View Full Version : Special Thanks for a Great Season!

10-11-2014, 10:19 PM
After taking some time away from racing and getting back in the game with not just one but two brand new cars it has been a hell of a year! Honestly the most fun I've had in all of my years in the game and I feel some thanks are in store! This past winter me and SteveO set out a goal to make my car work on a 26x 8.5 tire and man has that been a blast as we accomplished our goals. We went out won a couple grudge matches against some bigger tire cars and even a turbo car. Went rounds at the Shootout and took home the trophies and even handed pops his rear end on one outing. All in street trim with the baby seat in the back. As for dads car man is that thing steaming and today I think we put CR on the map and not only beat but GAPED the infamous Beaterbomb. As I check those things of the bucket list 2015 will be a year of Buisness as we are going to lighten the car up and go after some bigger fish to fry.

With that being said I feel we owe thanks to many people.

first and foremost SteveO- we always seem to click and put together the right plan of action for the kill on any given day on the chassis tune up.
lorenzo- for all of our bad ass fab work and welding u do to keep our cars safe and looking trick.
Sperry Engines- for allways treating us right and helping us build these peanut engines to hold together under everything we give them.
Scotty K- for all your tuning advice and answering my dumb questions.
Chekal- for allways fixing my exterior parts when I blow them all over the track and keeping our cars looking top notch!
All of my friends that lend a hand weather it be in the garage or a simple tow at the track.
And last but not least my wife and kids who whole heartedly support our love of the sport every single day, without your support we could not do what we do!

2015 get ready we comming out swinging!

10-12-2014, 12:01 AM
congrats. eddyb had a nice long wheelie. hope you got some pics of that

10-12-2014, 06:56 AM
Thanx Ryan.