View Full Version : Spinler project:
05-27-2013, 07:40 PM
Well here goes... So, me and my dad have been wanting to start a project car for awhile now and weve finally come across the funds to do so. We put $20 a week in a bank account each, obviously we have a joint account. So anyway, the plan was to buy my brothers 95 civic coupe and start there. Well they surprised me for my birthday last monday and gave us they keys. The cars in my dads name as itll only cost him $15 a month for ins. lol. We dont have a garage, so were using my uncles garage, and paying some rent. It wont be a project thats done in a few months by any means but its a fun project for my dad and i.
What we did today was pull the bumper and straighten out the lower radiator support that was bent in-ward due to a previous owner, (a 15 yr-old girl), hitting a small tree a long time ago. So i didnt get any before pics but we got it as straight as we cld and the bumper fits waaay better and the hood shuts nice and easy, which before u had to slam it to get it to shut.
The over-all goal:
B16A swap on 10lbs..... We want something fun to drive on the street and can go to the track and run 12s.
What it needs first!!!
scary rust hole in fender well :(
front lower control arms
inner tie-rod ends
lower ball joints
a hood
exhaust work
cam seals
sending unit for oil press. gauge leaks a lil
and struts/springs
The pics: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
The hood... (
The swirl/scratches im hoping derek can fix for me: ( ( (
Last but not least: (
Ill be posting pics when we go work on it, should be a fun project and cant wait to get started!!!
05-27-2013, 08:13 PM
That's cool man. I always wanted to do a father/ son project. Unfortunately though, not only is my dad a Ford Fanboi, but he's turned into quite the douche in general. My 12 year old son shows a little interest now and then, but that mostly consists of naming muscle cars he sees on the road. My girls on the other hand actually hang out with me in the garage and "help", so maybe someday I'll get to pimp out a VW Beetle with a turbo and some pink Hello Kitty floor mats. Just what every dad wants.
05-28-2013, 07:04 AM
Ben I have got the same thing. Older two could care less. The youngest is the one that wants to hang out in the garage while I work.
Sweet project. It should make building it more fun doing it with your dad.
05-28-2013, 10:37 AM
Looks like a sweet project, enjoy it man! My dad and I did a ton of build projects together when I was Jr. Drag racing as well as getting the super comp/super gas dragster ready a few years back. Definitely a great way to spend time with your dad.
05-28-2013, 10:54 AM
good luck dallas
05-28-2013, 09:56 PM
Thx guys! Yea, were super excited to start tearin stuff apart, but for the time being we wanna get it presentable/drive-able cuz my dad wants to drive it to and from work to save gas as hes driving a turbo PT and a 4.0L jeep cherokee...... So this is what i did today while he was at work:
Before: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
And after 3.5hrs: ( ( ( ( (
Flash on: (
Flash off: (
After i got all this done i put the front end on jack stands, and have just ordered the following:
New front lower control arms
New inner and outter tie rod ends
New ebay springs, (just to get us by for now, save the lecture lol)
New lower ball joints
Warrenty exchange axels from autozone
Once we get all these parts in, ill be taking lots of pics when we go to install them, and even a video to show how bad the control arms are. Keep the comments coming!!!
Domestic Disturbance
05-29-2013, 12:37 AM
Nice Fast and Furious edition eg. That's already a b series in that, right?
05-29-2013, 08:16 AM
Correct, its got an LS in it right now.... Its also got a chipped ECU from But the LS will be coming out sooner or later.
05-29-2013, 09:37 AM
When you had the interior that apart, I always take the carpet to the car wash and pressure wash it real good. Its amazing how well that works.
Dont forget, green underglow is a must, and excessive shifting. Friends and I joked about picking up a few of these for the premier of F&F 6. Would have been funny, except there was a riced out civic there who would have taken it very seriously.
05-30-2013, 10:08 PM
So we ordered all this stuff, and now we just gotta find the time to put it all in. Also found out why it was leaking oil, the oil pressure gauge sending unit has a small stud on the top for a singe wire..... well the stud kinda worked itself loose and when i went to pull it off it kinda fell off, ill take some pics next time i go to the garage. So the next time we go there well be replacing the following: Lower control arms, upper control arms, lower ball joints, upper ball joints, inner tie rod ends, outter tie rod ends, springs, and the sending unit. Well then take it somewhere to get aligned, (suggestions wld be great).
06-17-2013, 11:50 AM
so me and my dad took the car to tri-state this past weekend and had some fun with it. We tried to fill the mounts a few days before hand but they didnt dry in time so we got construction adhesive everywhere lol. Anyway, got up there and just went straight on to the track and for some reason it completely lit up the right front tire thru 1st and 2nd. 1st pass went 16.7 @ 86mph with a 2.8 60ft. We had a good laugh on that one. Needless to say we were there to just have some fun and get a baseline run out of it. So i had the bright idea to drop the tire pressure clear down to 10lbs lol. went around the burnout box and just did a little dry hop to clean the tires off. This run it left a lot better, little wheel hop and hooked up then missed 3rd TWICE! 2nd pass went 16.2 at 84mph with a 2.4 60ft. Then my dad got in it and did the exact same run only he got it into gear. 3rd pass went 15.9 at 85mph with a 2.3 60ft. We let the car cool off for about 20mins or so with the hood open. Pushed the car thru the staging lanes and i started it right before hand. Same thing, around the box and dry hop. 4th and final pass went 15.8 @ 86mph with a 2.2 60ft. Not bad for car we have less than $500 invested, and we totally did not expect a 15sec pass out of it. We left happy! ill try to get a few pics, of some stuff weve done so far, when i get some time.
