View Full Version : New dyno record at Karl Performance- VIDEO INSIDE
08-02-2013, 08:24 AM
I thought you guys would appreciate this- '13 1LE
car, Lingenfelter 427, GT9 cam, Hellion twin kit with Billet wheels 64's, 21
PSI. It set a new record on our dyno. The car belongs to a Des Moines guy and he
is really looking forward to taking it to some upcoming events.
this link works... I tried embedding it with no luck!/ (!/photo.php?v=10151612479378635&set=vb.283122075140346&type=2&theater)
08-02-2013, 08:25 AM
I saw Clint post that last week, very impressive.
E85--1377HP and 1303TQ
08-02-2013, 08:45 AM
Is that a manual?
08-02-2013, 02:12 PM
Hmm...anyone have a ballpark on what that Camaro would weigh compared to say...oh, I dunno, an S-197 Mustang GT?
08-02-2013, 04:12 PM
Those are some insane numbers!
I wonder if its going to be a dyno queen or if it'll actually see the track.
08-02-2013, 04:14 PM
Ill take 2, on a 500 yr payment plan!!!
08-04-2013, 08:07 AM
I want to see some of these Karl dyno'd vehicles at the track. Some of their numbers are starting to look inflated to me. I know a couple guys that have had vehicles dynoed/work done and at another dyno they couldn't back the numbers up.
Lets get these guys to the track :)
08-04-2013, 10:49 AM
I want to see some of these Karl dyno'd vehicles at the track. Some of their numbers are starting to look inflated to me. I know a couple guys that have had vehicles dynoed/work done and at another dyno they couldn't back the numbers up.
Lets get these guys to the track :)
yeah its been proven plenty that numbers only mean so much... and one dyno to the next being so different is odd
08-04-2013, 10:53 AM
I bet that Camaro won't even run with my buddy Scott's 4 door Silverado !
08-04-2013, 11:02 AM
I want to see some of these Karl dyno'd vehicles at the track. Some of their numbers are starting to look inflated to me. I know a couple guys that have had vehicles dynoed/work done and at another dyno they couldn't back the numbers up.
Lets get these guys to the track :)
you know a couple guys that got dyno'd at karls and couldn't back up their numbers at another dyno?
08-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Two of my friends that work at Browns in Des Moines.
08-04-2013, 11:23 AM
pucket being one i assume
08-04-2013, 11:25 AM
Yea Puckett is one. Clint knows who they are.
Larsons Fox
08-04-2013, 12:06 PM
Yea Puckett is one. Clint knows who they are.
Why do you say that? Because one dyno didn't have inflated numbers like the other??
08-04-2013, 12:09 PM
I would just like to see if this bad boy that Karl is talking about run! Like I said I don't dont think it will even run with my buddies 4 door Silvy here in Des Moines.
08-04-2013, 07:00 PM
Has the silverado ever been to the track?
08-04-2013, 08:58 PM
I would just like to see if this bad boy that Karl is talking about run! Like I said I don't dont think it will even run with my buddies 4 door Silvy here in Des Moines.
I'm with you on this. A lot of cars that were "built" there are a little suspect for sure.
08-04-2013, 09:06 PM
Lol, wow.
08-04-2013, 09:08 PM
Lol, wow.
Not yours of course. It's a bad bitch!
08-04-2013, 09:17 PM
Looks like we got ourselves some experts in the house. You know, the kind that when they start looking retarded start the whole "well...your car is gay" speech when the topic has nothing to do with their car or yours. Carry on.
08-04-2013, 09:19 PM
First of all that's bad-ass. I'd love to see it in person.
Regardless of what you think about Karls; it is great we have a shop like this producing these cars with these numbers in Iowa of all places. I love going there just to see what is going on.
08-04-2013, 09:20 PM
Looks like we got ourselves some experts in the house. You know, the kind that when they start looking retarded start the whole "well...your car is gay" speech when the topic has nothing to do with their car or yours. Carry on.
Your car was dyno'd there no?
Who was the person calling someone else's car gay? That guy must drive a 3rd Gen and be really really knowledgeable and cool.
08-04-2013, 09:36 PM
First of all that's bad-ass. I'd love to see it in person.
Regardless of what you think about Karls; it is great we have a shop like this producing these cars with these numbers in Iowa of all places. I love going there just to see what is going on.
^Exactly. They say your doing something right when the haters start coming out of the woodwork.
Your car was dyno'd there no?
Who was the person calling someone else's car gay? That guy must drive a 3rd Gen and be really really knowledgeable and cool.
No, he had a run of the mill 4th gen with a LS motor and a turbo slapped on it. Pretty unique. He's also awesome with a keyboard and knows how to set a valves. You 2 would hit it off flawlessly. I also hear he's into dog penis.
08-04-2013, 09:42 PM
^Exactly. They say your doing something right when the haters start coming out of the woodwork.
No, he had a run of the mill 4th gen with a LS motor and a turbo slapped on it. Pretty unique. He's also awesome with a keyboard and knows how to set a valves. You 2 would hit it off flawlessly. I also hear he's into dog penis.
