View Full Version : ur go to honda guy?
07-24-2011, 05:13 PM
Yea, just sein what happens when i put my name out there for vouches...... ik theres a few guys on here ive done stuff for, so post em up.
07-24-2011, 08:07 PM
I know vic will vouch for you on borrowing trailers ;)
07-24-2011, 10:13 PM
hahaha, yea right!!! lol.
07-25-2011, 11:56 AM
Vouches for what? You need a hug?
07-25-2011, 03:26 PM
Ill vouch for this guy... Does Great work..
1.I took him my bone stock Crx and i said i want it fully built and for it to run low 9s but at the same time win car shows and he did just that... The car mad just under 100whp FULLY BUILT. Proly the fastest car in Cedar Rapids.
2.Then i took my old car to him for some body work and what not i took him like 3 day with some expert craftsman ship..
Here are a couple pictures i got form his work and what not..
Ill give him A+ for his work..
07-25-2011, 03:51 PM
The car mad just under 100whp FULLY BUILT. Proly the fastest car in Cedar Rapids.
Hahaha hilarious!
07-25-2011, 05:11 PM
NO JOKE this this is fast... it almost beat those GEO with the 3cylinders... don't those run abt a 10.5 I lost by maybe a car
07-25-2011, 08:00 PM
damn man, i didnt want u to post that thing yet!!!! lol
07-25-2011, 08:02 PM
Vouches for what? You need a hug?
Maybe i do....... i was kinda hopin to start makin a name for myself with some help from my friends HAHAHAHAHAHA!
07-25-2011, 08:21 PM
timing belt on a honda pilot. Have at it stud.
07-25-2011, 09:03 PM
Ill vouch for this guy... Does Great work..
1.I took him my bone stock Crx and i said i want it fully built and for it to run low 9s but at the same time win car shows and he did just that... The car mad just under 100whp FULLY BUILT. Proly the fastest car in Cedar Rapids.
2.Then i took my old car to him for some body work and what not i took him like 3 day with some expert craftsman ship..
Here are a couple pictures i got form his work and what not..
Ill give him A+ for his work..
James, I love you. LOL
07-25-2011, 09:12 PM
timing belt on a honda pilot. Have at it stud.
lol, umm........ 88-00 is my thing sry
07-25-2011, 10:15 PM
Why can't I go to the 2nd page of this?
07-25-2011, 11:49 PM
fixed . thread titles with '...' at the end screw up the url. if your a computer geek you know what this does to a directory './' . makes it go up a directory. on a side note in your profile you can set it to view 40 or so posts per page. less clicking but more to load at a time but usually isn't a problem with high speed internet
07-25-2011, 11:58 PM
Maybe i do....... i was kinda hopin to start makin a name for myself with some help from my friends HAHAHAHAHAHA!
inside the little shack/booth there is a voucher dispenser . go get some!
Domestic Disturbance
07-26-2011, 01:25 AM
What all have you built just for reference?
07-26-2011, 09:18 AM
Voucher dispenser hahaha
07-27-2011, 04:47 PM
in all honesty i have seen build threads of yours... but i have never seen dyno numbers of motors you have built, and also doesn't help that 2 of the motors you helped build broke shortly after being done...
they may not have been your fault, like getting the wrong torque specs from APR and the cams in Jacob's motor breaking... neither of them are your fault from the details i know but they don't help your rep when as far as i know you have built like 3 motors... (idk the actual number)
07-27-2011, 05:33 PM
i built a 13.5 to 1 compression SOHC that was in my EK coupe, till the garage was broken into. My 4 door had 3 motors, a B18A1 which i sold and is still running in DSM sumwhere. Then it had a B16A3 which i sprayed to shit, and it hooked at the track and blew a hole in the number 1 piston. Then i built that LS/Vtec, which was a big headache with ARP..... i ordered 9mm rod bolts and they sent me torque specs for 8mm rod bolts..... Got replacement rodbolts from ARP put them in and sold the car. Shermans motor was built in my basement as well... and the ONLY reason that cam snapped was because, the shop it was at, the guy said the timing belt was too tight so he loosened it and the timing jumped 90 degrees when we were backing it out, (piston slammed into the valve, valve went up into the cam and broke it). James' GSR was also built in my basement, and he has yet to have an issue with the motor itself. The only reason i posted this is cuz itd be nice to have people realize that "hey, maybe he kinda knows what hes doin"..... instead of lookin at me like the ricer that drives a stock integra, and will never own anything fast..... <-rant over
07-27-2011, 05:51 PM
in all honesty i have seen build threads of yours... but i have never seen dyno numbers of motors you have built, and also doesn't help that 2 of the motors you helped build broke shortly after being done...
