View Full Version : Zimmerman Charged..
04-11-2012, 05:32 PM
Charged with 2nd degree murder WHAT THE FUCK...
04-11-2012, 06:11 PM
Yeah, it's bullshit. Just you typical left wing media influencing our justice system in the name of racism.
04-11-2012, 06:50 PM
hes a nut job, his legal team left him , throw away the key
04-11-2012, 07:09 PM
911 call.
Pursued after being advised
Someone dies.
He should be tried. There is nothing racist about it.
04-11-2012, 07:15 PM
I don't think we are getting all of the facts from either side on this case...which has lead to the mouth-breathing media to make up their minds about convicting him instead of staying objective about the situation.
I do find it funny that all of the Martin pictures are from 3-4 years ago, not hiding anything there, nope.
04-11-2012, 08:32 PM
Well theres picture of the kid online throwing up gang signs and shit... And from what the witness say the black came at him first breaking his nose then smashing his head onto the ground..
04-11-2012, 08:46 PM
911 call.
Pursued after being advised
Someone dies.
He should be tried. There is nothing racist about it.
You're forgetting the he was on his way back to his car and was attacked part.
04-11-2012, 09:43 PM
You're forgetting the he was on his way back to his car and was attacked part.
You only get one side of the story. We do know from two people Zimmerman was stalking the guy and then the dude gets shot. Anyone want to take a roadtrip to florida with me? I swear I will yell,,, "It's coming right for us!" Before I shoot...
My do people try to turn this into a guns right issue? I got in a shouting match with my boss because he thought zimmerman had every right to shoot. I said ok let me pick a fight with you and shoot you in the chest. That's fair right?
Domestic Disturbance
04-11-2012, 09:54 PM
I hate how it has such a weighted underlying meaning for either side. Either a gun rights issue or a racial issue. Neither or which I care about. The main reason this thing grew to be as big as it is is because the DA called off the investigation. Let the justice system take care of it, unless we are going to start calling shinnanegans on judges too.
04-11-2012, 10:25 PM
one thing that never fails to piss me off is "racism". A white guy does ANYTHING to a non-white and it is automatically a "hate crime". It's just bullshit, i say nigger when it fits, i make racist jokes, i have some nazi shit.
I do not consider myself racist, god forbid i ever do something to a non-white guy.... Only "hate crime" i would ever commit would be against POS white people selling meth to kids and robbing old people and shit like that.
Media is a big problem, even bigger one is all the retards living here that swallow the medias load like a tuesday night stripper in the VIP.
04-12-2012, 08:49 AM
That got descriptive. ...Where were you Tuesday Kieth?
04-12-2012, 08:58 AM
Media is the problem, and everyone who reads articals on yahoo news and assumes its all fact and unbiased.
Im not saying who is guilty or at fault. Im saying there should be a trial. If facts come to light and he's innocent then great.
He isn't even white.
04-12-2012, 09:44 AM
Media is the problem, and everyone who reads articals on yahoo news and assumes its all fact and unbiased.
Im not saying who is guilty or at fault. Im saying there should be a trial. If facts come to light and he's innocent then great.
This. One of the news networks initially released a 911 tape that was "accidentally" edited; when the operator asks about the suspect they edited it out most of the questions leading up to George saying "he looks black." Nevermind operator asked what he thought the race of the guy was. That doesn't happen by accident.
Sad part is he's already been convicted in the court of public opinion so it's doubtful he'll receive a fair trial one way or the other. 2nd degree seems pretty steep, maybe they are fishing for a plea and maybe they are trying to save face ?
