View Full Version : IAF Firearms thread
07-26-2011, 08:07 PM
Since everyone in this thread ( was talking about wanting a place to talk guns I thought I'd make a central thread for everyone. I know there a quite a few gun enthusiasts on here, so lets get to talking and sharing pics ;)
Carry pieces:
Kahr CW9
Citadel 1911
Let's talk guns!
07-26-2011, 08:32 PM
What do you use for a carry holster?
I'll get some pics of my modest collection later this week. They are at my dads at the moment.
07-26-2011, 08:43 PM
A cheap Uncle Mikes fabric one that is in-waist band...can't make my mind up on what leather holster I want so I'm working with what I've got right now.
07-26-2011, 09:08 PM
i have a .17 HMR....might as well be a nurf gun when the zombies come....
07-26-2011, 09:43 PM
this is my only gun, Hi-Point 9mm, $125 . You gun enthusiasts can laugh but it will kill an intruder just the same, thats all i need it for. I've fired about 500 rounds through it. Fairly reliable. I will get a jam about once every 150 bullets.
07-26-2011, 09:49 PM
Hey I won't laugh....but damn that's ugly! If it does the job though, that's all that matters.
07-26-2011, 10:12 PM
Kimber Carry Ultra II
07-26-2011, 10:58 PM
I already made my thread but it looks like a lot of handguns on here. Nice ones too!
07-27-2011, 12:38 AM
i have a hi-point 995 with an Advanced Technology stock and laser
a stainless rugger 10 22
and a hatsan escort magnum 12 gauge auto loader
i am looking to get a 9 mill pistol at some time but haven't decided yet what i want
Domestic Disturbance
07-27-2011, 12:56 AM
My Colt Police Positive 32-20. Like like to find the correct grips for it some day. Handed down to me from the gpa
07-27-2011, 07:55 AM
My Colt Police Positive 32-20. Like like to find the correct grips for it some day. Handed down to me from the gpa
These guys make replica orig grips. I hope it helps you on such a neat revolver!
07-27-2011, 08:22 AM
My uncle is selling his 22 and 9mm hand guns. I dont own a single legit gun (im a crack shot with my pellet gun though) and was hoping to buy one of his. I need to sell some stuff first though, basements full of toys right now.
Oh if anyones interested in the guns for sale I can get you some details.
07-27-2011, 08:51 AM
My uncle is selling his 22 and 9mm hand guns. I dont own a single legit gun (im a crack shot with my pellet gun though) and was hoping to buy one of his. I need to sell some stuff first though, basements full of toys right now.
Oh if anyones interested in the guns for sale I can get you some details.
Heaven knows I don't need any more guns, but I would be interested in the details.
07-27-2011, 08:54 AM
-Walther P22 Target, black 3 mags, adjustable sights, factory hard case
-Taurus PT111SS, with 1 12 rnd mag, 4 17 rnd mags, 9mm, 2 holsters on inside the waist and one Fobus paddle, and 2 mag carriers (lifetime warranty)
If anyone's interested I'll ask him for the prices again.
07-27-2011, 09:47 AM
Ryan... Hi-Point = Harbor Freight. They are built cheap, but pretty much work just as well as something 4x+ the price. If not, they have a lifetime warranty and Hi-Points customer service is GREAT! I have heard some bad things about HP's but never heard a bad word spoken about their customer service. I took $600 with me to the last gun show, Almost bought a pair of HP .45's and a Carbine, still would have had some money left over. LOL Ended up getting some other stuff instead but, The idea of getting those guns and still having like $100 left for ammo was pretty cool. haha
As for personal experience with HP, Never had a single issue with one myself. I don't own any myself but I have a buddy that buys them, shoots the hell out of them and then sells them, usually for a lot more than he paid for them. We put close to 1000 rounds through a .40 S&W Hi-Point and never had a single jam. Then he had a compact .380 that jammed every 4-5 shots. He sent it in and about a week later got it back, shot it a good 300+ times without a single jam. I am still considering one of their Carbines, just to drop some Coyotes as rounds for my 30_06 are a lot more than 9mm rounds. But I like being able to pick those fuckers off from 500+ yards. Which brings me to NC Star scopes, the Harbor Freight/Hi Point of the optics world. Great scopes, IMO, cheap but they seem to work GREAT for me!!
07-27-2011, 09:50 AM
-Walther P22 Target, black 3 mags, adjustable sights, factory hard case
-Taurus PT111SS, with 1 12 rnd mag, 4 17 rnd mags, 9mm, 2 holsters on inside the waist and one Fobus paddle, and 2 mag carriers (lifetime warranty)
If anyone's interested I'll ask him for the prices again.
I want a P22, see what he is asking for that little guy.
07-27-2011, 10:31 AM
well Hi-Point is American made unlike anything you'll find at Harbor Freight. Maybe one reason why they are cheap is because they are not built light like a glock. kind of heavy for what it is but if your not an officer carrying it around all day doesn't matter. good to have as a cheap gun like one you can leave in your car or have one upstairs, one downstairs for protection
07-27-2011, 10:45 AM
I want a P22, see what he is asking for that little guy.
$250 with everything included. IDK anything about guns, but I think a 22 hand gun would be fun.
07-27-2011, 12:15 PM
$250 with everything included. IDK anything about guns, but I think a 22 hand gun would be fun.
That's not too bad at all. Being a "target" version, that means it has that 1.5" barrel extension, correct? I THINK that is the only difference, regulars are 3.5", targets have the extension. Any chance you could get pics and/or more info? Like, how old it is, roughyl how many shots fired through it, overall condition, etc. I am for sure interested!
07-27-2011, 02:10 PM
its about 5 years old now with around 2,500 rounds through it. And yea it has the longer barrel. Hes going to bring it by my place so I can take a few pics and if your really interested you can check it out. You have a gun permit right?
07-27-2011, 02:15 PM
Damn that's a smokin deal on the p22, wish I didn't have spend money on Audi parts so I could pick it up.
07-27-2011, 02:16 PM
L1A1, Beretta 8040, and Walther P22. I also have a bolt action .22 that I need to get fixed up before I feel safe shooting it.
I occasionally carry the 8040 or the P22.
07-27-2011, 02:16 PM
You have a gun permit right? What a silly question. ;) I do, of course.
07-27-2011, 03:46 PM
What a silly question. ;) I do, of course.
C'mon, gun permits are for law abiding citizens. Here in little Chicago, we don't need a license to buy or carry a gun...
07-27-2011, 05:49 PM
ill post sum pics sumday, but ive got a remington 870 synthetic 12ga. Not the coolest thing in the world, but i like it.
07-27-2011, 05:57 PM
I'll see your 870 and raise you a Mossberg camo
07-27-2011, 06:01 PM
^jealous. i want a camo soo bad! but i kinda like the digi-camo stuff, either way love it
07-27-2011, 06:02 PM
C'mon, gun permits are for law abiding citizens. Here in little Chicago, we don't need a license to buy or carry a gun...
You's trollin!
07-27-2011, 06:04 PM
^yous also white!!!! lol
07-27-2011, 06:05 PM
I'll see your 870 and raise you a Mossberg camo
I'll see your Mossy Camo, and raise you a Mossberg 590 ;)
07-27-2011, 06:05 PM
^yous also white!!!! lol
Girl please
07-27-2011, 06:25 PM
Girl please
Oh we're getting ghetto now? Someone should've told me....I raise you a Mac-11....
07-27-2011, 06:28 PM
If we are ever able to own NFA in Iowa you need to get a full auto upper for that MAC-11.
And I'll raise you a el-cheapo AR
07-27-2011, 06:37 PM
And again I raise you the ultimate in ghetto warfare.....
And I even have the banned front grip barrel extension..... All of this is brand new in the box, I have only put 1 clip through it. Someone had it in their safe since brand new back in the 80's when I bought it.
07-27-2011, 06:38 PM
Justin, you can own form 4 weapons in Iowa, it just takes a little doing....
07-27-2011, 06:42 PM
Tec-9 in the house!
If you're an SOT you can all the NFA you want...otherwise, not so much. Considering I don't have a place to setup shop and get an SOT I'm out of that game till legislation gets changed.
07-27-2011, 06:43 PM
Used to have this:
Fucking hated the damn thing so I sold it off to get the Kahr, much happier!
07-27-2011, 06:45 PM
Tec-9 in the house!
If you're an SOT you can all the NFA you want...otherwise, not so much. Considering I don't have a place to setup shop and get an SOT I'm out of that game till legislation gets changed.
Honestly, it's not that difficult. Just get a form 4 from the Sheriff's office....You will need Gardner himself to sign off on it, but if he does, all you have to do is get your picture taken, have your prints taken, then it's all on the FBI after that. The common citizen can actually own a form 4, but again, Gardner has to sign off. If he doesn't, you can also start your own LLC and then you don't need his signature. But if you ever close down the LLC, you have to turn in the weapon or transfer it to a form 4 holder or a person that is an LLC. I have a website somewhere that shows you step by step how to do it.
07-27-2011, 06:46 PM
Justin, you can own form 4 weapons in Iowa, it just takes a little doing....
this is correct, I know a guy with a WWII Browning .30 cal replica, full auto with a serial number so it legit. The guy is a little touchy about people know who he is or where he lives so I'll just say its in Iowa.
07-27-2011, 06:47 PM
this is correct, I know a guy with a WWII Browning .30 cal replica, full auto with a serial number so it legit. The guy is a little touchy about people know who he is or where he lives so I'll just say its in Iowa.
I myself have WWII weapons, so that's how I know....
Oh, and if the weapon is made before 1951 (I believe) you can own a full auto using a "Curator's license." But you have to pay yearly for that. I believe with the curator's you can also buy any gun before the 198? (I believe 3) ban.
07-27-2011, 06:50 PM
Since I'm posting random guns now in no particular order, I have a 30-30 with a scope (not sure what I did with the pics with a scope) but its a side loading lever action....
