View Full Version : Vote you bastards!
11-06-2012, 08:59 AM
For EDDY B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-06-2012, 09:13 AM
are you posting for him or telling him to vote?
11-06-2012, 10:08 AM
Who should I vote for since we're giving directions now?
11-06-2012, 11:53 AM
Unless you plan to vote for Obama, then feel free to stay home.
11-06-2012, 12:10 PM
Unless you plan to vote for Obama, then feel free to stay home.
11-06-2012, 12:17 PM
Unless you plan to vote for Obama, then feel free to stay home.
Hopefully I can re-post in this thread about midnight, hammered off free wine, from the Romney Victory office.
11-06-2012, 01:22 PM
Hopefully I can re-post in this thread about midnight, hammered off free wine, from the Romney Victory office.
I didn't know you made $250k plus a year ? i'm just a 47%'er
11-06-2012, 02:14 PM
What an overused ploy to stab at comments made by romney, I find it unbelievable anyone in their right mind could vote for obama given everything he has done, and plans to do.
11-06-2012, 02:20 PM
I find it unbelievable anyone in their right mind could vote for obama given everything he has done, and plans to do.
Completely agree.
11-06-2012, 02:40 PM
I didn't know you made $250k plus a year ? i'm just a 47%'er
I don't make $250k a year, maybe someday. I'm just tired of handouts and deficit increases. I'd rather not be speaking Chinese in a decade. Also, I like my guns...ya guns, guns are cool.
11-06-2012, 03:19 PM
I'm putting the "I got your change right here" dust covers on my Ar haha
11-06-2012, 03:33 PM
I hate both candidates. I see Obama as the lesser of two evils - at least it doesn't look like his goal is to ruin the education system even further.
11-06-2012, 03:50 PM
I hate both candidates. I see Obama as the lesser of two evils - at least it doesn't look like his goal is to ruin the education system even further.
You sir, are a fucktard. Not just because of that statement, but your sig is queer. Carry on.
11-06-2012, 03:52 PM
I hate both candidates. I see Obama as the lesser of two evils - at least it doesn't look like his goal is to ruin the education system even further.
State organizations do way better jobs than any federal bureaucratic group ever could. I'm fully for stripping down the dept of education, just means additional resources back home.
11-06-2012, 04:09 PM
I hate both candidates. I see Obama as the lesser of two evils - at least it doesn't look like his goal is to ruin the education system even further.
Seriously who gives a fuck about "bettering" our education system when there is no fucking jobs to be had!! and you must be half retarded to say a presidents goal is to ruin the education system LOL.. Im with Tyler, I find it so hard to believe people are blind enough to not see what happened in the last 4 years and want to continue this garbage..
I havent once heard of students or parents raving about how much cheaper and easier school has been in the last 4 years, and that was his big promise last election too, all I hear is students bitching about not having jobs... and all his jibber jabber about "clean energy" wasting all our tax money on this shit, what do we here in Cedar Rapids get out of it?? layoffs at Clipper thats what we get.
okay Im done now
11-06-2012, 04:12 PM
oh yeah and dont forget the layoff's at Rockwell that STILL arent done yet.. Thats when I lost my job and really got bitter
11-06-2012, 04:16 PM
Hopefully I can re-post in this thread about midnight, hammered off free wine, from the Romney Victory office.
This. I'm not better off than I was 4 years ago, neither is our country. I'll take an unproven failure over a proven one any day. As for that lame 47% thing still going around, obviously the sound bite was taken out of context. We all know he didn't mean hardworking Americans; we also all know who he meant. If you don't, just look for spinners on Cadillacs down at the ghetto V.
11-06-2012, 04:21 PM
State organizations do way better jobs than any federal bureaucratic group ever could. I'm fully for stripping down the dept of education, just means additional resources back home.
I love where uneducated voters start talking like they have a clue. My brother works in the educational system; check some stats. Numbers of teachers and teacher pay has drastically fallen while administrators and their pay have drastically increased in the last 4 years (It's something like 26% overall). THAT is was Romney means by removing people from the educational system. We all know no President in their right mind means to remove teachers just for fun. It's idiotic that people actually believe that crap. No research done whatsoever, yet that sways your vote. It's no wonder we are in this ridiculous mess. IF you watched the debate when Obama was trying to sound smart, saying the exact same drivel about education, he got pwned by Romney who said that while reducing people in the educational system, and increasing class sizes, he managed to move his state's educational system up to #1 in the country....Need I say more? Even the god Obama had nothing to say to that. Government wastes so much it's unbelievable, and Obama wants more government? Give me a break. This country was founded by private enterprise, and nothing good ever came from a big government.
