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View Full Version : 10% Off Any Detailing Service For All IAF Members.

Divine Details
10-10-2012, 03:47 PM
Hey guys i am offering 10% off any detail service for all members of this forum. This offer is good Through the end of 2012. I have A shop in Clinton and i do mobile detailing around clinton. Shoot me a pm or Give me a Call if you Are intrested.


Divine Details
10-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Some of My Work

10-10-2012, 04:28 PM
Price list?

Divine Details
10-10-2012, 08:02 PM

We offer a wide range of Services to suit a variety of budgets and tastes. Our most popular services are shown below. Please call or Email for more information on services, products, current promotions and custom options.

Basic Detail ($65-$125) (2.5-4 Hours)

This Package combines the basic interior and basic wash packages. Wax can be added to this package for $20.

Basic wash ($35-$75) (1.5-3 Hours)

This package includes
hand washing of the Wheels and exterior plus an optional coat of wax or sealant for $25+ more depending on wax chosen.

Basic Interior ($25-$60) (30min-2 Hours)

This is a basic interior cleaning via vaccuming and wiping down all interior surfaces to remove dirt and dust while adding UV protection to them

Extensive Interior Detail ($40-$85) (1.5-3Hours)

This is a complete interior detail including: vacuming, carpet extraction, steam cleaning, plastics and vinyl cleaning, and leather cleaning and conditoning.

Light Machine Polish ($120-$200) (4.5-6 Hours)

This is a step up from the General Maintenance Package it includes paint decontamination via a clay process. Then an All-in-One polish is utilized to remove very light swirls and add clarity to the paint.

Gloss Enhancing Detail ($180-$330) (6-11 Hours)

This is a step up from the Light Polish Detail. After the paint is cleaned and all imbeded contamiates are removed. A medium polish is used to remove swirls oxidation and light defects from the paint. You can expect about 30%-70% of the defects to be removed

Engine Detail -$35

Engine compartment is degreased and dressed

Divine Details
10-10-2012, 08:02 PM
Those Prices Are Before the 10% off