07-27-2011, 06:50 PM
this is correct, I know a guy with a WWII Browning .30 cal replica, full auto with a serial number so it legit. The guy is a little touchy about people know who he is or where he lives so I'll just say its in Iowa.
Lucky bastard. I'd kill for one of those. I've been thinking about buying a parts kit and receiver for an RPD to build. Full auto is so cool.
07-27-2011, 06:51 PM
I have plenty more to post, but a lady friend just came over to hang out for awhile, so I will be back later (or tomorrow) to post more. I guess I didn't realize how many I had, last time I counted it was 16, but I think it might be more.
07-27-2011, 06:53 PM
Honestly, it's not that difficult. Just get a form 4 from the Sheriff's office....You will need Gardner himself to sign off on it, but if he does, all you have to do is get your picture taken, have your prints taken, then it's all on the FBI after that. The common citizen can actually own a form 4, but again, Gardner has to sign off. If he doesn't, you can also start your own LLC and then you don't need his signature. But if you ever close down the LLC, you have to turn in the weapon or transfer it to a form 4 holder or a person that is an LLC. I have a website somewhere that shows you step by step how to do it.
With the code as it sits right now, you can't as a private citizen.
IOWA CODE chapter 724
An offensive weapon is any device or instrumentality of the
following types:
1. A machine gun. A machine gun is a firearm which shoots or is
designed to shoot more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a
single function of the trigger.
2. A short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun. A
short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun is a rifle with a
barrel or barrels less than sixteen inches in length or a shotgun
with a barrel or barrels less than eighteen inches in length, as
measured from the face of the closed bolt or standing breech to the
muzzle, or any rifle or shotgun with an overall length less than
twenty-six inches.
3. Any weapon other than a shotgun or muzzle loading rifle,
cannon, pistol, revolver or musket, which fires or can be made to
fire a projectile by the explosion of a propellant charge, which has
a barrel or tube with the bore of more than six-tenths of an inch in
diameter, or the ammunition or projectile therefor, but not including
antique weapons kept for display or lawful shooting.
4. A bomb, grenade, or mine, whether explosive, incendiary, or
poison gas; any rocket having a propellant charge of more than four
ounces; any missile having an explosive charge of more than
one-quarter ounce; or any device similar to any of these.
5. A ballistic knife. A ballistic knife is a knife with a
detachable blade which is propelled by a spring-operated mechanism,
elastic material, or compressed gas.
6. Any part or combination of parts either designed or intended
to be used to convert any device into an offensive weapon as
described in subsections 1 to 5 of this section, or to assemble into
such an offensive weapon, except magazines or other parts,
ammunition, or ammunition components used in common with lawful
sporting firearms or parts including but not limited to barrels
suitable for refitting to sporting firearms.
7. Any bullet or projectile containing any explosive mixture or
chemical compound capable of exploding or detonating prior to or upon
impact, or any shotshell or cartridge containing exothermic
pyrophoric misch metal as a projectile which is designed to throw or
project a flame or fireball to simulate a flamethrower.
Notwithstanding section 724.2, no person is authorized to possess
in this state a shotshell or cartridge intended to project a flame or
fireball of the type described in this section.
8. Any mechanical device specifically constructed and designed so
that when attached to a firearm silences, muffles, or suppresses the
sound when fired. However, this subsection does not apply to a
mechanical device possessed and used by a person solely for the
purpose of shooting a deer pursuant to an approved city special deer
population control plan if the person has a valid federal permit to
possess and use the mechanical device.
9. An offensive weapon or part or combination of parts therefor
shall not include the following:
a. An antique firearm. An antique firearm is any firearm
(including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap,
or similar type of ignition system) manufactured in or before 1898 or
any firearm which is a replica of such a firearm if such replica is
not designed or redesigned for using conventional rimfire or
centerfire ammunition or which uses only rimfire or centerfire fixed
ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States and
which is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial
b. A collector's item. A collector's item is any firearm
other than a machine gun that by reason of its date of manufacture,
value, design, and other characteristics is not likely to be used as
a weapon. The commissioner of public safety shall designate by rule
firearms which the commissioner determines to be collector's items
and shall revise or update the list of firearms at least annually.
c. Any device which is not designed or redesigned for use as
a weapon; any device which is designed solely for use as a signaling,
pyrotechnic, line-throwing, safety, or similar device; or any firearm
which is unserviceable by reason of being unable to discharge a shot
by means of an explosive and is incapable of being readily restored
to a firing condition.
Section History: Early Form
[C27, 31, 35, § 12960-b1; C39, § 12960.01; C46, 50, 54, 58,
62, 66, § 696.1; C71, 73, 75, 77, § 696.1, 697.10, 697.11; C79, 81, §
Section History: Recent Form
83 Acts, ch 7, § 1; 88 Acts, ch 1164, § 2, 3; 92 Acts, ch 1004, §
1, 2; 2000 Acts, ch 1116, §7
Referred to in § 124.401, 809.21, 809A.17
Any of the following is authorized to possess an offensive weapon
when the person's duties or lawful activities require or permit such
1. Any peace officer.
2. Any member of the armed forces of the United States or of the
national guard.
3. Any person in the service of the United States.
4. A correctional officer, serving in an institution under the
authority of the Iowa department of corrections.
5. Any person who under the laws of this state and the United
States, is lawfully engaged in the business of supplying those
authorized to possess such devices.
6. Any person, firm or corporation who under the laws of this
state and the United States is lawfully engaged in the improvement,
invention or manufacture of firearms.
7. Any museum or similar place which possesses, solely as relics,
offensive weapons which are rendered permanently unfit for use.
8. A resident of this state who possesses an offensive weapon
which is a curio or relic firearm under the federal Firearms Act, 18
U.S.C. ch. 44, solely for use in the official functions of a
historical reenactment organization of which the person is a member,
if the offensive weapon has been permanently rendered unfit for the
firing of live ammunition. The offensive weapon may, however, be
adapted for the firing of blank ammunition.
9. A nonresident who possesses an offensive weapon which is a
curio or relic firearm under the federal Firearms Act, 18 U.S.C. ch.
44, solely for use in official functions in this state of a
historical reenactment organization of which the person is a member,
if the offensive weapon is legally possessed by the person in the
person's state of residence and the offensive weapon is at all times
while in this state rendered incapable of firing live ammunition. A
nonresident who possesses an offensive weapon under this subsection
while in this state shall not have in the person's possession live
ammunition. The offensive weapon may, however, be adapted for the
firing of blank ammunition.
Section History: Early Form
[C27, 31, 35, § 12960-b4, 12960-b5, 12960-b7; C39, § 12960.04,
12960.05, 12960.07; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, §
696.4--696.7; C79, 81, § 724.2]
Section History: Recent Form
83 Acts, ch 96, § 122, 159; 97 Acts, ch 166, §3
Referred to in § 724.1
The process you describe is how you go about owning NFA, Iowa code says you can't possess it though. See 724.2
07-27-2011, 06:54 PM
Lucky bastard. I'd kill for one of those. I've been thinking about buying a parts kit and receiver for an RPD to build. Full auto is so cool.
Full auto is relatively easy to achieve, it's the legality of owning one that is a problem. Just for example, most any Tec-9 is so easily modified to a full auto that they were banned. If you can find yourself a Colt AR15 from the 70's, you could literally take a piece of 1 inch metal and drop it in the slit on the upper reciever, and that would turn the semi into a full auto with no modification at all.
07-27-2011, 06:58 PM
With the code as it sits right now, you can't as a private citizen.
The process you describe is how you go about owning NFA, Iowa code says you can't possess it though. See 724.2
I guess I'll have to go back and read the code again, when was it last modified? I haven't checked into it lately, but I do know for a fact of people (in general terms) in Iowa that have form 4 weapons that are not ex military, police, etc. And I know a guy that has an STG44 from WWII (full auto) that legally purchased it at auction here in Iowa using a Curator's license. So now that I'm curious, I will need to check into it further. There must be an amendment somewhere in there, or the courts found something unconstitutional since that was written.
07-27-2011, 07:08 PM
That's been the law forever. If you know people with NFA in Iowa they must in some way meet the 9 examples of people allowed to possess 'offensive weapons' (I hate that term lol) that you don't know about.
There are lots of NFA weapons in Iowa right now, but they are all in the hands of FFL-SOT's, LEO's, Acitve duty military, Museums, and Curio and Relic licensees that are using them for re-enactment purposes.
07-27-2011, 07:30 PM
And I know a guy that has an STG44 from WWII (full auto)
That is awesome, as is the 30-30, bet thats a lot of fun.
07-27-2011, 07:49 PM
That is awesome, as is the 30-30, bet thats a lot of fun.
Yeah, everyone dies when they find out what he paid for that STG. He was the only one at that auction (I believe in Toddville) about 5 years ago. He paid 100.00 for it. I think they are selling in WWII forums for about the price of a new car. I would love to just pull the trigger one time. As for the 30-30, I got it on a trade. I've never fired it.
07-27-2011, 07:58 PM
that all, went in 1 ear and out the other... so to speak. did i mention i have an 870? lol
Domestic Disturbance
07-28-2011, 01:29 AM
Very sweet 30-30. When I got my pistol it was between it and a winchester 30-30 lever action. I got the pistol, aunt got the rifle... I think they gave it away too...
dallas you getting one of these next?
07-28-2011, 06:58 AM
Very sweet 30-30. When I got my pistol it was between it and a winchester 30-30 lever action. I got the pistol, aunt got the rifle... I think they gave it away too...
dallas you getting one of these next?
I'll buy one of those if the guy from Perfect Strangers will sell it to me.
07-28-2011, 08:21 AM
And again I raise you the ultimate in ghetto warfare.....