11-06-2012, 04:34 PM
Oh how easy it is to twist panties on IAF :)
11-06-2012, 04:38 PM
Oh how easy it is to twist panties on IAF :)
I just take the future of my country very seriously. I'm crazy like that.
11-06-2012, 04:45 PM
Oh I take it seriously too - but when it comes to politics I usually don't get socially involved much anymore. After the 2008 election where I was super involved and speaking out a lot - I have no desire to go into deep arguments on the interwebs and such when it won't change anything. Don't get me wrong I do a lot of my own information gathering, but you give one opinion on the internet and you get called a retard or uneducated - etc etc etc. Everyone thinks they know more than the next guy. It's all well and fine, glad its almost over.
11-06-2012, 05:04 PM
I have no faith that anyone on here actually knows enough politics to really know whats going on .... including myself. you pretty much have to study full time politics to have a good grasp on it all or part of the government to know whats really going on inside. the rest is just spun from either fox cnn abc nbc etc.
you can't simply say obama sucks because our economy sucks. it may or may not have been a fixable situation in 4 years. we won't ever know. we have only been in a couple other major depressions in this countries history. romney could come in next and be a shitty president and our economy still might go through a healthy recovery naturally. kind of like how our economy was so strong with bill clinton but was it bill or were we just in good times.
also I believe the financial bailout was supported by romney . not the auto bailout but he supported the "wall street" bailout along with many other republicans
11-06-2012, 06:42 PM
The bailout that closed many dealerships and put people out of work.
11-06-2012, 06:47 PM
I just take the future of my country very seriously. I'm crazy like that.
Times fucking two...
11-06-2012, 06:57 PM
State organizations do way better jobs than any federal bureaucratic group ever could. I'm fully for stripping down the dept of education, just means additional resources back home.
No child left behind was a good idea... Bad in reality
11-06-2012, 06:59 PM
The bailout that closed many dealerships and put people out of work.
Please explain this thought process...
11-06-2012, 07:21 PM
I have no faith that anyone on here actually knows enough politics to really know whats going on .... including myself. you pretty much have to study full time politics to have a good grasp on it all or part of the government to know whats really going on inside. the rest is just spun from either fox cnn abc nbc etc.
you can't simply say obama sucks because our economy sucks. it may or may not have been a fixable situation in 4 years. we won't ever know. we have only been in a couple other major depressions in this countries history. romney could come in next and be a shitty president and our economy still might go through a healthy recovery naturally. kind of like how our economy was so strong with bill clinton but was it bill or were we just in good times.
also I believe the financial bailout was supported by romney . not the auto bailout but he supported the "wall street" bailout along with many other republicans
It doesn't take a genius to understand that Obamacare is going to cost you, me, our kids, and grand kids a ton of money. The mentality of this president goes something like this:
Problem: Health insurance is too expensive for many to afford along with this crappy economy
Solution: Make people buy health insurance or else fine them for not buying it.
Hope none of you plan on selling your house anytime soon. Did you know that Obamacare will add in 2014 a 3.8% sales tax on top of the existing fees associated with selling your home to pay for the Afordable Care Act? This probably won't affect anyone by then anyway, beings how we'll not have any jobs to pay for our houses anyway.
11-06-2012, 07:40 PM
If not for the whole "Roe v Wade", planned parenthood, and contraception issue... I probably wouldn't have even voted.
Its all about choosing the slightly less lying, crooked, rich fuck anyways.
11-06-2012, 08:12 PM
Please explain this thought process...
When they did the auto bailout they cut dealers. Alot of people lost jobs from closed dealers. Now they cut about 2000 dealers. Between GM and Chrysler. Say each dealer has 50 employees that 100,000 jobs no longer there at that time. Not to say other dealers didn't pick-up other guys to offset it.
