View Full Version : traffic camera ticket
07-17-2013, 09:28 AM
I received a traffic camera ticket from des moines and its 150% not me. The picture shows a newer Toyota and the license plate doesn't match any of my vehicals. The ticket says its for my 97 grand prix when I haven't owned a 97 in over 3 years. Also the license plate shows polk county not keokuk.
I've called the number on there and all they say is I can either pay it or set up a time to go all the way to des monies to contest it.
I know these tickets don't go on your record but if you don't pay can't they send it to a collection angency and fuck up my credit? Driving all the way to des monies is not an option for me but really don't want to pay a bullshit ticket.
07-17-2013, 09:39 AM
I received a traffic camera ticket from des moines and its 150% not me. The picture shows a newer Toyota and the license plate doesn't match any of my vehicals. The ticket says its for my 97 grand prix when I haven't owned a 97 in over 3 years. Also the license plate shows polk county not keokuk.
I've called the number on there and all they say is I can either pay it or set up a time to go all the way to des monies to contest it.
I know these tickets don't go on your record but if you don't pay can't they send it to a collection angency and fuck up my credit? Driving all the way to des monies is not an option for me but really don't want to pay a bullshit ticket.
Ive heard they turn it over to their own collection's and it doesn't make it to your credit ever, especially from just a single ticket. But i'm not 100% sure on that
07-17-2013, 10:19 AM
Gotta love America! Plan A: I would try to speak with someone that can help Im sure the phone rings all day with shit like that and get them a copy of all your registered vehicles and the photo let the know its not you. Plan B: Go down to Des Moines load up your guns go in shooting tell them your not taking any prisoners!
07-17-2013, 10:21 AM
Great, we have to worry about that now too? So many little issues like that drive me nuts, they leave you with no options. Is there anyone else you can call for answers?
Sounds like your option is pay something you dont owe, drive to DSM to contest and hopefully actually meet with someone that can do something about it, or the method (im in a similar sort of situation) get a lawyer, and charge them your legal fees and make them fix it. Really tired of the always hearing oh you have to meet with so and so, when they get back, next week, after they schedule you, for every other tuesdays opening, bills due yesterday, we charge 80% a day late fees..or whatever and etc.
07-17-2013, 11:10 AM
I wouldn't pay shit; they are full of it. Even if it did get turned into a real credit agency (which it won't, you have to enter into a legally binding contract to EVER be turned into a credit agency) They are just trying to get you to send them a free check. Do you really think that if someone was visiting here from California and got a ticket for a vehicle they didn't own, that they would also be forced to come back here to contest it? Please.
Also, with any credit agency, even if it were to go on your record, all you have to do is contact the credit agency and contest it. Des Moines then has to prove that the violation is in fact yours or it comes off of your credit score. How can they prove the violation is yours? They will have to send in the picture and plate of the offending vehicle along with a copy of your registered vehicles, which won't match that one, and the plate when they run it will not come back to you. I'd make a few calls and see where you get. If it gets you nowhere, I'd just throw it in the trash.
07-17-2013, 11:29 AM
if he gets pulled over in the future, can he get in any kind of trouble for an outstanding ticket?
07-17-2013, 11:59 AM
No...It's not a DOT violation if it's a speed camera. It's a civil penalty...aka...not a real ticket. If it doesn't go on your driving record, it never went through the real live DOT.
07-17-2013, 12:43 PM
All these damn cameras need to be banned. My advice, go pay it in pennies.
07-17-2013, 12:53 PM
id say call them an get it settled, no reason to drag it out any longer
07-17-2013, 01:04 PM
My wife works at the courthouse and I asked her about it she says it happens alot that they get the wrong person make sure everything on the ticket is correct name date of birth etc.
07-17-2013, 01:07 PM
My wife works at the courthouse and I asked her about it she says it happens alot that they get the wrong person make sure everything on the ticket is correct name date of birth etc.
isn't it though if one thing on a ticket is incorrect the charge is dropped an your only left with paying the court charge?
