View Full Version : The new shit...
05-24-2011, 10:39 AM
Some of you may already know i sold my 4 door civic..... Only got $1,500 out of it, so a buddy of mine hooked me up with a deal! 1991 Acura Integra GS, bone stock! 216k miles, virgin california car..... Champ white. When i got it, it needed a spot of rust to be fixed, so i fixed that.... The CF hood that was on it looked like shit, clear was peeling and it was sunfaded. So i first wet sanded the shit out of it with 1500 grit, then cut/buffed for what felt like forever, looks brand new :) I also pulled the old and faded pin-stripping off. Here in the near future i wanna cut/buff the whole car, just to make it look that much better. I just got back from a trip to Des Moines, where i picked up a set of JDM B20B cams that came out of a CRV. I put those in on sunday :) I would like the car to run high 14s but i also plan on doin autoX this year. Here is a list of my plans for the car, keepin it simple!
B20B cams: done
Lowering springs
Sway Bars
FULL exhaust
J1 B16 trans, (in my basememnt, needs rebuilt)
Good clutch and flywheel
Lastly, convert to OBD1 and get it retuned
Leave comments:
05-24-2011, 11:07 AM
Only comment I have is that front bumper fits like SHIT.
05-24-2011, 11:31 AM
Color match the black trim. Wheels. Lower. Be done.
05-24-2011, 11:37 AM
216K Virgin?
Seems like your old car somehow fit you better.
05-24-2011, 03:07 PM
99.9% sure I seen you on Blairs Ferry rd. earlier (I think it was today... that's pretty bad! LOL)
05-24-2011, 03:25 PM
why would you get it tuned, if your just doing bolt ons? that isnt a v8, youd only gain about 2whp! and drivability really shouldnt be affected with those mods...
Domestic Disturbance
05-24-2011, 04:19 PM
I think it sits higher than my honda
05-24-2011, 06:49 PM
Please don't fuck it up and beat it to hell.
05-24-2011, 07:40 PM
Please don't fuck it up and beat it to hell.
Yeah, not sure the world would make it with one less Honda on the streets...
Domestic Disturbance
05-24-2011, 09:50 PM
what engine is in these? Assuming its a b series?
05-24-2011, 11:25 PM
what engine is in these? Assuming its a b series?
Yeah a b18, its what the crx had swapped in.
05-25-2011, 05:59 AM
Yeah, not sure the world would make it with one less Honda on the streets...
05-25-2011, 07:22 PM
u know what, i beat the hell out of my 4 door. i drove that thing everyday and it started every single morning. I sold it to sum kid in vinton, hes had it for 2 weeks...... Its knockin real bad, leaks oil, and he already blew the head gasket. So id have to say there are worse drivers than me! I beat on my cars, but i also take care of them when i get home.
05-25-2011, 07:24 PM
The head gasket blowing so has to do with driver's skill. I always assumed it had to the mechanics and oiling system but that's me.
05-26-2011, 12:28 AM
I've been looking for a 90 to 93 accord or integra. Thats if i ever get a job farther away then 4 blocks. My friend had two accords, beat the ever living shit out of them every time he drove. His first one had 280k miles when the cluster stopped working.
09-12-2011, 01:18 PM
thought id update this for once..... the car started bone stock with a carbon fiber hood. Im slowly modding it, tastefully.....
car now sits as is:
Ralco RZ short shifter
DC GSR shift knob
gutted airbox with K&N drop-in filter
B20B cams
areospeed adjustable cam gears
Thought id post some interior pics for you guys:
I also just finished puttin in a single sided radiator wasnt nearly as hard as i thought it would be, got it done in a couple of hours.... test drove it for about a half and it got hot, so i got home and realized it had an air pocket at the top of the lower radiator hose. Bled the system and shes perfect. Havin all this roome in the engine bay REALLY makes me want to get this thing boosted already. anyway, on to the pics:
The crack that started to grow!