04-12-2012, 10:14 AM
That got descriptive. ...Where were you Tuesday Keith?
uhm... I am going to say church. ;-)
04-12-2012, 12:17 PM
If I am understanding this case, 2nd degree murder will be thrown out. I looked at the situation at hand and tried hard to look at it from both mens perspectives. Zimmerman being the head of the neighborhood watch in the area was concerned about someone unfamiliar in the area and decided to call 911 to report it. Zimmerman decided to follow Trayvon due to arousal of suspicion which is perfectly legal even though he was given loose advice that he didn't have to (follow) by the dispatch (still nothing wrong, he wasn't disobeying lawful orders). This is where the story gets shaky and will count in court via eyewitnesses, Zimmerman was supposedly heading back to his house/vehicle is when Trayvon jumped and attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman was put on his back trying to fight to get Trayvon off of him. Police said Zimmerman had grass on his back when they had arrived there on scene. Which if all holds true, makes sense.
Now putting myself in Trayvon's shoes. Reason for attacking Zimmerman? I couldn't tell you, if someone was following me, my first reaction would be to get the fuck out of dodge just for the simple fact, I don't know that person and what they are capable of. If they confronted me and asked me what was I doing walking through the neighborhood, tell the truth and move on with your night.
I can tell you being in Zimmermans position and living in the neighborhood I have for the longest time. This dead end street is pretty much surrounded by apartments and lately, shit is slowly starting to get worse now that the black population has greatly increased 10 fold over here. Seems like the south side of Chicago is moving in. There was a situation where these younger black kids(ages 8-12)came over from the apartments behind our house snooping through cars and actually stole one of my younger brothers friends IPod directly out of his car. The kids were chased and followed back to the apartments and when the guy checked his car, he realized that they did steal something, called the cops, went back over and confronted them and got it back. The fucked up part of it, it wasn't your typical southside african american, they were foreign and didn't speak english worth a shit. Then a different set of kids, 1 black 1 white, around the ages of 12 were strolling up and down our street(witnessed from the neighbors daughter), came on to our yard and had stolen a little scooter. A few months went by and noticed a little black girl behind our house by the apartments strolling up and down on our scooter and we quickly got it back. I had my firebird window smashed out (never found out who did it but if I had to guess...). Also had my stereo stolen along with a helmet out of my firebird when the locks were broken(just weren't working at the time) by some alleged white trash loser who lived in Marion (still regret not confronting that guy or smashing the shit out of his broke ass truck).
But when it boils down to it, I do understand Zimmerman being cautious of people in his neighbor hood who are especially out of place. Trayvon Martins however, if everyone knew detail for detail what happened between when Zimmerman got off the phone and the scuffle/fight. There probably wouldn't be this entire mess...oh and just like Chase said as well, mainstream media distortion blowing this whole thing out of the water with race from the beginning...even though Zimmerman more than likely muttered "fucking coons" under his breath in his phone call to police. All in all, if Zimmerman attacked Trayvon first which seems unlikely, then the charges should stick, but I don't seem them sticking.
04-12-2012, 01:18 PM
The only thing I needed to know about this story from the beginning was the players; When the story first broke, they said a 17 year old and showed a pic of a 12 year old, I knew where the whole thing was heading. After that, I said, "here comes the propaganda" and didn't pay another minute of attention to any of it.
05-16-2012, 11:29 AM
bump, what do you guys think about the new records released. zimmerman had two black eyes, broken nose and a couple cuts on the back of his head . the case has sure quieted down a bit now
05-16-2012, 11:37 AM
i think its quieting down because of trayvons gangsta status getting out into the public
05-16-2012, 12:27 PM
So Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess this report was written by an "african-american."
Lets read some quotes (I'll bold the key parts, try reading it without the bold):
"The defendant was arrested and charged almost two months after he fatally fired a hollow point bullet through the chest of the teenager."
"...Zimmerman maintains that he killed the unarmed teen in self-defense on the night of Feb. 26 as he walked through the gated community where he was staying with his father.."
"...Trayvon was reportedly carrying only a bag of Skittles and a small can of iced tea."
"The 911 dispatcher had ordered him not to follow Trayvon" is that even true?
"Zimmerman's side of the story was he was returning to his car when the teen attacked him. Conflicting stories have since circulated, with videos of the defendant's head at first appearing to be free of injuries, then showing what looked like blood in an enhanced shot later on."
