View Full Version : Vote No Tomorrow! Just sayin'....
03-05-2012, 11:34 AM
I'm tired of this, "we need to take care of everyone else" mentality. I'm sorry, but I'm my brother's keeper, not the keeper of everyone else' siblings, too. I just think it's ridiculous that the city paid everyone that lost their home 107% of the value, and 10,000 to renters that lost personal property, yet we are supposed to pay to protect the very same people...twice. It's ridiculous. That's what insurance is for; If I wreck my car tomorrow, is everyone going to pitch in and pay to fix it because I let my insurance lapse? Hell no! My dumb ass is on my own, as these people should be, too. Please people, even though I'm ranting against the flood protection, get out and voice your opinion tomorrow at the ballots.
Whether you care a lot one way or the other, or not at all, express your Constitutional right to vote. I'm so tired of seeing that 20,000 people in a city of 125,000 (not including the surrounding cities that can vote on this) actually go to the ballot. Be responsible, vote!
Domestic Disturbance
03-05-2012, 12:56 PM
Thanks for the reminder! I'm usually lean pretty hard towards universal health care, etc, but the amount of money thrown at the people who lost property is unreal. If you lived in a flood plain and didn't have flood insurance, what did they expect? Past the 100 year mark or whatever I understand to a limited degree. Is there somewhere that fully entails all that is being voted for that isn't biased?
03-05-2012, 01:58 PM
Thanks for the reminder! I'm usually lean pretty hard towards universal health care, etc, but the amount of money thrown at the people who lost property is unreal. If you lived in a flood plain and didn't have flood insurance, what did they expect? Past the 100 year mark or whatever I understand to a limited degree. Is there somewhere that fully entails all that is being voted for that isn't biased?
Pretty much not....Gazette and KCRG are both owned by the same guy, and are both propaganda-R-us in favor of flood protection. The "vote yes" group has raised 100,000 bucks for its drive....(see annoying mailings in every mailbox) 10,000 of which came guessed it, KCRG TV9! So no, unless you get a copy of the exact language, you'll never hear what it's going for. They are saying "100% flood protection on both sides of the river." However, they haven't even secured FED money. Which means if we vote yes, and the govt says no, we still pay the tax anyways, except that we can't even build half of one side of the river. Also, as far as I can tell, the language only says "100% towards flood protection." It doesn't say 100% to a flood wall or anything of the sort. You know how government works....."flood protection" could mean brand new Humvees for the PD in case of floods again so that they can pretend to be the National Guard, or a submarine to check river levels. Exaggeration, yes. Far off from reality? This city has done such crazy stuff with money, a submarine wouldn't surprise me a bit.
03-05-2012, 02:01 PM
Also, not to mention, we all know that the 1% will never be enough to cover the walls. We'll be forced to pay more and more. Just look at the convention center. It was already a massive waste of cash, and at the last city meeting, Corbett quickly said, "Oh yeah, we are going 25 million over budget on the hotel" as quickly as possible, I shit you not, in the middle of a sentence about something else just to try to slip it past people. If a hotel goes 25 mil over, what do you think a massive flood wall is going to do? I can hear the excuses now: In 5 years, "well inflation this and that, prices have gone up, cost of labor has gone up, materials, etc.....we need 85 million more dollars.....What? You guys voted yes in 2012, what's another 1%?"
03-05-2012, 02:16 PM
Im voting NO!
03-05-2012, 02:35 PM
I'm voting for Ron Paul, and you all better too! If not, then you're communist. You don't want to be communists do you?
03-05-2012, 02:35 PM
I'm just reminding people of the vote in general. It's too bad that out of a city of 125,000, not to mention Fairfax, Hiawatha, and Marion, we only had a turnout of around 30,000 last time. It's too bad that people don't take their right to vote seriously. Even if you don't care one way or another, you still need to vote!
03-05-2012, 02:39 PM
True. Even if you're the type of person that thinks it doesn't matter, you're wrong. This isn't voting for a political figure. Not a "they're all liars so what does it matter" situation. These type of things directly affect the community on a personal scale. But really, please vote RP.
03-05-2012, 03:21 PM
True. Even if you're the type of person that thinks it doesn't matter, you're wrong. This isn't voting for a political figure. Not a "they're all liars so what does it matter" situation. These type of things directly affect the community on a personal scale. But really, please vote RP.
