View Full Version : Where to get Stereo Receivers fixed? Anyone in Electronics Repair?
08-04-2011, 01:23 PM
Can't believe I've never thought to ask this here...
So I have some fairly large/powerful speakers hooked up in my room. I am not sure what it is [wrong gauge wiring, improper mounting for cooling or just my douchebag roommate who I blame for everything] but I have now blown two nice receivers.
The first is a Denon-AVR1905 [7.1], probably worth ~$200-300 or so. It overheated when my roommate (let's call him Fratty-McFrat-Fuck) covered the vents with his laptop during a kegger last year. It now suffers from the same blinking red button that X-Box's see when it's time to meet their maker.
The other is just an older 5.1 Channel Sony. Still nice though. This one shut off a couple weeks ago while playing some bass-heavy Skrillex tracks. It turns on, but doesn't play music. How convenient.
My suspicion is that both of these devices are repairable. I haven't opened them up because I have no idea what I'm looking at. I CAN do this though and take a picture if somebody thinks they can pin-point a problem area. Google can't seem to find a single Electronics repair shop in reasonable driving distance from Iowa City.
I would pay somebody to open these bishes up and repair boards/components as necessary, as long as the cost for labor and parts makes it worthwhile.
Please let me know if you have any expertise in this area, and any interest in helping a broke College student make his neighbors hate him once again.
08-07-2011, 08:28 AM
Would I get better responses if I posted pictures of the broken stereo with drunk college chicks?
08-07-2011, 10:34 AM
i'm actually quite surprised Colton(Drifte) hasnt been all over this. he's usually got plenty to say about audio questions. i have a friend or two who are big into this stuff; i'll see if i can get them on here to help you out.
08-07-2011, 11:06 AM
Can't believe I've never thought to ask this here...
So I have some fairly large/powerful speakers hooked up in my room. I am not sure what it is [wrong gauge wiring, improper mounting for cooling or just my douchebag roommate who I blame for everything] but I have now blown two nice receivers.
My first thought here is that you might be driving speakers that are more like 4ohm and your receiver can't handle it. That would cause the receiver to get hot because it has to work harder. What speakers are you using? Model number would help.
You always want to give your equipment plenty of room to breathe. The gauge of wire isn't as important, but you do want to make sure all wires are the same type and same size. I run 12ga wire for all of my speakers, and they see a constant 200w/c.
What are your volume levels? Are you really pushing them? Obviously that is harder on the equipment.
The first is a Denon-AVR1905 [7.1], probably worth ~$200-300 or so. It overheated when my roommate (let's call him Fratty-McFrat-Fuck) covered the vents with his laptop during a kegger last year. It now suffers from the same blinking red button that X-Box's see when it's time to meet their maker.
The other is just an older 5.1 Channel Sony. Still nice though. This one shut off a couple weeks ago while playing some bass-heavy Skrillex tracks. It turns on, but doesn't play music. How convenient.
The only easy thing I can think of would be too look up your model numbers and figure out how to do a hard reset. It should be a combination of button presses, and it will reset to factory defaults. This might clear it if it got too hot. Can't guarantee anything, but it's worth a shot.
My suspicion is that both of these devices are repairable. I haven't opened them up because I have no idea what I'm looking at. I CAN do this though and take a picture if somebody thinks they can pin-point a problem area. Google can't seem to find a single Electronics repair shop in reasonable driving distance from Iowa City.
I would pay somebody to open these bishes up and repair boards/components as necessary, as long as the cost for labor and parts makes it worthwhile.
Please let me know if you have any expertise in this area, and any interest in helping a broke College student make his neighbors hate him once again.
My first thought here, is to decide which receiver you want to get fixed first. If you can't find any local electronics repair shops, try a tv repair shop, as most use similar or the same technology. At the very least, they should be able to point you in the direction of an authorized repair center. I can tell you now that both manufacturers will use a repair center in Michigan. I had to get my Onkyo fixed, and that was the closest factory authorized repair center, it was the place chosen by Onkyo.
My best advice to you, would be to figure out how many Ohms your speakers are at, and see if that might be your issue. No point in fixing the receiver if it's going to happen again.