"He never told the dispatcher what was suspicious about him."
"Florida's Stand Your Ground law was used to set Zimmerman free after police took him into custody the night of the killing."
Could someone report an unbiased report? Heck no, that would be to boring and straight forward.
05-16-2012, 01:24 PM
So Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess this report was written by an "african-american."
Lets read some quotes (I'll bold the key parts, try reading it without the bold):
"The defendant was arrested and charged almost two months after he fatally fired a hollow point bullet through the chest of the teenager."
"...Zimmerman maintains that he killed the unarmed teen in self-defense on the night of Feb. 26 as he walked through the gated community where he was staying with his father.."
"...Trayvon was reportedly carrying only a bag of Skittles and a small can of iced tea."
"The 911 dispatcher had ordered him not to follow Trayvon" is that even true?
"Zimmerman's side of the story was he was returning to his car when the teen attacked him. Conflicting stories have since circulated, with videos of the defendant's head at first appearing to be free of injuries, then showing what looked like blood in an enhanced shot later on."
"He never told the dispatcher what was suspicious about him."
"Florida's Stand Your Ground law was used to set Zimmerman free after police took him into custody the night of the killing."
Could someone report an unbiased report? Heck no, that would be to boring and straight forward.
I love how the media is still at it; the coroner's report came out as well as the medical report. Medical says Zim had a broken nose, multiple bruises, lacerations, black eyes, etc. Guess what....coroner's report says, other than the gunshot wound, Trayvon only had bruising and cuts......ON HIS KNUCKLES. The media has swept that under the rug. At this point, my verdict is in.
05-16-2012, 05:14 PM
05-16-2012, 05:27 PM
I love how the media is still at it; the coroner's report came out as well as the medical report. Medical says Zim had a broken nose, multiple bruises, lacerations, black eyes, etc. Guess what....coroner's report says, other than the gunshot wound, Trayvon only had bruising and cuts......ON HIS KNUCKLES. The media has swept that under the rug. At this point, my verdict is in.
05-16-2012, 08:31 PM
05-16-2012, 08:39 PM
the greatest part to me is all the people who were loudmouth outspoken activists on FB crying on Trayvon's behalf shutting up about the whole thing. i haven't changed my mind about it since the beginning; i think it's a tragedy the kid was killed; i don't think he deserved to die. but if you attack someone you don't know in a state that has the Stand Your Ground Law; you get what you get.
05-17-2012, 12:00 AM
05-17-2012, 12:02 AM
the greatest part to me is all the people who were loudmouth outspoken activists on FB crying on Trayvon's behalf shutting up about the whole thing. i haven't changed my mind about it since the beginning; i think it's a tragedy the kid was killed; i don't think he deserved to die. but if you attack someone you don't know in a state that has the Stand Your Ground Law; you get what you get.
I couldn't have said it better. I think it's terrible someone lost their life; but, like you say, you attack someone for ANY reason, you have the chance of being killed. Just like if I attack a 90 year old lady for her pocketbook, she may have a gun. I wouldn't expect anyone to feel sorry for me. I wouldn't ask anyone to apologize for me. What gets me is this always becomes a race thing, and it's always an uphill battle if it's a white on black crime. I simply don't get it; In this case, the shooter isn't even white, but the media says he is. Then, they make up facts, edit recordings, lie on the news. To me, that's exactly the same thing as lying under oath; The media has a duty to report responsibly and admit when it is wrong. If not, honestly, I believe media outlets should be charged with a crime, or forced to renounce their stories live on the air. I don't think they should be able to get away with lies that actually do persuade potential jurors. Leave the lies to the printed tabloids or shows that identify themselves as such. It is irresponsible and wrong on all fronts for our mainstream media to twist the truth for ratings. It's despicable. They needed to show Trayvon at his present age, his facebook pics, his myspace pics, his online persona, all from the beginning. This whole thing is a giant disgusting mess that just needs to go away. Drop the charges against the guy and move on. He'll have to live with his decision, and in my opinion, that decision will probably weigh on his mind longer and harder than any prison sentence could have. There is no one in the world that ponders "would have could have should have" than Zimmerman, I can guarantee that.
