View Full Version : All Mitsu Cookout -- Sunday, August 26th, 2012 -- Rogers, MN
06-11-2012, 10:08 AM
Hey everyone,
The planning for the 2012 All Mitsubishi Cookout and Car Show is underway. This year's event will be happening on Sunday, August 26th, 2012. The event runs from 11am to 4pm.
Once again we will have this huge event at the Rogers Middle School in Rogers, MN. We will have a lot of great prizes and some awesome food. This is one of the largest Mitsu events in the country. We are hoping to get over 150 Mitsus on display. You don't want to miss it!
Complete details and the sign up page can be found at
06-15-2012, 07:59 AM
Hey everyone,
Things are going good so far for the All Mitsu Cookout. To get you and your car signed up for the All Mitsu Cookout, the official sign up page is at:
We also have a Facebook event set up. If you want to get in on some of the discussions there, sign up at:
August 26th will come up fast. So start getting those car projects done now!!
06-20-2012, 09:26 AM
Hey everyone,
We've had a good number of sign ups so far. I think there is 37 people officially signed up and 71 people signed up on the Facebook event. Keep spreading the word!
I'll be up at BIR for the Proving Grounds this weekend. If you have any questions about the Cookout, just look for the All Mitsu Cookout poster:
06-26-2012, 10:30 AM
Hey everyone,
Just updated the sign up list. We've got 43 cars signed up already. Looking good!
If you need to get pumped up for this event, just surf on over and watch the video from 2010:
Also, I have the flyer created. It is at:
I'd really like us to set a new record for Mitsus there. The record is 166 cars. So make sure to tell your friends and give out some flyers where ever you can.
06-29-2012, 08:28 AM
I made another update to the sign up list. We have 49 people officially signed up so far:
We also have a Facebook event set up. There has been a lot of people signing up there. Over 100 so far. That is really encouraging. If you want to get in on the Facebook discussion, the FB event page is at:
I'm also hoping to finalize the price of the Cookout this next week. I'm hoping to keep it at $5, but right now we only have one sponsor lined up. A big thanks to White Bear Mitsubishi! If anyone would be interested in sponsoring the All Mitsu Cookout, get in contact with me.
07-03-2012, 07:38 AM
Hey everyone,
Don't forget to fill out the official sign up page at:
This is the data I use to determine categories and its the info I use when you complete your registration on the day of the show. So get signed up if you are coming. We've got 56 of ya so far.
Also, MAP is now a main sponsor as well. I've added the sponsor banners and some other updates to the main All Mitsu Cookout page at:
07-09-2012, 09:08 AM
Hey everyone,
Things are coming along great for the All Mitsu Cookout. We have 63 people officially signed up. We have 120 people on the Facebook event.
Since we have both MAP and White Bear Mitsubishi as main sponsors, we will be able to keep the price of the Cookout at $5. So for $5, you can get yourself, and car, into the show and all you can eat. Each additional guest who wants to eat will be $5. We'll have plenty of burgers, brauts, chips, cookies, veggies, pop, and water for ya.
I've been to several car events in the last month. I've handed out a lot of flyers and talked to people about the All Mitsu Cookout. And even though I have the Cookout info on 40+ message boards, I still find Mitsu owners who have never heard of the All Mitsu Cookout. So keep telling all your friends, who own Mitsus, about the Cookout. It can really make a difference. If you want to print off some flyers to hand out, the link is at:
07-13-2012, 08:49 AM
Happy Friday the 13th everyone! The only thing scary that I can think of is how SCARY of a good time the All Mitsu Cookout is going to be this year. :-)
We now have a third main sponsor for the Cookout. Midwest Turbo Connection is now on board! Links to all the sponsors can be found on the All Mitsu Cookout webpage.
We are up to 79 people officially signed up. See the current list at:
So keep getting those car projects done. We only have six weeks left!
07-17-2012, 07:11 AM
We've had some great momentum for the Cookout this year! Looks like we have 86 people signed up now. Keep up the great work.
Don't forget to visit our sponsor websites. They help keep the All Mitsu Cookout dirt cheap!
White Bear Mitsubishi:
Midwest Turbo Connection:
07-24-2012, 10:27 AM
Hey everyone,
Don't forget to get "officially" signed up for the All Mitsu Cookout. Just fill out this form:
The sign up list is what I go off of to make important decisions like categories and how much food to buy. I'll be finalizing the trophy categories in the next two weeks. So get signed up. I've got the list current, with 96 sign ups:
We also have a Facebook event created. There are some good discussions on there too. The Facebook event is at:
07-30-2012, 08:15 AM
We've had a great group of sign ups in the last week. We are at 112 sign ups now. The current list is at:
Now would be a good time to look at the list. If your Mitsu friends aren't on it, start bugging them. Send them an email, text, facebook invite, or pick up the phone. They need a virtual slap in the face. :-)
I'll probably finalize the car show categories in another week or two. And you now have less than four weeks to get those car projects done!