06-17-2013, 12:01 PM
You dropped almost a full second, I'd say it went well.
07-01-2013, 09:35 AM
Sorry i havent been updating this as much as should, havent had any free time in awhile. So first were gonna go way back to when we did the suspension. First is a video of how bad it was when we got it:
So the car has all new: upper control arms, lower control arms, upper ball joints, lower ball joints, inner tie-rods ends, outter tie-rod ends, and springs. Heres some pics of the install: ( ( ( ( ( (
The car also has new wheel bearings. We found out why it was leaking oil too..... The sending unit for the oil pressure gauge had broke but some how still worked??? yea, idk. So i contacted Jegs where i bought the gauge and they sent out a sending unit for free, just had to pay $5 shipping. So i had this bright idea to prevent it from happening again. Down below is a picture of the old one and the new one with the idea: (
The new one with a thick layer of RTV silicone to keep the stud in place and leak free. So far have yet to see it leak, and the pressure on the gauge seems to be a lot more stable. (gauges are Sunpro electric gauges) (
So we drove the car like this for a few weeks before i came across a deal for some better stock cams out of a newer integra. $30 shipped from MN. So me and the little one put those in:
She was pretty dirty when i pulled the valve cover!!! ( ( ( ( (
So this is how the car sits as of now, fun to drive, no leaks, no rattles, my dad drives it to works just about everyday. So then we came across another great deal, i wont go into details but ill tell you this.... 115k miles, 1 owner (older lady), $300: (
So me and dad cleaned the basement out, 2 full truck loads of garbage, to get the new motor on the engine stand. We got the auto trans pulled off and set aside to sell, and we plan on a few ARP bolts here and there and itll go in the car next spring. I think we plan on rebuilding it over winter. Ill be sure to take lots of pics, but so far my favorite pic was the one i took after i pulled the valve cover :) ( ( ( ( (
Needless to say i was very happy when i seen how clean this thing was. Thats about all i have for now. thx for lookin.
07-01-2013, 04:19 PM
Who carried the motor down the stairs this time?
07-01-2013, 09:24 PM
me and my dad did, lol. ur the only one crazy enough to bear hug a complete long block down a flight a stairs by urself. good times brian, good times. also decided to get the car weighed for shits and giggles last week at alter. 1/4 tank of gas and my dad in the car she came in at 2440, even put the print out in the glove box lol.
07-08-2013, 06:51 PM
So, after a lo-hot of research, and talking with other turbo B18 guys weve decided against a complete rebuild due to the fact that were only shooting for 250-300whp. What we are doing, is ARP headstuds, a block guard, and a OEM honda head gasket. But to be sure, we got the motor flipped over on the stand and pulled the oil pan off... looked like your normal golden color but it didnt look or smell burnt which made me kinda happy. so my cousin took the oil pan to his work and used the parts cleaner and cleaned it inside and out. also didnt see any shavings either, nor did the oil feel gritty... the motors been sitting for 2 yrs so........ idk. also, when i turn the motor over by hand i can hear some compression making its way past what i think is the rings, (motor upside down). should i be concerned with this or is it ok?
the wiring harness that came with the auto trans/engine got stripped down to bare wires. we then labeled all the clips and removed the auto trans clips. we then went thru almost 2 rolls of E tape wrapping it all back up lol. for a test i took it to the car and switched em out and it didnt wanna fire, the engine light didnt even wanna work... then it hits me, well the fuel pump wont turn on without a ground. lol forgot the ground wire on the thermostat housing. hooked it up and fired right up, no engine lights or any thing. so now that i know it works i need to extend the IAC wires about 2in. and wrap it with a final "sumthing", still dont know what i wanna use but i dont wanna use wire loom, i think its ugly lol. please suggestions wld be nice. thanks for looking.
07-08-2013, 08:02 PM
Use unheated shrink tubing. I used it for virtually my entire harness when I was building it. It is a couple bucks for 4ft sections at Iowa Radio Supply. It is located by McDonalds off of Blairs Ferry. Has virtually anything you could want, reminds me of how Radio Shack used to be.
07-08-2013, 08:56 PM
you doing all new bearings and rings?
you shoulda bought jacob's car all done up.
07-08-2013, 09:09 PM
you doing all new bearings and rings?
you shoulda bought jacob's car all done up.
Yea i wish, that thing was a blast.
But no im not doing bearings. All research ive done on honda-tech, they all say if the motors healthy to leave it alone and un-touched. But if the car ends up being something more in the future itll be rebuilt completely, but since the hp goals are so low were leaving it alone except for what i mentioned earlier. I feel well will be ok with those numbers. Theyre tellin me rod bolts wont stretch as long as im using stock cams and not pulling above 7200rpm, and stock walls will hold up to 400-500hp, mains give way after 500hp, and the rings seem to be in good health. As for the shrink tubing, how tight of a fit is it? as in does it hold the wires tightly or loosely?
