View Full Version : Stupid Deer.

06-19-2013, 06:34 PM
Well it has finally happened in my life... the worst part is that it happened in my 240 instead of say my POS beast Blazer.

Last night on hwy 13 two came across the road, I only saw them for a split second. I turned away as hard as possible without throwing it into a slide and sideswiped one of them.
It doesn't look like a ton of damage but the body work my uncle did is completely toast. Between this and the passenger rear end being beat up... I'm going to have to start all over on the body work.

The body work was molded and done by hand. its not over fenders or body kits... its mud and a shit ton of sanding and shaping.
http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff172/DragonUSMC/Car%20stuff/deer2_zps1b0d4270.jpg (http://s242.photobucket.com/user/DragonUSMC/media/Car%20stuff/deer2_zps1b0d4270.jpg.html)

Front Fender really just has one big dent in it... I can fix that. Where the doors were rounded the molding it cracked and now starting to peel away.
http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff172/DragonUSMC/Car%20stuff/deer1_zps0cdfb370.jpg (http://s242.photobucket.com/user/DragonUSMC/media/Car%20stuff/deer1_zps0cdfb370.jpg.html)

Mirror is gone but I went back and found it after I realized it was missing. Don't know what happened to my front coilover but the front wheel is sitting an inch lower.

I'm back to square one on the body work... I guess its time to learn how to do body work...

06-19-2013, 08:54 PM
Pfff...it'll buff out.

06-19-2013, 09:14 PM
Sorry to hear it man. Sparkles, I thought you killed all the deer out there?!?

06-19-2013, 09:29 PM
Bought a new muzzleloader from the country sensation, Jason Brown last year at work. Never even fired the dang thing. Bought a new bow after that, and me and him have been shooting at the range. That's about it. No turkeys this spring either. Don't worry, I'll avenge the 240 this winter.

Larsons Fox
06-19-2013, 09:34 PM
I've fixed much worse.. At least it wasn't the whole front! Leave that hair in there for the insurance company.