Anyone not voting Ron Paul needs to get their shit together.
03-05-2012, 03:31 PM
Appreciate the reminder. I noticed my state tax refund drops a lot from johnson to linn county too..any connection?
03-05-2012, 04:28 PM
This reminds me to renew my flood insurance. I probably won't need it, but I'd rather not depend on hand-outs if I do!
03-05-2012, 05:12 PM
anyone not voting ron paul needs to get their shit together.
like like like!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-05-2012, 06:18 PM
like like like!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-05-2012, 06:40 PM
You know it.
03-05-2012, 07:28 PM
IMO, If someone is not educated on the issue being voted on, they should not be voting. With that said, if your an informed voter and you don't vote, you have no business complaining about the matter.
03-05-2012, 09:05 PM
IMO, If someone is not educated on the issue being voted on, they should not be voting. With that said, if your an informed voter and you don't vote, you have no business complaining about the matter.
If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about anything. Taxes, presidential decision making, class president. If you don't take the time to cast a ballot, you can live with your decision; no vote to me is a vote for the other guy. I say that because the die hard people will get out and vote; the luke warm or people who just can't be bothered to do so help the other guy by not voting for their own guy. I believe the saying goes that evil will prevail simply by good people doing nothing; I think the same can be said of politics.
03-05-2012, 09:08 PM
Appreciate the reminder. I noticed my state tax refund drops a lot from johnson to linn county too..any connection?
I wouldn't doubt it. I was actually listening to Ron Corbett on 600 am tonight, and like any typical politician he wouldn't answer any questions even though they were direct. I turned him off after about 2 minutes in disgust, but a guy called in and said; "I can remember when our sales tax was 5%. 1% went up by state mandate, another was a 1% tax to citizens of CR. What have you done with that 1% since we passed it the last time?" He talked his way around it like an asshole and never actually answered the guy's question. I unfortunately voted for Ron the first time around since he went to my church and I figured he shared my values. Now I realize he is just another toolbox without a clue in his head. I'll be voting no for him the next time around.
03-05-2012, 09:09 PM
The problem with this vote is the "NO" people really need to get out to the polls. Since Marion, Hiawatha, Robins, and Fairfax are able to vote, yet do not have to pay for flood protection, it is in their interest to vote yes. All it does is take money and decrease their property taxes. Hell, if I lived there, I'd probably vote "yes" too not realizing that every dollar you spent in CR would get taxed anyways. It's going to be an uphill fight tomorrow for the "NO's!"
03-05-2012, 09:23 PM
TY for the reminder. I will be voting NO also. I think people need to be responsible for themselves and not government hand outs. To all the Presidential talk, tomorrow's local vote has nothing to do with the President (at least the Iowa vote doesn't)
03-06-2012, 07:52 AM
Anyone not voting Ron Paul needs to get their shit together.
03-06-2012, 05:05 PM
If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about anything. Taxes, presidential decision making, class president. If you don't take the time to cast a ballot, you can live with your decision; no vote to me is a vote for the other guy. I say that because the die hard people will get out and vote; the luke warm or people who just can't be bothered to do so help the other guy by not voting for their own guy. I believe the saying goes that evil will prevail simply by good people doing nothing; I think the same can be said of politics.
Did you have time to vote today, was that you in court today?
03-06-2012, 05:33 PM
Did you have time to vote today, was that you in court today?
Yep, I voted right after work. As for Was my name brought up somewhere or something?
03-06-2012, 06:13 PM
Nah the owner of five seasons towing was at court today for tuffy's. I thought you were the owner figured I would say hi.
03-06-2012, 07:19 PM
Nah the owner of five seasons towing was at court today for tuffy's. I thought you were the owner figured I would say hi.
Oh. Ha. Yeah, some crazy lady is suing Tuffy's because her POS Grand Am blew up, and she claims it was because of them. We towed the car, so my dad was called in as a witness. And no, unfortunately, I'm not the owner...yet. I'm just the shop manager. I have to knock off the rest of the family first.