Seriously Sprinklers you're awesome. We should hang out more. Can you teach me how to make no fucking sense when responding to threads on the Internet? You are the master. Come on out next weekend and we can shoot the shit. I want to know more about what makes you so cool.
08-04-2013, 09:50 PM
I bet that Camaro won't even run with my buddy Scott's 4 door Silverado !
Probably not from a dig in 4wd. :notworthy:
08-05-2013, 07:25 AM
Regardless of what you think about Karls; it is great we have a shop like this producing these cars with these numbers in Iowa of all places. I love going there just to see what is going on.
I have to agree with that 100%. Carl Moyer is the master of marketing. I was there for last cars and coffee and am amazed at how cool the place is. The layout, cleanliness and what they were doing.
I will probably put my new build on the rollers at Karl's because there are no other AWD options that I know of close by. I would feel better about going to Waukee but thats 2wd only.
Probably not from a dig in 4wd.
This is true. Be interesting to see it from a roll too. As hard as he walked Browns ZR1 from 70mph I wouldn't rule anything out.
08-05-2013, 08:07 AM
So what if its inflated, not saying it is but who cares its still just a number..Ive been to this shop and seen the car it is bad ass for sure, the shop is one of the finest anywhere and they put on a great event when they have them there. The people complaining should just worry about there 350rwhp cars..haters going to hate..
I would like to here more info on this truck that pulled a ZR1 from a roll..
08-05-2013, 08:17 AM
I would like to here more info on this truck that pulled a ZR1 from a roll..
408, PRC 237 heads,GT91 turbo running 21psi (minimum), 4L85 trans, E85. Not sure but I think it made 1200 hp on Karls dyno.
This is a crappy video but this is the Silvy (right lane) running the ZR1 from a dig. It was just as ugly from a roll.
I have never been in anything that pulls so hard for so long.
08-05-2013, 08:57 AM
Amazing numbers! I'd like to see it at the track as well, but if I remember correctly I believe it has a stock tranny and rear end???? Probably wouldnt last long, lol.
I think their dyno numbers are pretty reasonable (of course every dyno differs) but from what I have seen my car has been pretty close to the same trap speed as other cobra's with the similar HP numbers.
08-05-2013, 09:04 AM
That truck MOVES out pretty well.
08-05-2013, 09:19 AM
but if I remember correctly I believe it has a stock tranny and rear end????
No, its far from stock. Trans is built for that horsepower level with custom drive shaft. The rear axle on the Silverado is plenty stout.
08-05-2013, 09:22 AM
No, its far from stock. Trans is built for that horsepower level with custom drive shaft. The rear axle on the Silverado is plenty stout.
I think he is talking about the camaro
08-05-2013, 09:40 AM
Oh OK, that makes sense.
It should be fine. I think GM builds all their rear differentials and transmissions for 1500 HP !
08-05-2013, 10:22 AM
Yea I was talking about the camaro, haha.
08-05-2013, 10:28 AM
Seriously Sprinklers you're awesome. We should hang out more. Can you teach me how to make no fucking sense when responding to threads on the Internet? You are the master. Come on out next weekend and we can shoot the shit. I want to know more about what makes you so cool.
I've already invited you to Marshaltown. See you there pumpkin.
Larsons Fox
08-05-2013, 01:59 PM
Amazing numbers! I'd like to see it at the track as well, but if I remember correctly I believe it has a stock tranny and rear end???? Probably wouldnt last long, lol.
I think their dyno numbers are pretty reasonable (of course every dyno differs) but from what I have seen my car has been pretty close to the same trap speed as other cobra's with the similar HP numbers.
It's a bad ass street car for sure. I doubt he cares what it runs.
I just think its funny that people are confused when other dynos read different. So many variables and correction factors.
08-05-2013, 02:28 PM
It's a bad ass street car for sure. I doubt he cares what it runs.
I just think its funny that people are confused when other dynos read different. So many variables and correction factors.
everything is going to read different but its odd to me that there would be such a difference between two same branded dynos.. but maybe its just closer to correct who knows. im definitely no expert in anyway at all but 70+ hp from one to another seems like allot to me.
Larsons Fox
08-05-2013, 02:48 PM
everything is going to read different but its odd to me that there would be such a difference between two same branded dynos.. but maybe its just closer to correct who knows. im definitely no expert in anyway at all but 70+ hp from one to another seems like allot to me.
My car was on the other dyno the same day. He only gives out stp #s or superflow not corrected dynojet numbers. I'm guessing that would be the difference. Both are accurate just a different correction.
I would rather have the higher number but who cares anyway right...
08-05-2013, 02:49 PM
My car was on Lunds dyno the same day. He only gives out stp #s or superflow not corrected dynojet numbers. I'm guessing that would be the difference. Both are accurate just a different correction.
I would rather have the higher number but who cares anyway right...
id rather have to most accurate.. what ever that may be haha but that could be the difference for sure
08-05-2013, 03:30 PM
What you're all forgetting is that Dynos are for tuning purposes. If he started at 650hp on that dyno, and after tuning/boost increses went to 1300whp....then you know it's making power. It doesn't really matter at all if it makes 1300whp on this dyno, and 1250whp on a different dyno. Hell, 10 degree change in the weather could effect it that much at that level. In the end it's just a fancy number to label that the tuning session went well.