05-17-2012, 07:35 PM
Top story when I got onto AOL...
"Bombshell Discovery In Trayvon Case"... blood work came back positive for THC. Are you fucking serious? I dont think a single person on the face of this planet would be "surprised" in any way that a black teen had THC in his system...
05-17-2012, 08:46 PM
Top story when I got onto AOL...
"Bombshell Discovery In Trayvon Case"... blood work came back positive for THC. Are you fucking serious? I dont think a single person on the face of this planet would be "surprised" in any way that a black teen had THC in his system...
LMAO True that ..
05-17-2012, 09:43 PM
big deal, some weed in his system, not even worth mentioning
05-17-2012, 10:23 PM
big deal, some weed in his system, not even worth mentioning
This nice young man had THC in his system? Noooo way.
05-22-2012, 12:56 PM
big deal, some weed in his system, not even worth mentioning
LOL, Ryans high Errday, he's not out getting shot!
That video was nicely done.
06-13-2012, 12:21 AM
the case swings back in favor of trevon now, with the zimmermans looking like a bunch of liars. His wife was arrested for perjury claiming they had no money for bail when they had 200k from donations come in. she looks like white trash
06-13-2012, 07:07 AM
the case swings back in favor of trevon now, with the zimmermans looking like a bunch of liars. His wife was arrested for perjury claiming they had no money for bail when they had 200k from donations come in. she looks like white trash
I don't see any merit in this arrest and it is merely a formality. The donations set up by the website were 'blind' in nature, not allowing them to know the exact amount. At the time of the initial bail hearing, they had to give an estimate, which was like shooting in the dark.
*Regardless of Zimmerman's monetary situation, the fact remains his story lines up with witnesses and his wounds VS Treyvon's only wound being self-inflicted through his own violence.
06-13-2012, 11:13 AM
Whether or not they are the biggest liars and thieves in the world really has no bearing at all in the initial shooting.
06-13-2012, 11:36 AM
It was a paypal account they had access to , just straight out lied about it
it has a bearing on their credibility, both on the initial police reports and lying will leave an impression on the judge. shady people do shady things
06-13-2012, 12:04 PM
It was a paypal account they had access to , just straight out lied about it
it has a bearing on their credibility, both on the initial police reports and lying will leave an impression on the judge. shady people do shady things
There is a difference between control/access now and control/access at the time of the hearing, which George could not have had being IN JAIL and it was stated on the website it was to be governed by the Attorney. Its political pressure on this judge that lead to this decision.
Also, if you read between the lines, knowing bails are set based on the crime and adjusted for income: If it was really that serious and not just blown up by the media that she got arrested, why is her bail set at only $1,000? It obviously was a formality to shut people up. :)
06-13-2012, 01:55 PM
There is a difference between control/access now and control/access at the time of the hearing, which George could not have had being IN JAIL and it was stated on the website it was to be governed by the Attorney. Its political pressure on this judge that lead to this decision.
Also, if you read between the lines, knowing bails are set based on the crime and adjusted for income: If it was really that serious and not just blown up by the media that she got arrested, why is her bail set at only $1,000? It obviously was a formality to shut people up. :)
Did you read the article I linked to? You know for a fact that George couldn't have had access to the account in Jail ?? You know his wife couldn't have told him how much money they had in the account over the phone?? You know for a fact they can't log into their paypal account because it is "governed" by the attorney. Governed by the attorney could mean he just overlooks it. Do a search about their phone conversations about money while he was in prison.