And I even have the banned front grip barrel extension..... All of this is brand new in the box, I have only put 1 clip through it. Someone had it in their safe since brand new back in the 80's when I bought it.
You beat me to it! I was just getting ready to post the exact same setup! literally, I have a Pre-Ban Tec-9, barrel extension, foregrip and 50rd mags. Got mine at the gun show for like $200. Had 3 offers of $400-$500 on it before I even left the place. My barrel extension sucks though, looks exactly like yours, I bought it on the internet. Problem is the barrel extensions barrel is too big and the bullets bounce around inside the extension. I shot one round through it and then checked the bore, it was funny as hell, bounced of 3 spots before it left the extension.
I have cad drawings for a suppressor and fully automatic conversion but, haven't gotten around to that yet. Not sure it is worth the time/money/hassle for either to be honest. If I end up getting that P22, I will probably suppress that little bastard.
Edit: you got some crazy ass long toes. lol
07-28-2011, 08:25 AM
You beat me to it! I was just getting ready to post the exact same setup! literally, I have a Pre-Ban Tec-9, barrel extension, foregrip and 50rd mags. Got mine at the gun show for like $200. Had 3 offers of $400-$500 on it before I even left the place. My barrel extension sucks though, looks exactly like yours, I bought it on the internet. Problem is the barrel extensions barrel is too big and the bullets bounce around inside the extension. I shot one round through it and then checked the bore, it was funny as hell, bounced of 3 spots before it left the extension.
I have cad drawings for a suppressor and fully automatic conversion but, haven't gotten around to that yet. Not sure it is worth the time/money/hassle for either to be honest. If I end up getting that P22, I will probably suppress that little bastard.
Edit: you got some crazy ass long toes. lol
Are you an FFL-SOT? If not, have fun with your 10 years and $250k fine for each NFA violation you make.
07-28-2011, 08:28 AM
Uncle is dropping the p22 off at my place tonight. He also found the laser site for it, he said $25 for it. With or without the gun, so if anyone wanted a laser site.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a home defense hand gun?
07-28-2011, 08:35 AM
You beat me to it! I was just getting ready to post the exact same setup! literally, I have a Pre-Ban Tec-9, barrel extension, foregrip and 50rd mags. Got mine at the gun show for like $200. Had 3 offers of $400-$500 on it before I even left the place. My barrel extension sucks though, looks exactly like yours, I bought it on the internet. Problem is the barrel extensions barrel is too big and the bullets bounce around inside the extension. I shot one round through it and then checked the bore, it was funny as hell, bounced of 3 spots before it left the extension.
I have cad drawings for a suppressor and fully automatic conversion but, haven't gotten around to that yet. Not sure it is worth the time/money/hassle for either to be honest. If I end up getting that P22, I will probably suppress that little bastard.
Edit: you got some crazy ass long toes. lol
My foregrip is an actual intratec pre-ban, and the bore and barrel size are an exact match to my gun. I've only put a clip through the gun, maybe 25 of those using the extension and it fired flawlessly. My only problem is how awkward it is to fire that thing....It's technically a machine pistol, and so trying to hold it like a rifle is just plain awkward. I just keep the extension because if I ever want to use it, I have it. Since it's banned, you'll never get ahold of another one made by Intratec, you'll be lucky to get an aftermarket one.
As far as modding these goes, it's extremely easy. There's really no machining or anything involved, but like Justin said, you're in for a world of hurt if you do so and someone comes knocking on your door.
Hey, I'm 6 foot 3. I have a size 15 foot. What do you want from me?
07-28-2011, 08:37 AM
Uncle is dropping the p22 off at my place tonight. He also found the laser site for it, he said $25 for it. With or without the gun, so if anyone wanted a laser site.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a home defense hand gun?
Please see "Kimber Carry Ultra II" above. How does the laser site mount? I would be interested in just that.
07-28-2011, 08:48 AM
As far as modding these goes, it's extremely easy. There's really no machining or anything involved.
Common Misconception... the TEC-DC9 was originally manufactured as the KG-9. The KG-9 was killed when the ATF said it could be converted to full-auto too easily. So the KG-99 was introduced, ATF killed it for the same reason. The TEC-9 was then introduced, ATF let this one sell; but Washington D.C. passed a law specifically naming this gun as allowing people to sue the manufacturer for liability if a crime was committed in DC with it. The manufacturer changed the name to the TEC-DC9 as a big middle finger to the city of DC.
Point being, the Tec-DC9 is a closed bolt gun and can not be "easily" converted to fully automatic. You have to have a new bolt machined and some other little stuff done. One of my D.S.' down at Fort Leonardwood owns a gun shop down in Arizona, I showed him the machine drawings and we discussed it a bit, he sad it would run about $200 for the parts to be machined and what not.
I have the full conversion manual if anyone is interested in looking at it, it can also be viewed online somewhere. (
07-28-2011, 08:51 AM
Common Misconception... the TEC-DC9 was originally manufactured as the KG-9. The KG-9 was killed when the ATF said it could be converted to full-auto too easily. So the KG-99 was introduced, ATF killed it for the same reason. The TEC-9 was then introduced, ATF let this one sell; but Washington D.C. passed a law specifically naming this gun as allowing people to sue the manufacturer for liability if a crime was committed in DC with it. The manufacturer changed the name to the TEC-DC9 as a big middle finger to the city of DC.
Point being, the Tec-DC9 is a closed bolt gun and can not be "easily" converted to fully automatic. You have to have a new bolt machined and some other little stuff done. One of my D.S.' down at Fort Leonardwood owns a gun shop down in Arizona, I showed him the cad drawings and we discussed it a bit, he sad it would run about $200 for the parts to be machined and what not.
Well, I just call mine a "Tec-9" because that is what they are commonly known as. Mine is an early model.....
07-28-2011, 08:54 AM
As far as the "middle finger to DC" goes, it goes far beyond that. It's really the reason Intratec was shut down. Even after Washington told them to stop producing the barrel extensions and threading barrels for easy suppressor modifications, they simply ignored it and kept on going. Those guys must have had massive balls. Everytime Washington told them to stop something or change something, they simply said, "no." And actually increased production. Now THAT'S the American way. I believe the company was finally shut down when they were raided and forced to shut down and everything confiscated. That pretty much ended the Tec-9. And honestly, I consider anything that can be modified by barely middle school graduates in the ghetto to be an "easy" modification.
07-28-2011, 09:03 AM
Well, I just call mine a "Tec-9" because that is what they are commonly known as. Mine is an early model..... same here. I said Intratec DC-9 to someone and they had no clue what I was talking about, said Tec-9 and they were like "OOOOHHH". LOL
My favorite gun to date has got to be my sporterized 1917 Eddystone .30_06, my favorite hand gun is my Taurus PT145Pro milleneum edition. I got the Tec-9 for my birthday, I have probably put 200 rounds through it in the 5ish years I have had it. kinda fun to throw a 50rd clip in and see how quick I can empty it. I here about them jamming all the time but I have never had an issue with mine, even when I am just emptying the clip quicker than shit.
I have been considering a .50cal but I just don't see the point. Not a place around here it could even be utilized, when we planned to move to Arizona, there was a god 10-15 mile stretch of NOTHING where it could actually be fun but... My step dad still wants to, he is trying to talk me into going in half with him on one. I'd rather get one of these:
07-28-2011, 09:34 AM
same here. I said Intratec DC-9 to someone and they had no clue what I was talking about, said Tec-9 and they were like "OOOOHHH". LOL
My favorite gun to date has got to be my sporterized 1917 Eddystone .30_06, my favorite hand gun is my Taurus PT145Pro milleneum edition. I got the Tec-9 for my birthday, I have probably put 200 rounds through it in the 5ish years I have had it. kinda fun to throw a 50rd clip in and see how quick I can empty it. I here about them jamming all the time but I have never had an issue with mine, even when I am just emptying the clip quicker than shit.
I have been considering a .50cal but I just don't see the point. Not a place around here it could even be utilized, when we planned to move to Arizona, there was a god 10-15 mile stretch of NOTHING where it could actually be fun but... My step dad still wants to, he is trying to talk me into going in half with him on one. I'd rather get one of these:
I heard the same thing about the jamming, but I really think that is an urban myth, with emphasis on the "urban." When you don't care for or clean your gun, hold it sideways, and have a duct taped grip, chances are the lack of care is what causes your jams, not the gun itself. I really don't hear about them jamming at all from people that actually care for them properly. As for the .50, I thought about one of those before I found someone with a dragunov for sale. They are awesome guns, but unless you have a couple mile range to test your skills on, what's the point? As for the Deagle, there, the concept is cool, but there are so many cool guns you could buy for that kind of money.
07-28-2011, 11:16 AM
As for the Deagle, there, the concept is cool, but there are so many cool guns you could buy for that kind of money.
I agree. I'd rather get an Springfield armory M14, I've wanted one of those for years but can't justify that kind of money. I always wanted a Dragunov as well but that's the same story.
07-28-2011, 11:20 AM
My cheap ass couldn't spend that kind of money on a gun anyways. LOL The mostI can remember paying for a gun is like $300~ which is what I paid for my PT145PRO, brand new with an extra clip and a holster. I got a damn good deal on that thing! Hell, I don't usually pay $2k for a car! haha
07-28-2011, 01:59 PM
So far I have a Remington 870 12 ga shotgun with a rifled barrel for deer. (It's missing the scope in the picture as I am in the process of getting a new one.
Then I have two handguns. Both Taurus, one is a PT 24/7 PRO DS in .45 and the other is a PT111 PRO in 9MM
Drifte - I would be interested in the P22 as well but I know others have expressed interest already so I can wait in line.
07-28-2011, 02:03 PM
I don't care too much about the P22... I mean, I want it but no skin off my back if I don't get it. First to show cash is how I sell things so I don't expect anything different when I am buying stuff.
