View Full Version : opinions- handicapped spots
10-24-2011, 08:36 PM
had this little back and forth with a girl i know. i was trolling a bit at first; and it got a little out of hand:
what do you guys think? should handicapped people have to park in the spots no matter what?
10-24-2011, 08:42 PM
the answer no, and honestly who eats at red lobster that place is horrible
10-24-2011, 08:57 PM
Agreed. My grandparents won't use theirs most of the time because they feel there are other people that need it more.
Your friend is harboring some serious hate towards fat people too. Damn!
10-24-2011, 09:35 PM
"You won't win at this"
Just asking for more with that statement.
I don't like when people just let themselves go, I recall a lady who appeared to be choking on her own fat while struggling to reach the steering wheel...which was far away because of her fatness. But when the obese choose to call me skinny, I decide to call them fat. It's only fair right?
10-25-2011, 05:14 AM
"You won't win at this"
But when the obese choose to call me skinny, I decide to call them fat. It's only fair right?
I'm just waiting for infantry to chime in on this.
You wanna throw down Colt? Cuz I will eat you...... I do have to say I prefer to call skinny people fat.
10-25-2011, 07:09 AM
I could've got a lot nastier with her than I did; I feel I held back some. But really, it was just too easy to mess with a pregnant girl bitching about fat people parking cklose to the front door and brewing on it so much that she memorized what they ordered and held on to it long enough to come home and share it with all her friends on facebook. I'll be the first to admit that when I'm stuck behind someone doing 60mph in the fast lane on 380, I would love noithing more than to disembowel them in front of their children. Difference is, I've forgotten about it and let it go within 15 seconds of getting past them. I don't like the obesity problem bsweeping our country, but it doesn't really affect me, so I don't complain about it. If people don't care enough about themselves and family to take of themselves, that's their business. Really, if enough people become obese, I'll end up in super-hero like physical status; so have at it America!
10-25-2011, 07:29 AM
but it doesn't really affect me, so I don't complain about it.
That's where you're wrong Dustin. Obesity and the problems, complications, and diseases caused by being overweight cost a lot of money in health care costs that ultimately you pay a portion of.
I don't hate them. I just wish they would exercise some self control. It was just this weekend, I was at the MOA in Minnesota at Tony Roma's trying to eat a meal with some fat girl and skinny dude next to us. Chick was wearing spandex and a halter top while she shovled what must have been a 18oz steak into her gullet while bitching at her man to order her a milkshake. (yeah, not making this up). My bill wasn't very big due to my appetite after witnessing the show 3 feet to my right. Some people have no shame.
10-25-2011, 08:22 AM
IMO she is being very childish; "this isnt fair I can't park in those 3 spots but they can park anywhere." She doesnt seem to realize that the handicap spots are tailored for the ramp/no curb rather than necessarily the closest. You could park 3 feet from the door but if theres a 5 inch curb and you're in a wheelchair, you have quite a task ahead of you.
Then again I've never seen people's intense need to park as close as possible. Driving around for 10 minutes to get 2 spots closer < parking and walking to 2 extra spots.
10-25-2011, 09:35 AM
I just find it funny how she is complaining that handicapped person ISNT parking in a handicapped spot. GOOD FOR THEM. They obviously realize that they could take the easy route and use their sticker, but felt the need to test themselves and at the same time leave spaces open for someone that might need it more than them. I get irate when I see fat people with handicapped stickers simply because they are fat. In my opinion, those people should have special parking at the very back of the lot just so the gluttons are forced to exercise since they clearly won't take it upon themselves to do so on their own. Nothing infuriates me more than when a car pulls up with a handicapped sticker, and the occupant hops out and nearly does cartwheels to the door. Those are the people she should be ranting and raving about. My dad broke his hip years ago, and has a permanent sticker since his limp is so bad. He NEVER uses it. He always parks at the end of the row and walks all the way to the doors. If he can do that, the sows of the world can too. Some idiot actually yelled at him at Wynnsong back when he had his first hip surgery because he "obviously could walk, so why does he have a handicapped sticker? Those spots are reserved for REAL disabilities." Yet, we seem to classify the grossly obese as something special due to their own stupidity. I don't get it. End of rant.
