View Full Version : Wear saftey glasses guys
07-05-2012, 06:34 PM
Well I was edging my driveway today with my weedeater/edger and had a chunk of string hit my eye and nick the edge of my cornea. I'll get a pic or 2 tonight when I change my patch. I have an apointment tomorrow for a follow up, so far it looks like I won't have any vision loss. I'm hoping for the good news tomorrow, wish me luck.
07-05-2012, 06:35 PM
Jeez dude, I was just doing the same. Hope it all comes out okay.
07-05-2012, 07:23 PM
Heres the pic, not the greatest but gets the point across.
07-05-2012, 07:31 PM
Bet that hurt quite a bit.
07-05-2012, 08:18 PM
Didn't hurt to bad until about 6:30, happened a little before 4, at first it was like when you touch your eye when you wipe the sleep out. At about 6:15 it started to hurt then by 6:30 it hurt to walk because of the headache.
07-05-2012, 10:22 PM
X2... I learned this lesson about two years ago. Watching a doctor "fillet" your eye on a screen to get a piece of rusted DOVE cylinder head out will change your life. LOL pretty cool thing to see though!
07-06-2012, 12:03 PM
After getting spayed in the face by a busted fuel line I now wear safety glasses for everything lol.
07-06-2012, 03:27 PM
Just got home from the doctor and everything is ok. I just need to continue using my creme for it. No vision loss.
07-06-2012, 08:09 PM
they say your eye is the fastest healing part of your body. i've had to get metal slivers ground out of my eye TWICE. i wear safety glasses now. glad to hear you're ok.
07-06-2012, 08:27 PM
My 5 year old daughter had got a piece of metal on her cornea somehow a few weeks back. She went to the doctor to have it looked at. Was told to go see an eye doctor the next day. The eye doctor couldn't get it out due to, get this, a 5 year old doesn't like to have things shoved in her eye to scrape it out. Weird, I know. So they set an appt. for 2 days after that at the hospital where they could sedate her. By then, it had been 5 days since it had gotten in her eye. Just enough time for it to rust into it. One of the absolute worst things that I've had to experience with any of my kids the last 11 years is help hold down my baby girl with 6 other nurses in the room and listen to her screams for help as some dull witted old woman is scrapping my kids eye with essentially a needle. I rarely cry, but that day had me going pretty good.
07-06-2012, 08:58 PM
Good god is your daughter okay after that? I'd struggle doing that with my son.
07-06-2012, 09:03 PM
shit, couldn't imagine enduring that with one of my kids
07-06-2012, 09:55 PM
I couldn't imagine doing that myself let alone with a kid. Glad she is ok now. It did give me pretty good scare, not sure if you can tell in the pic but I cut my eye lid and on the side of my nose and I couldn't tell where the blood was coming from plus my body must have been trying to flush my eye because that one was like a faucet.
07-06-2012, 10:02 PM
The couldn't get it all out. They said the rest of it would dissolve. They made the mistake of telling me that if it didn't, then they were going to put her under and get the rest of it out. I let them know they were sadly mistaken if they thought I would put my kid through that again. They already knew they couldn't get it in the doctors office. They should have put her out the first time and got it all done. Some doctors make me want to strangle people.
07-09-2012, 01:44 PM
Ben that sounds horrible. I can not imagine having to do that.
My wife had a co-worker who had an older basketball hoop attached to their garage. Their son was playing hoops one day and the ball hit the backboard and the fiberglass it was made out of cracked and fragments got in his eye. Same situation, the co-worker had to hold his son down along with a bunch of nurses to get the pieces out.
07-09-2012, 11:48 PM
The couldn't get it all out. They said the rest of it would dissolve. They made the mistake of telling me that if it didn't, then they were going to put her under and get the rest of it out. I let them know they were sadly mistaken if they thought I would put my kid through that again. They already knew they couldn't get it in the doctors office. They should have put her out the first time and got it all done. Some doctors make me want to strangle people.
Ben, not trying to be a smartass at all. My son has been through two corrective eye surgeries since he was 18months old. This is what the new ObamaCare health plan is going to force doctors to do if they want to keep their jobs and their money. Try what may work over what they know will work based on the penalties of not trying the "cheaper" treatment first. Going to be a joke.
07-10-2012, 07:03 AM
Ben, not trying to be a smartass at all. My son has been through two corrective eye surgeries since he was 18months old. This is what the new ObamaCare health plan is going to force doctors to do if they want to keep their jobs and their money. Try what may work over what they know will work based on the penalties of not trying the "cheaper" treatment first. Going to be a joke.