07-28-2011, 06:23 PM
Here's a pic. Have it at my place here¤t=7ddae4d1.jpg&evt=user_media_share
07-28-2011, 10:16 PM
this is my carry on me gun
nothing special. just a kel tec 9mm. small light holds 7 rounds.
i dont every have it on my hip but if im in the car it is too! and always next to the bed. always loaded
shoots decent from 15 yrds or so for a little gun. but kicks pretty damn hard.
07-30-2011, 12:03 AM
And again I raise you the ultimate in ghetto warfare.....
I'll take this instead, not mine nor am I letting out whos it is. The guy is perticular about his guns and who knows about them and I am fortunate enough to have been in his vault(8x12, i think, fireproof room) full of cowboy action guns, WWII stuff and plain badass pistols and rifles from no particaluar time frame
07-30-2011, 06:46 AM
I have a XDm .40 compact and just bought a Sig Mosquito. I also have a 10-20 .22 rifle but who doesnt?
Getting a Mossberg 500 soon and i also want a Carbine of some sort.
07-30-2011, 07:25 PM
C'mon, get this thread going again!
07-30-2011, 07:30 PM
My tried and true .22. This thing is old as dirt, but I've never seen anything shoot so straight in my life, scope or no. At the 200 meter range, dead center every time. Pretty unbelievable for such an old .22.
07-30-2011, 07:32 PM
07-30-2011, 07:33 PM
07-30-2011, 07:34 PM
I need to pick up a new shotgun for duck hunting this year, can't borrow my buddies. Looking for an 870 with a 24-ish inch barrel if anyone knows of anyone looking to get rid of something.
07-30-2011, 07:35 PM
07-30-2011, 07:35 PM
07-30-2011, 07:36 PM
07-30-2011, 07:36 PM
07-30-2011, 07:37 PM
Pride and joy. When I take this out to the range, all of the range-tards give me the evil eye when I let loose an entire clip.
07-30-2011, 07:39 PM
I need to pick up a new shotgun for duck hunting this year, can't borrow my buddies. Looking for an 870 with a 24-ish inch barrel if anyone knows of anyone looking to get rid of something.
That's too bad. I traded mine off about a year ago because I never used it. I would've offloaded it for nothing. I got it in a trade and had no use for it. It was basically new. But if I get another one in the near future I'll be happy to post stuff for sale here.
07-30-2011, 07:44 PM
Dammit! I don't need anything spectacular, a vent rib barrel will even work. Time to hit up some pawn shops tomorrow!
07-30-2011, 08:08 PM
Dammit! I don't need anything spectacular, a vent rib barrel will even work. Time to hit up some pawn shops tomorrow!
Yeah, and I had 2 sets of different chokes in addition to the factory one that came with it. I never shopped it around, just traded it off to a guy in Minnesota when I bought one of my atvs.
07-30-2011, 09:28 PM
Pride and joy. When I take this out to the range, all of the range-tards give me the evil eye when I let loose an entire clip.
Is that a CETME/G3? Yet another rifle you own I want, I'm beginning to envy you...
07-30-2011, 09:31 PM
Is that a CETME/G3? Yet another rifle you own I want, I'm beginning to envy you...
That it is my friend, that it is.
Domestic Disturbance
07-31-2011, 04:35 AM
H&K > all else
07-31-2011, 09:22 AM
H&K > all else
I'm always in the market for a ump.
Domestic Disturbance
07-31-2011, 02:49 PM
If I ever get around to getting a carry gun, it'll be a usp 45.
08-04-2011, 01:18 PM
Here is my choice of carry Gun..
The Wife carry's the Kel-Tec 9mm.
08-05-2011, 09:10 AM
Uncle is dropping the p22 off at my place tonight. He also found the laser site for it, he said $25 for it. With or without the gun, so if anyone wanted a laser site.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a home defense hand gun?
If you have people living with you, Kids, wife, mostly. I'd get a .45. My dad had one when i was living at home Colt .45 9 rd mag i think? bigger round but moves relatively slow. so if you fire it it may make it through one wall and probably stop before it even clears the wall. unless you're point blank of course
08-05-2011, 09:23 AM
In my personal collection, I have a Ruger .357 revolver double action, Colt .44 single action revolver, Mossberg 30-06 bolt action with a Weaver scope, 870 remington for mauling deer, an 1100 remington semi auto, also for mauling deer. And my personal favorite, A Browning Citori Over-Under, Not sure on the specs of it. My dad gave it to me and its still in my Safe at his place. the only one i have in my apartment is my .357.
08-05-2011, 10:22 AM
bigger round but moves relatively slow. so if you fire it it may make it through one wall and probably stop before it even clears the wall. unless you're point blank of course
Is that true? Wouldn't the weight of the heavier bullet allow it to keep penetrating vs a smaller bullet
08-05-2011, 10:58 AM
it's all dependent on the bullet weight and powder load
08-05-2011, 11:01 AM
If was going to get a handgun for home defense I'd probably go for The Judge, 410 Shotgun rounds and a max range of 6 Ft. What more would you need? Not to mention you can shoot 45 Long if you don't want to use 410 rounds that day.
08-05-2011, 01:57 PM
The judge is a horrible pos, buddy has one and he's had nothing but problems with it. You're better off getting a cheap snub nose .38 I you want to stick with a revolver.
08-05-2011, 03:03 PM
If was going to get a handgun for home defense I'd probably go for The Judge, 410 Shotgun rounds and a max range of 6 Ft. What more would you need? Not to mention you can shoot 45 Long if you don't want to use 410 rounds that day.
The other bad thing about that weapon with a .410 shell is it is considered a offensive weapon because its technically a short barreled shotgun. Its safe to assume you WILL end up in court for even drawing a weapon on someone, it doesnt look good to the judge/jury when using a offensive weapon.
08-05-2011, 03:06 PM
If you have people living with you, Kids, wife, mostly. I'd get a .45. My dad had one when i was living at home Colt .45 9 rd mag i think? bigger round but moves relatively slow. so if you fire it it may make it through one wall and probably stop before it even clears the wall. unless you're point blank of course
.45 is a great choice for home protection IMO, but I would be very surprised if a .45acp couldnt go through 2 pieces of drywall. Even with a hollow point.
08-05-2011, 04:04 PM
get a .45 or .40 or a shotgun.
08-05-2011, 04:19 PM
The other bad thing about that weapon with a .410 shell is it is considered a offensive weapon because its technically a short barreled shotgun. Its safe to assume you WILL end up in court for even drawing a weapon on someone, it doesnt look good to the judge/jury when using a offensive weapon.
It's not a short barrel shotgun, it's a pistol, to be a short barrel shotgun/offensive weapon it would have to have a butt stock on it. The other factor here is that it has a rifled barrel. If it had a smooth bore barrel it'd be considered an 'any other weapon' not a sbs.
08-05-2011, 04:29 PM
It's not a short barrel shotgun, it's a pistol, to be a short barrel shotgun/offensive weapon it would have to have a butt stock on it. The other factor here is that it has a rifled barrel. If it had a smooth bore barrel it'd be considered an 'any other weapon' not a sbs.
considered an sbs in cali :D
08-05-2011, 04:33 PM
This ain't Cali son lol
08-05-2011, 08:57 PM
.45 is a great choice for home protection IMO, but I would be very surprised if a .45acp couldnt go through 2 pieces of drywall. Even with a hollow point. this is just what my father had told me. Im not saying it wouldnt go through but its going to be slower moving once it comes through. And Ryan, its a bigger heavier round with less poweder behind it. Either that or it may have been just the round that he Had for them.
08-05-2011, 09:30 PM
i know my little .25 went through a cheap ass closet door, a wall, shower stall then about 8ft of air, through a mirror/medicine cabinet and into the wall behind that. Little POS Lorcin .25acp, 2.5" barrel i literally paid $20 for.
08-05-2011, 09:44 PM
The other bad thing about that weapon with a .410 shell is it is considered a offensive weapon because its technically a short barreled shotgun. Its safe to assume you WILL end up in court for even drawing a weapon on someone, it doesnt look good to the judge/jury when using a offensive weapon.
Well, hopefully the jury isn't a bunch of morons. I had someone about a year ago trying my rear door to my house late at night....I opened up the .45 case, then I turned and picked up my .308 assault rifle and slapped a clip in. I didn't slam the bolt back until I was on the other side of the door. He left. Quickly.
08-06-2011, 08:24 AM
I accidentally fired my M1 Carbine in my parents house. Went through 5 sheets of drywall before it stopped. No idea why or how it had a round chambered in it, I had let a friend take it out shooting and he must have left a round in it. Those little buggers only have a .30 caliber round, basically a pistol round. I personally think if you want to protect your home you should be using a shotgun, nothing will make a home invader dook in his drawers like chambering a round on a 12 Ga pump. Sure you might not kill him with bird shot but he isnt exactly going to get away with it.
08-06-2011, 08:49 AM
will the shotgun go through drywall? I was wondering because my kids 2 bedrooms are in the line of fire if an intruder broke in
08-06-2011, 09:16 AM
make sure you use bird shot they don't have the mass to penetrate far enough
08-06-2011, 10:23 AM
Bird shot won't and the asshole won't get away. If you really want to make him pay you'd reload some shells with rock salt, he'd be screaming for days.
08-06-2011, 04:58 PM
Bird shot won't and the asshole won't get away. If you really want to make him pay you'd reload some shells with rock salt, he'd be screaming for days.
My camo/home defense shotgun has less lethal rubber ball rounds in it. The first 2 rounds are rubber balls, the 3rd and 4th are bean bags, and the last three are "you had your chance" rounds.
08-07-2011, 11:35 AM
Saiga 12 semi auto 10 round mag I put a AK stock on it, picture is older.
08-07-2011, 11:53 AM
My camo/home defense shotgun has less lethal rubber ball rounds in it. The first 2 rounds are rubber balls, the 3rd and 4th are bean bags, and the last three are "you had your chance" rounds.