07-08-2013, 09:52 PM
Depends on the size you get. They have a lot of different diameters.Take your harness in and see what fits it best for the area you want.
07-16-2013, 08:02 PM
So i took the civic to Derek and had him buff it for me...... OH MY GOD!!! Words cannot express how amazing this thing came out! Its been a few days and it needs another wash, so as soon as i can ill wash it up and take some more pics.
07-16-2013, 08:30 PM
I'll get around to posting up the before and afters I have one of these days.
07-16-2013, 08:30 PM
why not BUILD the bottom end for boost?
yes you can hit 250-300hp on stock bottom end, but for how long?
i can tell you know once you fell 300hp youll be wanting more,
just some food for thought.
07-16-2013, 09:47 PM
So i took the civic to Derek and had him buff it for me...... OH MY GOD!!! Words cannot express how amazing this thing came out! Its been a few days and it needs another wash, so as soon as i can ill wash it up and take some more pics.
yea derek spent about 5+ hours on my rx7 couple weeks ago. it had never been detailed real good during anytime i owned it so it needed it bad. took a lot of dirty yellowish out of the paint. the whole car turned a a lighter shade of white. he did a good job.
07-17-2013, 06:57 AM
yea derek spent about 5+ hours on my rx7 couple weeks ago. it had never been detailed real good during anytime i owned it so it needed it bad. took a lot of dirty yellowish out of the paint. the whole car turned a a lighter shade of white. he did a good job.
I actually buffed the lancer one evening, it had never been badly neglected, but it had been a while since it had some treatment and still came out really well. black is always fun to do.
07-17-2013, 07:51 PM
why not BUILD the bottom end for boost?
yes you can hit 250-300hp on stock bottom end, but for how long?
i can tell you know once you fell 300hp youll be wanting more,
just some food for thought.
The reason we dont is because that 300whp mark is really all we want, thats plenty of hp to have fun with in a honda. And theres plenty of honda guys that make that kind of power for years and years. Anything more is when you rly do start having to build this build that, then on street tires all u do is blow the tires off thru 3rd/4th gear. And when u make a lot of hp in a honda, you lose drivability and we want a fun street cruiser :) BUT! like i said, if the car ever gets to the full drag car point, itll get a built motor, and the motor will be more than just an LS.
07-21-2013, 11:25 AM
updated pics after the buff: ( ( ( (
At this point, the car needs a set of wheels lol. What i rly want is a set of bronze konig heliums. I said not to buff the hood, as itll be getting a new hood here soon. It also needs a clutch and flywheel, motor mounts, and the new motor to go in.
Domestic Disturbance
07-21-2013, 12:34 PM
lookin good young blood! Its all one color so thats a plus
07-25-2013, 10:16 AM
lol, thanks. So i found my 2 sets of wheels that i want. need some opinions.
Drag DR-20: $370 shipped:
Konig Heliums, (bronze in color not silver): $306 shipped:
Both are 15x7 +40 Tires will be a 205/50/15
07-25-2013, 11:03 AM
dr-20's would give it a classy look.
IMO, slipstreams in flat black cant be beat on an old honda.
07-25-2013, 01:34 PM
i looked at slips, but i dont like the look of black on black...... polished slips wld be nice tho.
07-25-2013, 01:49 PM
Sorry for the delay Dallas, here are those before pics!
1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333
07-25-2013, 02:01 PM
i looked at slips, but i dont like the look of black on black...... polished slips wld be nice tho.
I see your avatar and always imagine thats the car. Slips painted basically any color would look good. White, grey, glow in the dark yellow...
07-25-2013, 05:21 PM
glow in the dark yellow...
Omg, i just had an idea!!!!!............. lol
07-27-2013, 08:23 AM
Opinions on these instead?
07-27-2013, 04:54 PM
Those would look pretty badass. Probably my fave out of the three.
07-28-2013, 08:06 PM
rock the steelies and use the money for go fast parts
07-29-2013, 11:22 AM
well yesterday we found out we were running the wrong rear T-bracket, so on top of getting a new one of those, my dad also took the completely trashed stock mounts into work to weld em up. The driver side is aluminum and is getting a 3.5inx1/4in thick disc of aluminum, the pass side is getting a 3in disc also 1/4in thick. While these might be too stiff, its a cheap ($10) fix til we save up for the $300 set of new innovative mounts. As far as the T-bracket goes, were trying to find one for an LS, (we had one for a GSR).
07-29-2013, 11:34 AM
update: I just got in touch with a guy in DSM sayin there is ZERO difference in those mounts. I think my problem lies a bit deeper, as in maybe sumthins tweaked that i cant see. Not sure where to go from here, but ill keep u guys updated.
07-29-2013, 07:19 PM
LS and GSR are the same dude. have you been out of the honda game THAT long? your slipping
07-30-2013, 11:26 AM
LOL, i might be..... but they seem to think i have an auto bracket but ive now tried 3 different t-brackets all of which do the same thing. im wondering if one of my mounts might be tweaked or if the back one its self is tweaked and i just cant see it.... its givin me a headache lol
07-30-2013, 07:12 PM
rock the steelies and use the money for go fast parts
Best advice yet. Shiny wheels get you nowhere.
