View Full Version : Stabbing in Mason City lastnight..
04-14-2012, 11:16 AM
The kid that did the stabbing is a member on this forum.. Known as Gingersnaps..
04-14-2012, 11:47 AM
I think his name on here is Jameson or something. Clank Clank bitches?
04-14-2012, 12:48 PM
Holy crap! He was the jetta guy, right?
04-14-2012, 12:50 PM
yea he was the jetta guy that raced kitch's camaro last year
04-14-2012, 12:51 PM
thats too bad. did he have a temper or what ? happened at 3am, i'm guessing drunken fight
04-14-2012, 01:31 PM
The story I heard is he was beating up his girlfriend. The Ian guy stepped in and Ginger stabbed him.
Thats just whats been going around at least...
04-14-2012, 02:32 PM
Oh wtf James, I hope it played out diff than what is being reported. Hang in there guy.
04-14-2012, 05:09 PM
Proof that ginger's have no souls....
04-14-2012, 05:43 PM
Thats crazy, my buddy just moved into those apartments
04-14-2012, 07:12 PM
I honestly can't see James doing this, sucks all around :(
04-14-2012, 09:23 PM
same here. he really wasnt a violent kid at all...
04-15-2012, 10:55 PM
Please don't take this post as defending or accusing anyone involved. I feel that in times like this, it is best to stay nuetral.
I feel that it would be best if the mods would close this thread and discontinue any future conversations on the subject until the trial is complete. There are more than a few of us that are considerably close to the folks involved and it is disrespectful to discuss any rumors during this difficult time. None of us have all of the facts and we probably never will (regardless of what is shared in the trial).
This situation is a tradgedy for all parties involved, as well as their friends and their families. All individuals that are affected by this horrific chain of events will remain in my prayers.
Thank you,
-Dan Lensch
04-15-2012, 11:40 PM
I don't see anyone being disrespectful at all. I understand the accused has friends on here, but I don't see how censoring the conversation is going to help anything. If anything this should be a lesson for people to be aware of whats going on around you and how you handle yourself. I'm not going to speculate on here about what may have happened or who did what. All I know is one kid is dead and another is charged with first degree murder. No amount of locking threads or deleting topics is going to change that.
04-16-2012, 01:10 AM
I agree with lenny on most points. sometimes bad things happen to good people. I won't pass judgement. seems like he has a lot of people that say he was a good guy
04-16-2012, 07:36 AM
I'm sure there is a lot more story here than we know as well.
04-16-2012, 10:13 AM
I'm just saying that no ones opinions are going to help this situation. However, if some people's opinions are taken as fact, they could be used in a court of law. I would consider the site ownever wreckless if they choose to allow that to happen
04-16-2012, 10:52 AM
there are comments on news websites, facebook, this site and probably others . I'm not going to censor the site.
04-16-2012, 11:05 AM
This goes back the whole SOPA/PIPA thing; how can you hold the owner responsible for content submitted by users? That's a little ridiculous; if that was the case it would be in his best interest to simply shut down the entire site or have every post go to mods for approval and censoring before being published.
There have been no disparaging comments thus far; what exactly needs to be removed? No one has claimed to be any sort of expert or witness of anything pertaining to the situation so I'm confused.
04-16-2012, 11:30 AM
I'm just saying that no ones opinions are going to help this situation. However, if some people's opinions are taken as fact, they could be used in a court of law. I would consider the site ownever wreckless if they choose to allow that to happen
Opinions can't be used as fact in a court of law without corroborating evidence. Asking to censor this thread would be useless Dan.
04-16-2012, 12:02 PM
Opinions can't be used as fact in a court of law without corroborating evidence. Asking to censor this thread would be useless Dan.
This trial will most likely be heard in front of a Jury. Even though opinionated evidence will be stricken from the record, you know as well as I do that opinions absolutely sway a jury. Lets not kid ourselves.
The correct thing to do would be to close this thread down. It has been requested by Farnsworth family that the FB stuff comes to a hault and everyone took everything down (including North Iowa Mugshots). Out of respect for the families involved, I think the correct thing to do would be to completely delete this thread.
04-16-2012, 12:06 PM
This goes back the whole SOPA/PIPA thing; how can you hold the owner responsible for content submitted by users? That's a little ridiculous; if that was the case it would be in his best interest to simply shut down the entire site or have every post go to mods for approval and censoring before being published.
There have been no disparaging comments thus far; what exactly needs to be removed? No one has claimed to be any sort of expert or witness of anything pertaining to the situation so I'm confused.
I never said it would be illegal. I just said it would be "wreckless". No need to get all liberal on me.
You have been around for awhile and you know how the internet works. You know as well as I do that this will turn into a big long god damn debate. We don't need that. The intelligent thing to do would be to shut down the conversation/thread while it's still controllable
Doesn't anyone in this world have any common sense, respect, or a grasp on ethics without taking it to extremes? Jesus....
04-16-2012, 03:00 PM
there are comments on news websites, facebook, this site and probably others . I'm not going to censor the site.
This. I'm glad someone has the balls to say that. We live in a wannabe utopia with feel-good people everywhere. Someone's opinion on a website is just that, opinion. The site owner cannot be held liable for the opinions of those on the site. If what someone says is part of a crime all the courts can do is subpoena the owner to give up that poster's personal info, they don't go after the owner themselves. To opine that website owners are liable in court for someone else' first amendment rights is borderline absurd. I post stuff all the time that is not in line with my real personality or my real beliefs and I could not be held liable for such; Have you been on the internet lately? People say all sorts of screwed up stuff that leads to nothing. Not to mention the judge and jury aren't getting their information from iowaautoforums, so I'm pretty sure the opinions of it's users are of no importance to the case whatsoever.
04-16-2012, 04:46 PM
He's just asking it be removed out of respect for the familys and everyone flips shit.
Oh, but my rights...
Get over it.
04-16-2012, 04:53 PM
He's just asking it be removed out of respect for the familys and everyone flips shit.
Oh, but my rights...
Get over it.
Don't like it? Don't read it. Pretty simple.
IMO this thread was on its way to fading into the background and everyone was past it until Lenny wanted it shut down.
Speaking of how the internet works, is anyone familiar with "The Streisand Effect"? Because this is a great example.
04-16-2012, 08:05 PM
Don't like it? Don't read it. Pretty simple.
IMO this thread was on its way to fading into the background and everyone was past it until Lenny wanted it shut down.
Speaking of how the internet works, is anyone familiar with "The Streisand Effect"? Because this is a great example.
That's exactly what I was thinking during my last post. This thread would've faded into obscurity rather quickly, but crying about it just kept it going.
04-17-2012, 08:49 AM
I wasn't oppose to it being here. More irritated by how everyone reacted to his request.
Nobody is making mention of it regardless so it doesn't hurt anyway.
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