Niiiice, thats the way to put a f*cker down for enough time for the Police to show up. At least it is around here, idk about Cedar Rapids.
08-07-2011, 06:34 PM
Niiiice, thats the way to put a f*cker down for enough time for the Police to show up. At least it is around here, idk about Cedar Rapids.
If 7 different types of rounds don't put an intruder down, I'd like a list of people who want me to speed dial them, because I will have the first of the zombie apocalypse at my house....
08-09-2011, 12:09 PM
The other bad thing about that weapon with a .410 shell is it is considered a offensive weapon because its technically a short barreled shotgun. Its safe to assume you WILL end up in court for even drawing a weapon on someone, it doesnt look good to the judge/jury when using a offensive weapon.
This is totally not true. The Judge was made with a rifled barrel for this reason. It cannot be considered a short barreled shotgun.
And weapons aren't offensive. It's all the person controlling said weapon.
08-09-2011, 12:12 PM
Well, hopefully the jury isn't a bunch of morons. I had someone about a year ago trying my rear door to my house late at night....I opened up the .45 case, then I turned and picked up my .308 assault rifle and slapped a clip in. I didn't slam the bolt back until I was on the other side of the door. He left. Quickly.
Like button needed.
08-09-2011, 12:31 PM
This is totally not true. The Judge was made with a rifled barrel for this reason. It cannot be considered a short barreled shotgun.
And weapons aren't offensive. It's all the person controlling said weapon.
Agreed. Rifled barrel make its effective range around 6 feet.
08-09-2011, 12:54 PM
This is totally not true. The Judge was made with a rifled barrel for this reason. It cannot be considered a short barreled shotgun.
And weapons aren't offensive. It's all the person controlling said weapon.
Im just relaying information I was told by a LEO, theres so many opinions about this its like talking politics.. Im just saying when you are the one in court theres gonna be a lawyer trying to make you look guilty, do you REALLY think they need any shred of information to use against you?? If you are using a gun to defend yourself and loved ones you better also be planning on going to court.. Just saying, maybe you guys are right, really I dont care considering the source I received my information from I'd rather not take that chance.
08-09-2011, 01:33 PM
Im just relaying information I was told by a LEO, theres so many opinions about this its like talking politics.. Im just saying when you are the one in court theres gonna be a lawyer trying to make you look guilty, do you REALLY think they need any shred of information to use against you?? If you are using a gun to defend yourself and loved ones you better also be planning on going to court.. Just saying, maybe you guys are right, really I dont care considering the source I received my information from I'd rather not take that chance.
I think the government should sell "intruder tags" just like deer tags, and you can harvest one asshole per season.
08-09-2011, 02:46 PM
sandman you should sell half your guns and build a fast car
08-09-2011, 02:53 PM
Im just relaying information I was told by a LEO, theres so many opinions about this its like talking politics.. Im just saying when you are the one in court theres gonna be a lawyer trying to make you look guilty, do you REALLY think they need any shred of information to use against you?? If you are using a gun to defend yourself and loved ones you better also be planning on going to court.. Just saying, maybe you guys are right, really I dont care considering the source I received my information from I'd rather not take that chance.
I totally agree with you. I was given similar advice in my CCP class. The way I figure it, if I have to defend myself or family the bad guys family is more than likely going to sue even if it's ruled a justified shooting. And your more than likely not going to get a firearm friendly jury.
08-09-2011, 08:50 PM
All the more reason the state legislature needs to pass a castle doctrine in Iowa. Prevents you from being sued civilly after protecting yourself.
08-09-2011, 11:58 PM
sandman you should sell half your guns and build a fast car
Lol. I don't think I'd need to sell my guns to do that. But I kind of lost interest in building cars since my girl passed away. Now I just stick to fast off-road toys. I still have my civic, but it just sits in the garage collecting dust. It's a shame, really. I keep trying to get back into the car stuff, and I have a hard time wanting to start over again. Idk, we'll see how this winter goes. I keep thinking about doing a late 60's TA, we'll see if I can get something going again.
08-09-2011, 11:59 PM
All the more reason the state legislature needs to pass a castle doctrine in Iowa. Prevents you from being sued civilly after protecting yourself.
Agreed. But we live in an age of "the criminal is always right, and they wouldn't have done something to you if you hadn't made yourself a target or wronged them somehow" apologist culture. I don't know when we became a nation of pussies, but we are. It'll take people getting their balls back before anything can change.
08-10-2011, 08:12 AM
This thread reminded me of this.
08-10-2011, 08:56 AM
That shit was hilarious!
08-10-2011, 09:49 AM
This thread reminded me of this.
Thanks. I laughed at work, and people look at me. That glock in a cup made me shit my pants.
08-15-2011, 03:22 PM
Firearms instructor here...too many to post...i mostly carry my kimber warrior..keltec pf9 for hot weather....anyone looking to get thier iowa concealed carry permit. hot me up..i teach the class...been a military and civilian firearms instructor for about 5 years now...won the jsoc competition at ft bragg..the small arms champoinship at ft benning in 2008 and hold an A class in uspsa also attended numerous civlilian schools to include...front sight...gunsite...ussa...magpuldynamics...tdusa..u s training center(blackwater) and when im not playing army i am a private security contractor for ogara group teaching weapons in jordan and uganda......hit me up..and learn from the best
08-15-2011, 03:24 PM
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit yea buddy. Teach me how
08-15-2011, 03:30 PM
Wbat do u want to know?
08-15-2011, 03:35 PM
firstly, to shoot a gun, second, to hit what im aiming at.
08-15-2011, 03:43 PM
Hehe that sound soo much simpler when u word it like that....there is a little more to it than that the fundamentals....any advanced shooter will tell u there no special trick to shooting..the only thing that separates the good shooters from the bad shooters is that tbe good shooters have mastered the fundamentals of marksmanship and can consistently apply them every time they fire... ill leave u my number 319 450 8385 im going to be back in iowa by the end of the week if not tje beginning of next...hit me up and we can go to the charge...just a 1 on one
08-15-2011, 11:08 PM
When are you and me gonna go shooting? You need to see my toys
08-16-2011, 07:09 AM
Hellz yea...when i get back we'll have to go play i got me a few new toys as well...might have to find a range that we can shoot the .50 cal barett hehe its soo long i can barely fit the bitch in the rx8
08-16-2011, 07:11 AM
And i love the looks the neighbors give me when im stuffing the case in the car...maybe thats why they havent been over for my grill outs....hmm interesting
08-16-2011, 07:21 AM
If you guys go to that shooting range in Swisher, let me know.
08-16-2011, 07:40 AM
Lol you got a Barrett? Niiiice! I've been slowly modding the mosin over time but I'm tired of all my bolt actions and kind of want the get a battle rifle.
We can shoot at either swisher or Blackhawk park they have berms large enough to stop a .50 round.
08-16-2011, 09:02 AM
Hehe that sound soo much simpler when u word it like that....there is a little more to it than that the fundamentals....any advanced shooter will tell u there no special trick to shooting..the only thing that separates the good shooters from the bad shooters is that tbe good shooters have mastered the fundamentals of marksmanship and can consistently apply them every time they fire... ill leave u my number 319 450 8385 im going to be back in iowa by the end of the week if not tje beginning of next...hit me up and we can go to the charge...just a 1 on one
I'll take you up on that. Just name the day and time. I wouldn't mind getting some practice with my Kimber.
04-09-2012, 01:22 AM
I have about 12 riffles and 6 or 7 handguns. It's an addiction. But a damn fun one at that!
04-10-2012, 11:12 PM
Here's my small collection, not much but its growing. I have a bomb shelter, probably 16'x8' concrete room, in my basement that I plan on getting a safe door for and making it my gun room.
From right to left is goes
-My Knight LK-93 .50 Muzzelloader
-Remington 3 1/2" 12ga 887 Nitromag
-Mosberg 500 20ga
-1938 L.C. Smith double barrel 4.10, my grandpa's first gun
-Stoeger double barrel 4.10
-Winchester Model 63, another of my grandpa's guns
-My Ruger 10-22
-the Ruger 10-22 laying to the side of the others is my girlfriend's that was here grandpa's
01-19-2013, 12:05 PM
Bringing it back from the dead.
My Mosin project as it sits, very very different from what is was now.
My Chinese Type 53 carbine
Lee Enfield No4 MK 1 sporter project .303 Brit
Swiss K31 straight pull bolt action 7.5 Swiss
I have a thing for old bolt actions. So much more character!
01-22-2013, 11:21 AM
My Mosin project as it sits, very very different from what is was now.
Love the thumb hole stock!
I just got my .308 CZ 700 a week ago, now I just need to find a range in the Des Moines area with 200+ yds.
01-22-2013, 11:53 PM
God that thing looks sick!
01-26-2013, 07:01 PM
Guess I can contribute. Here is my conceal carry.
Walther PPS .40
01-27-2013, 02:01 AM
Some of my toys
01-27-2013, 11:18 AM
Some nice stuff you guys have there. im thinking about getting a handgun now, I have another project on its way right now and then I need to decide what i want to get. I like the look of that Walther but ive been looking at Sig Sauers, just have a thing for them.
01-27-2013, 11:20 AM
I chose the Walther mainly because it is slim and easy to use as a conceal carry, it is also very accurate and can take long term abuse. Check the long term reviews and you may fall in love!
01-27-2013, 12:39 PM
I've been using an xds. 45 for ccw...traded in my xdm. 40 for it and haven't looked back...I can barely.notice I'm carrying it and its.pretty damn accurate..I practice at 25-30 yards on 8-10in steel targets
01-27-2013, 03:43 PM
01-27-2013, 03:44 PM
I carry a standard XD V10 model w/ lasermax guide rod. Finally found some ammo that it likes. Had to step up to 147g critical defense HPs. I carry it in a Galco King Tuk. I forget I have it on half the time with that holster.