08-05-2013, 04:32 PM
horsepower is a real mathematical unit of measurement not just a made up thing. there should be an accurate way to measure it just like an expensive torque wrench can accurately measure ft lbs. its too bad, these dynos can't be consistent from one brand to the next for the amount of money they cost.
08-05-2013, 05:31 PM
horsepower is a real mathematical unit of measurement not just a made up thing. there should be an accurate way to measure it just like an expensive torque wrench can accurately measure ft lbs. its too bad, these dynos can't be consistent from one brand to the next for the amount of money they cost.
good im not the only one who doesnt think there should be such a difference
slow ride
08-05-2013, 06:22 PM
Unless the wheels are locked to the roller there is too much slip on really high power cars to be super accurate. You could use those hub dynos, but they are not that common. The way the load is applied, etc. can all change stuff not to mention if the damn thing is calibrated or not. I don't really see Clint trying to make up numbers either so it is what it is. If you want it accurate, use a engine dyno and test lab with all variables controlled but that's not going to happen for most of us. What is in the car anyway?
08-05-2013, 06:52 PM
At then end of the day, while Dyno numbers serve a general purpose they do need to be closer in consistency from dyno to dyno in my opinion. Either way, unless you are building a dyno queen, trap speed and E.T. are the more important numbers. I think most, if not all of us, can agree in that regard.
08-06-2013, 05:49 AM
So what you`re telling me is, if the dyno numbers are off by 150, hell, 250whp, the man still made 1100-1200whp?
ETs and Traps would be nice, but that is still pretty damn impressive no matter how you slice it.
08-06-2013, 09:23 AM
I agree. It really doesn't matter what the number is. It's how it runs down the street/track that matters.
The only time that it would be a big deal in my opinion is if a company was using correction factors from a manufacturer to inflate numbers to sell product or services.
Like if Karl was pumping up the numbers to sell Edelbrock products or his tuning/machine services.
Not saying that is the case here, just that really its the only time it really would matter.
That said I still don't think this Camaro can touch Scott's Silvy. I think we should get them to the track. Have a Browns built vehicle against a Karls built vehicle :hump:
08-06-2013, 09:44 AM
Looks like a bad ass ride but if you guys don't believe it I say you prove it on the race track, mph wont lie
08-09-2013, 08:04 AM
I'am Back!!! Been some time! Heard there was some shit stirring and wanted to get in on it! Hey Jake hows the car coming! I have been worried about it!!! Ha Ha!
08-09-2013, 09:57 AM
I'am Back!!! Been some time! Heard there was some shit stirring and wanted to get in on it! Hey Jake hows the car coming! I have been worried about it!!! Ha Ha!
Are you going to be down there tomorrow for the cars and coffee deal? I've seen you down there before but havent been able to catch ya to say hi, I wasn't sure if you'd remember me but I used to have a dark green Mustang GT that you filled my nitrous bottle a couple of times a few years back. HAHA
08-09-2013, 07:56 PM
I'am Back!!! Been some time! Heard there was some shit stirring and wanted to get in on it! Hey Jake hows the car coming! I have been worried about it!!! Ha Ha!
same as always with my car..
08-30-2013, 10:26 AM
horsepower is a real mathematical unit of measurement not just a made up thing. there should be an accurate way to measure it just like an expensive torque wrench can accurately measure ft lbs. its too bad, these dynos can't be consistent from one brand to the next for the amount of money they cost.
Torque is the measurement, horsepower is the calculation. The largest variation I've seen is between load based (Mustang/Dyno Dynamics) and inertia based (DynoJet) dynos due to the inputs the operator has to enter on the load based units. If you look at the difference in how these machines measure the torque its very obvious why their horsepower figures vary greatly.
08-30-2013, 12:32 PM
Torque is the measurement, horsepower is the calculation.
well in that case......force is the measurement, torque is the calculation
but wait mass must be the measurement, force is a calculation of mass*accel
I conclude they are all units
09-03-2013, 10:17 AM
well in that case......force is the measurement, torque is the calculation
but wait mass must be the measurement, force is a calculation of mass*accel
I conclude they are all units
Touche LOL.
09-19-2013, 07:46 PM
Thread is full of LOLs. Who was the other car from bob brown that was on the dyno besides puckett, which he said was on a different tune/pulley/gas and was about 40degrees in the room at that time. Camaro has stock drivetrain besides a dyad twin disk clutch so if it hooks shit will break but he didn't build it to race it. And its sold anyways and believe its going down to texas. Made 1247whp std superflow. the 1377 was a "dyno jet" comparison. Still doesn't matter. I don't believe in inflating, enspecially on cars that I know will go to the track, why tell someone they have 600hp when his buddy makes 600hp same car and gets smoked by his buddy, both on different dyno's. But that's the game when you have a dyno, its never ending. Just go to same dyno from your baseline to your after to see the gains and all the rest that matters is go to the track and see what it does.
09-20-2013, 03:53 PM
Well said, Clinton.
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