11-06-2012, 09:11 PM
nobody knows what would've happened if gm didn't get bailed out, could've been worse if they were forced to go through bankruptcy . its easy to say they would've been better to go through bankruptcy.
its all theory until you "get a lane" and prove it . i've already invited sparkles to get a lane and he won't take the reigns
11-06-2012, 10:11 PM
its not looking good for romney
11-06-2012, 10:57 PM
nobody knows what would've happened if gm didn't get bailed out, could've been worse if they were forced to go through bankruptcy . its easy to say they would've been better to go through bankruptcy.
its all theory until you "get a lane" and prove it . i've already invited sparkles to get a lane and he won't take the reigns
That is how Capitalism works. You 'F' up, you lose your business. I'm GM to the CORE and guess what? They messed up, let them drown in the 'S-pool' they built for themselves. I'm not gonna hold your hand and tell you it is okay. You're a big boy, you make a mistake, you reap the consequences. Jesus Christ, how hard is that to understand. C'mon.
11-06-2012, 11:39 PM
Hopefully I can re-post in this thread about midnight, hammered off free wine, from the Romney Victory office.
someone's pissy. that wine probably doesn't taste so good huh?
Domestic Disturbance
11-06-2012, 11:44 PM
I didn't really understand the planned parenthood abolishment angle. That snowballing with the 'what is rape' argument when Romney really needed to focus more moderately. The healthcare, bailout, etc arguments I can completely understand the disagreements on. The Republican party catered too much the the tea party side and thats what bit them in the ass IMO. Bet on a lot more intellectual group of republicans running in 4 years who will be much more moderate conservatives (Jeb bush, huntsman, etc). The climate was too hot in the primaries for any republican not to try and swing the right.
11-06-2012, 11:53 PM
if the republican party would change their stance on social issues like same sex marriage, pro-choice and relax on religious views and combine that with their already small government/ less spending stance, they would be golden .
11-06-2012, 11:53 PM
That is how Capitalism works. You 'F' up, you lose your business. I'm GM to the CORE and guess what? They messed up, let them drown in the 'S-pool' they built for themselves. I'm not gonna hold your hand and tell you it is okay. You're a big boy, you make a mistake, you reap the consequences. Jesus Christ, how hard is that to understand. C'mon.
Obama voters don't take responsibility, I hope you've figured this out by now. Handouts and "it's someone else' problem" is the new norm in the US. Sad, really.
11-07-2012, 01:56 AM
Obama voters don't take responsibility, I hope you've figured this out by now. Handouts and "it's someone else' problem" is the new norm in the US. Sad, really.
Probably the single best post EVER on this forum!
11-07-2012, 05:43 AM
That is how Capitalism works. You 'F' up, you lose your business. I'm GM to the CORE and guess what? They messed up, let them drown in the 'S-pool' they built for themselves. I'm not gonna hold your hand and tell you it is okay. You're a big boy, you make a mistake, you reap the consequences. Jesus Christ, how hard is that to understand. C'mon.
Pretty sure they paid back their money and then. Some and we got to keep gm....
11-07-2012, 05:49 AM
When they did the auto bailout they cut dealers. Alot of people lost jobs from closed dealers. Now they cut about 2000 dealers. Between GM and Chrysler. Say each dealer has 50 employees that 100,000 jobs no longer there at that time. Not to say other dealers didn't pick-up other guys to offset it.
What I am getting at is why would you say it was caused rom the bailout?
11-07-2012, 07:42 AM
someone's pissy. that wine probably doesn't taste so good huh?
Upset. Nobody wants to see 'pissy'. Anyway, here is to taxamageddon and being completely screwed because people voted with their 'feelings' instead of an actual intellectually honest discourse. Social issues won't matter if there isn't an America to enforce them.
11-07-2012, 07:58 AM
Pretty sure they paid back their money and then. Some and we got to keep gm....
Wrong, until GM's stock almost doubles they still owe you the taxpayer a substantial amount of money. The government still owns a 27% stake in GM, for the taxpayers to get their money back the stock would need to trade at about $54 a share. About $30 Billion is still owed....
11-07-2012, 08:20 AM
Wrong, until GM's stock almost doubles they still owe you the taxpayer a substantial amount of money. The government still owns a 27% stake in GM, for the taxpayers to get their money back the stock would need to trade at about $54 a share. About $30 Billion is still owed....
GM still owes money and it will continue to do so as long as Obama's puppet Akerson is still running the show.