08-02-2013, 09:04 AM
well i cant take any pics yet, but i did get the mounts welded solid finally. Cost me $6 for the 1/4in thick steel plates, and $30 to have them welded at Emmerts in marion. Took em 10mins. Again we only did this cuz the rubber is completely shot, and this is to get us by till we can afford the $300 set of mounts. But on a bad note, the motor will be coming out due to the fact the it has a piece of the block missing, (right where the driver side mount bolts to the block), its being held by 1 19mm head lag bolt that was impacted into the aluminum block. Since after we got these mounts put in, you cld take the motor and move it 1/8in back and forth and all the movement was coming from that joint. So the motor will be pulled and some parts will be saved as it still runs good, the new motor will get headstuds and a head gasket. While the motors out we will sand the engine bay down wil some 200grit just to scuff it up and re-spray it black, (just spray cans, its not a show car). comments/suggestions welcome.
08-02-2013, 02:01 PM
200 grit will do way more than scuff it up. If you are looking to re-spray it; clean it really well and use scotch bright pad or something. You just need to scuff the OEM clear, you don't need to go any further.
08-02-2013, 04:04 PM
well im also lookin to knock off sum of the nasty-ness..... maybe just 500grit or sumthin?
08-02-2013, 06:48 PM
well im also lookin to knock off sum of the nasty-ness..... maybe just 500grit or sumthin?
Like Chase said scotch bright and then you could do that spray on bed liner looks good and strong..
08-02-2013, 09:30 PM
A red scotch brite should be more than enough.
08-03-2013, 10:35 AM
will the red scotch brite scuff the old paint at least a lil bit? i want a nice smooth surface...
08-03-2013, 02:18 PM
Yes the red will scuff it up enough that if you decide to paint, the paint will stick. The nice thing about scotch Brite pads is they are flexible making it easier to work into the tight corners unlike sandpaper that will rip or the sand will flake off. If you decide you don't want it scuffed much at all go for a lighter grade scotch Brite pad.
08-06-2013, 11:13 AM
finally figured out my t bracket issue.... I somehow ended up with 2 auto t brackets. I got ahold of a manual one and it slid right in like butter. I know, dork stamp!!!! just glad i got it figured out, now we gotta pull the motor and get this new one in!
08-07-2013, 06:47 PM
Motor will be comin out on the 18th, ill post some pics when the time comes.
08-07-2013, 11:41 PM
Let me know if you want any help with the engine bay.
08-13-2013, 12:55 PM
We started to pull things apart slowly. Put the car back on the ground, pushed it out, picked up/organized the mess of tools, swept the floor, and pushed the car back in. I then pulled the front bumper, the hood, and diconnected the wiring harness. I also plan on pulling the fenders cuz i dont wanna be leaning on them when we pull the motor. Im also gonna be spraying the bay, soo........ yea. Anyway, ill try to take some pics as i go and post em up.
08-13-2013, 01:32 PM
Should look good. Any quick items you plan on doing on the engine before dropping it in place?
08-13-2013, 05:07 PM
Motor will be bone stock besides a new OEM honda head gasket and ARP headstuds. I also had to order new headlight housings and corner lights as mine broke when they came out.
08-20-2013, 05:55 PM
Got a couple updates for you guys..... ( (
So we pulled the motor and trans, and got the engine bay pressure washed to get all the nasty grease and grime mess off. The next step will be to get it scuffed up so i can re-spray it. Not pictured: i also sprayed my wiper arms flat black and it makes a huge difference. lol. The new motor should be getting headstuds shortly. After we pulled the motor, i took a 10lb sledge to the front core-support to see if i cld get it bent back out and i think it worked, (still gotta test fit the front end to be sure). We splurdged a lil money and got a new set of headlights as well, only cuz pulling the old ones we broke a bolt, and both corner lenses had chips and cracks in them. ( (
Daytime running lights included (
08-21-2013, 07:08 PM
I know its a long shot, but is anyone on here good at wire tucking?
08-21-2013, 08:26 PM
Pull out a solder iron and prepare for many hours of great fun, lol. Its not difficult to do, just time consuming. This also depends on how the wiring on the car is put together, some are easier than others. I have never worked on a Honda so no experience on what the wiring situation is there...
08-21-2013, 10:36 PM
well u should come to the garage somday and help me tackle it. im a complete noob when it come to wiring... itd be nice to have sum1 there that knows what theyre doing.
08-22-2013, 12:31 PM
Just route some wiring through the fender, and re-route stuff that was making trips across the middle of the engine. If you had more experience Id say move the fuse box to the glove box, but as it is I would say leave it and just clean up the wiring.
08-22-2013, 02:52 PM
Just by cleaning up the harness and putting new black covering over it can make it look a whole lot better.
Tucks are awesome and look great however unless you know what you are doing it can lead to a disaster down the road if there are shorts or problems.
I say function/form, expecially since your dad is going to dd this.
08-22-2013, 10:50 PM
Well its kinda just starting pass the DD stage....... Hes not gonna DD it anymore, he wants to get the new motor in but hes not in a hurry or anything, niether am i. So we figured why not do a simple wire tuck while everythings off the front end. When i say "simple", i mean all we want done is the headlight harness moved to the inside of the frame rails which is a common "first step" for honda guys starting on wire tucking.