If you have to send it out of state to get fixed, I would suggest buying something used that would work, as insured shipping will eat up your money. Don't forget that if you do find someone to look at it locally, you will be paying them to diagnose the problem, which will also eat up money.
Sometimes you will find good deals on receivers at a pawn shop, craigslist, ebay, or dedicated A/V forums such as
08-08-2011, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the response.
Just went through some old emails of the original purchase. I bought the Denon receiver and speakers together. Here is a little excerpt from the emails. I can tell you now that I was using small gauge wire for the rear speakers. I pushed them, not to ear-bleeding levels but I listen to music quite loud. Still, seems like they went prematurely.
Not sure on model # but they are made by MTX
Front speakers Specifications:
Black cabinets and grilles
4 way bass reflex (ported box)
Power handling: 200 watts RMS, 400 MAX
12" paper woofer, 1 1/2" voice coil
5" mid range speaker
1.5" super tweeter
2x6 horn tweeter
Internal overload protection circuit
Freq. response: 50-22,000hz
Sensitivity: 92db
Normal impedance: 8ohm
The receiver is a Denon AVR1905. This is the nicer receiver and the one I would like to get fixed
Other questions:
- To avoid overheating issues in the future, what should I mount the receiver on? Since there are vents on the top AND bottom, how can you mount it on a solid base while still letting both sides breathe?
- Knowing the front speaker specs, what are some specs for a safe receiver (and gauge wire) that I should look for during my next search? I only plan on hooking up the front speakers from now on, but still want to make sure I am not overloading another receiver.
Stumbled upon this today. Is it impossible to tell if it will work without knowing the model number? $35 is not too shabby for a quick, cheap replacement. But how long will it last?
Thanks for all of the help so far!
08-08-2011, 11:09 AM
Thanks for the response.
Just went through some old emails of the original purchase. I bought the Denon receiver and speakers together. Here is a little excerpt from the emails. I can tell you now that I was using small gauge wire for the rear speakers. I pushed them, not to ear-bleeding levels but I listen to music quite loud. Still, seems like they went prematurely.
Not sure on model # but they are made by MTX
Front speakers Specifications:
Black cabinets and grilles
4 way bass reflex (ported box)
Power handling: 200 watts RMS, 400 MAX
12" paper woofer, 1 1/2" voice coil
5" mid range speaker
1.5" super tweeter
2x6 horn tweeter
Internal overload protection circuit
Freq. response: 50-22,000hz
Sensitivity: 92db
Normal impedance: 8ohm
The receiver is a Denon AVR1905. This is the nicer receiver and the one I would like to get fixed
Other questions:
- To avoid overheating issues in the future, what should I mount the receiver on? Since there are vents on the top AND bottom, how can you mount it on a solid base while still letting both sides breathe?
- Knowing the front speaker specs, what are some specs for a safe receiver (and gauge wire) that I should look for during my next search? I only plan on hooking up the front speakers from now on, but still want to make sure I am not overloading another receiver.
Stumbled upon this today. Is it impossible to tell if it will work without knowing the model number? $35 is not too shabby for a quick, cheap replacement. But how long will it last?
Thanks for all of the help so far!
Your speakers are relatively efficient, and being 8ohms, just about any receiver shouldn't have a problem pushing them. I would say that more than likely you just overheated the receiver.
If you want better airflow, the easiest thing to do is to use a fan. If it's in an entertainment center, you'll definitely want some airflow.
That sony receiver would work, however, it probably won't have much power. Sony's receivers have been known to state a power rating with only one channel driven. Then when you use it running more than one speaker, you're obviously not getting the power it says you are.
I would also check to make sure that your speakers are correctly hooked up, seeing as you've gone through two receivers there might be a relatively obvious issue.
08-09-2011, 10:44 AM
I am not sure how I could have hooked them up incorrectly. Just a + and a - for each speaker to the receiver.
Is there a surface that is bad for receivers? I have been told wood. I had a fan blowing on the receiver (not right next to it but close) and it still overheated. Ugh. I am considering just selling these giant speakers and buying a smaller surround system with a receiver included. Probably the best bet.
08-09-2011, 12:41 PM
I am not sure how I could have hooked them up incorrectly. Just a + and a - for each speaker to the receiver.