07-17-2013, 01:09 PM
I here all kinds of stories on how they handle things really depends on the magistrate judge and if she feels like playing GOD that day.
07-17-2013, 01:10 PM
ask for a jury trial it will get thrown out
07-17-2013, 01:24 PM
Bring your own jury.
07-17-2013, 04:01 PM
I've gotten 3-4, never paid a single one and haven't gotten in any trouble yet. Not on my credit (been a few years), never mentioned when I get pulled over, no calls from collections, etc... My argument, if it ever comes down to it, would be that the burden of proof lies on the "prosecution" to prove that it is me driving. I mean, if they were to find one of my guns at a murder scene, they can't just say "it was your gun, so it's your fault"... Might not be how it works exactly but I've been to court a few times and haven't lost one yet so, must be doing something right.
07-18-2013, 04:26 AM
I've gotten 3-4, never paid a single one and haven't gotten in any trouble yet. Not on my credit (been a few years), never mentioned when I get pulled over, no calls from collections, etc... My argument, if it ever comes down to it, would be that the burden of proof lies on the "prosecution" to prove that it is me driving. I mean, if they were to find one of my guns at a murder scene, they can't just say "it was your gun, so it's your fault"... Might not be how it works exactly but I've been to court a few times and haven't lost one yet so, must be doing something right.
That's different. With traffic violations they don't need to prove a damn thing. I've been to court over shit I've never done, ask me how that worked out. My only saving grace ever was a lawyer. This case however should be a lot more clear cut. Not his car, not his plates, the system is wrong; they still may try to force it on him anyway.
07-18-2013, 07:38 AM
Bang the judge's wife.
07-18-2013, 08:06 AM
With traffic violations they don't need to prove a damn thing.
That's not true... I've seen my buddy get out of a speeding ticket even when he admitted he was speeding. I don't exactly how it went down (been probably 7-8 years) but it was something to do with the definition of "speeding". Basically, the weather was great, road conditions were great and he was going with the flow of traffic etc...
Also, from personal experience, I know that if the officer who issued a speeding ticket doesn't have his log showing proof that he checked the calibration of his speed radar, it's dropped. Not exactly sure how the camera thing works but they can't just make shit up as they go.
07-18-2013, 09:14 AM
I've pretty much been told I HAVE to go all the way to des moines to contest it or just pay. Dont understand why they just can't have someone look over the phone its so obvious the ticket is wrong.
After doing some googling they turn it over to a collection angency and if you still don't pay the state of iowa takes it out of your state income tax. Its only a $65.00 ticket in order to fight it I'd have to spend at least $20 in gas and 3 or 4 hours of my time/possibly miss some time at work.
07-18-2013, 09:14 AM
From my own experience, I got clocked at 79 in a 55. The officer said that I had "dropped the hammer" and tried to run from him because it took him two miles to catch back up 4 lane highway, unmarked trooper, Chevy Impala with hubcaps and I had no clue this man was a cop in the first place, let alone I had a sparkling record before this and no reason TO run; plus his ass was traveling the opposite direction at highway speeds when he clocked me. So he said he was being nice and instead of towing me and hauling me off to jail for "running from him", he ran me up for 100mph in a 55mph zone. Well shit, clocked me at 24mph over which, even though I thought it was a 65mph zone, fair is fair, I was speeding anyway but I damn well know that 25mph over is an automatic loss of license for 6 months and SR-22 for 2 years in this damn state.
I shit you not, I called about 15-20 damn lawyers in surrounding counties and every single one of them told me "you're shit outta luck." I happened to find one that was buddy buddy with the prosecutor, hired his ass for $500, he turned around and got the prosecutor to call up the cop, got his side of the story and said "well, we'll drop it down to what he was clocked at, at 24mph over."