Pulled the fans... notice the discolored radiator neck, lol
the fans have seen better days, the bearings in the smaller one were gone
Radiator was missing some fins
i "tried" to fix it with JB weld.... a few times hehe
radiator and a/c condensor pulled, this makes me want some traction bars
a/c compressor pulled, its dirrty but looks a lot more open
saved: condensor, bracket and compressor
had to flip the blades and wire it up backwards to be a pusher fan
modified one of the upper mounts to work with the new radiator
fan was a tight fit!
almost done
mounted up pretty flush with the upper support, i loved it
upper mount bolted down
09-12-2011, 02:48 PM
Hurry up and turbo that thing already, don't let that spare space go to waste.
09-12-2011, 10:12 PM
that is a lot cleaner. if that aluminum radiator rubs against that metal it can wear a hole into the radiator rather quickly
09-12-2011, 10:27 PM
Thats one of the issues i was havin actually, thats why in some of the pics u can see i had to bend some of the metal up out of the way on the bottom.
09-13-2011, 06:29 AM
better put that bolt back in they dont like having the fans flopping around
09-13-2011, 06:36 AM
To get better support you can go to the yard and see what brackets are available. I know on the 79-93 style mustangs they wrap around the top of the radiator while holding it away from the frame. Not sure if they will work or not but it might be something to look into, I am sure there are plenty in the jy. That way it doesnt start to move back and forth with that middle bolt as a pivot.
09-13-2011, 10:17 AM
Fuck it. Obviously he's a master with the JB weld. Just use that and glue it in.
09-13-2011, 10:47 AM
better put that bolt back in they dont like having the fans flopping around
What bolt are you talking about? thats how these mount from the factory, they sit in rubber mounts on the bottom and have 1 support on top.
09-13-2011, 10:49 AM
Fuck it. Obviously he's a master with the JB weld. Just use that and glue it in.
Why post anything, if ur just gonna be a smartass...
09-13-2011, 11:00 AM
A lot of people do this with DA integras, its how its been done for a long time:
A few examples
09-13-2011, 11:04 AM
i did this to my prelude. the aftermarket radiators for civics work well on all platforms for hondas.
09-13-2011, 11:09 AM
^thx, took a lil longer than expected...... but well worth it, pusher fan works great too
09-13-2011, 06:48 PM
The crack that started to grow!
09-13-2011, 08:00 PM
Why post anything, if ur just gonna be a smartass...
Why attempt to fix something if you're not going to do it correctly?
09-13-2011, 09:50 PM
I put a half size in cuz i plan on boosting it next year, and to boost a DA u need a single sided radiator, otherwise the turbo set-up wont fit.....
09-13-2011, 09:51 PM
The crack that started to grow!
Oh yea, lol.... it was like that when i got it.
09-15-2011, 11:14 PM
well there are kits that work, just not big turbo kits. i dont see you running anything past a tiny t3 with out a built motor so a stock replacement would have worked with a pusher fan. same goes for my prelude. however my lude is fully built ect. so......
sparkles: if you run a t4 turbo most hondas dont have room to support them. unless you use a top mount manifold. so why not drop down to a dual core half size civic radiator and get that space. even if your plans are to go bigger later save money and do it right now.
09-16-2011, 01:23 PM
I think Sparkles was commenting on the ghetto JB Weld "fix" on the old radiator, not about the half sized replacement.
09-16-2011, 10:33 PM
You're missing the point. I was referring to the crappy ass glob of JB weld on the radiator. Of coarse, that's how you roll too right?
09-17-2011, 10:28 AM
oh you know it! I cob all my shit, lol. Turbo plans are to run a GT28 or a GT30..... ARP rod bolts and headstuds, 14lbs.......
09-17-2011, 03:11 PM
That wasn't directed at you actually, but if the shoe fits.
09-18-2011, 12:14 PM
the shoes a lil big, but ill grow into it i guess
09-22-2011, 01:33 PM
So i started gettin prices on turbo stuff last night and kinda want your guys opinion.... im tryin to kepp it as cheap as possible while stayin as far away from ebay crap as i can. The only thing i went cheap on is the manifold at $300. Anyway, heres what i got so far.