Yeah, it's going to be great. Our government telling us what coarse of treatment is best for us.
07-10-2012, 10:02 AM
Yeah, it's going to be great. Our government telling us what coarse of treatment is best for us.
Sounds like you are both are describing our current health insurance companies . you want the ceo of an insurance company to decide your care or the government, pick your poison .
07-10-2012, 01:06 PM
Actually, up until a couple weeks ago, I actually had choices. I could choose to pay for healthcare if I wanted it, or go through my employer, or not go to the doctor. Now, I won't be able to make that decision. The government seems it's necessary to do it for me even though I haven't seen a doctor for years. Other than my vasectomy ( $800 well spent) If you think this system sucks, just wait until all these policies start kicking in. Don't get me wrong, I'd like a national health care setup, but the proposed version is biased and unfair.
07-10-2012, 01:07 PM
07-10-2012, 04:13 PM
But if he doesn't get charged for the gum he will end up going to the ER and get free gum paid for by other people ??????????
07-10-2012, 04:45 PM
Says who? You're argument isn't valid. It's not guaranteed he will go to the ER first off. You're penalizing people for something that MIGHT happen. That's BS.
Second, please explain to me what the point of penalizing people. Where's the money going to go? Oh yeah, that's right. It's going to go to make more government jobs in the IRS, thus growing the government even more to keep an eye on it's people. Now, if it was going towards paying for a government health care plan, I wouldn't care, but it's not. They are charging you to exist. That's it.
Third, I find it funny how the only argument people like you have is "the taxpayers have to pay for all the uninsured" but nobody asks why they are uninsured. Maybe they should look at the problem of WHY they're not insured. Maybe they should be trying to bring the costs down to reasonable levels so people can actually afford to have health insurance. No, don't worry about any of that. Just bitch about insurance companies and their profits one minute, while condoning making me have to be a customer of theirs or face being punished for it the next. Pick your poison.
07-10-2012, 07:03 PM
Says who? You're argument isn't valid. It's not guaranteed he will go to the ER first off. You're penalizing people for something that MIGHT happen. That's BS.
Its all about statistics. Its a guarantee that uninsured people will walk into the ER every day. you also pay car insurance but you might not ever get into an accident. I'm glad car insurance is required too, less chance of a deadbeat hitting me.
The irs jobs are just a small overhead to take care off a massive group of people. Universal health care is just another non profit service like the fire department, garbage, post office, etc.
I'm no expert about obamas plan but the idea of universal healthcare makes sense. also be careful because there is billions of dollars being thrown into the debate from health insurance and pharmacitical companies that don't want universal health care. they pay lobbyists and influence half of the political decisions to protect their profits.
07-10-2012, 08:58 PM
Its all about statistics. Its a guarantee that uninsured people will walk into the ER every day. you also pay car insurance but you might not ever get into an accident. I'm glad car insurance is required too, less chance of a deadbeat hitting me.
It's NOT a guarantee that I will though, and yet I am the one being penalized. Is there a problem? Yes, but the solution that this jackass has came up with is ridiculous. As far as car insurance, apples to oranges. You don't HAVE to drive a car, but if you do, you have to have insurance. Like I said before, unless I off myself in the next year, I don't have that choice. I'm being required to buy something or face being charged for it JUST FOR EXISTING.
The irs jobs are just a small overhead to take care off a massive group of people. Universal health care is just another non profit service like the fire department, garbage, post office, etc.
Yeah, and look at how well those are run:33:
You must be drinking the kool-aid if you can tell me that adding 17,000 new IRS agents is a good thing and doesn't do anything to grow government.
I'm no expert about obamas plan but the idea of universal healthcare makes sense. also be careful because there is billions of dollars being thrown into the debate from health insurance and pharmacitical companies that don't want universal health care. they pay lobbyists and influence half of the political decisions to protect their profits.
That's the problem. You just like all the rest of the people in Congress that voted for it without reading it, like the idea, but aren't looking at how it's being implemented. I'm not opposed to the idea of a single payer, national healthcare plan either. Do you think that's what you're getting here? No. They are not offering health care. They're simply saying "go buy insurance somewhere or we're going to charge you extra taxes". They aren't providing ANYTHING but bigger government and more say in your life. You're crazy if you think it's going to affect your tax money going to pay for other people's ER visits in any significant amount.
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