It's a lot easier to carry than my last one...
01-27-2013, 04:56 PM
Nice. I could see the complications of carrying the AK, lol.
01-27-2013, 08:06 PM
Sweet AKS man, you even have the grenade launcher sight.
01-27-2013, 11:45 PM
I might as well add to this
Tragically I lost them all in a freak boating accident
01-28-2013, 12:45 PM
I might as well add to this
Tragically I lost them all in a freak boating accident
get some scuba gear and go wild!
01-28-2013, 01:51 PM
get some scuba gear and go wild!
LOL, I believe he is "foreshadowing" should the government decide to take them in the future. This would be evidence he obviously lost them years ago...and maybe I just ruined it. Or maybe Im wrong.
I carry a XD9 subcompact. XDS would be nice as its a bit thinner, but now worth the added expense imo. Plus I have all this 9mm ammo stocked up I couldnt use.
01-28-2013, 03:33 PM
There seems to be lots of boating accidents. My entire collection of guns went down on the same boat....Maybe we overloaded it?
01-28-2013, 05:21 PM
Went shooting with a friend a couple weeks ago down at Swisher.
Watercolors we were shooting at. First hit was his 9mm.
Second hit was my Glock 23 (.40 cal.) This may have been a hollow point.
Picasso doesn't have shit on us.
Mossberg 500, Glock 23, Para Ordinance 9mm, Taurus .38, and a Rock River AR-15.
Everything but the Glock is his. I carry the Glock whenever I'm not at work in a Desanti Intruder which is basically the same design as a Crossbreed Supertuck.
I also have a Mossberg 500 and a 30.06 bolt action from the 50's. It's a JC Higgins model 50. I had no idea what it was when I bought it but it was super cheap and clean. I guess it's supposed to be a pretty nice rifle.
01-28-2013, 06:19 PM
Everyone seems to be down on their entire collection was involved in a tragic car crash into the river
01-28-2013, 06:25 PM
Everyone seems to be down on their entire collection was involved in a tragic car crash into the river
I meant to add that all of our guns fell out of his truck into the river on our way home. I'm collecting stamps now instead.
01-28-2013, 07:31 PM
Mine was all dropped in the Mississippi. such an odd turn of events we all lost our firearms.
01-28-2013, 08:39 PM
They just get so slippery around water that they fall out of my hands with the slightest bump. Such a shame all that money wasted on those evil things. I think we should give up guns all together and start being good sheep by using the money we would have spent on evil guns and ammo and putting it to use by paying the national debt. It's only fair that the debt be put on our shoulders for being the responsible for all gun deaths in America.
01-29-2013, 01:57 AM
Hes our savior for showing the evils of firearms!
01-29-2013, 06:48 AM
LT1Dan - Your buddies tragicly lost collection would be my ideal collection if I were into those devilish things.
01-29-2013, 06:54 PM
LT1Dan - Your buddies tragicly lost collection would be my ideal collection if I were into those devilish things.
They were nice guns and a lot of fun to shoot. I would have liked to add the ar to my collection before I lost them. Its too bad they are with the fishes now.
Domestic Disturbance
01-29-2013, 08:52 PM
I love the setup on his shotgun. Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times!
01-30-2013, 12:36 AM
i have a couple of these at $150 a pop for self protection. its all a guy needs. made in the usa. obama should take away all your other shit
01-30-2013, 01:23 AM
i have a couple of these at $150 a pop for self protection. its all a guy needs. made in the usa. obama should take away all your other shit
Are you being sarcastic?
01-30-2013, 04:46 AM
Those things are junk...
01-30-2013, 05:10 AM
My life is worth more then a $150 gun that fails to fire with 100-150 rounds. I prefer a gun with no malfunctions. 3000 rounds through my glock with good ammo and never hand a stovepipe, or fail to fire. You get what you pay for. I want to know my gun will fire every single time when my ass or my family's ass is on the line.
01-30-2013, 05:41 AM
Look at it this way, when your Hipoint fails you can hammer him to death with that heavy ass slide...
01-30-2013, 07:02 AM
This thread is full of win.
01-30-2013, 07:46 AM
Look at it this way, when your Hipoint fails you can hammer him to death with that heavy ass slide...
01-30-2013, 08:19 AM
01-30-2013, 09:19 AM
I was about 10 steps away from getting in my truck and going to buy a hi point carbine yesterday, but I decided to get an sgw bullpup kit for my sks instead
01-30-2013, 09:29 AM
My dad has a 9mm Hi point Carbine. Fun gun to plink targets with but it's not his home defense weapon. If you bought a couple of $150 Hi Points, you should have spent that money on one decent handgun instead of 2-3 POS.
And you're just trolling with your Obama comment. :)
01-30-2013, 09:37 AM
And you're just trolling with your Obama comment. :)
01-30-2013, 09:54 AM
Hahaha I was referring to Ryans comment. The picture you posted just creeps me out. lol
And I'm not mad, I didn't vote for him. ;)
01-30-2013, 10:29 AM
I laugh everytime I see it.
01-30-2013, 12:07 PM
My life is worth more then a $150 gun that fails to fire with 100-150 rounds. I prefer a gun with no malfunctions. 3000 rounds through my glock with good ammo and never hand a stovepipe, or fail to fire. You get what you pay for. I want to know my gun will fire every single time when my ass or my family's ass is on the line.
honestly, when i go to the shooting range i usually will burn through 100 rounds and yes I might get one jam. when I cycle through 12 or so clips I would say it might jam once. its had a few stovepipes and feed jams with the 1000 rounds i've probably had through it. more so when your messing around trying to burn through a clip real fast. I'm no guru but few years ago at the swisher shooting range, a couple friends and I burned through a lot of rounds and I seen a decent amount of jams through name brand guns. I think all of their name brand guns had at least one jam (s&w glock, kimber, hk). I didn't feel mine was less reliable. my one friend is a gun guru, kinda reminds me of sandman, he brought a car full of high end handguns and rifles for us to try at the range. anyway he actually bought a hi-point after trying mine out, just to keep in his car as he was impressed for the price.
if i was going to compete in competition or wanted light weight for concealed carry, i'd dump the extra cash for the high end brands. for home protection, if I only had $500 to spend, I'd rather buy 3 hi-points @ $150 each vs one nicer $500. I have multiple entry points into my house, this way I can can stash one gun upstairs, one downstairs, keep one in the car etc. or both my wife and i could each be armed with a hi-point in the event of an intruder vs having only one nice handgun in the house.
01-30-2013, 12:30 PM
Geez....With that POS hipoint I bet you couldn't even kill yourself straight out of the box...I bet it would jam. Any gun that costs 150 bucks isn't even worth looking at. I have a hard enough time trusting my life to Kimber, let alone trusting it to the Wal-Mart of firearms...
01-30-2013, 12:33 PM
honestly, when i go to the shooting range i usually will burn through 100 rounds and yes I might get one jam. when I cycle through 12 or so clips I would say it might jam once. its had a few stovepipes and feed jams with the 1000 rounds i've probably had through it. more so when your messing around trying to burn through a clip real fast. I'm no guru but few years ago at the swisher shooting range, a couple friends and I burned through a lot of rounds and I seen a decent amount of jams through name brand guns. I think all of their name brand guns had at least one jam (s&w glock, kimber, hk). I didn't feel mine was less reliable. my one friend is a gun guru, kinda reminds me of sandman, he brought a car full of high end handguns and rifles for us to try at the range. anyway he actually bought a hi-point after trying mine out, just to keep in his car as he was impressed for the price.
if i was going to compete in competition or wanted light weight for concealed carry, i'd dump the extra cash for the high end brands. for home protection, if I only had $500 to spend, I'd rather buy 3 hi-points @ $150 each vs one nicer $500. I have multiple entry points into my house, this way I can can stash one gun upstairs, one downstairs, keep one in the car etc. or both my wife and i could each be armed with a hi-point in the event of an intruder vs having only one nice handgun in the house.
Jams through nice guns usually mean said friend doesn't know how to clean or properly use their firearm. Don't blame the gun because the owner is stupid. It's not the gun's fault.
01-30-2013, 12:40 PM
Probably burrs on the ramps of the high dollar guns, polish out and problems are gone. The Hi Point's problem is its a hunk of shit. You cant fix that.
01-30-2013, 12:47 PM
honestly, when i go to the shooting range i usually will burn through 100 rounds and yes I might get one jam. when I cycle through 12 or so clips I would say it might jam once. its had a few stovepipes and feed jams with the 1000 rounds i've probably had through it. more so when your messing around trying to burn through a clip real fast. I'm no guru but few years ago at the swisher shooting range, a couple friends and I burned through a lot of rounds and I seen a decent amount of jams through name brand guns. I think all of their name brand guns had at least one jam (s&w glock, kimber, hk). I didn't feel mine was less reliable. my one friend is a gun guru, kinda reminds me of sandman, he brought a car full of high end handguns and rifles for us to try at the range. anyway he actually bought a hi-point after trying mine out, just to keep in his car as he was impressed for the price.
if i was going to compete in competition or wanted light weight for concealed carry, i'd dump the extra cash for the high end brands. for home protection, if I only had $500 to spend, I'd rather buy 3 hi-points @ $150 each vs one nicer $500. I have multiple entry points into my house, this way I can can stash one gun upstairs, one downstairs, keep one in the car etc. or both my wife and i could each be armed with a hi-point in the event of an intruder vs having only one nice handgun in the house.
If you're going with anything hi-point, buy the carbine. It's a cheap gun, and actually pretty reliable. Sure, most of it is composite, but if you're not planning to use it regularly, they're a good, cheap shooter. I keep my Kimber in good, clean shape; never had a single jam as long as I've owned the gun other than one time; It's my carry gun, and I carried it without shooting it for about 3 months....Took it to the range, had one stovepipe....took it apart; dirty from carrying. The first thing anyone ever says about a gun is reliability, but it's only as reliable as the guy that cares for it....