Heres a bad edited pic of what we wanna do:
Everything in blue will be covered by wire loom under the fenders when they go back on. Therefor making the engine bay look a lil cleaner. (
08-23-2013, 06:47 AM
That should be simple enough then, depin the stock connectors, pull the wires though the fenders and reconnect the sockets.
Is the wiring long enough to tuck with out having to cut and extend?
08-25-2013, 11:12 AM
I got the engine bay re-sprayed...... dont laugh too much, i know it looks like crap but its better than it was. i used a 1500psi pressure washer to clean it, then used that red scotch brite to scuff everything up and used 2 cans of X-O rust gloss black spray paint. Then i couldnt wait, so i mocked up the new headlights, lol. Also decided to wash it. I waited about a week before i put the headlights in and washed it. Im also gonna try to do that headlight harness tuck this week, wish me luck. on to a few pics:
Before: ( (
After: ( ( ( (
08-26-2013, 06:47 PM
Me and a buddy did the driver-side headlight harness today, hot as S***!!!!! But we got it done and im super stoked to get the other side done. ill post pics later tonite.....
08-26-2013, 07:29 PM
on to some pics........
First thing i did was strip the loom and expose the wires and i got rid of the power steering and A/C clips, and the washer fluid pump wires/clip: (
i then took the lil plastic grommy out: (
I then cut a hole in it to protect the wires: (
Now the rest of the pics is finished product, but the wires were ran inside the frame rail. (
How the wires are ran for the head lights/driving lights: (
All done!!! next is the passenger side: (
08-27-2013, 07:01 AM
Much better and looks like it was not to much work.
08-28-2013, 06:28 AM
What are you talking about, it looks good. Looks a lot better than it did too. Nice work.
08-28-2013, 08:44 AM
Thx, it looks ok..... i think im gonna need derek to buff the car again tho, after i washed it i found some over spray on the back of the car :(
09-06-2013, 08:07 AM
So i got no pics right now, but i am glad to tell everyone we got the passenger side harness tucked and done. i swept and cleaned up and the car will sit this way til me and dad get the new motor put together and ready to go in.
11-04-2013, 01:36 PM
Wow its been way to long since i updated this...... no pics but plenty of reading for you guys. So the car sat for a good 3 weeks before we went back, and im sorry i ever let it sit that long. Came back to MICE!!!!! I Flipped shit to say the least. Chewed a quarter size hole in the carpet, and made a nest under the back seat! The seat it self is ok, but some of the stuffing is gone, not a lot tho. So far weve caught/found 5 mice in total, 2 of which were dead in the car. we have 6 glue traps, 2 of them in the car. 2 kill traps in the garage, and 4 poisen boxes, and 2 of those in the car. Meanwhile it looks like a bounce box exploded in the garage to keep them away.
So the sunroof has been messed up for awhile now and we decided to try and clean the tracks as they were very gritty and full of gravel dust/old white lithium grease. That was scary at first but we got it put back together, yet it still wants to act up. might be in the market for a complete sunroof assembly for a 92-95 coupe, lol.
So because of the mice and the sunroof job the interior is a mess. We were also able to sell the old long block plus all my automatic stuff for a profit. We then torn the head off and took it to our local machinist to get the look over. The vacume check wasnt good, 1 cylinder didnt hold anything, while the other 3 only held 4-5in/vac. We ended up getting a complete valve job with the original valves, (they were still good), they machined the seat and the valve to match, new supertech valve seals, re-surfaced (.008 off to get flat), and cleaned. Spent a good $235 on the head, so now were back to waiting for more green stuff to buy head studs and a head gasket. Thats it for now, keep the comments coming. Thx
01-03-2014, 04:39 PM
Finally decided to jump at the idea of doing a complete rebuild on the motor. Simply cuz we dont wanna put this new head on, get it in the car and have it burn oil.... that would suck monkey butt! So the plan is to just do a simple OEM rebuild, including having Sperry deck the block, de-glaze the cylinder walls, and hot tank it. Again, try to remember its not gonna be a 500+ hp beast, which is why were not going all out on it. Read a thread the other day that made me feel hopeful for our power goals. This guy made 266/250 on 7psi on a bone stock LS minus headstuds. Anyway, ill post some pics of the head here in a minute.
01-03-2014, 05:01 PM
With its weight it should still get up and go fairly well, even at 250whp.
01-03-2014, 05:26 PM
Thx man. yea our power goal is make 300whp with as little amount of boost as possible. max boost well do is 15lbs.
Top side: (
Bottom side: (
Intake port: (
Exhaust port: (
01-03-2014, 06:33 PM
boostedsohc on his z6 with vitaras managed 300whp on about $2000 total and it ended up being super fucking reliable, 25-30k miles - averaged 47mpg. The final 5k miles on that motor were all 475whp too. Motor was still good when it was pulled to start his current "racecar" build.
With the LS I don't think you can go wrong with 250-300whp goals.
