View Full Version : Any HVAC people on here?
Sunny Z
11-18-2013, 12:19 PM
Needing two things:
1. I have 924 sqft (8300 cuft) to heat, ceiling will be R30, walls R13 - How large of a heater do I actually need? I've read everything from 45K to 80K (natural gas)
2. Anyone have the hookup on a Reznor or Mr. Heater unit? I'd rather have the prior if the prices were comprable..
11-18-2013, 08:51 PM
My grandfather is a pretty big name in HVAC in this side of the state. I'll try to ask him his opinion tomorrow.
11-18-2013, 09:28 PM
how high is the ceiling?, forced air or radiant? what temp are you trying to maintain. If ceiling is 10' or less and maintaining a 55-60 degree area with forced air & stated insulation, 45k-60k btu output. if your wanting quicker recovery time from open doors, then you might bump up.
Sunny Z
11-19-2013, 06:04 AM
how high is the ceiling?, forced air or radiant? what temp are you trying to maintain. If ceiling is 10' or less and maintaining a 55-60 degree area with forced air & stated insulation, 45k-60k btu output. if your wanting quicker recovery time from open doors, then you might bump up.
Ceiling is 9'. Looking at forced air units. Reznor, Hot Dawg, Mr. Heater. I'm thinking from what I've found I need about 45,000BTU OUTPUT , so after the ~20% loss from burning the natural gas. This puts me in the 60K range for a heater. I was hoping that I could get away with a 50K Mr. Heater unit, as they're about half the cost (arguably lesser quality) than a 60K Reznor or Hot Dawg.
11-19-2013, 06:23 AM
Ceiling is 9'. Looking at forced air units. Reznor, Hot Dawg, Mr. Heater. I'm thinking from what I've found I need about 45,000BTU OUTPUT , so after the ~20% loss from burning the natural gas. This puts me in the 60K range for a heater. I was hoping that I could get away with a 50K Mr. Heater unit, as they're about half the cost (arguably lesser quality) than a 60K Reznor or Hot Dawg.
I have 900 sqft shop with 12' ceilling and the entire thing is very well insulated and only 1 window. I just purchased the MR Heater furnace from lowes and it works great, the fan is a little weak even with ceiling fans right in front of it so I plan on mounting a stand alone fan to help spread the heat out more. Id say it takes about 20 minutes to go from 45-65 degrees. my buddy has one of the smaller units and has been using it for years with no issues. It was a little tricky mounting the furnace because we had to carry the dam thing up our rickety ladders and lift it over our heads, I really thought we were gonna drop it but it ended up ok..
11-19-2013, 06:55 AM
I can talk to some people around work. I can see if they can get you a deal through our suppliers and/or have an old working pull out from a demo job if your interested?
slow ride
11-19-2013, 09:42 AM
I have 2 little over 17,000 btu (5kw each) electric heators in my garage thats attached with 10' ceillings and it does a fine job. Recovery can take some time, but it's not that bad once everything has stabilized.
11-19-2013, 04:37 PM
My grandpa says you need 45k but PERIOD, and he would know. He recommended Reznor UDAP45, which heated my old 950sq ft(8' side wall) garage and the heater was plenty. Kept it around 50-55 in there full time, kick it up to 65 if I were going to be working for a while.
My grandfather has around 50 years of experience and is pretty well known and respected in the field around here; FWIW.
11-19-2013, 06:04 PM
I've got a buddy that has an old Reznor for sale. It's an older one and I don't know the specs, but I bet it's cheap. I can ask him if you want.
11-29-2013, 08:59 AM
I have a section of double wall exhaust tube left over, its 7-8' twist lock twist lock piece if interested ill sell it cheap
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