View Full Version : work out supplements
10-29-2013, 11:45 AM
I know a few of you guys on here lift and/or do the cross fit and tuff mudder style events.
Whats the latest trends out there for diet and supplements? I'm just doing whey protein and some fish oil. Did creatine back in the day and was thinking about getting it again. I'm getting old and need some more energy and strength for these college kids in my jiu jitsu classes.
10-29-2013, 01:50 PM
So many options, Im not sure where to begin. Are you lifting again or is this for energy and recovery from training jujitsu?
I supplemented heavy for a year and it paid off, but my surgery knocked me back to day one strength/size and weight (liquid diet, week long catabolic, 11lbs gone and more). About to get back into it heavy, and water intake is key. If you dont mind pills, I used Animal Paks joint supplements with good results, as well as their general building package. Thats nearing 20 pills, plus you'll want your fish oil still. Pre work out powders vary with each person, I dont take them often. Save it usually for a long saturday morning workout.
A lot of good products and prices on Sounds like a lot of work, but really once you get a groove of what works and figure out how and when to take them its nice. I rely a lot on Gold Standard Whey Isolate, and am trying out Muscle Pharms combat powder (whey/casein) but it doesnt mix well.
10-29-2013, 06:11 PM
What has worked wonders for me personally are pre-workout drinks and post-workout drinks. Pre-workout, I take Mass Pump XXL by Powerlab Nutrition which has creatine in it as well as caffeine. It definitely gets you going, and pumped up for your workout. Your muscles swell up and make you feel great! After workout, I take Cellmass by BSN nutrition. Whatever you do, if you are going to purchase supplements, MAKE SURE the company you are buying from is reputable! Look at how many companies have been in the news over bad ingredients in their stuff. I can just say that these two products (and a lot of hard ass work) have helped me accomplish a goal of bench pressing 500lbs. Onwards and upwards!
10-29-2013, 10:57 PM
Some of the best protein I have ever had was intek evolution. Its a little pricey compared to others but by far the best I have ever had. Pre workouts didn't do a lot for me. I stopped lifting in march and am down 20 lbs and my diet is a lot worse now than it was. I have been thinking about getting back in the gym again though.
10-30-2013, 07:15 AM
I used assault before and liked it. Beta alanine is different for everybody but it keeps me moving. When it feels like a thousand ants crawling up your back, not much else to do. N.O explode was another one I liked, both of these give you a good pump/endurance.I add a scoop of power shock amino nitrate (bcaa's) and have a good day at the gym. Post workout is really the most important, the simplest thing to do would be within the hour have some whey protein and water.
I worked out with some guys that took a little more advanced...supplements. Doubt you're interested in those, I know I'm not.
Sunny Z
10-30-2013, 10:45 AM
I generally slam two NOS energy drinks for a pre-workout, about a gallon of water during, and a muscle milk shake after.
In all seriousness though: I've used BSN's NO-Explode for a pre-workout, and like it (fruit punch). I'm currently using Mr. Hyde (lemon-razz) for a PW, and have some RAGE as well that I haven't tried yet. For pretein, I've had good luck with ON's Gold standard (cookies n cream), and also iForce Pretean (chocolate truffle - delish). Only bitch about the iForce is the artificial sweeteners make me gassy.
As always, eating clean is where its at. Lots of fruits and veggies!
10-30-2013, 11:25 AM
Jesus H
10-30-2013, 12:14 PM
I've been using the muscle pharm assault pre and muscle pharm Amino1 post workout and have had good results with it. Not sure what you are going for but I was lifting to get a little meat on my bones and gain a little weight. When I had a normal 4-day lift schedule I gained quite a bit of muscle and gained about 19lbs (141-160) in a years time. There is a ton of good products out there that I haven't tried but this has worked well for me.
I also have a horrible diet so that hasn't helped my case any.
10-30-2013, 12:20 PM
What has worked wonders for me personally are pre-workout drinks and post-workout drinks. Pre-workout, I take Mass Pump XXL by Powerlab Nutrition which has creatine in it as well as caffeine. It definitely gets you going, and pumped up for your workout. Your muscles swell up and make you feel great! After workout, I take Cellmass by BSN nutrition. Whatever you do, if you are going to purchase supplements, MAKE SURE the company you are buying from is reputable! Look at how many companies have been in the news over bad ingredients in their stuff. I can just say that these two products (and a lot of hard ass work) have helped me accomplish a goal of bench pressing 500lbs. Onwards and upwards!
500 pound bench!
10-31-2013, 08:49 AM
I'll throw my thoughts in here too. I don't intake any artificial sweeteners so that makes my choices a lot more limited. I rely on intense training and eating 90% clean. I'm not looking to put on a ton of mass, but rather stay at a fairly natural body weight and get as strong as possible.