they may not have been your fault, like getting the wrong torque specs from APR and the cams in Jacob's motor breaking... neither of them are your fault from the details i know but they don't help your rep when as far as i know you have built like 3 motors... (idk the actual number)
And it doesn't help your rep that for nearly a year you bragged hard about a car that wasn't yours.
07-27-2011, 05:57 PM
And it doesn't help your rep that for nearly a year you bragged hard about a car that wasn't yours.
hahahaha, ahhh gotta love the old days. We were all young and dumb at one point. dude, i was 15 maybe 16 at the time. lol
07-27-2011, 05:59 PM
hahahaha, ahhh gotta love the old days. We were all young and dumb at one point. dude, i was 15 maybe 16 at the time. lol
That was directed at derek, not you.
07-27-2011, 06:03 PM
oh, icic. point taken tho, lol
07-27-2011, 06:42 PM
dallas, i like you kid..but honestly you havent really done much to have a "rep" as "the honda guy"
07-27-2011, 06:46 PM
Needs more machining of flywheels so the cars don't want to shake apart lol
07-27-2011, 07:27 PM
1. i built a 13.5 to 1 compression SOHC that was in my EK coupe, till the garage was broken into.
2. B18A1 which i sold and is still running in DSM sumwhere.
3. Then it had a B16A3 which i sprayed to shit, and it hooked at the track and blew a hole in the number 1 piston.
4. Then i built that LS/Vtec, which was a big headache with ARP..... i ordered 9mm rod bolts and they sent me torque specs for 8mm rod bolts..... Got replacement rodbolts from ARP put them in and sold the car.
5. Shermans motor was built in my basement as well... and the ONLY reason that cam snapped was because, the shop it was at, the guy said the timing belt was too tight so he loosened it and the timing jumped 90 degrees when we were backing it out, (piston slammed into the valve, valve went up into the cam and broke it).
6. James' GSR was also built in my basement, and he has yet to have an issue with the motor itself.
Motor 1 was untested
Motor 2 and 6 run good
Motors 3,4,5 had failures
You are at a 40% success rate so far for keeping a motor running. Motor 3 you are responsible for knowing how much nitrous a motor can take and a safe tune. not sure about motor 4 but in the end an engine builder is responsible for everything. someone ships you the wrong part # etc a good machine shop will catch those mistakes and get it right before running the motor. Wasn't motor 5 running for a while with a loose belt? U had a chance to tighten it and should know the correct tightness if your building motors that should be cake.
nothing against you dallas, hope you keep building. just seems like you need a few more motors under your belt. find someone with some money who has the means to push your motor on the dyno and at the track and get some #'s. and when you get it down, your customers will spread the word for you. i'm glad someone's getting their hands dirty at least.
07-27-2011, 08:07 PM
Well, im sure sherman will chime in at any point... but that belt was tight as shit and timed perfectly, Dereks dumbass had the bright idea to loosen it cuz "they shouldnt be tight".... so that cam was his ass and he did nothing. And his motor will be boosted/tested/and on the dyno soon enough. Motor 3 i paid $200 for, and it had a 75 shot on it. It hooked while being sprayed out of the hole at CFR, AKA it was being sprayed at low rpm. Motor 4 ill take responsibility for, yes i shouldve double checked it when i didnt. Motor 1 was a really good motor, i loved that car and put a lot in it. That was my very first motor build. Ran hard and strong, FUCK THIEVES! Its fine, everybody can doubt me for as long as they want, but when it comes down to it, when it comes to hondas, i some how always get called.... Also, i was only sayin what motors ive had, i only had my hands on 4 out of those 6.