11-07-2012, 08:45 AM
ok heres another shit storm topic.. I try not to post on FB much about this crap, but I keep reading about "equal rights" garbage, I dont think I have ever seen a example of people being denied anything because they are gay or a woman! Some states you may not be able to get married but big deal, go to a state where you can, get married and then go home.. I dont understand why these views are such a big deal. and womans rights?! you've got to be kidding me, girls can get jobs EASIER than guys just because of that fact since all these business's actually get breaks for being "diverse", if anything the white males are the ones being discriminated against lately.
11-07-2012, 09:05 AM
Obama voters don't take responsibility, I hope you've figured this out by now. Handouts and "it's someone else' problem" is the new norm in the US. Sad, really.
Did the TV tell you that? All Obama voters don't take responsibility? Really think about that.
Why are all republicans douchebags.
See what I did there?
Just because you think you know about politics doesnt give you the right to insult anyone who voted for anyone else.
11-07-2012, 09:33 AM
women's rights would be mainly the pro-choice vs pro-life debate .
if the republican party would change their stance on social issues like same sex marriage, pro-choice and relax on religious views and combine that with their already small government/ less spending stance, they would be golden .
i forgot about the denial of global warming. republican party is going to have to crack on one or two of their beliefs in 2016
“President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans,” said Romney, as the RNC audience began to laugh. “And to heal the planet!” --Mitt Romney
yea lets joke about attempts to preserve the planet
Sunny Z
11-07-2012, 09:36 AM
...and womens rights?! you've got to be kidding me, girls can get jobs EASIER than guys just because of that fact since all these business's actually get breaks for being "diverse", if anything the white males are the ones being discriminated against lately.
qft. All other factors being equal (education, qualifications, experience), the woman would get the job 9/10 times. Especially in corporate america. Diversity>all nowadays....
11-07-2012, 09:46 AM
I think the republican party is well aware they need to change there stance on some of there more conservative views if they want to have a chance next election.
It would help if they quit making dumb comments about how god supports rape. I realize thats not a quote, but they did lose two senate seats almost entirely because of it.
11-07-2012, 10:09 AM
women's rights would be mainly the pro-choice vs pro-life debate .
i forgot about the denial of global warming. republican party is going to have to crack on one or two of their beliefs in 2016
yea lets joke about attempts to preserve the planet
Women have the rights they need when it comes to that!! They are female, they should be the ones to accept responsibility on when they open their legs and decide its a good or bad idea to risk preganency, dont place that on the president and start to be responsible for your own decisions. If they want to go around and have a bunch of sex before they're ready for a kid then buy your own birth control or get health insurance that offers it, or buy condoms...
and obama's pathetic attempts to go green are rediulous, when the technology allows for it to be feasable it will happen.. right now its just throwing money down the drain investing OUR tax money in this garbage. Clipper came out really well with that didnt they? Look out the over priced chevy volt that flopped too. He swapped money from defense spending "losing jobs at rockwell" to investing in green energy and lost jobs at clipper somehow.. If all this emmisions stuff would loosen up we could have dramatically cheaper cars, and alot of these emisions restricted engines are burning alot more fuel to make the same amount of power than less restricted engines, imagine that?
11-07-2012, 10:45 AM
LUL at Global Warming. Global cooling on average is happening! It is a natural thing that happens, the Earth goes through cycles, the holes in the Ozone are GONE.
Alternative energy? I said it once I'll say it again: If there was another feasible source of energy to produce our needs as efficiently as oil, it would be provided by the free market. You can argue against that point all you want, but the subsidized 'green energy' companies that all FAILED are proof "Free Market Economic Theory" is still the law of the land.
11-07-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm just glad that our stock market drop substantially overnight!
11-07-2012, 01:10 PM
Did the TV tell you that? All Obama voters don't take responsibility? Really think about that.
Why are all republicans douchebags.
See what I did there?
Just because you think you know about politics doesnt give you the right to insult anyone who voted for anyone else.
Yeah it does, because I just did. This wonderful country and it's first amendments allows me to be a douche all I want. I don't "think" I know about politics, I do. I'm not an expert, but I bet I know more than 95% of most people. It was a minor of mine, and not one I took lightly. That's why I rag on people so hard. I throw out facts and figures that they have never heard of, yet are true statistics. But, people are too stupid to understand, it's easier to just say, "just because you think you know about politics...." rather than get a clue.