01-03-2014, 06:37 PM
dallas, lot of time and money spent to have a stock strength motor. can you just get some wiseco pistons for $400 and eagle rods for $300 and forge it? you said you have arp hardware and your getting new bearings already.
machine costs should be similar to what your already paying unless that motor needs to be re-sleeved to hold up?
01-04-2014, 08:56 AM
dallas, lot of time and money spent to have a stock strength motor. can you just get some wiseco pistons for $400 and eagle rods for $300 and forge it? you said you have arp hardware and your getting new bearings already.
machine costs should be similar to what your already paying unless that motor needs to be re-sleeved to hold up?
Instead of doing this, spend the money to fix that rust nightmare on the passenger shock tower.
01-10-2014, 09:27 AM
'cuz right now were worried about gettin the car drivable. well worry about body work at a later date. it wont be too hard, its a peice of metal thats called "right side wheel house".... its like $50 or sumthin. but with not having a welder/no body work experience, wed have to pay sum1 to put it in. but yes, it needs fixed lol.
01-10-2014, 09:33 AM
dallas, lot of time and money spent to have a stock strength motor. can you just get some wiseco pistons for $400 and eagle rods for $300 and forge it? you said you have arp hardware and your getting new bearings already.
machine costs should be similar to what your already paying unless that motor needs to be re-sleeved to hold up?
The ARP hardware is headstuds..... why wld i spend money on forged internals when im not gonna gain anything out it. I get ur logic, but the power goals were lookin at will not harm the stock internals. we dont want anymore power than that cuz then ur gettin into a whole lot of wheel spin and lots of money spent on other stuff to hold up. Later on, if were shootin for stupid power, itll be on an entirely different motor anyway.
01-19-2014, 12:37 PM
We got a lil bit of progress done in the basement yesterday. We organized the middle shelves that well be using to hold all the parts, finally got ALL of out tools pick up and put back where they belong, and we hung up one of those tiny drawer things to hold ALL of the little stuff to keep it all organized. The organization was the big thing to start. We got as far as pulling the war pump (which was trashed! never seen a water on a Honda with that much play in the sealed bearings, scary), the oil pan, oil pick up, windage tray, and rear main cap. Heres a few pics for u guys: ( ( ( (
The sunroof assembly that needs put in: (
Thx for lookin,
01-19-2014, 03:26 PM
well we got everything apart tonite. Didn't have any issues with spin marks, hot spots, discoloration etc etc...... only the 4 year old oil smell, gross! Shld be goin to sperry before too long. gettin resurfaced deglazed and a nice bath.... ill update when I know more.
01-19-2014, 03:41 PM
We got a lil bit of progress done in the basement yesterday. We organized the middle shelves that well be using to hold all the parts, finally got ALL of out tools pick up and put back where they belong, and we hung up one of those tiny drawer things to hold ALL of the little stuff to keep it all organized. The organization was the big thing to start. We got as far as pulling the war pump (which was trashed! never seen a water on a Honda with that much play in the sealed bearings, scary), the oil pan, oil pick up, windage tray, and rear main cap. Heres a few pics for u guys: (
The sunroof assembly that needs put in:
Thx for lookin,
nice work dallas
i moved over to the zip lock bag method. can write on the bags, they fits a wide variety of parts, takes very little storage space and are disposable
01-19-2014, 07:47 PM
$10 says you still lose a bunch of bolts
01-20-2014, 12:55 AM
or you have 10+ extra bolts that you don't know where they go but everything seems together.
I swear my DSM valvecovers materialize bolts. I always end up with a bunch of extra valvecover bolts and it mindfucks me.
01-27-2014, 06:44 PM
Took the internals to Sperry on friday and picked them up today... holy shit these parts are clean. Also happened to tell me there was no visible signs of exsecive wear on the crank or any of the rods, made my day to hear that. So it was oil pan, oil pick up, windage tray, rods and pistons, main caps and bolts, and the rear plate. Total: $45
02-11-2014, 06:26 PM
so yesterday, we did a lot..... when i got off work i ordered the following thru honda here in town: vtec oil pump, oil pan gasket, rear main seal, oil strainer seal, and a full set of piston rings, (all for a 99 civic si). mainly cuz its all 81mm Bseries, and LS oil pumps suck under power. then we took the block to sperry around 5 or so, and after a long day at work, that made both of us happy lol. then when i got home, i ordered a few things thru arp headstuds, clevite bearings, and a headgasket. we still need a few odds and ends here and there, but its comin along. ill be posting some before and after pics by this weekend hopfully
02-15-2014, 09:42 PM
Got a nice big update with plenty of pics for you guys!!!! So to start off, ill show u some before and after pics of the internals:
Before: ( ( (
And $45 dollars later: (
So the next thing we did was take the block in and had the following done. Clean it, de-glaze cylinder walls, glass bead, and decking. (only had to take .004 off!)