07-27-2011, 08:14 PM
Needs more machining of flywheels so the cars don't want to shake apart lol
I havent resurfaced any flywheels except my brothers, and his clutch does not shake the car. Its perfectly fine.......
Domestic Disturbance
07-28-2011, 01:40 AM
my clutch shakes my car to pieces. Lets do a k20 this weekend.
Honestly though, you need an engine done and usually in your own possession that you can flaunt its successes.
07-28-2011, 05:39 AM
I didn't know people resurfaced flywheels I guess I always thought someone had to use a planer or take it on down to the tranny. Shop and wait an .hour or so
07-28-2011, 06:16 AM
So let me get this straight.... you didn't even build the nitrous motor, and you didn't think to put a window switch on it? Have any of the said motors been out of the 14s?
07-28-2011, 07:34 AM
no that was a $200 motor, and that nitrous kit was cheap as fuck and i didnt care about it.... And i wasnt gonna dump a fuck ton of money into it. I paid $100 for a 10lb bottle, a 15ft line, a WOT switch, and another 1ft line. Then i paid $50 for a dyno-tune nitrous solenoid and a fitting from Ed, thats it.
07-28-2011, 08:44 AM
I dont have a Honda, but my go to guy is probably always going to be my brother. I believe he was a Honda master tech, ase certified etc.
I had a honda once, little pimpin. wanted H2B swap the thing but got another talon.
07-28-2011, 02:30 PM
i built a 13.5 to 1 compression SOHC that was in my EK coupe, till the garage was broken into. My 4 door had 3 motors, a B18A1 which i sold and is still running in DSM sumwhere. Then it had a B16A3 which i sprayed to shit, and it hooked at the track and blew a hole in the number 1 piston. Then i built that LS/Vtec, which was a big headache with ARP..... i ordered 9mm rod bolts and they sent me torque specs for 8mm rod bolts..... Got replacement rodbolts from ARP put them in and sold the car. Shermans motor was built in my basement as well... and the ONLY reason that cam snapped was because, the shop it was at, the guy said the timing belt was too tight so he loosened it and the timing jumped 90 degrees when we were backing it out, (piston slammed into the valve, valve went up into the cam and broke it). James' GSR was also built in my basement, and he has yet to have an issue with the motor itself. The only reason i posted this is cuz itd be nice to have people realize that "hey, maybe he kinda knows what hes doin"..... instead of lookin at me like the ricer that drives a stock integra, and will never own anything fast..... <-rant over
Dallas I don't really know you but I have been building motors for a few years now, I have assembled about 6 engines total, built a couple ground up cars and I don't have near the horror stories that you do. I really don't see what getting traction has to do with melting a hole in a piston, I would probably say that was all nitrous but I'm no nitrous guru so I could be wrong
07-28-2011, 02:42 PM
Dallas I don't really know you but I have been building motors for a few years now, I have assembled about 6 engines total, built a couple ground up cars and I don't have near the horror stories that you do. I really don't see what getting traction has to do with melting a hole in a piston, I would probably say that was all nitrous but I'm no nitrous guru so I could be wrong
Yea now if you would just stop asking for 11k out of your builds they would last longer!
Interview mode:
Dallas, just tell us why you should be our go to Honda guy. I mean, do you have a mechanic background, or engineering, schooling, racing etc. Or what are your qualifcations for building/repairing/troublshooting that are only honda specific?
07-28-2011, 03:52 PM
my car runs perfect :) it does need a fresh up tune for the new cams. my camshaft snapping was a lesson learned. i knew the belt should have been tightened, but i got so overwhelmed trying to get it running the i overlooked it. my fault, ill take the blame for that. the only other problems ive had with my car were bolts backing themselves out (damn solid mounts), my 3rd gear syncro, and a stripped oil drain plug that i knew about when i put the engine in. o well big deal. everytime i drive the honda i beat the crap out of it because thats what i built it for. its got well over 5000 miles on it now and runs like a dream.
