View Full Version : my big one!
10-25-2011, 05:52 PM
Got me a big one the other day, came in at about 30lbs. only thing that sucks is I have WAY too much fish in the fridge!! got like 15lbs-18lbs of meat after cleaning it. ( (
10-25-2011, 05:59 PM
10-25-2011, 06:19 PM
Yes, that was his name but he pronounces it "hey-zues". ;)
forgot to mention, i was noodling in Prairie creek out at the in-laws in Fairfax, near the DQ. He took a bashing on the rocks trying to get it out of the creek. I also shot aboout 200lbs of carp with my bowfishing setup. If anyone wants to shoot some carp, there are about 100+ carp in a 50ft stretch of 1ft-4ft deep creek.
10-25-2011, 06:45 PM
good thing you had a picture, otherwise I would've thought it was just a made up big fish story
some day keith, every word you've ever said will be proven true, just like the Big Fish movie
10-25-2011, 07:06 PM
edit: not going to open up that can of worms with all the "haters" on here, so...
I've got either photo, video or eye witness proof for about 99% of everything I have ever said. I've got dozens of stories I don't even bother telling to people who don't know me because they are simply unbelievable. Only people who have known me long enough and been around for enough know that 99.9% of the shit that comes out of my mouth is the Gods honest truth.
10-26-2011, 06:41 AM
also, if anyone likes carp, i will be happy to get you some! I know it isn't horrible smoked but, just not for me. There are common carp, grass carp, buffalo carp, and even the god forsaken asian carp. I know the asian carp are now being served in really fancy restaraunts for a balls load of money out east.
10-26-2011, 08:53 AM
girl mans up and one arms it, you have to use both? Pics of landon carrying it or locked!
(oh crap dude forgot about that box design, I was really busy this last month)
10-26-2011, 09:17 AM
Nice fish! I still have some catfish and walleye in the freezer from this year too
10-26-2011, 10:49 AM
I'm calling BS. That's photoshoped, lol ;)
10-26-2011, 12:18 PM
girl mans up and one arms it, you have to use both? Pics of landon carrying it or locked!
(oh crap dude forgot about that box design, I was really busy this last month)
my arms were pretty shot! I shot my bow (70lb) probably 20-30 times, my bowfishing bow (50lbs) probably 100+ times and had to carry that fish for almost an hour. After i caught it i took it up to the farm not knowing there were a dozen people that would want to look at it for twenty minutes. Then i had to hold it against the side of the exploreer the whole way home becase i didn't have anything to put it in and i didnt want my vehicle to stank. All in all, I "one armed" that cow for a solid hour on top of everything else. ;) smart ass LOL
let me know on the box, hoping to get it in over thanksgiving vacation.
10-26-2011, 07:45 PM
Back when i was like 8 or 9 i remember fishing with my grandpa, i dont recall where though, at some rv park with a big pond. Anyways he went up the the office to get some food and go to the bathroom. So i'm at the pond fishing by myself, when i got a bite im trying to reel it in with all that i got, it started pulling me into the pond. i was like crap, im down there for at least 2 minutes but myself and at this point im sitting down, with my feet braced on a rock, half way into the pond lol. My grandpa come out of the building and is casually walking down i start yelling help me, he starts running down there, and helped me pull it out, it was a 18lbs catfish. Thats my only fishing story lol.
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