View Full Version : All Mitsu Cookout -- Sunday, August 28th, 2011 -- Rogers, MN
06-10-2011, 08:56 AM
Planning has begun on the 2011 All Mitsubishi Cookout and Car Show. This year's event is on Sunday, August 28th, 2011. The event will run from 11am to 4pm at the Rogers Middle School in Rogers, MN. And once again we have our two main sponsors back, Brookdale Mitsubishi and Modern Automotive Performance.
The All Mitsu Cookout is an afternoon filled with some great Mitsubishis on display. It is both a car show and a huge BBQ. Plus we give away some cool prizes and trophies. We are hoping to have another great turnout.
The page to sign up and check out all the other details is at:
06-10-2011, 06:30 PM
this might be fun if i could get a couple guys to go too. oh, AND if i could get my truck going by then.
06-13-2011, 11:04 AM
this might be fun if i could get a couple guys to go too. oh, AND if i could get my truck going by then.
Dont really recommend it dustin, I thought the same thing last year. I won't be going back
06-13-2011, 12:08 PM
I forget what happened last year?
06-13-2011, 02:28 PM
It is a participant judged car show and the local guys always vote for cars they know, cant say I blame them, but to get more people to come from father away I think the event should have unbiased judges.
06-28-2011, 10:25 AM
It is a participant judged car show and the local guys always vote for cars they know, cant say I blame them, but to get more people to come from father away I think the event should have unbiased judges.
We have had plenty of out of towners win in the past. Using participant voting is the most fair way to run any car show.
07-05-2011, 12:52 PM
Hey everyone,
Just updated the sign up list. We've got 52 cars signed up already. Looking good.
If you need to get pumped up for this event, just surf on over and watch the video from last year:
Also, I have the flyer created. It is at:
I'd really like us to set a new record for Mitsus there. The record is 166 cars. So make sure to tell your friends and give out some flyers where ever you can.
07-13-2011, 08:52 AM
Hey everyone,
We have 57 people signed up for the Cookout so far:
This year we have our two main sponsors back with Modern Automotive Performance and Brookdale Mitsubishi. And new this year is an associate sponsor Midwest Turbo Connection. All of them are great businesses and they really help make the All Mitsu Cookout affordable. Here are links to them:
Brookdale Mitsu:
Midwest Turbo Connection:
07-19-2011, 08:37 AM
Hey everyone,
Sign up numbers are looking good. We are up to 68 sign ups.
I've got a hotel secured for the out of town owners. We'll be using the Hampton Inn, in Rogers, again. We have an $89 group rate. Just mention the Rogers car show when booking your room. You'll need to book by August 13th to get the group rate. More details are at the bottom of the Cookout page at:
Don't forget to help me get the word out. I'd really like to see the All Mitsu Cookout grow. But I can't do it on my own. I'll probably be handing out 50 flyers at Car Craft this weekend. Do your part and make sure all your Mitsu buddies know about the Cookout and convince them to come. Here is a link to the flyer:
07-27-2011, 01:26 PM
We are up to 74 sign ups now! Only about a month away.
Don't forget that you can prepay for the Cookout with paypal. The All Mitsu Cookout is only $5 to be in the show and all the food you can eat. You are also eligible for the prizes. Its a heck of a value. You can send your paypal to:
See ya soon,
08-03-2011, 08:08 AM
We are up to 80 sign ups now! The current list is at:
We'll also be doing the online voting again. Every registered car will get a voting slip with a code on it. You walk around and vote honestly for your favorite car in each category and write their car number down on the slip. Once you are done, you can go online with your phone and enter your votes yourself. If you don't have an internet phone, someone at the registration desk can enter your votes too.
Less than four weeks away now! Hope to see a great turnout.
08-09-2011, 09:35 AM
Hey everyone,
The Cookout is only 2.5 weeks away now. Looks like we are up to 97 sign ups.
I've finalized the categories for the show. We will keep the same categories as last year. We'll have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies except for the cleanest car overall and the Galant category. The Galant category is going to be small, so we'll just do 1st for that one. Here are the categories:
Best 90-94 DSM
Best 95-99 DSM
Best 00-05 Eclipse/Stratus coupe
Best 91-93 3/S
Best 94-99 3/S
Best Evo I to IX
Best Evo X
Best Galant (1st place trophy only)
Best Other Mitsu
The "Gene Helms" Cleanest Car Overall
Also, our block of rooms at the Hampton Inn go away on August 13th. So any out-of-towners looking for a room, book it now!
08-17-2011, 07:46 AM
Only 11 more days until the Cookout. We are up to 105 signups:
It is not too late to get signed up and come join us for an afternoon of Mitsu fun. The All Mitsu Cookout is coming up on Sunday, the 28th. We'll have some great prizes, plenty of food, and some fun stuff like the Mitsu trivia contest, and the slow drags.
Here are some reminders:
1) Sign-up online. The page is at:
2) If you have Paypal, send me your $5 registration to (no credit cards please)
3) Fill out your car sign ahead of time. It saves a lot of time in the registration line. Download the sign at:
And my example sign can be found here:
4) Bring some lawn chairs for hanging out and bring your appetite! We'll have plenty of food.
Also, if you are just coming to spectate, there is a separate spectator lot on the back side of the school. So don't turn at the stop light at the school. Go past that and take your next right and go behind the school. The lot behind the school is for spectators. The front lot is for participants.
We will also be doing the slow drags again. It’s going for about 50 feet as slow as possible, without stopping. We'll have a trophy for the winner. It is a lot of fun.
See ya soon,
I went to a DSM/Mitsu show one time and a junkyard magically appeared...
HA, I miss my DSMs though, good luck with the show
08-26-2011, 07:37 AM
The All Mitsu Cookout is almost here! Its this Sunday from 11am to 4pm at the Rogers Middle School. We are up to 128 sign ups:
If you haven't signed up yet or still thinking about coming, you still can. Even if you don't sign up, you can register and pay at the show. And if you haven't made out your car sign yet, you can even fill one of those out at the show. (but its a lot cooler to make your sign ahead of time)
When you first get to the school, you will enter the parking lot and you'll pay and get your wristbands. Then you'll go park in the appropriate row and finish your registration at the registration tent. There you'll get your car sign, car number, and voting slip. Then put your car sign on your car somewhere and then enjoy the show. We'll have tons of food, pop, water.
If you are coming to the Cookout without a Mitsu, you can bypass the first entrance to the Cookout and take the next right. Then drive around the school to the back. There is a parking lot back there for spectators. If you want to eat, spectators can go to the registration desk to get a wristband for $5.
See ya on Sunday,
09-01-2011, 08:58 AM
Hey everyone,
I've finally recovered and caught up on things. I've got the page created with all the pics and trophy winners. Its at:
Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Cookout this year. Thanks to my hard working volunteers and to our awesome sponsors: Brookdale Mitsubishi, Modern Automotive Performance and Midwest Turbo Connection.
Other than a few scary rain drops, everything went pretty smoothly.
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