01-30-2013, 12:56 PM
The first thing anyone ever says about a gun is reliability, but it's only as reliable as the guy that cares for it....
So true
01-30-2013, 08:14 PM
honestly, when i go to the shooting range i usually will burn through 100 rounds and yes I might get one jam. when I cycle through 12 or so clips I would say it might jam once. its had a few stovepipes and feed jams with the 1000 rounds i've probably had through it. more so when your messing around trying to burn through a clip real fast. I'm no guru but few years ago at the swisher shooting range, a couple friends and I burned through a lot of rounds and I seen a decent amount of jams through name brand guns. I think all of their name brand guns had at least one jam (s&w glock, kimber, hk). I didn't feel mine was less reliable. my one friend is a gun guru, kinda reminds me of sandman, he brought a car full of high end handguns and rifles for us to try at the range. anyway he actually bought a hi-point after trying mine out, just to keep in his car as he was impressed for the price.
if i was going to compete in competition or wanted light weight for concealed carry, i'd dump the extra cash for the high end brands. for home protection, if I only had $500 to spend, I'd rather buy 3 hi-points @ $150 each vs one nicer $500. I have multiple entry points into my house, this way I can can stash one gun upstairs, one downstairs, keep one in the car etc. or both my wife and i could each be armed with a hi-point in the event of an intruder vs having only one nice handgun in the house.
It was a short time coming, but I can no longer take you serious. With the amount of internet investigating you do, I'm surprised you said something as stupid as this.
01-30-2013, 08:49 PM
It was a short time coming, but I can no longer take you serious. With the amount of internet investigating you do, I'm surprised you said something as stupid as this.
i was expecting you hours ago . what took you so long ? a good troll will always respond within a couple hours max
01-30-2013, 09:50 PM
Trolls rarely post, your defense was weak at best, point goes to sparkles.
01-30-2013, 10:16 PM
Trolls rarely post, your defense was weak at best, point goes to sparkles.
are you thinking of a lurker ? a troll is a trouble maker .
i only live 5 minutes from the swisher shooting range. if one of you guys are heading out there, swing by and grab my hi-point and try it out
01-31-2013, 04:36 AM
My brother in law has a Hi Point 9mm, its a hunk of shit. You can swear up and down how great it is but its still a hunk of shit. You cannot tell me that a $150 handgun will shoot worth a damn. The machining that would be involved in such a firearm would be so half assed you would be lucky to make a 1 ft group at 15 yds...
Add the fact that the balance on that handgun is so off in one direction and it looks like it was designed by a kid with down syndrome and I dont want to touch another.
Keep ringing the Hi Point bell though, its actually hilarious to see someone enthusiastic about something so terrible.
slow ride
01-31-2013, 06:33 AM
Trolls rarely post, your defense was weak at best, point goes to sparkles.
I think someone found a new boyfriend
01-31-2013, 07:19 AM
The early hipoints had feeding problems mostly related to poor feed ramps people dremmel modified and it helped a lot. The new ones are much more reliable. Would I depend on one with my life? If it was all I could or wanted to afford yes, but seeing that guns WHERE a hobby of mine I would want something more refined.
01-31-2013, 07:34 AM
The early hipoints had feeding problems mostly related to poor feed ramps people dremmel modified and it helped a lot. The new ones are much more reliable. Would I depend on one with my life? If it was all I could or wanted to afford yes, but seeing that guns WHERE a hobby of mine I would want something more refined.
01-31-2013, 07:46 AM
I think someone found a new boyfriend
Will you be mine?
slow ride
01-31-2013, 07:57 AM
You know I can't quit you. :)
01-31-2013, 08:05 AM
The Maquoketa education system done teach me good.
01-31-2013, 12:18 PM
You know I can't quit you. :)
You had me at hello.
01-31-2013, 01:59 PM
There is a reason they call HiPoints "disposable pistols"......
01-31-2013, 02:02 PM
My brother in law has a Hi Point 9mm, its a hunk of shit. You can swear up and down how great it is but its still a hunk of shit. You cannot tell me that a $150 handgun will shoot worth a damn. The machining that would be involved in such a firearm would be so half assed you would be lucky to make a 1 ft group at 15 yds...
Add the fact that the balance on that handgun is so off in one direction and it looks like it was designed by a kid with down syndrome and I dont want to touch another.
Keep ringing the Hi Point bell though, its actually hilarious to see someone enthusiastic about something so terrible.
come at me with your mosin nagant bro, dual hi-points will win every time. if one jams, i still have the other
01-31-2013, 02:18 PM
come at me with your mosin nagant bro, dual hi-points will win every time. if one jams, i still have the other
Come at me with dual hi-points and I'll come at you with a chronic-masterbating homeless man. He's likely to get an accurate shot off before you do.....
Btw I'm hating on Hi-point, but I did just buy their 9mm carbine....All in jest.
01-31-2013, 03:56 PM
My brother in law has a Hi Point 9mm, its a hunk of shit. You can swear up and down how great it is but its still a hunk of shit. You cannot tell me that a $150 handgun will shoot worth a damn. The machining that would be involved in such a firearm would be so half assed you would be lucky to make a 1 ft group at 15 yds...
Add the fact that the balance on that handgun is so off in one direction and it looks like it was designed by a kid with down syndrome and I dont want to touch another.
Keep ringing the Hi Point bell though, its actually hilarious to see someone enthusiastic about something so terrible.
Best post of this thread
01-31-2013, 04:00 PM
Best post of this thread
Best post about another post on this thread.
01-31-2013, 04:34 PM
My brother in law has a Hi Point 9mm, its a hunk of shit. You can swear up and down how great it is but its still a hunk of shit. You cannot tell me that a $150 handgun will shoot worth a damn. The machining that would be involved in such a firearm would be so half assed you would be lucky to make a 1 ft group at 15 yds...
Add the fact that the balance on that handgun is so off in one direction and it looks like it was designed by a kid with down syndrome and I dont want to touch another.
Keep ringing the Hi Point bell though, its actually hilarious to see someone enthusiastic about something so terrible.
its way off balance?? it will balance on its sights like this , no strings. it weighs two pounds you must have some sensitive hands to detect an imbalance
I have the aim down pretty well now. $200 says I can out score you on a target with your 9mm handgun of choice vs my junk hi-point. lets lock it in. come to swisher by me and I'll pay for your gas money
01-31-2013, 05:05 PM
no long barrels, scopes laser attachments etc
01-31-2013, 05:28 PM
I think by off balance they are refering to hi points being top heavy.
01-31-2013, 06:31 PM
If you were closer I would take that bet in a heart beat.
01-31-2013, 07:15 PM
I'm just trying to figure out why if these are the bees knees at 1/3 of the price of the other brands, why everybody and their little sister aren't buying the crap out of them. I'll tell you why. Because they are a giant hunk of garbage of a gun. The one and ONLY decent thing about them is that when it does jam (which I'm betting happens a lot more than you're letting on) you can knock them out by throwing that heavy piece of crap at whatever is threatening you. Shooting a round every 10 seconds in a controlled environment is night and day from emptying a MAGAZINE (not clip, better watch out for the proper word police) at an intruder in a life an death situation.
Domestic Disturbance
01-31-2013, 07:28 PM
Ryan you are driving a strange point. I think reliability falls under one of the major points of a gun. I can see your desire for multiple weapons, but in the possibility of a life or death situation a firearm that is not that reliable seems to be a silly risk. Eliminating other possible factors such as hand to hand combat if it DID fail, the possibility of failure just seems like a risk not worth taking. Thats just my opinion, I'm no professional.
01-31-2013, 08:20 PM
I think by off balance they are refering to hi points being top heavy.
That was the point i was trying to drive home.
Ryan, what exactly do you consoder a good group out of that handgun?
01-31-2013, 11:24 PM
I'm just trying to figure out why if these are the bees knees at 1/3 of the price of the other brands, why everybody and their little sister aren't buying the crap out of them. I'll tell you why. Because they are a giant hunk of garbage of a gun.
dealers sell the the shit out of them. i know of 5 friends that have the 9mm's. they actually have a bad rap for being used in a lot crimes, mostly because they are so affordable. they've murdered a lot of people. sandman owns a hi-point and fifdy almost bought , they just can't resist .
"Tom Deeb, whose company has been making Hi-Points since 1988 and now is the 4th largest pistol manufacturer in the country (2012), producing as many as 85,000 a year." Have you actually shot one?
01-31-2013, 11:29 PM
look back, i never once said they are the better than the more expensive brands. most of what i have said i stand by ...... but you know i'm just trolling on you gun guys .
lots of haters but also lots of good comments about them ,. ..
02-01-2013, 06:28 AM
02-01-2013, 06:56 AM
Ill take that bet Ryan...I have a Kruger MKIII I can shoot inside a quarter at 25 yards offhand...put your money where your mouth is
02-01-2013, 07:00 AM
I wanna see this grudge match get settled, 200 bucks on the line for shooting a gun, thats waaay more than anyone is willing to bet on a race around here!!
02-01-2013, 07:11 AM
Ryan have you ever considered getting a shotgun?
You can get a pretty decent used 12 gauge for under $200 if you look around.
Shotguns rarely fail and are great for home protection.
02-01-2013, 07:36 AM
You should have bought 10 Louisville Sluggers for the price of a HiPoint. 1 bat for each room, each car, each kid, wife and 1 for each hand of yours, if you want to talk about covering various areas in your home.
It could be a family bonding moment, beating in the skull of an intruder...