Also, I'm not a Republican, so that quote doesn't have any affect on me. I don't carry a narrow enough view to be of one party. I vote merit, not party line. But anyone that differentiates only between Dem and Repub probably has a much narrower view of party structure and available candidates.
11-07-2012, 01:15 PM
LUL at Global Warming. Global cooling on average is happening! It is a natural thing that happens, the Earth goes through cycles, the holes in the Ozone are GONE.
Alternative energy? I said it once I'll say it again: If there was another feasible source of energy to produce our needs as efficiently as oil, it would be provided by the free market. You can argue against that point all you want, but the subsidized 'green energy' companies that all FAILED are proof "Free Market Economic Theory" is still the law of the land.
I still LOL at people that think global warming is an actual problem. It's been heating and cooling for millions of years; no amount of what we little humans do makes a big difference in the overall picture. The earth was here long before us and will be long after. You do realize that your "global warming" guru, Al Gore, bought himself an oceanfront estate in California last year, right? You know, the same guy that said within our lifetime if we didn't reverse our trends, the ocean would overtake most of that state? Right....right.... (more facts ignored). God I hate political rants, but I just can't fathom the thought processes of some people. I HATE HATE HATE talking politics, but please people, do your own research. I haven't read the Gazette propaganda news, seen a newscast, or watched MSNBC/Fox/NBC etc in over 6 years. Maybe the brainwashed masses should try picking up books with actual facts in them....
11-07-2012, 01:19 PM
I didn't realize you were such an expert. But shit, you should of said you had a minor in political science and access to statistics. That sure put me in my place.
I need to get back to work anyway, where I don't take any responsibility for myself... with all the other uneducated voters who just re-elected a democratic president.
11-07-2012, 01:28 PM
I didn't realize you were such an expert. But shit, you should of said you had a minor in political science and access to statistics. That sure put me in my place.
I need to get back to work anyway, where I don't take any responsibility for myself... with all the other uneducated voters who just re-elected a democratic president.
I didn't say poly sci, I said History. Big difference. American History is that annoying thing kids like you avoided in middle and high school, and definitely in college. People like me saw value in getting to know our founding fathers and what they believed in, faults and merits both. It's what helps people like me to educate people like you in what our FF would do if they were alive today since you couldn't be inconvenienced with that kind of learning years past.
Yes, I did just school you, which I am about to do again. You didn't re-elect a "democratic president." You re-elected a Democrat (there is no "ic" when speaking of a party), and both "Democrat" and "President" use capital letters. A "Democrat" is a member of a political party, "democratic" refers to a type of political structure. Also, we aren't even a "democracy," we are technically a Constitutional Republic. So yes, you have been taken to school.
Just like I wouldn't come to you and start talking about drifting, which I have no clue about, don't come to me and start talking American History or politics without the same leg to stand on.
11-07-2012, 01:35 PM
You didn't say history either. You just said "it was a minor of mine" and we were talking politics, so its a fair assumption.
You didn't school me. You tried to insult me by making assumptions about me. You don't know my age, my education or anything about me. So everything you came up with really doesn't mean shit... but yeah grammatically you got me, way to go.
Not everybody that voted for Obama is an uneducated 19 year old kid who's riding on the hope train. There are a lot of educated voters, did you ever think that maybe other people just want the country to go in a different direction that you?
11-07-2012, 01:37 PM
Just like I wouldn't come to you and start talking about drifting, which I have no clue about, don't come to me and start talking American History or politics without the same leg to stand on.
You need to get off your high horse if you think that because you have some knowledge in politics that no one came come to you with different opinions.
11-07-2012, 01:43 PM
You didn't say history either. You just said "it was a minor of mine" and we were talking politics, so its a fair assumption.
You didn't school me. You tried to insult me by making assumptions about me. You don't know my age, my education or anything about me. So everything you came up with really doesn't mean shit... but yeah grammatically you got me, way to go.
Not everybody that voted for Obama is an uneducated 19 year old kid who's riding on the hope train. There are a lot of educated voters, did you ever think that maybe other people just want the country to go in a different direction that you?
I don't need your age, educational attainment, or anything about you to make assumptions. Do I need to know if you're male or female to guess that you're male? No. Do I need to know for a fact that you wear tennis shoes to know that own some? No. It's called deductive reasoning, and based upon your spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and ability to grasp facts, I CAN make quite an educated guess about any one of those things you stated that I cannot. (Guess one of my majors, I bet you can).