Godspeed ramhorn manifold (will be heat wrapped)... $300
Precision PW39 wastegate with 15lb spring... $235
Precision turbo- 5431B .48 A/R T3 4 bolt... $650
Mishimoto intercooler 28 x 7.5 x 2.5... $220
R/C 440cc injectors... $320
walhbro 255... $110
converted to obd1 and tuned on crome
Thats not including little odds and ends tho, my goal is to run my LS with rod bolts and headstuds on 15lbs and im shootin for 250-300whp range
09-22-2011, 02:05 PM
Um....I got a better idea. Call me and I can inform you a bit!
09-22-2011, 02:23 PM
I can probably save you a little on the precision parts as well as the walbro pump. also stock dsm injectors are cheap and they are 450cc just require a larger lower oring I believe .
09-22-2011, 05:06 PM
For what your looking for as far as HP goes that turbo may be a bit big. If your going to deal with lag you may as well shoot for higher numbers. You can hit 250-300hp on a JY Garrett T3 and spool alot faster. The general rule for buying a turbo is to buy the smallest turbo that will support the HP you want, unless you have plans down the road that is. That looks like a nice turbo though, whats the Map look like, because I could be totally wrong about its characteristics.
09-22-2011, 06:16 PM
You could always buy a T04 from a tbird turbo coupe they are pretty plentiful and cheap. The one on the manual is a smidge bigger. Just a thought.
09-22-2011, 06:26 PM
No Tbird ever came with a T04, the 2.3 would never spool that thing, they did however depending on the year have either a IHI turbo(87 up and small) or a T3 with I think a .63 exhaust(86 and older). Ebay would be a good place to find a T3 off a turboford, many are liquid cooled as well.
09-22-2011, 07:53 PM
Are you gonna be running E85?
09-22-2011, 10:58 PM
I guess somehow I was confused, swear I had read they were the T04...
Oh well, we learn something new each day.
Edit: It was a Garrett T03, I was wrong. This is according to Mike Sitar's page.
09-22-2011, 11:20 PM
no, its gonna be on pump..... And i WILL NOT get a tiny ass turbo that spools really fast, i refuse to. The reason i wont is cuz even with my LS tranny, i sit at 3500rpm at 70mph, and i dont want it tryin to spool when im on the highway. Jesse and trevor agree, that turbo should be fine for what im lookin for. It might be over kill, but if i ever wanna up the boost later on, itll work. Shit, it aint even over kill that much, its an entry level turbo! the max hp level on it is 460
09-23-2011, 12:29 AM
since when did spooling fast become a bad thing? you have a b18 right? That 5431 is a 50 trim, 54mm compressor wheel, thats the biggest i would go if you want good street manners. but if your not going to use the power then i would go a little smaller like 86svo said.
The 51mm size (20g, gt2871r, 46 trim) can do 350+whp
09-23-2011, 01:05 AM
ill think about it, but im pretty well set on it. great price, and like i said if i wanna up the boost i can. Plus all the baby turbos i look at have internal wastegates, and i want an external..... just perfer it. Pretty much, its the cheapest/smallest turbo i can find within MY price range that requires an external wastegate. And its not like i just up and decided on the first turbo i found, ive been doin research for awhile now.... And a lot of B18 guys use this turbo and love it...... 1 guy ive been talkin to alot has a BONE STOCK B18 non-vtec, on 18lbs with this turbo and he put down 380whp and been drivin this car for 5 years. all he has done to it is headstuds. hes kinda my go to guy for ideas and what not, lol. But like i said, ill keep lookin at stuff....
09-23-2011, 01:09 AM
The speed your car cruises at on the interstate has nothing to do with spooling. It goes by load, so unless your workin to keep that 70mph your not spooling that turbo, but when you want to pass you will appreciate a quicker spool, have you even checked the compressor map out to see if its a good choice with your car, if not post one up for us to check out. Edit - Didnt see your last post, if its working that well with others go for it, just trying to save you some bucks, anything with an internal gate can be made external, you have much to learn grasshopper.
09-23-2011, 01:17 AM
it may sound "ricey", but i personally like a lil spool..... its like a build up, and i cant get enough. And yes, i do have a lot to learn never said i knew everything. lol. I know u can make an internal gate into an external but i dont wanna do it like that.