Where you get the ticket and how you fight it all depends on the county you got the ticket in. Some counties like Johnson will straight up tell you "you're shit outta luck bud." Some counties like Linn county are tough as hell but they'll still work with you if and only if you know the right people. Shit, some counties the prosecutor or the judge will look at you and just say "I see your record is clean, I'll keep this on file for next time but you don't let this shit happen again," and drop the ticket way down or out.
It's not up to you, it's up to them and how they want to handle your ass because when it comes to traffic court, some counties can and will take the officers word as evidence.
On top of all this shit, years back I had a buddy that wasn't in too good of a place with one officer, the cop said he clocked him 3 miles back doing 35 over. Well shit, 3 miles back, he lost sight of him, 3 damn miles in town by the I235 bridge off 63rd in Des Moines. Should be a stupid clear cut case that the officer was well far away from him, lost sight, can't prove for shit that it was him. No lawyer, ticket stuck, license gone.
07-18-2013, 09:28 AM
I've pretty much been told I HAVE to go all the way to des moines to contest it or just pay. Dont understand why they just can't have someone look over the phone its so obvious the ticket is wrong.
After doing some googling they turn it over to a collection angency and if you still don't pay the state of iowa takes it out of your state income tax. Its only a $65.00 ticket in order to fight it I'd have to spend at least $20 in gas and 3 or 4 hours of my time/possibly miss some time at work.
Bud, I'd call up a few news broadcasters, be pissed, explain this shit to them and with any luck, maybe one of them will broadcast that shit like this can and does happen to innocent people. If you're going to end up paying it anyway, might as well attempt to shut a few of the mother fuckers up who keep on telling me these speed cameras are good and there for our protection.
07-18-2013, 10:18 AM
Bud, I'd call up a few news broadcasters, be pissed, explain this shit to them and with any luck, maybe one of them will broadcast that shit like this can and does happen to innocent people. If you're going to end up paying it anyway, might as well attempt to shut a few of the mother fuckers up who keep on telling me these speed cameras are good and there for our protection.
agreed, least you can do is let it be known this unfair ticketing is happening. I've never gotten one, I havent even had a ticket since 2004...but I hate the way things are working. Makes you guilty to drive down the road...which im more pissed about since I just paid (read, way to fucking much) taxes on my new (USED) car. dafuq is that
07-18-2013, 10:22 AM
I dont believe at all that it comes out of your income taxes...thats not legal. They'd have to get a court order to do that. Also, someone in CR had the exact situation you did, they called the media, and within a week the ticket was gone.
07-18-2013, 02:56 PM
I like the idea of calling the media. These cameras are controversial enough. Get the discussion going and get them outta here.
07-18-2013, 05:08 PM
I like the idea of calling the media. These cameras are controversial enough. Get the discussion going and get them outta here.
LOL... That would take a small amount of effort from a group of at least somewhat educated people. Not gonna happen around here! Most people don't know/care about their rights and only complain because they don't want to pay. Buncha fat, lazy, stupid fuckers who'd rather bitch and complain than actually try to be a part of something to change it.
07-19-2013, 01:26 PM
side note, do you have a smart phone, if so save in your favorites.
07-19-2013, 02:27 PM
Just announced on the radio this morning that Clive will not renew their contract with Gatso and will not be enforcing their red light camera citations.
07-19-2013, 05:08 PM
Thank god. I'm surprised no one has taken them out by running into them. Like they do to all the signs around town. I have thought about it, buying a huge pile off clist and running into them. Im glad I haven't gotten one yet. My last ticket was going 100 in 65 by a unmarked trail blazer highway patrol. Didn't go to jail, car didn't get impounded, I paid the ticket and went to driving school at dmacc and kept my license and no sr22.I was lucky. But now its been almost 5 years and its still on my record. My job won't let me drive there vehicles til it drops off. Good luck fighting it. I never had any luck fighting tickets. I just pay them and move on. Price I paid to speed. Now I watch my speed. Its not worth it anymore
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