06-13-2012, 03:15 PM
I agree and disagree. I've had this argument with a couple of people. In your daily life if you are shady, you probably do shady things. However, as for the shooting, it doesn't matter what kind of person you are. You could be a Grand Dragon of the KKK, but when someone is attacking you you aren't thinking about how shady or racist you are, you just pull a trigger out of fear, and fear only. His "shady-ness" may have had a part in why he followed the kid, but I sincerely doubt it had anything to do with the trigger pull.
06-13-2012, 03:26 PM
There is a difference between control/access now and control/access at the time of the hearing, which George could not have had being IN JAIL and it was stated on the website it was to be governed by the Attorney. Its political pressure on this judge that lead to this decision.
Also, if you read between the lines, knowing bails are set based on the crime and adjusted for income: If it was really that serious and not just blown up by the media that she got arrested, why is her bail set at only $1,000? It obviously was a formality to shut people up. :)
This. At this point, this is a media 3 ring circus. The PD already knew that, according to the law, this guy will be found not guilty. That's why they never pressed charges. They only did so due to the massive media outrage in my opinion. He wasn't any more "guilty" (and I use " " disregarding media opinion) when the charges were pressed than he was the day of the death. I think the same goes for the wife; if it were anyone else they probably would've been fined and never arrested. But because the media now apparently runs our judicial system and has a crystal ball and can re-live every altercation, we MUST arrest him and her until the media can get a guilty verdict.
Aside from that, before this incident, they were just a couple of John/Jane Doe's. If I myself were in their position, I too would not know how to report money raised for my defense. Since I would (in my own thinking) just assume that the money will be used for legal council, then turn over it's overwatch to said lawyer, I would also not think that it was my money (I hadn't earned it) and would probably also not report it. Yet the media is trying to crucify them once again for trying to hide it. (How do you hide hundreds of thousands of dollars in a nationally relevant, constantly scrutinized and reported media shark-fest story?) You just don't, and I don't believe at all that that is what they were trying to do. However, some of you probably know more about the goings-on than I do; I quit listening to anything related to the whole fiasco the moment I learned of all the skewed and distorted media bias in defense of the "young child prodigy."
06-13-2012, 03:27 PM
imo, a shady person would be more likely to make a false police report or lie in court. a jury is less likely to believe a story when they know the person has lied about other things. so if we know the zimmerman's will are not afraid to lie to the judge about finances.... do you think they would hesitate to lie to a police officer and say that trevon attacked him when he was walking back to his car when he might have instead been pursuing trevon?
06-13-2012, 03:35 PM
also the whole deal about them not knowing or remembering they had two passports is fishy. i think they the two are just not very bright. the whole deal with their original lawyers leaving them is strange too.
06-13-2012, 03:37 PM
I did read those, I’ve read plenty. I see nothing wrong with telling your wife to pay off the bills, I’d do the same. That piece of ‘evidence alone does not support he knew how much money he had. Heck, you can pay down a credit card with $10….
This is nothing more than a classic case of Political Theater. The Judiciary should be ashamed of the actions they took by even charging this guy, multiple law professors have intense criticism on the order. Florida State Law provides you are able to ‘stand your ground’; that’s it! Doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, its written LAW. You have a legitimate reason that can be backed up, you shall not be charged. Unfortunately, political pressure has forced itself upon the courts, disrupting our usual legal process.
To pay Devil’s Advocate, let’s assume this story is true and they both knew about the money and were in control of the funds. Completely different subject matter; de-moralizing actions outside the scope of the root case has nothing to do with the verdict and the known ‘stand your ground’ law. The Parole Evidence of this case supports a ‘not guilty’ verdict upon Zimmerman, without a shadow of a doubt. His story of that day is consistent, he was beat up, and the kid only had wounds from beating the crap out of somebody. Simple.
also the whole deal about them not knowing or remembering they had two passports is fishy
Which he turned in immediately upon discovery.
06-13-2012, 04:47 PM
I did read those, I’ve read plenty. I see nothing wrong with telling your wife to pay off the bills, I’d do the same. That piece of ‘evidence alone does not support he knew how much money he had. Heck, you can pay down a credit card with $10….