Yes, I have very well taken into account that not everyone fits into a cohesive little group, there are always outliers. But to make note of each one would be idiotic, it's just as easy to group them together in this instance, as it really doesn't change the facts at all anyways, so there's no need for me to be so concise.
I have also taken into account that people want a welfare state, that has become abundantly clear. That doesn't mean I have to like it, it doesn't mean I have to change my opinion or my morals/ethics, and it does mean I get to lash out in anger if I want to. All things that are in that yellowing piece of paper that you know so little about. Just like you are throwing a whiny little pissy fit over me calling you out, I'm just returning the favor. It doesn't even have to be about politics; pick a color out of a crayon box, I'll argue about that too, if you like.
Also, it's, ".....than you." at the end of that sentence, since I'm in the mood to be a Nazi today. And for your info, I'm actually a really great guy. Those on the boards that have met me probably have a completely different view of me as a person than my online persona. But our country is something I take extremely seriously, it's not to be taken lightly. If I'm an asshole for standing up for what I believe in, whether you agree with it or not, I could care less. I'll grandstand all day long until my face is blue if it means beating down the disinformation that plagues an entire society of voters to the point where it insults my intelligence.
11-07-2012, 01:44 PM
You need to get off your high horse if you think that because you have some knowledge in politics that no one came come to you with different opinions.
Says....who? The guy schooling me right now? Pass.
When those "different opinions" have basis in fact and reality, I'm always willing to listen. Until then, you might want to take your own advice and listen to a guy that actually knows what he is talking about. You know, the guy with a "different opinion" that isn't based in a land of Unicorn pee and fairy farts.
11-07-2012, 01:48 PM
This could go on all day, but I'd be better off trying to educate a brick wall than someone who's opinions will never change despite facts. I'm off of lunch now, I have to go back to working so that someone on the SE side can get a free Obamaphone and go onto Youtube to talk about it.
11-07-2012, 01:49 PM
LUL at Global Warming. Global cooling on average is happening! It is a natural thing that happens, the Earth goes through cycles, the holes in the Ozone are GONE.
do glaciers shrink during global cooling?
quote from wiki
In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus ( that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view ( _dissenting_organizations),[163] ([164] ( though a few organisations hold non-committal positions (
11-07-2012, 02:03 PM
do glaciers shrink during global cooling?
quote from wiki
Wiki is not, nor has it ever been, an objective source of information. Unless you've ever seen a scientific journal denote "Wikipedia" as a source of info in a scholarly journal, in which case, throw that journal out the window. Twice. Also, it's being noted, even by tree huggers, that snow melt in the North is actually being shored up by ice formation in the South Pole. Polar shift...another global phenomenon....ahh, nevermind.
11-07-2012, 02:04 PM
i don't need your age, educational attainment, or anything about you to make assumptions. Do i need to know if you're male or female to guess that you're male? No. Do i need to know for a fact that you wear tennis shoes to know that own some? No. It's called deductive reasoning, and based upon your spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and ability to grasp facts, i can make quite an educated guess about any one of those things you stated that i cannot. (guess one of my majors, i bet you can).
Yes, i have very well taken into account that not everyone fits into a cohesive little group, there are always outliers. But to make note of each one would be idiotic, it's just as easy to group them together in this instance, as it really doesn't change the facts at all anyways, so there's no need for me to be so concise.
I have also taken into account that people want a welfare state, that has become abundantly clear. That doesn't mean i have to like it, it doesn't mean i have to change my opinion or my morals/ethics, and it does mean i get to lash out in anger if i want to. All things that are in that yellowing piece of paper that you know so little about. Just like you are throwing a whiny little pissy fit over me calling you out, i'm just returning the favor. It doesn't even have to be about politics; pick a color out of a crayon box, i'll argue about that too, if you like.
Also, it's, ".....than you." at the end of that sentence, since i'm in the mood to be a nazi today. And for your info, i'm actually a really great guy. Those on the boards that have met me probably have a completely different view of me as a person than my online persona. But our country is something i take extremely seriously, it's not to be taken lightly. If i'm an asshole for standing up for what i believe in, whether you agree with it or not, i could care less. I'll grandstand all day long until my face is blue if it means beating down the disinformation that plagues an entire society of voters to the point where it insults my intelligence.
