View Full Version : Where to get a car tinted for cheap?
Sunny Z
08-10-2012, 01:44 PM
Back in KS i know of a couple shops that will do darker than legal if you pay in cash.
I'm wanting like 20% all around (excluding windshield of course) on my 280.
Where can I go, and what should i expect to pay?
Also, what are Iowa's tint laws?
08-10-2012, 02:26 PM
90% front 5% back? I forget how tint works. I might have it backwards.
08-10-2012, 03:16 PM
08-10-2012, 03:39 PM
Here in Des Moines you want Chad Rubenking- 515.577.1805.
He did my Cobra a couple years back and several friend's cars. Great price and quality.
08-11-2012, 12:48 AM
above the rest window tinting (515) 771-9432 owners name is pete he does a great job will put any shade tint on whatever windows but the windshield and he uses very high quality film he even offers a warranty against fading for the life of the tint. last i knew he also did free quotes
08-11-2012, 07:05 AM
I'm wanting like 20% all around (excluding windshield of course) on my 280.
Also, what are Iowa's tint laws?
I have 20% on the front roll downs in my pickup and have been to DM multiple times and have been left alone. I thought 70% was legal(stock) unless you get a note from a doctor then you can have 35%, Im not sure what it takes to get that.
08-12-2012, 05:40 PM
Here in Des Moines you want Chad Rubenking- 515.577.1805.
He did my Cobra a couple years back and several friend's cars. Great price and quality.
Agreed i'm very happy with the way mine turned out.
Sunny Z
08-12-2012, 08:18 PM
Cool. Thanks guys.
08-13-2012, 07:27 AM
chad is the best. my guess is it wont be more than $150, ia's law is 70% on the fronts anything you want on the backs. he will go darker than that obviosly and he uses llumar right now! doesnt get any better than that
I have 20% on the front roll downs in my pickup and have been to DM multiple times and have been left alone. I thought 70% was legal(stock) unless you get a note from a doctor then you can have 35%, Im not sure what it takes to get that.
the medical exemption rule was closed on july 4 of this year. luckily i was able to get one on the first. see:
Sunny Z
08-18-2012, 07:13 PM
Thats nuts about the 70% rule though. ... Whats the point?
KS is 35%, but you usually don't get dicked with unless its less than 15%. They generally only write fix-it tickets also.
Oh well. I roll 20% on everything. Truck, Car, contacts, you know lol
Sunny Z
01-19-2013, 12:39 PM
Agreed i'm very happy with the way mine turned out.
Getting the GF's car done tomorrow!
01-20-2013, 02:29 PM
Getting the GF's car done tomorrow!
Please post up your results. I need to get a few cars done.
Sunny Z
01-21-2013, 07:21 AM
It looks great! He did a good job, and the price was right as well. I plan on having my 280 done when the weather warms up a bit (and there isn't snow)
01-21-2013, 08:47 AM
I have always taken my cars to Best Window Tinting in Des Moines. He does great work and has good pricing as well.
01-22-2013, 11:14 AM
I also go to Best Window Tinting, next to West Side Auto Pros. Very happy with the results, I think it was $70 for the front two windows and was in and out in less than an hour. I think he used Solar Gard which has a warranty against fading and such.
01-22-2013, 11:37 AM
I thought 70% was legal(stock) unless you get a note from a doctor then you can have 35%, Im not sure what it takes to get that.
As of June 30th, 2012 you can no longer use the doctor's note excuse. Before that date, you would have had to take the note to your local courthouse to get the exemption. If you've already done it, you're grandfathered in until the exemption expires (which I believe is 5 years). So by 2017, no more dark(er) windows.
01-22-2013, 09:48 PM
Talked to Chad tonight.
He said you offered him a backrub as partial compensation.
Had I known that I'd of tinted it myself!
He also said the backrub was amazing.
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