Preworkout - Honey Badger
Whey protein - Optimum Nutrition 100% Natural Whey (Both chocolate and strawberry are very good.)
I used the OP 100% Natural Casein, but it messes up my gut because of the lactose content.
10-31-2013, 05:12 PM
What has worked wonders for me personally are pre-workout drinks and post-workout drinks. Pre-workout, I take Mass Pump XXL by Powerlab Nutrition which has creatine in it as well as caffeine. It definitely gets you going, and pumped up for your workout. Your musrawcles swell up and make you feel great! After workout, I take Cellmass by BSN nutrition. Whatever you do, if you are going to purchase supplements, MAKE SURE the company you are buying from is reputable! Look at how many companies have been in the news over bad ingredients in their stuff. I can just say that these two products (and a lot of hard ass work) have helped me accomplish a goal of bench pressing 500lbs. Onwards and upwards!
Raw or equipped? How much do u weigh? Any vids..
10-31-2013, 07:41 PM
I only lift raw, never tried a shirt. I dont compete so i doubt i ever will! I weighed in just below 240 that day... kind of funny to think when i started this job, i ran 1.5miles in under 9:00 and weighed 180lbs... now i only run spri ts under 400meters and weigh 240!!!
10-31-2013, 08:19 PM
I only lift raw, never tried a shirt. I dont compete so i doubt i ever will! I weighed in just below 240 that day... kind of funny to think when i started this job, i ran 1.5miles in under 9:00 and weighed 180lbs... now i only run spri tnder 400meters and weigh 240!!!
Not to sound like a hater but ive been lifting and competing for many years and could count on two hands people benching 500lbs raw under 300lbs..any vids
10-31-2013, 08:47 PM
Nope, I understand! I do have a video from the day that I put up the weight, but it's only on my phone and that is the way I will keep it. There may or may not be some foul language exhibited on the video, plus the behavior after the successful lift is a bit wild... Normally I wouldn't have a problem posting it, but due to my position, it would be highly frowned by the community! If we ever cross paths, I'd be glad to show it! I will say that I was tickled pink the first time I put up 405lbs, and never imagined I'd be able to go any higher. Heck, I can remember how amazing it was putting up 315lbs, thinking I'd never be able to go any higher. When I got to 455lbs, 500 started looking like it was actually possible. One of the things that I was most excited about was being able to do 405lbs for reps. Do you compete in the powerlifting competitions, or just bench? My knees are pretty messed up right now, but I hope to get back into squats/snatching again soon...
slow ride
11-01-2013, 06:19 AM
How tall are you? I'm a big 6'3" knuckle dragging oaf so my reach is crazy long. I've been close to 405 a few times, but only when my weight is up to 255-260 or so. I can't ever see hitting 500 in my long frame naturally, but I might not put in the work I need to. I've been doing 4-5 days of weights with cardio and a day or two extra of cardio for the last 6 months or more, but I seem to have hit the wall on dropping weight and need to clean up my eating some more I guess. I don't really concentrate on bench anymore so to me chest is just another day of workout, but I can tell doing squats/legs in general helps everything else A LOT. I've been trying to lean out this last summer and dropped about 20-25lbs, but it sure takes a toll on maximum strength. I like fitting into my clothes better anyway so I am taking it easy on the heavy stuff and I also need to take it easy on my knees as I think I need on scoped next year. Sucks getting old :)
I am allergic to whey so I can't have dairy of any kind. I sort of self diagnosed it quite a few years ago, but never asked the doctors about it. It really sucks when it comes to protein as all I can really take is soy. The only other thing I take is creatine as it's cheap and seems to help me out a lot, but the water weight gain on me is just crazy. I'll shoot up 5lbs or more in a week when I take it.
11-01-2013, 08:38 AM
Nope, I understand! I do have a video from the day that I put up the weight, but it's only on my phone and that is the way I will keep it. There may or may not be some foul language exhibited on the video, plus the behavior after the successful lift is a bit wild... Normally I wouldn't have a problem posting it, but due to my position, it would be highly frowned by the community! If we ever cross paths, I'd be glad to show it! I will say that I was tickled pink the first time I put up 405lbs, and never imagined I'd be able to go any higher. Heck, I can remember how amazing it was putting up 315lbs, thinking I'd never be able to go any higher. When I got to 455lbs, 500 started looking like it was actually possible. One of the things that I was most excited about was being able to do 405lbs for reps. Do you compete in the powerlifting competitions, or just bench? My knees are pretty messed up right now, but I hope to get back into squats/snatching again soon...
Why dont you compete then? at 242 benching 500 would put you at the top in the nation. This is the internet so I would have to see it to beleive where do you train?