07-28-2011, 04:09 PM
^thank you, at least i know i have 1 friend on here that knows how i work and appreciates it. Why should i be ur go to honda guy? cuz all my close friends call me all the time if they need help with their hondas and i just thought id throw my name out there and see if anybody needs a hand. Cuz i im NOT the same kid that was out at the races in his GF saturn. Would just like to be looked at differently for once.......
07-28-2011, 04:19 PM
Next time I'm walking downtown, piss drunk, with a cooler of beer you better drink one and not thumb your nose at me...bitch!
07-28-2011, 04:27 PM
I just want to be the go to ball joint guy
07-28-2011, 04:28 PM
Why should i be ur go to honda guy? cuz all my close friends call me all the time if they need help with their hondas
I'll give you that one.
Everytime anybody does somethin they have you over helping.
slow ride
07-28-2011, 05:35 PM
Now if you could only help them convert the cars to RWD ;)
Larsons Fox
07-28-2011, 07:16 PM
So you want to be the go to guy for building B and D series engines? Most high school kids I know can build those. Have any experience with K series? How about boosted cars?
07-28-2011, 08:25 PM
hell how bout ls/vtec h23vtec b20vtec those are pretty popular set ups now.
07-28-2011, 08:57 PM
or better yet g23's for the win
07-28-2011, 10:32 PM
Im good with the following: ANY 88-00 civic/integras, Dseries, Bseries, and i know a lot of misc. info....... And if u ask me sumthin i dont know about, ill be the first one to tell you. If i happen to work on sum1s car and I fuck it up sumhow, ill be be the first to help figure out what i did wrong and get it fixed or put back the way it was. No, im not a "master honda tech" by any means, i just know a lot of the popular stuff.
07-29-2011, 04:10 AM
So you want to be the go to guy for building B and D series engines? Most high school kids I know can build those. Have any experience with K series? How about boosted cars?
I know we're the foremost authority in the all mighty twin G Ready swap.
07-29-2011, 10:33 AM
So you want to be the go to guy for building B and D series engines? Most high school kids I know can build those. Have any experience with K series? How about boosted cars?
Lol. I would LOVE to see a high school kid build a B16a2 boosted and tuned correctly. It would never happen.
07-29-2011, 10:37 AM
Lol. I would LOVE to see a high school kid build a B16a2 boosted and tuned correctly. It would never happen.
I wouldnt sell any one short just due to age. Money is the biggest factor at that age, if a kid has it its probably due to the parents and they never seem to wrench themselves. If they dont have much money it comes down to what can you afford to build. And for most its a homemade turbo kit for a d series. And thats pushing the budget, it would be better to go over the whole car and make it solid and reliable, and in a few years have it turbo or swapped. I built my first DSM at 17 from the ground up. I assembled the motor myself during free periods and really didnt have any one to help. My friends would lend a hand when ever they could. I didnt have a dad interested in that sort of thing to do it for me or even support the idea of tearing down a running car and spending all my money on it. the end he was right of course.
btw sandman, I remember you dropping your sister off a few different times. I always wanted to race you but assumed the Honda was slow anyway ;)
Larsons Fox
07-29-2011, 11:33 AM
Lol. I would LOVE to see a high school kid build a B16a2 boosted and tuned correctly. It would never happen.
My brother built his Honda while we were in high school. His build has around 20k hard miles on it. Still runs strong. He was a Honda tech for 3 year before he went to Cadillac.
So never say never.
07-29-2011, 07:34 PM
I wouldnt sell any one short just due to age. Money is the biggest factor at that age, if a kid has it its probably due to the parents and they never seem to wrench themselves. If they dont have much money it comes down to what can you afford to build. And for most its a homemade turbo kit for a d series. And thats pushing the budget, it would be better to go over the whole car and make it solid and reliable, and in a few years have it turbo or swapped. I built my first DSM at 17 from the ground up. I assembled the motor myself during free periods and really didnt have any one to help. My friends would lend a hand when ever they could. I didnt have a dad interested in that sort of thing to do it for me or even support the idea of tearing down a running car and spending all my money on it. the end he was right of course.
btw sandman, I remember you dropping your sister off a few different times. I always wanted to race you but assumed the Honda was slow anyway ;)
Slow? Ouch!
