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View Full Version : logitech security system

11-19-2011, 04:35 PM
I have this logitech security system, its pretty bad ass. its high def and sends emails and phone texts with snapshots out when motion is detected. any computer with internet can monitor live video, including smart phones.

Anyway Logitech hase monthly contest winners of those using their system , they are pretty funny


P. Lockhart, The Pawn Shop Thief

These kids came in to my Pawn Shop in Spanish Fork, UT. One of the kids needed a loan on his PS3. I went to test it in the back. While I was doing this, the teen in the gray shirt checked to see if my display case was locked. After he found out it was unlocked, he reached in, grabbed an iPod, and then put it in his pocket. He went outside and then came back in.
I reveiwed the video because I saw that the iPod was missing. I called the local police dispatch and told them I had some kids stealing from me. They sent over 2 cop cars and they caught the kids as they tried to leave. The officer called me later and said the teen wasn't admitting to stealing the iPod. Besides, he couldn't find the iPod. So, I told him to bring the kid back to the store and we all could watch the video. The police officer asked me to tell him step-by-step what happened. And then returned to talk to the teen. A few minutes later, the officer called me back, saying that the kid finally admitted to it.
I should have pressed charges, but I said if he paid for it, I would drop the charges. The kid came in but only paid part and I gave him 2 weeks to pay the rest, he never came in. So I uploaded the video to a local news station website and got emails about people seeing the kid and even the mother of the kid who pawned the PS3 called and gave me all the info on where the kid lived. Going to make a copy and give it to his PO officer and his parents...
My landlord has purchased two sets of the Logitech Alert cameras. My other buddy who owns a cell phone store has purchased one. And my good friend M. Wallace is purchasing one. I was told about the system by my Buddy Billy, who also uses the 750e system!


11-19-2011, 05:38 PM
man Im getting 2 of those for sure

11-19-2011, 05:46 PM
Yea Im secretly spying on your RIGHT NOW with your own security camera.