11-07-2012, 02:07 PM
Says....who? The guy schooling me right now? Pass.
When those "different opinions" have basis in fact and reality, I'm always willing to listen. Until then, you might want to take your own advice and listen to a guy that actually knows what he is talking about. You know, the guy with a "different opinion" that isn't based in a land of Unicorn pee and fairy farts.
You have this whole time been defending yourself and insulting me because I defended obama voters from your sterotypical insult. I don't yet believe you know what you are talking about.
You might be a nice guy, but on here you come off as pompous and close minded. Only you wouldn't know that because im not bashing you with insults based on judgments i've made based off your spelling and grammar. Thats probably because of how immature I am though.
11-07-2012, 02:09 PM
You have this whole time been defending yourself and insulting me because I defended obama voters from your sterotypical insult. I don't yet believe you know what you are talking about.
You might be a nice guy, but on here you come off as pompous and close minded. Only you wouldn't know that because im not bashing you with insults based on judgments i've made based off your spelling and grammar.
Probably. You said it, not me.
The opinion of others bothers me not at all. I sleep just fine at night.
11-07-2012, 02:11 PM
do glaciers shrink during global cooling?
quote from wiki
Thank you for confirming your intelligence level. I now see I cannot have an intelligent debate with you as you have reverted to third party sources, especially those which are not legitimate. Good Day :D
11-07-2012, 02:31 PM
i know fox news articles don't have these but learn how to read the citations at the bottom of wiki .
In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus ( that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view ( _dissenting_organizations),[163] ([164] ( though a few organisations hold non-committal positions (
^ ( Julie Brigham-Grette et al. (September 2006). "Petroleum Geologists' Award to Novelist Crichton Is Inappropriate" ( (PDF).Eos ( 87 (36). Retrieved 23 January 2007. "The AAPG stands alone among scientific societies in its denial of human-induced effects on global warming."
^ ( DiMento, Joseph F. C.; Doughman, Pamela M. (2007). Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. The MIT Press. p. 68. ISBN ( 978-0-262-54193-0 (
better yet, just don't post any references at all to your global cooling
11-07-2012, 02:36 PM
I feel like we should all get together, have some beer and discuss this in person. :-)
I've said it many times. Romney's stance on women's rights is almost laughable, I personally feel like that is what lost him the election. I still say that as long as the people choose, we're bound to fail. I would bet MAYBE 5%-10% of this country is actually well enough informed to vote and that might be a stretch. Regardless of political party affiliation, all I ever hear are "one liners" being spewed from people. 47% this and Muslim that, people rely on media to "inform" them and that is what they base their vote on. I dont think I have to even mention how horrible that is.
Now, I do, "PERSONALLY" feel like if it weren't for the lazy fuckers enjoying the free ride, the election would have gone differently. I can't count how many welfare collecting fucks I heard say something along the lines of "I'm voting for Obama so I can keep gettin my welfare" or "he's gonna pay for my school" or "free health care" etc... it's like the telephone game we all played at some point in our lives. There are facts and then there is what people hear and believe after reading a post on facebook or talking to Latifa down at the huuur salon or Tyrone while waiting to collect his welfare check. I believe Abraham Lincoln said something along the lines of "America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we fall, it will be of our own doing". I think that time is fast approaching.
11-07-2012, 02:37 PM
Not looking to get attacked here. However sources from 2006 and 2007 on climate change are pretty outdated.
11-07-2012, 02:39 PM
What I am getting at is why would you say it was caused rom the bailout?
Because in order for the bailout they were told to downsize by cutting dealers. Why? Only they know.
11-07-2012, 02:44 PM
And yes... I understand the irony of me talking about misquoting and then I probably butchered that quote on the end but it gets the main point across.
Edit: oh, and to clarify... I AM NOT saying Obama is ruining our country, the people are!
11-07-2012, 02:46 PM
Not looking to get attacked here. However sources from 2006 and 2007 on climate change are pretty outdated.
go to the current home page
The vast majority of scientists agree that human activity has significantly increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere--most dramatically since the 1970s. Yet global warming skeptics and ill-informed elected officials continue to dismiss this broad scientific consensus. In this new edition of...
maybe sandman and sledge can get one of their articles published by MIT
11-07-2012, 02:55 PM
I actually read the oil spill had alot to do with this crazy weather.