I guess I am speaking from my own situation. Back in 2000 when I first got ahold of my SI, I was writing the book on turbo-ing the thing. There were very few people who had yet to attempt it, and of course anyone I found was out in California, so I had no help with any problems I came across. Now, a kid can do the same thing I did by only watching videos on youtube and crap like that. I did it the hard way.
08-02-2011, 12:14 AM
i built the B18A1/YS1 in the crx, the A20A1 in the accord and the D16 in the civic, all three are still running strong. That puts me at 100% and i HATE hondas. ;)
08-02-2011, 10:57 PM
i remeber seeing on FB that you were fixing a honda motor for not the first time reusing stock head bolts a number of times. thats a huge no no. and your response was its cause you didnt wanna spend a million dollars on a motor. ARP studs is the answer. i reused a set over 10 times. no issues.
idk how you could call yourself the go to guy with hondas when i wouldnt say youve built anything fast or great.
like said earlier your at a 40percent success rate. thats terrible. the motor i built for my car has 25k on it and has been boosted the whole time. first 24k was right around 300whp and now that car makes 475whp on the same untouched block. just put a better flowing head on.
now id say i have a pretty damn good solid motor. 1st "built" one ive had/done. now i would def never call myself a honda go to guy just cause ive built a good motor and know a decent amount. yes i could answer most peoples questions if they asked but wouldnt make a thread saying im "your go to guy"
08-02-2011, 11:29 PM
i remeber seeing on FB that you were fixing a honda motor for not the first time reusing stock head bolts a number of times. thats a huge no no. and your response was its cause you didnt wanna spend a million dollars on a motor. ARP studs is the answer. i reused a set over 10 times. no issues.
idk how you could call yourself the go to guy with hondas when i wouldnt say youve built anything fast or great.
like said earlier your at a 40percent success rate. thats terrible. the motor i built for my car has 25k on it and has been boosted the whole time. first 24k was right around 300whp and now that car makes 475whp on the same untouched block. just put a better flowing head on.
now id say i have a pretty damn good solid motor. 1st "built" one ive had/done. now i would def never call myself a honda go to guy just cause ive built a good motor and know a decent amount. yes i could answer most peoples questions if they asked but wouldnt make a thread saying im "your go to guy"
should of had revhard build it haha
08-03-2011, 05:02 AM
Whats weird is I work on cars ten hours a day. The more you learn the less you find out you know.
08-03-2011, 06:50 AM
Whats weird is I work on cars ten hours a day. The more you learn the less you find out you know.
Couldn't have said that any better...
08-03-2011, 11:20 AM
i remeber seeing on FB that you were fixing a honda motor for not the first time reusing stock head bolts a number of times. thats a huge no no. and your response was its cause you didnt wanna spend a million dollars on a motor.
Ur fuckin idiot..... if u would actually read that, its says plain and simple that was not my motor. Its my brothers LS swap motor, and those bolts are only on round 2 thank you, oh and guess what........... runs just fine :) And i also stated, if it was my motor id be doin shit right the first time, but its my brother and hes just tryin to get it running and hes more broke than i am. But go ahead and doubt me, cuz when i brought shermans car to the dyno, i know brian wasnt too impressed with ur setup but thats another topic. I also said in an earlier post that the reason i posted this up is cuz im done bein looked at like a little fuckin kid, end of story.
08-03-2011, 11:29 AM
LS/Vtec... still runs, just called the kid i sold it to
James' motor... still runs great
Jacobs motor... still runs great
My brothers motor, sat outside in the elements for 2 years, was at my house bein worked on with troubles for awhile, at the end of the day... still runs, he drives it everyday
My HC sohc mini-me... ran perfect before the garage was broken into.