11-01-2013, 09:04 AM
not to stir the pot, but youtube has a simple video editor available with any video you upload. and you can mute the audio and cut out the post lift celebration. also youtube will allow you to list the video as unlisted or private
11-01-2013, 10:32 AM
I highly doubt Brian would lie, expecially about something like this.
11-01-2013, 10:56 AM
Nope, I understand! I do have a video from the day that I put up the weight, but it's only on my phone and that is the way I will keep it. There may or may not be some foul language exhibited on the video, plus the behavior after the successful lift is a bit wild... Normally I wouldn't have a problem posting it, but due to my position, it would be highly frowned by the community! If we ever cross paths, I'd be glad to show it! I will say that I was tickled pink the first time I put up 405lbs, and never imagined I'd be able to go any higher. Heck, I can remember how amazing it was putting up 315lbs, thinking I'd never be able to go any higher. When I got to 455lbs, 500 started looking like it was actually possible. One of the things that I was most excited about was being able to do 405lbs for reps. Do you compete in the powerlifting competitions, or just bench? My knees are pretty messed up right now, but I hope to get back into squats/snatching again soon...
Looking forward to to seeing this video, my virgin ears can handle the foul language..
11-01-2013, 11:39 AM
Not saying he is lieing would just like to see the vid.
Just like I said not many people bench 500lbs at 242
11-01-2013, 05:45 PM
I still don't feel comfortable posting the 500lbs bench, but here's a video from today. I separated my shoulder back in March, and just found out last week it will require surgery to fix. It's extremely painful, but as they say, no pain no gain! (the shoulder is the reason the left side of the bar stays up a little higher than the right side, I am trying to compensate for the pain).
11-01-2013, 06:15 PM
video not working for me. you'd have to post it as "unlisted" .
11-01-2013, 06:18 PM
Sorry, try now?
11-01-2013, 06:30 PM
405 for 2 iz nice..but still a far cry from 500 just saying
11-01-2013, 07:00 PM
Yeah, you are correct. I work in law enforcement and won't post the video due to the reaction, even on mute. Things can always come back to haunt you in court, which i'm not willing to risk. I think there are a few on the forum that have seen the vid, but that doesnt really matter. To be completely honest, I could care less if people believe or don't believe that I got it. As someone that doesn't compete, and does this stuff just for personal satisfaction, I am happy just knowing I reached another goal. After the surgery, I hope I can get back into heavy weights quickly and would like to shoot for 525lbs. If not, at least I can safely say that I put it up once!
As a side note, if anyone would like my workout routine, i am more than willing to share!
11-01-2013, 11:27 PM
nice video. hope the shoulder gets better. I would like to hear your workout routine
11-02-2013, 06:29 AM
Very nice. I messed up my shoulder bench pressing a year ago, and had surgery on it in April. It's still messed up, hopefully your surgery will be successful.
11-02-2013, 05:36 PM
Eat food/have a proper diet. There; done.
11-02-2013, 05:53 PM
True dat...
11-05-2013, 11:31 AM
I lifted a short while at the gym with Andrew Bahr. hes a friend of a friend, and that man can move some weight. We would lift at New Life and would always be short on weights when he was maxing out. Shook the damn gym when he set the weights down. Heres an older video:
And here he is now, just messing around...
Im a lanky guy, and its not just an excuse. 6' even, 6'4" arm span. Entered the gym 158lbs when I started. Have yet to bench over 300lbs, but its never been a good movement for my shoulders. Seems more natural for a stouter body type to go heavy. Eventually I'll get back in a gym, for now its my junk in the basement. I pick things up...I put them down.
11-05-2013, 02:50 PM
LS swapper wants to follow "trends", surprising. ;-) go H.A.A.M., 400mg of test e and be done with it. Well, test e, adex and some pct/unleashed and stanazol.
11-07-2013, 07:30 PM
Here is my workout:
monday: chest
135lbs: 20 reps for warmup
225lbs: 10 reps warmup
285lbs: 10 reps warmup
315lbs: 10 reps warmup
365lbs: 6-10 reps
405lbs: 2 reps
455lbs: 1 rep. Then I'll usually go up from there enough to build the confidence up! If it's a max out day, I'll back down the reps at each of those weights, and won't do more than one rep above 405. I try not to tire myself with warm ups if I'm gonna max.
I then drop down the weight, and do sets like...
405lbs: 4 sets of 4 reps
365lbs-385lbs: 6 sets of 6 reps
Then I'll do cable crossovers superset with pec deck... (email me if you need more explanation).
Tuesday: Biceps
1st week
EZ curl bar: I do this a bit different.... I start off with 25lbs on each side of the bar, then go up 5lbs each set until basically failure. I always do 10 reps/set, and usually get to 45lbs on each side plus another 10-20lbs on each side of the bar. I eventually get to the point where I can do one or two reps, right up around 2 45lb plates on each side.