She was playing with a lot more than $10. I think your being blinded by her beauty
Records show that in the days before the bond hearing, Shellie Zimmerman transferred $74,000 in eight smaller amounts ranging from $7,500 to $9,990, from her husband’s credit union account to hers, according to an arrest affidavit. It also shows that $47,000 was transferred from George Zimmerman’s account to his sister’s in the days before the bond hearing.
Four days after he was released on bond, Shellie Zimmerman transferred more than $85,500 from her account into her husband’s account, the affidavit said. The affidavit also said jail call records show that George Zimmerman instructed her to “pay off all the bills,” including an American Express and Sam’s Club card.
06-13-2012, 05:15 PM
She was playing with a lot more than $10. I think your being blinded by her beauty
I think you didn't pick up on the sarcastic example.
*There are FDIC limits to daily transfers, some amounts carry a tax burdon. I still think this is being looked into way too much and a coincidence. Conspiracy theroists, go wild!
06-15-2012, 09:51 AM
It was a paypal account they had access to , just straight out lied about it
it has a bearing on their credibility, both on the initial police reports and lying will leave an impression on the judge. shady people do shady things
Are you trying to tell me that you wouldn't lie either? The guy is in jail on some bogus BS. I'd lie too.
06-15-2012, 10:37 AM
you can lie about your funds when your annoying uncle asks if you have any extra money to borrow. but no... you don't lie to the court when your on trial for murder and all your actions are being watched, your phone calls are being recorded and now we know his accounts are being watched.
sounds like some of you have made up your mind on if he is guilty or not and won't change your mind regardless. i'll still wait to hear what further evidence comes out. I was starting to believe zimmerman when the evidence came out of his broken nose and cut head. but then passport and money issue lost him some points
06-15-2012, 10:41 AM
Doesn't matter. He is innocent until proven guilty. At this point, the only opinion ANYONE should have is that he is not guilty. The evidence nor the trial to say otherwise has not been presented. End of Story.
06-15-2012, 11:28 AM
Doesn't matter. He is innocent until proven guilty. At this point, the only opinion ANYONE should have is that he is not guilty. The evidence nor the trial to say otherwise has not been presented. End of Story.
This x103489082895billion
Doesn't matter. He is innocent until proven guilty. At this point, the only opinion ANYONE should have is that he is not guilty. The evidence nor the trial to say otherwise has not been presented. End of Story.
it's impossible notto formulate an opinion after something like this attracts media attention (oj simpson, etc); but regardless, he deserves his day in a fair court.
in the meantime antics like the stunt with the finances do him no favors though...
06-15-2012, 12:17 PM
Does it make him look bad...yes. Does it change the events that happened that End of discussion.
06-15-2012, 04:19 PM
Does it make him look bad...yes. Does it change the events that happened that End of discussion.
06-15-2012, 09:44 PM
Does it make him look bad...yes. Does it change the events that happened that End of discussion.
the problem is we don't know for sure what happened that night. but since there is limited evidence now we have to listen to his side of the story and decide if he is lying again or if he is telling the truth. that is why damaging his credibility wasn't a smart move
06-15-2012, 09:55 PM
That's where forensics comes into play. Hard to lie about those things.
06-18-2012, 07:48 AM
the problem is we don't know for sure what happened that night. but since there is limited evidence now we have to listen to his side of the story and decide if he is lying again or if he is telling the truth. that is why damaging his credibility wasn't a smart move
I feel like I keep beating a dead horse here, but I'll keep saying it until you understand. Parol Evidence is trump. This event/seperate trial means nothing.
06-18-2012, 09:41 AM
there may not be enough evidence in either direction. they may let him go just because they cannot prove he is guilty. still doesn't mean he isn't a douche bag
06-18-2012, 09:54 AM
I find it funny that nobody takes into account that the Sanford Police didn't arrest him to begin with, and it took higher authorities pressured by the media attention to finally charge him with something. That to me, tells me that the evidence isn't there showing anything related to anything other than what his story was to begin with.