Before: ( ( ( (
$200 later: ( ( ( (
So while that was being done, i took the liberty of cleaning up the injectors and putting the new fuel o-rings on. OEM goodies! ( ( (
After: ( (
Not pictured are all the goodies we got from and the nearby honda dealer:
OEM ITR oil pump
OEM oil pump o-ring
OEM oil pick up gasket
OEM oil pan gasket
OEM piston rings
OEM front and rear seals
Clevite "race" bearing set (std size)
Mishimoto fan switch
Mishimoto thermostat
ARP headstuds
02-15-2014, 09:42 PM
So today we put the long block together, which made my weekend!!!! First is a side-by-side of the old LS oil pump to the new ITR oil pump: (
Then we got started. The PCV box, crossover tube with fan switch and thermostat was first: (
Then we did the rings and got the pistons in: (
Got half the bearings in and lubed up: (
Set the crank in place and got it all lubed up as well: (
Put the other half of the mains in and tqd those to 56 ft/lbs: (
Then we got the rod caps on and tqd to 26 ft/lbs, along with oil pump and rear main cap: (
Next was windage tray and oil pick up: (
Dont forget the oil pan :) (
Flipped it over and got the headstuds in, (favorite pics): ( (
Then we got put the HG on and tqd the head down (80 ft/lbs is scary lol): (
thanks for lookin!
02-16-2014, 12:12 AM
looking good son
02-17-2014, 11:50 AM
almost there, what stopped you from putting the cams in?
02-17-2014, 05:34 PM
Still need to order OEM cam seals, and im also going back and forth on decideing to set it up for a breather setup now while the motors out and the PCV system is easy to get to, or just wait. if i do it now i gotta get the valve cover welded up.
02-19-2014, 01:21 PM
do the breather setup, youll thank me later. you could get the fittings welded on the valve cover pretty cheap
02-19-2014, 06:59 PM
I rly want to, im just hesitant... tryin to get all the "need to" stuff payed for before hand.
02-20-2014, 07:12 AM
Its apart. You "need" to do it when its smart and easy to. Doing it later means the cars down again anyway.
02-20-2014, 07:43 AM
its a pain in the ass to get that frost plug in with the mid-shaft in the way while youre laying underneath the car. do it now and forget about it.
02-25-2014, 05:44 PM
Dropped the valve cover off to Sperry today after work... I was gonna have the twins weld it up for me but the bungs were $7 each, then $20 to clean it, then another $30 to weld it up. After talkin to Sperry last night he said $50 to do it all and have it back Thursday. Couldn't say no, lol. I'll post pics when I get it back..... oh the set up will be 2 -10an fittings on the back side of the valve cover.
02-25-2014, 06:37 PM
oil can slosh up into the bungs when they are on the back side, thats why most people put them on the front. or, if they do weld them on the back, they also make a baffle. just something to consider
02-27-2014, 11:52 PM
Dallas wanted me to throw a pic of the valve cover up here. (attached)
02-28-2014, 05:05 PM
Thx dustin.... Yea picked it up and it was freaking awesome!!!!! Next up on the ordering block is the ASP catch can/battery setup and the clutch and flywheel. Should be ordered sometime this week. The catch can is made to order so itll take a few weeks to get. The clutch and flywheel will be ordered thru Ryan, (Comp stage 4 and 11-14lb flywheel). Decided on that wheel cuz its supposed to be the best of both worlds. A stock flywheel is 18lbs, so i figure its not like its a big drop in weight, so it keeps some torque under boost, but its light enough to help out a lil on the top end. They ofer another flywheel thats 8lbs, but i think thatd be way too light for boost.
03-19-2014, 04:31 PM
Been two weeks Sallad. Any update?
03-24-2014, 06:40 PM
Ok ok.. so no pics yet, but we did end up finishing the motor and we got almost all the goodies needed to bolt this thing in place. Ryan helped me with finding a badass clutch flywheel setup from comp clutch, hasport 70A poly mounts will be here on Wednesday, and today we got the garage cleaned up and ready. We got the car centered, and up on jack stands. Still gotta get some breather setup fittings and hose, but were gonna wait for the motor and trans to be bolted in so we know what were doin for routing. That's about all I got for now, and I'll try to get some pics up.
03-29-2014, 01:42 PM
Still no pics, but im here to finally say the motor is in the car!!! Clutch feels great, mounts feel great, no knocks, no leaks, doesnt burn oil, started first try too! Had a small oil leak from the oil pressure sending unit, but we replaced it with a different one and it stopped. The catch can setup seems to be working too, which i absolutely love how it turned out!
03-29-2014, 03:20 PM
Here's your pic
03-29-2014, 04:04 PM
Clutch feels great, mounts feel great, no knocks, no leaks, doesnt burn oil, started first try too! Had a small oil leak from the oil pressure sending unit, but we replaced it with a different one and it stopped.
so it did leak? haha
03-29-2014, 05:56 PM
Had a small oil leak from the oil pressure sending unit, but we replaced it with a different one and it stopped. Read this again Jacob.
03-29-2014, 08:46 PM
he said it didnt have leaks, then said it leaked but he stopped it. so it DID leak haha
04-11-2014, 06:08 PM
Well so far so good... cant complain about anything. The throttle response is top notch considering its bone stock. Still need to find a hood tho. The motor has 75miles on it now, my dad drives it every weekend and loves it so far. plans for boost wont start taking place til late this year into winter. For now, its get the motor broke in and maybe line up some body work :)
04-15-2014, 06:06 PM
Let's see a video of that beast
04-21-2014, 09:16 PM
Went to central imports dyno day on Saturday... motor has 600mi. on it and made 134whp @6800rpm ( limit at 7100), and 118tq @ 4600rpm. Most B18a/b make about 10 less HP at the wheels. I'm pretty sure dustins got the video :)
04-22-2014, 08:19 AM
Good numbers. Especially stock!