10-25-2011, 10:02 AM
As much as everyone is dogpiling those that appear obese, there are medical conditions that would make the person "obese" by no fault of their own. I'm sure someone will justify this with the time they saw a fat person use a handicap spot to go in and purchase 100 cheeseburgers but just think a little before you speak/type.
By no means defending those who are obese by their own choice or lack of responsible choices, just relax before you make blanket statements.
10-25-2011, 10:06 AM
As much as everyone is dogpiling those that appear obese, there are medical conditions that would make the person "obese" by no fault of their own. I'm sure someone will justify this with the time they saw a fat person use a handicap spot to go in and purchase 100 cheeseburgers but just think a little before you speak/type.
By no means defending those who are obese by their own choice or lack of responsible choices, just relax before you make blanket statements.
I fully understand that, but unless there are a gargantuan number of people in Iowa, and CR in particular, with "medical conditions," then I would rather err on the side of overemphasis rather than under. :)
10-25-2011, 10:27 AM
I just find it funny how she is complaining that handicapped person ISNT parking in a handicapped spot. GOOD FOR THEM. They obviously realize that they could take the easy route and use their sticker, but felt the need to test themselves and at the same time leave spaces open for someone that might need it more than them.
Go back and read it again. The spot they took was CLOSER to the door. I know that occurs every once in a while, although I'm not sure how. I would think that there's got to be some city code that says that the closest spots are reserved. That's the point I thought.
I fully understand that, but unless there are a gargantuan number of people in Iowa, and CR in particular, with "medical conditions," then I would rather err on the side of overemphasis rather than under. :)
Well said. Totally agree, although I'm not surprised coming from someone that carries 2 handguns, lol.
10-25-2011, 11:00 AM
Every so often I see some kids clearly borrowing grandmas car and abusing the handicap spot. Its true though you never know what disability someone may have. But anyone not having one and using the spot is just terrible.
Speaking of which, Steve Jobs used to park in handicap spots because he like to break the rules. IMO, thats one rule he shouldnt have broken. He also chose to drive around with a license plate on his benz..simply because he thought he was above the law, a rebel.
random bit of information from 60 minutes.
10-25-2011, 11:06 AM
Go back and read it again. The spot they took was CLOSER to the door. I know that occurs every once in a while, although I'm not sure how. I would think that there's got to be some city code that says that the closest spots are reserved. That's the point I thought.
Well said. Totally agree, although I'm not surprised coming from someone that carries 2 handguns, lol.
Ha....Sparkles...I can't read the original back and forth, it's too blurry on my screen to see. I had to just go off of what people were saying.
10-25-2011, 12:59 PM
Control +
10-25-2011, 03:42 PM
That's where you're wrong Dustin. Obesity and the problems, complications, and diseases caused by being overweight cost a lot of money in health care costs that ultimately you pay a portion of.
I don't hate them. I just wish they would exercise some self control. It was just this weekend, I was at the MOA in Minnesota at Tony Roma's trying to eat a meal with some fat girl and skinny dude next to us. Chick was wearing spandex and a halter top while she shovled what must have been a 18oz steak into her gullet while bitching at her man to order her a milkshake. (yeah, not making this up). My bill wasn't very big due to my appetite after witnessing the show 3 feet to my right. Some people have no shame.
i knew this would come up, and there is weight in the statement. problem is, half the obese people in the country would have to pull out of it in a year for us to see any difference in taxes; and even at that, in the economic state the country's in, i can see the government wanting to keep every penny they possibly could. i'm of the mind that the government is gonna screw me with taxes no matter what, so i'm not going to dwell on where $10 of every $500 they keep goes to.
i totally agree about self control. it seems most people live with no self control or discipline at all, the our culture has nurtured this sense of entitlement that makes everyone believe the government should pay for everything for them. it seems no one is willing to work for what they want anymore; its far too easy to sit back, join the masses and complain about the system. we romanticize the idea of not working, being a burnout on drugs, and becoming a teen mom. not working? "my company laid me off and i havent been able to find a job in the last 16 months. it's my company's fault". you started smoking pot when you were 12, and now you're a street walker addicted to meth? "i'm sick with addiction. i have no where to turn. my parents weren't there for me; it's not my fault". its not a sickness. its an addiction- by your own doing no less. there are people who deal with their shitty lives every day without turning to drugs or anything else; whats your excuse? the teen mom shows are the worst. making light of the idea of being a mother while youre still in highschool. then showing all the impressionable kids watching how their parents take care of the babies so much, bailing the dumbass teenage parents out so they can go on being a teenager like nothing happened. and when a teenage mother has a baby and cant care for it; the government's expected to step in and pay for food, or shelter, or schooling(for the young mother); all of which is full of loopholes and ways to exploit the system.