I believe thats 4 motor total that ive had my hands on, and i believe thats 4 motors that still run!!!!
08-03-2011, 12:39 PM
I didn't really think of you as a punk kid until i read this thread.
08-03-2011, 01:04 PM
how am i a punk?
08-03-2011, 02:23 PM
08-03-2011, 02:45 PM
Ur fuckin idiot..... if u would actually read that, its says plain and simple that was not my motor. Its my brothers LS swap motor, and those bolts are only on round 2 thank you, oh and guess what........... runs just fine :) And i also stated, if it was my motor id be doin shit right the first time, but its my brother and hes just tryin to get it running and hes more broke than i am. But go ahead and doubt me, cuz when i brought shermans car to the dyno, i know brian wasnt too impressed with ur setup but thats another topic. I also said in an earlier post that the reason i posted this up is cuz im done bein looked at like a little fuckin kid, end of story.
If you are truly trying to quit being looked at like a little kid/punk then you should rethink before you make a post like this.
Boostedsohc made 475whp, on a fuckin d-series vitara build. It is one of the faster d-series out there now, and it was also a garage built car, hell the bottom end has 25k miles on it at 300whp and still is in great shape.
Whether or not you're impressed with it doesn't mean shit when his build has proven itself compared to your 14 second car builds.
08-03-2011, 04:39 PM
Ur fuckin idiot..... if u would actually read that, its says plain and simple that was not my motor. Its my brothers LS swap motor, and those bolts are only on round 2 thank you, oh and guess what........... runs just fine :) And i also stated, if it was my motor id be doin shit right the first time, but its my brother and hes just tryin to get it running and hes more broke than i am. But go ahead and doubt me, cuz when i brought shermans car to the dyno, i know brian wasnt too impressed with ur setup but thats another topic. I also said in an earlier post that the reason i posted this up is cuz im done bein looked at like a little fuckin kid, end of story.
him not impressed but it made the most power and D has made on his dyno and also was the only car thats never leaked any fluids on the dyno! hmm sounds like you dont know what your talking about! yeah he said at first he didnt think it would make much over 300whp cause it having no block gaurd. but hey guess what it made just under 500whp. you ever built a d that made that power? i didnt think so. ever had a car run the times ive ran in my car? i didnt think so.
you just are trying to make yourself sound cooler/better by downing my very well built car. which you havent done a very good job. specially when brian was stoked of the power my car made and called me 2 days later to ask how it was doing just to make sure it was still good! guess what? still doing good.
Domestic Disturbance
08-03-2011, 06:27 PM
Slander gets ya no where! I say you guys give this thread a rest.
08-03-2011, 06:30 PM
ha who care's about if it impress's someone???
what does his or your car run? i rest my case....
numbers on the strip mean way more that what's typed on the forum...
i think the little d series running low 11's is perty good....but there are pleanty of people on d series turbo's running into the 9's over on honda-tech...
08-03-2011, 06:58 PM
ha who care's about if it impress's someone???
what does his or your car run? i rest my case....
numbers on the strip mean way more that what's typed on the forum...
i think the little d series running low 11's is perty good....but there are pleanty of people on d series turbo's running into the 9's over on honda-tech...
No one ever denied that there are some serious fast d's - but as you said.. When people want work done, they want it done by someone that has built cars that have put down serious numbers with success on and off the track.
Dallas, you may have put together some cars that are still running and reliable - but they aren't putting down big power or making good track passes and showing how well they stand up to the abuse of that power.
08-03-2011, 07:27 PM
Gm all the way
08-03-2011, 10:43 PM
Gm all the way
gm makes some damn good shit but il argue that honda is better till the day i die! haha.
08-03-2011, 10:47 PM
ha who care's about if it impress's someone???
what does his or your car run? i rest my case....
numbers on the strip mean way more that what's typed on the forum...
i think the little d series running low 11's is perty good....but there are pleanty of people on d series turbo's running into the 9's over on honda-tech...
plenty of people? there are a select few.JFK has the fastest sohc with a 9.50i believe. honestly i know of no other D's right off hand in the 9's im sure theres a couple but not many at all thats for sure. it takes a lot of power to get in the 9's. you need 600-700whp for that. and i know for a fact there arent many of those. bisi moto made 700something but that car will never see a track. and jfk's car made 792whp i think.