02-01-2013, 07:47 AM
We should have an iaf range day...byo-coffee and ammo
02-01-2013, 08:27 AM
You should have bought 10 Louisville Sluggers for the price of a HiPoint. 1 bat for each room, each car, each kid, wife and 1 for each hand of yours, if you want to talk about covering various areas in your home.
It could be a family bonding moment, beating in the skull of an intruder...
And people wont laugh at you when you talk about how great they are.
02-01-2013, 08:39 AM
i have the bats covered
yea i should buy another shotgun, mine was stolen at my mom's garage years ago
Ill take that bet Ryan...I have a Kruger MKIII I can shoot inside a quarter at 25 yards offhand...put your money where your mouth is
my bluff bet was only for xr7 . this aint my hobby, i only shoot 1-2 times a year. nevertheless i wanted to see if he was confident in how shitty the hi-point is and he did not jump all over that bet. however i would be interested in this bet
I have a Kruger MKIII I can shoot inside a quarter at 25 yards offhand
02-01-2013, 08:44 AM
I dont have my own handgun Ryan but unlike you this IS my hobby and I shoot about twice a week. You want to shoot rifles I'll go all day but without a handgun of my own I cannot take you up on your bet.
02-01-2013, 08:47 AM
Interested in a few toys if you guys know of these around for sale or trade IM me or text at 319 202-2532.
Lever action rifles in general
thompson, replica ok
winchester trench gun
Colt peace maker
colt 1911's
02-01-2013, 08:55 AM
There's a gun show tomorrow at hawkeye downs Scott..
02-01-2013, 08:55 AM
Interested in a few toys if you guys know of these around for sale or trade IM me or text at 319 202-2532.
Lever action rifles in general
thompson, replica ok
winchester trench gun
Colt peace maker
colt 1911's
Give matt a call: (319) 270-2399
02-01-2013, 09:35 AM
Ill take that bet Ryan...I have a Kruger MKIII I can shoot inside a quarter at 25 yards offhand...put your money where your mouth is
Bullshit, not without a scope and with your off hand
02-01-2013, 09:47 AM
Bullshit, not without a scope and with your off hand
I think you meant "bring to the range bitches." ?
02-01-2013, 09:52 AM
Interested in a few toys if you guys know of these around for sale or trade IM me or text at 319 202-2532.
Lever action rifles in general
thompson, replica ok
winchester trench gun
Colt peace maker
colt 1911's
So, you're basically looking for every gun on my list?
I had a 30-30 lever action but sold it a few years ago
An original Thompson you will not find unless it was reverted to semi-auto, or unless you had a family member in WW2 take it apart and send it home in separate boxes....
Trench guns are out there, but are expensive due to their collectibility....Seeing as how they were mostly war used in 1 and 2....It's actually top of my list for a home defense shotgun
I have a 1911 colt army....WW2 European theater used....RIP gramps
02-01-2013, 09:53 AM
Have you ever shot a gun Derek? I have a 300+ yard range off my back porch with over 12 steels targets, 3 paper stands, and I shoot A LOT...25 yards with a tack driving .22 handgun is cake..
02-01-2013, 09:55 AM
Im pretty sure that is also a target pistol not a run of the mill unit.
02-01-2013, 10:00 AM
So, you're basically looking for every gun on my list?
I had a 30-30 lever action but sold it a few years ago
An original Thompson you will not find unless it was reverted to semi-auto, or unless you had a family member in WW2 take it apart and send it home in separate boxes....
Trench guns are out there, but are expensive due to their collectibility....Seeing as how they were mostly war used in 1 and 2....It's actually top of my list for a home defense shotgun
I have a 1911 colt army....WW2 European theater used....RIP gramps
Well, these are the ones that interest me... I have always bought ONLY the guns I have wanted and refuse to sell them but I recently aquired something that I did not paticularly want really bad, so I figured if the opportunity presented itself I wouldnt feel bad trading for something I do want.
02-01-2013, 10:02 AM
Have you ever shot a gun Derek? I have a 300+ yard range off my back porch with over 12 steels targets, 3 paper stands, and I shoot A LOT...25 yards with a tack driving .22 handgun is cake..
so go set a quarter out 25 yards on its own stand and shoot it, one shot, first try, you have go pro's film that shit
02-01-2013, 10:10 AM
so go set a quarter out 25 yards on its own stand and shoot it, one shot, first try, you have go pro's film that shit
Are the firearms you "own" yours or someone else's?
02-01-2013, 10:12 AM
Have you ever shot a gun Derek? I have a 300+ yard range off my back porch with over 12 steels targets, 3 paper stands, and I shoot A LOT...25 yards with a tack driving .22 handgun is cake..
Im currently looking for a house where I'd have the ability to do this (wouldnt necessarily..). Where about do you live? Basically, I want more land than house and dont want to be able to wash my neighbors window from my kitchen.
02-01-2013, 10:15 AM
Are the firearms you "own" yours or someone else's?
well I borrow my step dads when I want to go shooting..... but everyone at the range thinks they are mine so its ok! :)
p.s. when did i claim to own a gun?
02-01-2013, 10:25 AM
Are the firearms you "own" yours or someone else's?
02-01-2013, 10:42 AM
I live in the country outside Bp...its a pretty tits setup, any of you guys are welcome to.come do some shooting if you want
02-01-2013, 10:43 AM
Ill make a vid when it warms up derek
02-01-2013, 11:05 AM
I live in the country outside Bp...its a pretty tits setup, any of you guys are welcome to.come do some shooting if you want
Wish you lived closer, the range closest to me blows. Usually have to wait in line for the pistol range to open up. Would love to have a housing set up like that.
02-01-2013, 09:38 PM
dealers sell the the shit out of them. i know of 5 friends that have the 9mm's. they actually have a bad rap for being used in a lot crimes, mostly because they are so affordable. they've murdered a lot of people. sandman owns a hi-point and fifdy almost bought , they just can't resist .
"Tom Deeb, whose company has been making Hi-Points since 1988 and now is the 4th largest pistol manufacturer in the country (2012), producing as many as 85,000 a year." Have you actually shot one?
That's funny. Most of ALL of my friends are gun people and have quite a few. Usually between 10-20 is a normal collection. None of them have one. A couple have had them, but it's usually the same story. "Yeah, I didn't know anything and I didn't have very much money, but I really wanted a gun so I bought this. Then I realized it was a giant turd, so I got rid of it".
02-01-2013, 10:11 PM
I will not buy a Hi Point, I have shot them and do not like them. I'll spend the extra money and a much higher quality built handgun. Something about those just don't seem right.
02-02-2013, 12:58 PM
Anybody know of indoor ranges in the Des Moines area? I've been to the outdoor range in Winterset but that's it.
02-02-2013, 01:04 PM
There isn't any for public use around here.
02-02-2013, 11:12 PM
I have a glock 19 series 4th gen. 9mm. I like it way better than any xd/m shit i've shot and held. ok bye.
02-03-2013, 10:46 AM
I've not shot the XDM yet, but a buddy of mine has a .40 and says he likes mine better than his. I also have a G21 which I like just the same. Ugly, but reliable and accurate.
02-03-2013, 11:13 AM
Just picked up a kimber ultra carry II earlier this week and finally got to hit the range with it. The action is a bit more "snappy" but overall I like how it shoots. The XDM is a great handgun but I prefer a glock over them.
02-03-2013, 01:44 PM
Just picked up a kimber ultra carry II earlier this week and finally got to hit the range with it. The action is a bit more "snappy" but overall I like how it shoots. The XDM is a great handgun but I prefer a glock over them.
Any pics?
02-03-2013, 03:40 PM
Just picked up a kimber ultra carry II earlier this week and finally got to hit the range with it. The action is a bit more "snappy" but overall I like how it shoots. The XDM is a great handgun but I prefer a glock over them.
I have an ultra carry II as well, by far my favorite to cc.
02-03-2013, 03:57 PM
I have an ultra carry II as well, by far my favorite to cc.
Same here. Kimber makes orgasmic firearms.
02-03-2013, 09:41 PM
Where can one go to get there scope rings aligned lapped and scope bore sighted in cedar rapids
02-05-2013, 10:37 AM
all I have right now is a glock g23 gen4 and an 870. trading the 23 for a 26 or 27 not sure yet. still need to get my permits and all that.
02-05-2013, 02:29 PM
1st pic is my XD Subcompact 9mm (carry) with Hogue Grip, Pearce Grip and painted engraving.
2nd pic is my Subcompact next to my full size XD45
3rd pic is my old XD 45ACP with LED flashlight that I sold.
Last is my Mossberg 715t 22LR with Red Dot and 25 rd mag.
02-05-2013, 02:56 PM
Had a friend home from the Marines and shot some handguns in my parents back yard.
Little bit of everything, few XDs, some Glocks, a Walther and a couple Sigs. No Hi-Points, only quality firearms allowed.
The yard sparkled with brass. Its was beautiful.
02-05-2013, 03:21 PM
What did you like the best in the group?
02-05-2013, 03:35 PM
Tough to say, I think I am more of an XD fan over Glock when it comes to compact pistols, don’t get me wrong, Glock makes a hell of a gun, but I like the simplicity of the XD, especially when it comes to breaking it down for cleaning. My Subcompact has a dual spring which makes its very simple to disassemble, where as my friends XD/M 45 has a single spring, still easy, but not as easy as the dual spring. I really like how the easy the Walther PPQ was to shoot and how easy it is to be accurate with it. As far as full sized, I wasn’t much a fan of the XD/M 45 5" barrel, I actually really liked my brothers Sig 1911 45 much better. It just feels right in your hand. My brother also has a Springfield .357 revolver which is a blast to shoot but way too heavy to do much else.
Later that week we went to Swishers shooting range and shot rifles and by far my favorite was my friends AR-15 with the slide fire stock. Good thing he paid for the ammo. Expensive to shoot, but totally worth it. I wish I would have taken pics of us shooting that but was too busy pissing my pants from excitement.
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