08-17-2014, 09:58 AM
Went to cedar falls last night 2.2 60ft 15.6 @ 89mph
08-18-2014, 02:14 PM
Went to cedar falls last night 2.2 60ft 15.6 @ 89mph
not bad for NA, how did your beamer do?
08-19-2014, 04:31 PM
didnt run the beamer.... E46 automatic 330i beemers are supposed to be low 15s tho. the 5speed 330s are 14s worthy i guess. idk, its my daily so i dont really care what it runs. itd be cool just to do it fun fun tho, lol.
But the coupe really needs traction bars for the track, i literally thought either the dash was gonna fall in my lap, or i was gonna break an axel/diff.... it was a very violent wheel hop thru first, and i even slipped the clutch and preloaded out of the hole. then it wheel hopped into 2nd as well. the reason i mention this is cuz i have a question for everyone. If i slap on a good set of traction bars im afraid that instead of getting both tires hopping and spinning ill get all the power to transfer to 1 side which will be worse..... opinions on this? FYI, the car will get LSD down the road.
08-19-2014, 11:52 PM
funny thing is brad with his coupe broke axles fairly frequently at the track with his traction bars and all, would wheel hop.
johns civic at 300 and 475whp was still on his original front axles he bought the car with in like 2004 or 2005 with a lot of track passes stock, with like 160-180whp on first turbo setup, then 300whp, then 475whp. Then the last night the car was together on the 475whp setup, he put on traction bars and first pass broke an axle. Made a pass, then next pass broke his spare axle. Threw in another new axle another guy brought to the track and took off the traction bars and ran it without issues.
I hear of a lot of people have mixed results with traction bars.
08-20-2014, 07:33 AM
Do you still have factory bushings in your control arms? Its pretty much a requirement to move up to prothane bushings in neons or you suffer from massive wheel hop like you described.
08-20-2014, 08:36 AM
Bushings, motor mounts, and not blown struts (not that yours are).
08-20-2014, 08:52 AM
Bushings, motor mounts, and not blown struts (not that yours are).
I thought I had saw that he had nice new motor mounts, so as long as those are installed that should cover that.
08-20-2014, 05:11 PM
I thought I had saw that he had nice new motor mounts, so as long as those are installed that should cover that.
Correct, its got all new bushings up front, and brand new (not used), hasport 70A poly mounts.
08-22-2014, 08:00 AM
more power. problem solved. what was your tire pressure set at?
11-09-2014, 01:58 PM
I know its been a while since i actually updated this with pics and such, and since the cars up on jacks for the winter i figured id start updating this again. Havent really done much besides a set of Blackworks Racing shifter bushings. We put the car on jacks last week with the goal of getting all the suspension done, new brakes all around, the front end straightened out from previous owner smackin a tree, and the giant rust hole fixed.
Lets start with the rust hole. Its getting bigger as we look at it, and while the wheel house itself isnt that expensive, the rust is spreading into the strut tower and that part is dicontinued. What we need is someone with a lil more know how in body work/welding, to come give us a hand. Heres a few pics of that: ( (
Underside: (
The next thing is the front end, we pulled the hood, the bumper, the wheels, the bumper support, and the radiator. Then we used a scissor jack between the exhaust manifold and the lower support beam to push out and down on the beam. Its hard to tell in this old pic, but the center beam going from the lower to upper supports was angled towards the rear by about 5 degrees or more: (
And after we used the scissor jack we got it as straight as we could and bolted a peice of 3/4in square tubing to brace it: ( (
As far as the suspension goes weve only gotten as far as getting the right rear trailing arm off, which was a bitch! 1 of the trailing arm bushing bolts was soo rusted and seized we were putting our body weight behind a 1/2in breaker bar after soaking it with PB blaster and boogers and while it was turning, it was turning really slow and hard. I was positive we were gonna snap it. Worked on it for a half hour last night and gave up. Then this morning we hit it with more PB and held a torch to it til it got slightly red hot, and it was still a bitch to turn, but it did come out finally. threads looked good and everything: ( ( (
Another thing we did do recently was add a secondary timing belt tensioner. Baisically its there just to keep the belt from slappin around as bseries motors are known for it. Vibrant racing sells these for $250, ours? Free.99, Doug Spinler built :) And some pics of the new exhaust we had put together at pro muff. Its catless, 2 1/2in piping to mandrel bent B-pipe, 1 18in resonator in the center, and a 12in resonator by the back tire. Lil loud right now, but will mellow out with boost. ( ( ( (
Oh and just for shits, heres a pic of the daily: (
Comment away......
11-10-2014, 09:10 AM
who's going to fix your rust spot? when are you planning to go turbo?
11-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Get to the good stuff already
11-11-2014, 12:08 PM
Boost will come eventually.... Just worried about making it more road reliable right now. Brakes are scary, suspensions scary, alignments scary.... kind of a death trap right now. As far as the rust goes, were not sure, thats why i said we need someone with more knowledge to help us out.
03-03-2015, 07:09 PM
PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (
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