is having sections for people who know nothing about cars, more sections for people who want to learn a little bit about cars, and other sections for people who DO know a lot about cars.
Hopefully that helps clarify things for you. (My words can get confusing sometimes when I get tired...hehe) We're trying to help boost the speed in cedar rapids...but we're not directly affiliated with the CR Street races.
Hey..look at it this way...when I get my engine rebuilt and turboed to what is considered "decent" for speed (13-14's) this site will officially have increased the speed.
Also, Adam bought a Camaro that he is putting a bigger engine into after learning things about cars using the site and meeting the right people to help him accomplish it.
IDK, I would personally say that the site is doing what it was meant to do....but as it's been said over the years, nothing happens overnight. Mind you this site has only been around for 6 months.
But I'll take any help I can get. If you've got ideas or plans to help, drop me a PM and I'll work with you. I don't ignore anyone when someone wants to help me with the site.
08-02-2004, 09:12 PM
Well I was a mod before, but since I dont know/care about DSM's and dont know more than anyone else here about hondas no reason to help there, and the other import is completely dead. If you think theres anything I can help with PM me...and Ill do likewise but as of now it doesnt seem like theres much I could do to change the site to suit other people really interested in racing/performance mostly because there really arent many of them heh.
08-02-2004, 09:25 PM
Well we have a group of mods now that moderate all the forums except for the tech forums which I only allow the guru's of that sort of car to moderate. If you're interested in just being a general moderator, you should contact me.
Really the only thing I ask of my moderators is that they don't delete any posts....ever, and that they view the site daily and are among the site's top posters. (which is easy...just don't be one of those people with only 5 posts)
08-03-2004, 12:57 AM
It just happens to be that most of the people that are intrested in cars go to the races. BUT i am one of those people that didn't start coming to this site until I started going to the races. Ive only been going to the races for about 6 months now
08-03-2004, 01:01 AM
Yeah this site does have a all around mixing pot of people in Zac had said....that kinda breaks it down......people who know, who want to know, and dont care to know.....but we all get along and have some interesting conversations!
08-03-2004, 09:54 AM
Agreed.. I don't paticularly care to know.. lol. I pick up a little bit from Zac and his friends talking when we're all hanging out. But other than that.. I don't know a whole lot about cars or making them fast, and that doesn't really bother me. :D
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