11-07-2012, 03:14 PM
I actually read the oil spill had alot to do with this crazy weather.
That and i think all the ammo that sandman burns through has warmed the air temperature of iowa about 0.7 degrees . my backyard pond didn't even freeze over last year
Domestic Disturbance
11-07-2012, 03:31 PM
Did the TV tell you that? All Obama voters don't take responsibility? Really think about that.
Why are all republicans douchebags.
See what I did there?
Just because you think you know about politics doesnt give you the right to insult anyone who voted for anyone else.
QFT! Just because someone has a different opinion on the facts presented to them doesn't mean that they are complete morons who wish to hand out money wrecklessly and don't care. Obviously there's a lot of opinion behind whatever facts you are trying to present. More bullying and less factual.
ok heres another shit storm topic.. I try not to post on FB much about this crap, but I keep reading about "equal rights" garbage, I dont think I have ever seen a example of people being denied anything because they are gay or a woman! Some states you may not be able to get married but big deal, go to a state where you can, get married and then go home.. I dont understand why these views are such a big deal. and womans rights?! you've got to be kidding me, girls can get jobs EASIER than guys just because of that fact since all these business's actually get breaks for being "diverse", if anything the white males are the ones being discriminated against lately.
The womens rights argument stemmed exclusively from the idea of getting rid of planned parenthood, abortion, and birth control.
11-07-2012, 03:32 PM
if the republican party would change their stance on social issues like same sex marriage, pro-choice and relax on religious views and combine that with their already small government/ less spending stance, they would be golden .
They call that the Libertarian party
11-07-2012, 03:35 PM
I say we just build a wall and have America divided, put Obama and his voters on the north, and the rest of us down south..
See how long Obamainians can last before demanding we give them something and start jumping our borders just like the mexicans do now LOL
11-07-2012, 03:43 PM
i know fox news articles don't have these but learn how to read the citations at the bottom
better yet, just don't post any references at all to your global cooling
I think the kids call this being "PWNED" on the "interwebz"
11-07-2012, 03:52 PM
I think the kids call this being "PWNED" on the "interwebz"
Not even close.
The here is a simple truth: If you're so worried about global warming and its radical changes, sell your car and go buy a Prius. /end
11-07-2012, 03:58 PM
Riding a bike would be better.
Manufacturing a prius doesn't make mother nature happy.
11-07-2012, 04:00 PM
Not even close.
The here is a simple truth: If you're so worried about global warming and its radical changes, sell your car and go buy a Prius. /end
You tried to discredit his point due to a lack of backing info, he provided sources and you were proved wrong.
And there is no place for your hyperbole in logical, factual, discussions.
11-07-2012, 04:53 PM
post 71 rofl
Last edited by ImportEvolution (; 1 Minute Ago at 04:51 PM. Reason: fixed spelling so sandman couldn't jump on that shit
11-07-2012, 04:56 PM
Not even close.
The here is a simple truth: If you're so worried about global warming and its radical changes, sell your car and go buy a Prius. /end
car is on e85, because its the good for our environment and iowa. octane has nothing to do with it ;)
(please don't start e85 subsidies debate)
11-07-2012, 06:08 PM
i'm going to stop, i promise, but this was too good to skip
Romney — I Love Big Bird, But Not Enough to Borrow Money From China to Pay for PBS Subsidy
11-07-2012, 06:52 PM
car is on e85, because its the good for our environment and iowa. octane has nothing to do with it ;)
(please don't start e85 subsidies debate)
Along with the high flow cat con...
11-07-2012, 08:55 PM
if the republican party would change their stance on social issues like same sex marriage, pro-choice and relax on religious views and combine that with their already small government/ less spending stance, they would be golden .
That's actually called Libertarian. You're welcome.
11-07-2012, 09:05 PM
11-07-2012, 10:57 PM
alright you fockers, here is some more
oldie but goodie
11-08-2012, 07:50 AM
Holy shit... I had no idea that Obama did all of that!! Pretty crazy because I swear he was in the united states when Osama was killed. That must have been one hell of a shot!!!! also don't remember seeing him in any pictures or anything when the Gadaffi thing went down.
11-08-2012, 07:55 AM
His campaign handed out a ton of these;
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