View Full Version : Need Help on how to fix my Headers.
10-30-2014, 10:00 AM
I had Mike Salkowski to build me a set of foward facing LS1 headers for my mustang. Its not been a good experance at all. Was told it would take only 3/4 weeks and he had my car around 4 months and heades close to 5 months. I also had him install some subframe connectors and weld some anti roll bar tabs on my rear end. I bought Team Z sub frame connectors and when I got home and pulled the carpet back they didnt have the outrigger legs welded on them. Said he couldnt install them bescause of the cage. He also said he was going to send them to me them and thats been over a month. After about a month after I went to get my car I finally got my headers. And they wasnt coated like he said he would do, No bull horns on the end either. Mike told me he would send me my money for the coating and guess what NOPE I havent got it. WELL I bolted the headers on the car and one points at the ground and one points stright out and foward a little.They was also suppose to have muffler inserts and guess what NOPE. Is also suppose to be sending them to me as well. My question is how can I fix this????????????????????? Excuse the pictures being sideways. But you can tell that a person that couldnt see could have lined them up better. Guess a person LIVES AND LEARNS !!!!!!!!!
10-30-2014, 02:16 PM
Oh snap..
10-30-2014, 04:45 PM
always sucks to have the car down that long. not sure what the deal is but h&w or the twins are good at fabrication and welding in CR
10-30-2014, 07:32 PM
"90 notch" on here.
10-30-2014, 11:55 PM
Dont worry man, you're not the only one. I took my truck to mike to have some turbo piping tig welded up, and to re-mount my rack and pinion, and make it so my steering shaft would clear.... I took it tohim because he told me he wouldnt charge for having it sit their while i had stuff on order (which only took two weeks) and also if i bought all the material he would "hook a brotha up" he never asked for any labor money, but i helped him on his car and customer cars before he ever even started on my truck. The truck sat for 3-4 months without anything being touched. I had all the piping, bends, flex, vbands, steering shaft, and ujoints ordered and ready to go. So finally after 4 months of sitting there I said "hey do you want some money or something to get started on this thing?" he beat around the bush, then eventually requested $300 to get started.... I got the cash to him the next day. After a month, still nothing. Finally after helping him on customer cars that he pretty much saved for the day before they were to be picked up, staying their till 4am to get it ready, I got fed up and told him a date that i was going to come pick my truck up on (which was about another month away) and if it wasnt done, that would be fine, i would want my money back and i would take it somewhere else. Also during this time, he asked for another $60 to "help cover rent".
So the day i come pick it up i had a hard time getting ahold of him, but i was already on my way. I got there, he was there. I could tell he was super tired. There was a big mess in the shop, I could tell he did all of the work the night before. He also requested another $175 for "fab work". When i gave him that, he left the shop door open, helped us push it out of the shop, stood around for a few minutes talking until my wife noticed big nicks and scratches on the front fenders of my truck. She pointed at them, and before she could say anything he says "well i gotta go my wife is waiting for me" and left. (mind you i just put $6k worth of paint on the truck 8 months before). I was really fuckin mad when i saw this, we found the paint chips on the shop floor right where the truck sat, took all the shit out of the shop that was mine, and left. I texted him about the paint. He denied it at first, then he said "oh ill take care of you man, just give them to me and ill get them repainted". I told him no, knowing it will prolly take a year before i get them back.
Before all this happened he sold me a stand alone EFI system, that he claimed he had running on his car.... well after all summer of him not being able to get it tuned to where it would actually run, I soon figured out its never been on a running vehicle. While tuning we did find a few defective parts that threw us off... but once those were fixed he still couldnt get it to run. Even took it to the track twice thinking he had it dialed in... but never made a pass. Ive since started learning how to tune my self, and has gotten alot closer than its ever been.
I only know of two people that have had good luck with his business, and many many horror stories about it.. Not trying to stir shit up, or talk shit on anyone, just wanted to share my similiar experience.....
10-31-2014, 05:42 AM
Man that sounds a lot like what happen to me. The night I dropped my car off he told me he would send me pictures. And every time I would ask him to send some he would tell me he had phone problems. And finally I done the same thing by telling him I would be there to get my car on a certain date. I got there late on a Friday night and it looked like he had been up for a long time. I had told him to have my headers weather they were coated or not. He had been giving me the run around about some coater having them and he couldn't get them back. Well when I got there guess what no headers and he had told me they would be there. BTW I live in Kentucky so Its not like I am just around the corner. When I found out he didn't have my headers I was very PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. After about a month of hearing I don't have good signal on my phone because he was at a race track or something I sent him a message wanting my money back and that the credit card company said they wouldn't have a problem getting my money back for me. My headers finally showed up. I do believe that he had my headers close to being done when I went and got my car but had to finish them after I picked my car up. That's why they are not lines up rite. Mike told me they are like that so I could cut them the way I wanted them. I didn't pay 1220.00 for me to have to work on them!!! He told me he was going to send me the money for the coating today BUT I am not holding my breath!!!!!!!!!! ITS awful that a person that says he is a drag racer would do this to other drag racers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever time I text or try to call him he reply's that he is in Texas or Tulsa at a race and don't have signal. Well Id get a new cell carrier! LOL . I usually don't and hate posting things like this BUT if this keeps another drag racer from getting the shaft from Mike Salkowski like I have I guess its ok.
90 notch
10-31-2014, 07:54 AM
If you want give me a call,at this point dont know if i could help BUT may be able to.Lorenzos 319-721-8875
90 notch
10-31-2014, 07:56 AM
Lorenzos to the
11-01-2014, 08:18 AM
Yep had bad experience with him also...gave him turbo on trade for cage work..but changed my mind so told mike to give me tubing he had ordered or give me half of turbo value...all i got was a run around and still 2 years later not a penny!!! Had him do some welding on my turbo setup on my manifolds...claimed he did work but i found out later he had a welder at schoitz engineering where he worked at before getting fired do it......Warning avoid him!