08-02-2012, 10:38 AM
We are up to 125 cars signed up now. Wow! Here is the breakdown of those who have signed up:
3G Eclipse..12
4G Eclipse..10
And about 15 other cars. Looking good!
08-02-2012, 12:52 PM
more evo's then dsm nowadays!
08-02-2012, 12:59 PM
more evo's then dsm nowadays!
DSMs are getting old. More of them in the junkyard then on the road still. EVOs are looking to have a record turnout this year.
08-02-2012, 01:02 PM
wish i could come up but with classes the day after it'd be a struggle to make it being a 6 hour drive
08-03-2012, 07:35 AM
wish i could come up but with classes the day after it'd be a struggle to make it being a 6 hour drive
Is that a six hour drive, one way? That would be a little tough. You could come up during the day on Saturday, spend the night, then go home after the show on Sunday. If you get your school stuff all squared away before the trip, it wouldn't be too bad.
08-06-2012, 07:22 AM
Hey everyone,
Less than three weeks away from the All Mitsu Cookout now. Time to start thinking about your car sign. To save time at the Cookout, you can download and fill out your car sign before the show. Just fill out everything except the car number. You'll get that at the show. Its hard to remember your mod list when you are sitting at the registration table. So do it early. Here is a link to a blank car sign:
Here is an example sign to look at:
We are up to 134 sign ups. Keep them coming!
08-13-2012, 11:02 AM
Hey everyone,
We are up to 148 sign-ups. I've got the updated list at:
Here is the breakdown of the cars signed up so far:
1g 3/S...... 11
2g 3/S...... 19
1g DSM...... 11
2g DSM...... 26
EVO 8/9..... 20
EVO X....... 11
3G Eclipse.. 12
4G Eclipse.. 11
StarQuest... 10
and 17 others.
If you are planning on coming, please get yourself signed up. It really helps with the behind the scenes work that is being done right now. The sign up page is at:
Less than two weeks away!!!!
08-13-2012, 12:52 PM
dsm's have risen to take the lead !
08-13-2012, 12:59 PM
dsm's have risen to take the lead !
Yes they have. But they also have a higher percentage of people who sign up and don't show up. So we'll see.
08-16-2012, 07:12 AM
Only 10 more days until the Cookout. We are up to 165 signups:
It is not too late to get signed up and come join us for an afternoon of Mitsu fun. The All Mitsu Cookout is coming up on Sunday, the 26th. We'll have some great prizes, plenty of food, and some fun stuff like the Mitsu trivia contest, and the slow drags.
Here are some reminders:
1) Sign-up online. The page is at:
2) Fill out your car sign ahead of time. It saves a lot of time in the registration line. Download the sign at:
And my example sign can be found here:
3) Bring some lawn chairs for hanging out and bring your appetite! We'll have plenty of food.
Also, if you are just coming to spectate, there is a separate spectator lot on the back side of the school. So don't turn at the stop light at the school. Go past that and take your next right and go behind the school. The lot behind the school is for spectators. The front lot is for participants. Here is a map of the school:
We will also be doing the slow drags again. It’s going for about 50 feet as slow as possible, without stopping. We'll have a trophy for the winner. It is a lot of fun.
See ya soon,
08-20-2012, 09:21 AM
The All Mitsu Cookout is almost here. Its this Sunday from 11am to 4pm. We are up to 178 sign ups now. That is fantastic! We may get the school parking lot kind of full, so make a special effort to park in between the lines. We may need every spot in the lot.
Of course you can still sign up. The sign up page is at:
We will have a lot of prizes to give away too. We'll be randomly giving prizes away as you register at the registration tent. A big thanks to our sponsors for bringing a lot of prizes. Make sure to visit their webpages:
Modern Automotive Performance:
Midwest Turbo Connection:
White Bear Mitsubishi:
On top of the sponsor prizes, Advance Auto Parts and Corporate Mitsubishi donated prizes!
So between all the food, great prizes, great cars, the Mitsu trivia contest, and the slow drags, it will be a fun afternoon!
See ya soon,
08-22-2012, 07:58 AM
Hey everyone,
Only four more days! The sign ups have surged to 190. The current list is at:
The parking lot at the school only has 230 parking spots, so we are going to need to be careful when parking. Don't take up two spots, and try to get yourself centered into your parking spot. If everyone does there part, we should be okay.
I never thought I'd see the day that we'd be in trouble with filling up the middle school parking lot. Its a great problem to have!
08-31-2012, 07:05 AM
I have the trophy winners and my pictures up. Its at:
All Mitsu Cookout Pics (
One other FYI. I validated the car counts again. We actually had 176 registered Mitsus and about 190 Mitsus overall.
Also, I have a new Facebook group created called Upper Midwest Mitsubishi Owners. Join it if you want future All Mitsu Cookout info or info on other Mitsu related events in the area:
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