2nd week
Super set (triple set)
I start with 45lb dumbbells for 10 reps. I then get onto a incline bench, and do 10 reps with 35lb dumbbells. After that, I get to the cable crossover and do Ronnies (I'll see if I can find a video, but basically its with your arms up and out, you pull both arms in towards your head until you touch the sides of your head... Does that make sense?)
After doing that, I will get two EZ curl bars. One will have 45lbs on each side, one with 25lbs on each side. I do 10 EZ curls with the 45lb plates, then 20 standing with the 25lb plates with a wide grip. Talk about an arm pumper, this is the one that will get ya.
Wednesday: Triceps
1st week:
Skull crushers. I start off with 25lbs on each side, going up 5lbs each side. We usually get up close to 2 plates on each side. 10 reps per set on that one. Going to failure basically.
2nd week:
Seated overhead extensions? Grab a dumbbell with both hands, start with dumbbell over your head, then drop it down until your arms are parallel, with weight nearly touching the back of your head and your back... I'm pretty piss-poor at trying to explain this! I get up to 140lb dumbbells, and sometimes will add a bit of weight on top of this dumbbell.
Then, I go over to the cable cross-over machine. I put the rope grip on one side, then a grip thing that looks like a W or something. I superset this one as well. The rope is used as an overhead extension type movement. You push the weight out over your head. I get up to 150lbs on that one for 20 reps. On the other side is the W bar, which I have a strict form. I grab the bar and push it all the way down in front of me with my arms tucked in tight to my body. I then go up until my arms are parallel with the ground, not all the way up. I do 20 reps with this, like I said supersetting with the first overhead push-over-thing.
Thursday: back/shoulders
Start with pull-downs, going up 10lbs/set
I also do pull downs in front of my body as well. Same weights.
I then do shoulder press with dumbbells
Then rows
Then I do front raises/side raises supersetted with lighter dumbbells
Finally I do cleans and shoulder shrugs.
Friday: Legs
Leg extensions
Leg Curls
Calf raises
Leg press
It's also worth noting that your diet is a really big deal. If you want to gain a bit of weight and size, make sure you are eating good/healthy with plenty of foods that contain protein. Not sure how you feel about eating tuna sandwiches and what not, but they are full of protein as well as heart healthy stuff. Chicken is good as well, lean and full of the proteins. For snacks, chocolate and peanut butter snacks are good and full of the good stuff.
I can honestly say, I eat terrible. I mean Pizza, Ice Cream, and anything else that contains sugar. Pretty sad.
11-08-2013, 09:54 AM
I can powerclean my wife...
Thats not weird until you think, maybe he tried unsuccessfully before.
11-08-2013, 02:42 PM
Anybody can powerclean your wife.
11-08-2013, 03:04 PM
Shut up Trevor, not everyone knows shes pocket size.
11-11-2013, 08:47 AM
LS swapper wants to follow "trends", surprising. ;-)
took you about 7 years longer than me to figure it out but now you've decided to go LS, congrats
Anybody can powerclean your wife.
sounds dirty
11-11-2013, 10:18 AM
i bought some animal paks and NO-explode blue raz. don't really like the blue raz flavor but the product seems to give me some more energy.
thursday i received my bjj blue belt. I have to keep the energy up, the white belts like to try to tap the blue belts
11-11-2013, 10:31 AM
Nice! I think Im going to just re-join my old gym and try to put the weight back on. If I come across some new supplement samples I like I'll let ya know.
11-11-2013, 11:46 AM
Nice! I think Im going to just re-join my old gym and try to put the weight back on. If I come across some new supplement samples I like I'll let ya know.
the jiu jitsu club has a new location in cedar rapids now right off the interstate. i normally train at the IC location but if your interested i can go up and train at the CR location with you. you and trevor and eric should all try it. it won't build much mass but good for your muscle endurance, cardio and flexibility. but most important, you will learn some skillzzzzz
11-11-2013, 12:01 PM
I'd be down for doing that. Always wanted to get into some form of MMA. Jiu Jitsu seams to be about the best bet for strength/endurance and not get knocked around all the time by some punk who wants to look good.
11-11-2013, 01:51 PM
I need to start looking into this supplement stuff I guess.
I was a fatty and when I decided to start changing it in mid April this year i weighed 272lbs at 5' 9".
Basically just dieted and ran a mile 4 nights a week from april-june. Didn't do shit all summer then since september been hitting UNI's rec center 4-5 nights a week and staying on a diet. At 214lbs now, just been hovering from 213-215, think I may be balancing off now that I'm noticeably building muscle. I have yet to take any supplements besides the occasional protein shake.
Anyways I suppose I'll start reading into this supplement stuff.
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