06-18-2012, 10:03 AM
still doesn't mean he isn't a douche bag
Ya, I guess those articles prove he's a huge douchebag.
06-18-2012, 10:39 AM
I find it funny that nobody takes into account that the Sanford Police didn't arrest him to begin with, and it took higher authorities pressured by the media attention to finally charge him with something. That to me, tells me that the evidence isn't there showing anything related to anything other than what his story was to begin with.
I've been saying this since the beginning. But, just like in the minds of some he's not guilty, others already think he is.
06-18-2012, 11:07 AM
I find it funny that nobody takes into account that the Sanford Police didn't arrest him to begin with, and it took higher authorities pressured by the media attention to finally charge him with something. That to me, tells me that the evidence isn't there showing anything related to anything other than what his story was to begin with.
what do you mean? arrests happen later all the time. you see cases all the time where the boyfriend or husband gets hauled into jail weeks or month later after evidence and interviews are taken and enough is gathered to file charges.
Ya, I guess those articles prove he's a huge douchebag.
That first link may show why he got himself into this situation. part of his problem was he was always trying to be the neighborhood hero and wannabe cop.
here is a later clip from the same lawyer you linked to,
06-18-2012, 11:43 AM
What's wrong, exactly, with taking it upon yourself to police your own neighborhood, and be vigilant about keeping the trash out? It is not the police departments job to keep your neighborhood under a watchful eye. The more people that take it upon themselves to watch what is going on and keep the criminal element away are what will deter crimes from happening. There is absolutely nothing wrong (in my opinion) with asking someone what they are doing in your neighborhood, or even telling them to get lost. If I see someone I don't know at a neighbor's, I ask who they are. If you give some slob's answer, or get confrontational, you're obviously hiding something. I guess I'm just crazy to think that I'm responsible for the well-being of myself and those around me.
What's wrong, exactly, with taking it upon yourself to police your own neighborhood, and be vigilant about keeping the trash out?
It’s good to keep a watchful eye for your neighborhood but our role as citizens is to call the police when we have suspicions. “Trash” is a judgment.
There is absolutely nothing wrong (in my opinion) with asking someone what they are doing in your neighborhood, or even telling them to get lost.
Unless you live in a gated community I’d differ with you. I like to jog in different areas to keep the run interesting and if anyone flagged me down to report my business on their block I’d dismiss them and carry on. Unless you have a badge I am under zero obligation to answer to you and I wouldn’t give you the time of day.
06-18-2012, 12:16 PM
It’s good to keep a watchful eye for your neighborhood but our role as citizens is to call the police when we have suspicions. “Trash” is a judgment.
Unless you live in a gated community I’d differ with you. I like to jog in different areas to keep the run interesting and if anyone flagged me down to report my business on their block I’d dismiss them and carry on. Unless you have a badge I am under zero obligation to answer to you and I wouldn’t give you the time of day.
I understand in threatening positions it is necessary to call police. However, our country is overpoliced as it is. If you can deter someone by simply making them aware that you know they are there, that's better than any police department. A thief knows it will take the police a certain amount of time to reach them, which gives them that amount of time to take what they want and get away. When they are aware that neighbors are watching them, or could be, they will pick a softer target. As for my comment on "trash," yes, that's a judgement. It was meant to be. You know trash when you see it, I'm not a PC person. You know a shady, shifty person, you don't need to take a class on it.
I also stated "at my neighbor's house..." Not, "running on a public road or sidewalk." I don't bother with joggers, walkers, or the like. I know when my neighbors are home, and we communicate with each other about who should and should not be there. If there is a person or a vehicle at their home, I will ask them what they are doing. If they don't like it, that's too bad. So no, you are under no obligation to tell me anything or prove anything; but I guarantee if you were a criminal whatever crime you were thinking about committing won't be completed because of the simple fact of my presence.