11-01-2014, 09:46 AM
You know there is something wierd about you saying someone else done his work. When my headers finally showed up they were in a Schoenfeld Headers ( box.
11-01-2014, 09:43 PM
Well it looks like Mike Salkowski must have saw this post. Mike has quit replying to my texts and now has deleted me on Facebook. Well you know no matter if he deletes me or doesn't answer me if the next person GOOGLE his name maybe this post will come up and they will see what a SORRY ASS he is. Guess I am going to have to get my brother in law to send him a letter. (he is a judge in my town) And see if he likes driving to Kentucky to court! I don't want to do this but I HAVE TRIED TO BE NICE BUT I am tired of getting the shaft from SORRY ASS PEOPLE THAT SAY they are car builder. FIRST IT WAS BILLY WEBB in Bowling Green KY now MIKE SALKOWSKI in Manchester IA. And to the people at R&J Performance I'd say he is using you for shipping because the label on my box said it was shipped to me from you. And for the record I never ask for my money back for the coating Mike volunteered to give it back to me. I have saved every text and message on Facebook. I would rather text or message people because it evidence and people can't lie about what they have said.
11-02-2014, 01:47 AM
Lets get some things straight here. The headers and everything done on that car was fair and the ultra street class you specified doesnt allow bullhorns so I made them class legal and added some length for you to cut off because you said you wanted to get a schoneck bumper . The coaters I normally use went belly up and I told you this and is the reason for the delay and was told by Loko they could have them done in 3-4day's. The $270 for coating was sent and the muffler inserts, and outriggers that I could not install for liability reasons are on the way to your place.. I have been very busy with working on the race team and on moments you texted but I have always gotten back to you. I just seen this post around 12:50am and already deleted you from face book 4 days ago nothing personal but need to keep this strictly buisness. When I do a mild steel header the material comes in schonfield or dyna tech boxxes. You guys accusing me for using another place to fab and weld are ridiculous. I had to drive to chicago to get the headers because you needed them in October and didnt want the coating anymore. I could have charged for the drive but didnt because I wanted to take care of you. And steven jones I offered to drop of the tubing off in 2010 when you slandered me with all your goons and you declined because you wanted money not the tubing.No way in hell would a contractor give anything back without full payment and neither will I. I will gladly bring it to you on monday when you pay the rest of the invoice for material. I have been storing the shit in my garage since 2009. Shawn when your end gets taken care of this week please post it on here. If there's anything to discuss I will gladly talk on the phone rather then text due to communication errors that arise with texting.
Thank you.
Mike Salkowski
11-02-2014, 07:21 AM
I owe you mike?.....i gave you a S480 turbo as payment to order tubing...i already had a 6pt and you were gonna make it a a S480 wouldnt cover material cost? Funny how same turbo got put on sams truck but then you have told him it was 2 or 3 different sizes. I let you have that turbo for $400 and i told you to even give me half the money or the tubing.....its funny how several people that have dealt with you are all wrong but you are right...Keep my money to pay your day care!!!!! I make enough so my wife doesnt have to work and i have 7 kids and my car now runs just fine since you dont work on it anymore!
11-02-2014, 08:52 AM
The turbo you had was a st80 with a t4 sized turbine and a burned up thrust bearing. The turbo on Sam's truck is a s475 t6 housing. They have completely different center sections and would never work.
11-02-2014, 03:25 PM
Dang. I got blocked on Facebook too for telling the truth.
11-02-2014, 08:42 PM
Now now Mike said he deleted me because his Facebook is strictly business. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as far as you building my headers for a class was your idea. I told you how I (the person who paid you up front) wanted them made. And the last time I checked that's how it works. Someone tells you how they want something built and you (or you have someone) build it. And as far as you driving to Chicago isn't my problem. It was yours due to the fact that you was the one who said you sent my headers there. I work for a company that performs service to Cat equipment and when one of our mechanics mess up or doesn't do what the customer wants they don't pay for the service. SO you say you will pay me back the 270.00 for the coating that's fine BUT what about the work that you didn't do to my car. All I am asking for is 350.00 and that will cover my coating and the shipping I am going to be out. And I have already had someone look at installing the outriggers and they have no idea why you say that it would be unsafe. I think that you put it off too long and didn't have the time to install. Don't worry when I get them in I will send or post some pictures to show you how to install them for future reference.
11-03-2014, 07:30 AM
11-03-2014, 07:37 PM
LORENZOS FAB...FTW Fast Top Notch Quality work, with many proven cars and happy customers.
11-04-2014, 08:54 AM
LORENZOS FAB...FTW Fast Top Notch Quality work, with many proven cars and happy customers.
05-17-2015, 08:16 PM
Got another update on getting scammed by mike salkowski... Got a hold of EFI Express today to see if they could look at my data logs and help me get this truck tuned, The guy at EFI Express told me that my ECU was given to mike as a sponsorship deal for him. Hes very mad that it has been sold, and not used on what it was intended to be used on.... I filled the guy in at EFI Express about my experience with Mike and how this doesnt surprise me that he would do something like this.... Sad really... Sponsors are hard enough to get as it is, then this kinda bullshit happens and makes it even harder..
05-17-2015, 08:47 PM
Well I never did receive all the parts he said was in the mail and on there way to me(I wasn't holding my breath or I'd e dead!!! He told me more tan once his wife has sent them out ,A MAN should have enough balls not to blame his wife for something he didn't fucking do! ). I hope that the EFI Express make Mike pay them for the ECU. BUT I am sure he will lie to them like he lies to every other person he has done business with! Oh well ,SORRY ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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