03-06-2012, 07:25 PM
Lol on the flip side of the coin I had the joy of having that lumina since a week after she bought it sitting in the drive cuz tuffy's double gasketed the filter. I just dont understand why they tried to cover it up and not just pay. Hell sears blew up 3 engines in one week (those guys don't work there anymore). They cleaned around the filter really good though which makes think the used a whole can of brake clean in one spot. Messed up deal really.
03-06-2012, 08:52 PM
2 gaskets>1
03-06-2012, 09:12 PM
Linn Sales Tax Metro Block
Yes 13,445 49%
> No 14,024 51%
Linn Sales Tax Walford
Yes 13 38%
> No 21 62%
Linn Sales Tax Unincorporated
> Yes 1,744 51%
No 1,702 49%
03-06-2012, 10:38 PM
Congrats to those that got out and actually voted! I don't care which way you voted (although I'm glad we told Corbett where he could stick his taxes) I'm just glad that people on this forum expressed the rights given to them by the greatest nation on this earth!
03-06-2012, 10:40 PM
Lol on the flip side of the coin I had the joy of having that lumina since a week after she bought it sitting in the drive cuz tuffy's double gasketed the filter. I just dont understand why they tried to cover it up and not just pay. Hell sears blew up 3 engines in one week (those guys don't work there anymore). They cleaned around the filter really good though which makes think the used a whole can of brake clean in one spot. Messed up deal really.
IDK what the deal is....all we were there for was to say we weren't going to back her story. She tried to say we were, so we had to come in to make sure that the truth was told. I don't know what happened, I don't really care. All I know is she came in the office acting off the wall making demands and telling crazy stories that had nothing to do with us. I just wanted her out of the office before she scared a paying customer!
03-07-2012, 05:12 AM
Yeah she's probably just sad owned for a week died. She called like a bizzilion times. Then my boss had to talk to the tuffy's owner. Which he then told my boss to stay out of it and that the tow truck driver had already been fired. The tow truck driver told us tuffy's was ypur biggest account. Going to court to help him only makes sense from a business stand point. Now either way I don't care. In one week at sears between thang and kevin they hadone filer fall off (wrong size) a double gasket and a no oil engine start. Needless to say heads rolled that week.
BTW YAY NO PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-07-2012, 07:20 AM
Yeah she's probably just sad owned for a week died. She called like a bizzilion times. Then my boss had to talk to the tuffy's owner. Which he then told my boss to stay out of it and that the tow truck driver had already been fired. The tow truck driver told us tuffy's was ypur biggest account. Going to court to help him only makes sense from a business stand point. Now either way I don't care. In one week at sears between thang and kevin they hadone filer fall off (wrong size) a double gasket and a no oil engine start. Needless to say heads rolled that week.
BTW YAY NO PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait wait I'm confused. So, one of our drivers came into Sears and said Tuffy's was our biggest account? I'm confused now. Tuffy's is actually our smallest and newest account. We probably do 3 calls a week for them. There's a reason that that driver no longer works for us; I don't really know the owner at Tuffy's, and haven't talked to him, so I couldn't say much about the situation; She never told us she only owned the car for a week. That's sucky, but I'd be going back after the used car lot rather than the place that changed the oil. We usually won't go to court for anyone, but because our driver decided to play pretend mechanic due to his self-importance rather than any real experience, we got drug into the thing. It's pretty hard to find good employees these days, despite what the media says!
Oh yea.....NO FLOOD WALLS!
PS: Corbett is already on tv saying he is planning the next vote. So get ready for round 3.
03-07-2012, 07:29 AM
oops double post.
03-07-2012, 08:31 AM
oops double post.
Yeah. The mechanic got fired too apparently. She bought the car from one of our good customers. That bad boy has been maintenced by us for years. It is at my other job and ironically .is my coworker from sears ex wife. Small world.
03-07-2012, 08:46 AM
Yeah. The mechanic got fired too apparently. She bought the car from one of our good customers. That bad boy has been maintenced by us for years. It is at my other job and ironically .is my coworker from sears ex wife. Small world.
Our guy actually quit a week or so before we heard about this whole thing. He was just into everyone's business when he shouldn't have been. We would've just rather have stayed out of the whole thing, but let it be a lesson to everyone, when you have an employee that runs their mouth, you'll get drug into something that you should have no part of.
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