06-18-2012, 12:24 PM
As for "I am under zero obligation to answer to you and I wouldn’t give you the time of day." That's absolutely true. I don't like to be questioned, either. However, I guess I'm just respectful of people I don't know, and if they ask me a question nicely, without an attitude or agenda, I have no problem answering them in like kind. I have nothing to hide, so what's the problem with stopping to talk to them for a minute? If they get an attitude or give me lip, you can still just as easily ignore them or tell them off and be on your way. No reason to start a conversation out that way. I guess to me, when I'm in a neighborhood not my own, I'm a guest just like if I were in someone else' house. They have the right to feel safe and secure, and I'm out of the ordinary. Besides, when you stop and have that conversation with someone, the next time you jog through, that same person will probably give you a smile and a hand wave, and a free pass since they recognize you from the last time you passed through. I see nothing wrong with any of that.
The world is full of assholes, no reason to contribute one more.
06-18-2012, 01:01 PM
I understand in threatening positions it is necessary to call police. However, our country is overpoliced as it is. If you can deter someone by simply making them aware that you know they are there, that's better than any police department.
As stated a vital problem with how America is today. This hands off policy to personal justices is Grade A bullshit. Too many times to crimes go un-haltered because somebody simply watches the criminal do the crime and get away. Maybe its just my backwoods way of thinking, but we shoot first, ask questions later if we have anyone suspicious snooping around our land. In high school, a few buddies tried to TP my house over homecoming...lets just say they're lucky my old man fires warning shots with a paintball gun first. :)
06-18-2012, 03:51 PM
As for "I am under zero obligation to answer to you and I wouldn’t give you the time of day." That's absolutely true. I don't like to be questioned, either. However, I guess I'm just respectful of people I don't know, and if they ask me a question nicely, without an attitude or agenda, I have no problem answering them in like kind. I have nothing to hide, so what's the problem with stopping to talk to them for a minute? If they get an attitude or give me lip, you can still just as easily ignore them or tell them off and be on your way. No reason to start a conversation out that way. I guess to me, when I'm in a neighborhood not my own, I'm a guest just like if I were in someone else' house. They have the right to feel safe and secure, and I'm out of the ordinary. Besides, when you stop and have that conversation with someone, the next time you jog through, that same person will probably give you a smile and a hand wave, and a free pass since they recognize you from the last time you passed through. I see nothing wrong with any of that.
The world is full of assholes, no reason to contribute one more.
Soo...what you're saying is is that it's not cool to start bashing someone's head into the concrete?
06-18-2012, 03:53 PM
Soo...what you're saying is is that it's not cool to start bashing someone's head into the concrete?
Only if they deserve it Sparkles.
06-18-2012, 03:53 PM
what do you mean? arrests happen later all the time.
Yeah, when it's not obvious who killed who. Apples to Oranges. Nothing new came up between that night and the later point he was arrested.
06-18-2012, 05:31 PM
Soo...what you're saying is is that it's not cool to start bashing someone's head into the concrete?
It's only okay if you have the race card and liberal media on your side.
06-18-2012, 08:23 PM
I'm screwed then. White and a RP delegate :(
06-18-2012, 11:55 PM
I'm screwed then. White and a RP delegate :(
You could try buying a race card on ebay.
06-19-2012, 03:56 PM
Unless you live in a gated community I’d differ with you.
didn't this all take place in a gated community?
too soon?
06-19-2012, 05:59 PM
Eh, if you get offended by a picture and a slogan, you probably need to remove a stick. As far as the gated community, I guess I never really cared to find out for sure, but what I believe is that he was staying at his dad's girlfriend's place which was inside the gated community. However, the stories I've read on Yahoo/propaganda central also made me believe that he was cutting through the gated community to get home....which could still mean the house was within.
06-23-2012, 12:04 AM
this video makes zimmerman's case a bit better for him in my opinion
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