before the haters step in, i totally understand that there are many young mothers who get aid from the government, do good by it, and actually grow up to be productive members of society without manipulating the system- and i applaud them. but most of you know as well as i do know there are millions of ways to exploit the system, and millions of americans do.
the rant ran long, i'm sorry for that. really, my main point was the same as sparkles'; people need to take responsibility for their actions. unfortunately, i don't see how our government will ever force people to do that.
10-25-2011, 03:49 PM
I like your post Dustin. The last sentence made me crack up though.
"people need to take responsibility for their actions. unfortunately, i don't see how our government will ever force people to do that."
LOL, I know your point is the irresponsible need forced into responsibility. But just before you had said people need to stop relying on the government. So it was kind ..ironic you said it that way. I know what you mean though.
10-25-2011, 04:01 PM
I like your post Dustin. The last sentence made me crack up though.
"people need to take responsibility for their actions. unfortunately, i don't see how our government will ever force people to do that."
LOL, I know your point is the irresponsible need forced into responsibility. But just before you had said people need to stop relying on the government. So it was kind ..ironic you said it that way. I know what you mean though.
i was implying that people usually won't willingly take responsibility for their actions. face the music, so to speak. if they did, i think a lot of problems would resolve themselves. but i feel like the whole idea of moderation and discipline are being bred out of our people. i.e., the only way i see it happening is the government, or some other kind of group enforcing it somehow.
forgive me; i felt i had rambled enough and probably shouldve explained that a little more.
10-28-2011, 11:58 AM
She's retarded, plain and simple. she hates fat people because they are fat. I would much rather see a fully dressed fat person sitting next to me than a 1/2 dressed (at best) whore while I am trying to eat a dinner with my family. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against a hot chick in little clothes but I also don't have anything against a fat person in fitting close. Point being, sometimes you just can't help being obese, you can help dressing like a stripper on a daily basis.
I have a friend who use to be like 130lbs (she is like 6') and developed some kind of a thyroid disorder or something and gained a lot of weight. She works her ass off every day, very closely controls her diet and does whatever else she can to lose weight but it just won't happen.
Black people where given the right (privilege) to vote, as was the rest of america, does she think we should be FORCED to vote? we have the right/privilege to have abortions, does she think we should be FORCED to have abortions? we have the right (in some states) for homosexuals to get married, does she think they should be FORCED to get married?
11-01-2011, 03:42 PM
She's retarded, plain and simple. she hates fat people because they are fat. I would much rather see a fully dressed fat person sitting next to me than a 1/2 dressed (at best) whore while I am trying to eat a dinner with my family. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against a hot chick in little clothes but I also don't have anything against a fat person in fitting close. Point being, sometimes you just can't help being obese, you can help dressing like a stripper on a daily basis.
I have a friend who use to be like 130lbs (she is like 6') and developed some kind of a thyroid disorder or something and gained a lot of weight. She works her ass off every day, very closely controls her diet and does whatever else she can to lose weight but it just won't happen.
Black people where given the right (privilege) to vote, as was the rest of america, does she think we should be FORCED to vote? we have the right/privilege to have abortions, does she think we should be FORCED to have abortions? we have the right (in some states) for homosexuals to get married, does she think they should be FORCED to get married?
the more i think about it, the more i laugh at her saying "you won't win". she doesn't need to agree with me. arguing with her is like trying to convince a fencepost you're smarter than it is. it'll never admit it, but you know you're right. but to my credit, i did get her to admit to all of her friends and family on facebook how disgusted she is with fat people. i'm sure she's friends with more than a few, and now they know how she feels. i'll take that with a smile any day.
11-07-2011, 12:37 PM
what do you guys think? should handicapped people have to park in the spots no matter what?
IMO, no. My Dad's car (he's 86 and no longer can drive) has handicap licence plates. When I take him somewhere in his car (a Buick of coarse, LOL) I usually drop him off at the door and then park in a regular parking spot.
IMO, fat people are NOT disabled and should not be issued handicap stickers.
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