08-04-2011, 12:15 AM
ok, look.... sorry bout doggin on ur shit. I told myself awhile back id never talk shit about another honda, thats my bad. Im just sayin, i have a lot of ppl callin me to work on their shit and i kinda thought id put my name here in case sum1 needed some help...... Thats why the thread has a question mark. Sry i posted it, sum1 can delete it if they feel necessary..... I will however continue to search the honda threads for ppl with questions and ill post FAQs when i find them so ppl can refer to them.
08-04-2011, 12:50 AM
i know i have seen other 9 second d's there is more than one...there aint many...but they are out there...and it doesnt take 600whp too go 9's...
it just makes it easyier to go 9's especially in a turbo only takes like 350whp to go 9's when the car is light enough on a all motor platform heheheh..
08-04-2011, 06:42 AM
i know i have seen other 9 second d's there is more than one...there aint many...but they are out there...and it doesnt take 600whp too go 9's...
it just makes it easyier to go 9's especially in a turbo only takes like 350whp to go 9's when the car is light enough on a all motor platform heheheh..
there will never be a 9 sec all motor D tho.
ive never seen a all motor D make over 200whp. those 9 sec all motors are k20's k24's big displacement well big for honda motors. and yeah the 9 sec d's are out there but very select few. i wish i could run 9's
08-04-2011, 07:27 AM
im sure you can go 9's...if anthor person can do it you can too....11's is when it starts and then you just try too go quicker and quicker...your probally going too need 26's for slicks and really light car...also more power...but there have been f20c fwd swaped honda's in the 9's allmotor...there has also been 9second f23/h22's in the 9's on all motor as well...there has been one crazy light d16 stroked as big as it can get running 11's allmotor..but running 9's in d16 aint happening in a street chasie atleast..maybe an alter chassie but with that much money into the chassie and body you want too give it more power
basically me and you have built car's that have numbers too back it were not busting out 9's yet on my end lo cant speak for you.. but we both have a perty good idea of where too start on what it would take..what has this honda guy done for numbers??? some street low boost and all motor cars built for the street isnt hard in the honda world...but we start somewhere im not dogging him at all...but his bussiness would get more postive comments if he had a few real fast cars or atleast decent
01-31-2012, 02:06 PM
B18C1, LMAs are making noise, what do?
01-31-2012, 02:07 PM
Sell it. Buy a Silverado.
01-31-2012, 02:14 PM
Sell it. Buy a Silverado.
Run the same times AND you can help friends move.
01-31-2012, 02:25 PM
^lol. Don't forget you tow your boat.
01-31-2012, 03:07 PM
Run the same times AND you can help friends move.
And not feel like a 15 year old when you tell people what you drive.
01-31-2012, 03:27 PM
I knew it was trouble when someone bumped this thread.
02-01-2012, 06:37 PM
B18C1, LMAs are making noise, what do?
Replace ur "Lost Motion Assemblies" They sit under your valve train.
02-01-2012, 06:40 PM
02-01-2012, 06:57 PM
02-01-2012, 06:59 PM
holy shit man, i havent seen that video in like 10yrs or sumthin lol. "was that your engine!!!!!!!!!!!" rofl
02-01-2012, 07:02 PM
02-09-2012, 10:33 PM
Pick up a set of H22 LMA springs for dirt cheap, run a couple of shims and call it a day. Saves you about $200 if I recall correctly and works perfectly.
02-10-2012, 09:43 AM
Pick up a set of H22 LMA springs for dirt cheap, run a couple of shims and call it a day. Saves you about $200 if I recall correctly and works perfectly.
Aaron, that is currently what I am running in my head. A set of beehives from a newer H22. Shim them to height, and so much less hassle.
02-10-2012, 11:57 AM
This is a classic. All my engine failures were not so epic, and I was usually racing myself.
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