Is there a surface that is bad for receivers? I have been told wood. I had a fan blowing on the receiver (not right next to it but close) and it still overheated. Ugh. I am considering just selling these giant speakers and buying a smaller surround system with a receiver included. Probably the best bet.
I wasn't accusing, only asking. You would be surprised how often simple mistakes happen.
I honestly don't think one surface is worse than the other, except for say carpet. I know many people that set their amps on a piece of wood or marble.
I honestly don't know what else to tell you. This happens to be an expensive hobby, and the louder you want to go, the more expensive it gets. Have you tried calling Denon about the receiver to see if it's still under warranty, or perhaps a recall for crappy solder connections? If it's not, have you tried calling that place in Michigan to get a rough estimate to have them repair it?
You should probably check your speakers with a multimeter. If there is a short inside the speaker it could cause issues too.
08-09-2011, 01:02 PM
post pics of drunk college chicks and I'll give you my opinion on it
slow ride
08-09-2011, 05:23 PM
tittaaaaaaaaaaaaaays now
08-09-2011, 05:58 PM
post pics of HOT drunk college chicks and I'll give you my opinion on it
08-10-2011, 09:57 AM
Check the Voltage on the outlet you are plugging the receiver into. I run amps for hours on end at near maximum capacity and haven't lost one yet. I have one that I intentionally dont ventilate just to see how much longer it really will last. Do check to make sure there is no internal short on the speakers, and check to see if the speakers have been replaced. If the woofer was changed out to another there could be a resistance issue at the crossover.
Try different speaker wire too, had a bad wire once that caused my receivers to go into overload protection.
08-12-2011, 02:34 PM
I don't have access to a voltameter unfortunately. I moved to a new apt and the system takes up way too much room. I will probably be posting the speakers up for sale without the receiver and try and grab a new system with smaller speakers off craigslist. Already found some good options.
Maybe one day for fun I will open up the receiver and check it out OR find someone to do it. These internal components just cost too much damn money.
08-12-2011, 02:43 PM
Id be happy to trade some smaller speakers for some larger ones...
08-12-2011, 03:06 PM
I don't have access to a voltameter unfortunately.
harbor freight has them for $5 :)
08-15-2011, 10:50 PM
Craigslist has been good to me. Scored an insane deal on some JBL speakers/sub and a Yamaha receiver. Too bad I let my friend borrow it the first night for his party. Someone must have dropped them because the connectors/inputs in the back broke. Hoping I can make them usable again after some soldering. One of them just straight doesn't work at all though.
Not like it matters. With one speaker and one sub connected on a very low volume setting I am already getting knocks through the wall from my new neighbor. This is going to be fun (or annoying)
08-16-2011, 08:42 AM
Well good deal for you. I was hoping to get rid of a few sets of small speakers for some more party speakers lol.
And wth are you guys doing it? sounds like you get pretty damn rowdy and destroy everything.
08-16-2011, 09:36 AM
Craigslist has been good to me. Scored an insane deal on some JBL speakers/sub and a Yamaha receiver. Too bad I let my friend borrow it the first night for his party. Someone must have dropped them because the connectors/inputs in the back broke. Hoping I can make them usable again after some soldering. One of them just straight doesn't work at all though.
Not like it matters. With one speaker and one sub connected on a very low volume setting I am already getting knocks through the wall from my new neighbor. This is going to be fun (or annoying)
You seem to be incredibly hard on your equipment.
08-16-2011, 09:39 AM
LOL, sure does.
But if you really want to piss the neighbors off you need this:
08-16-2011, 11:20 AM
Now those are some speakers! Not sure how that would fly around here but that would be perfect at the old place!
08-16-2011, 01:42 PM
Since we're showing off a little here. How about two of these:
And a set of these:
Trust me, it gets the job done, with plenty more to give.
08-16-2011, 01:44 PM
13av2 is not messing around. You must be on the ED forums as well?
08-16-2011, 01:50 PM
You would be correct. NiceguyEdy over there. :)
08-16-2011, 02:33 PM
cool deal. I need to hear some 13a's in HT configuration. Thinking about turning my 15" 1/4wave into a coffee table and wonder if its even worth it.
08-16-2011, 02:37 PM
My room would not be a good representation. It's really small. It's literally just HT equipment and a couch. After awhile, if you still haven't heard em, I'll have you over for a short demo.
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