09-23-2011, 01:27 AM
also thought about this, but keep in mind i personally want a lil spool time, not this quick "stock like" instant power.....
09-23-2011, 01:35 AM
I have no idea what your trying to say, you like a lil spool? So you want it to spool faster? All turbos spool and "build up" its just a matter of when, for example my T3 spools up fully at 2900rpm which is a decent spool up, but if I switched to say a Holset HX35 then spool up would be around 3800rpm which sucks in around town driving and would be hard even to spool at cruise speeds on the highway without a little lag, even though it would make amazing power on my engine I would be unhappy in day to day driving with it. When you say youve been researching then show us maps and talk like you know what your talking about, the reason so many people hate on you on here is because you say stupid stuff like what you said in the last post and people then think you are stupid and treat you like your stupid, its a spiral effect...Take my advice or leave it either way its your car and in the end your the one who has to deal with it and your own life and how people treat you. Have a good night. Edit - How do you know you like slow spool anyway, name your last turbo car you DD'd.
09-23-2011, 01:48 AM
I dont like like you either drew, its ok..... my dad even said u were a tool when u guys worked together. thats beside the point tho. All im sayin is i dont want it to act like a turbo PT loser and instantly spool at super low rpm...... I personally dont mind stabbin the throttle and having to wait a lil bit for the power to be there. Its what I like!
09-23-2011, 01:54 AM
Coming from a guy who is a HS dropout who is still living out of his parents basement and cant even hold a job at a gas station let alone anywhere else for long, I think I can handle that you don't like me but I will still give solid advice when it is needed. As for your dad, I have nothing against him, me and him worked together over 5 years ago and although we only talked a few times since we were on different shifts he seemed like an alright guy and I have a feeling that he was just trying to make you feel better because I am sure you need plenty of reminding about how everyone else sucks and your life is awesome for you to make it day to day.
09-23-2011, 02:01 AM
oh god yes, my self esteem is just that low.... I need my dad to tell me im better than other ppl. U can ask any of my friends, im the last person to think im better than anyone!
Anyway, back on topic if u dont mind.....
09-23-2011, 05:34 AM
I am pretty sure you called the dude a tool and you dont take criticism very well from anyone. As soon as someone tried to help you and it was something you didnt want to hear, yoiu seem to snap on them. Only then apologize two posts later and act like nothing happened. Just an observation.
09-23-2011, 07:05 AM
Why does turbo size always throw this site off sideways? Lol. Anywho...I made a GT4088 with a T4 .82 housing spool on a BONE STOCK B18 with full boost at 4500rpm. Being these engines run to 7-7500rpms, it worked great for me, and I was able to use the turbo for what it was worth later on... Not saying get something that big, just stating bigger stuff never hurts...if used in a decent manner.
The graph I made with the B18...and Gt40, It spooled great on the street I think?
09-23-2011, 07:14 AM
Nice. This is kind of why I have been asking him for a Compressor map so we could see how well the turbo fit his app. He also mentioned he was looking for 250-300hp so I was personally going on that piece of information when making my recommendations, if your going to have a laggy turbo and go through the work you may as well go for what its worth instead of suffering with lag and not as much power in my opinion. That is why I was pointing him in the direction of a smaller much much cheaper turbo that would fulfill what he said he was looking for, most bang for the buck you might say..
09-23-2011, 08:25 AM
You want lag? Why? nobody wants lag. Even the boys with there big turbos are alway trying to find a way to lessen lag.
Figure out your power goals.
Size a turbo for those goals.
Drive the shit out of it.
My subaru has the STI turbo and i will hit 18-19psi buy 2800rpm i can also hold that to 6500rpm but after that it drops off. My red line is at 6800 so i think my turbo is perfect. Sure i have some lag but the right gear and right rpm and its just ready to go. I made 300ft-tq at 3100 to all 4 wheels.
From what i read it sounds like you want a big turbo with lag and that will make 300hp? Dude go smaller turbo and good tune and your will have more fun with the right sized turbo then a big laggy car that will suck to DD. Again, to each his own so if thats what you want then do it. Im just trying to say a samller turbo will be more fun for the power levels your looking for.
09-23-2011, 09:05 AM
09-23-2011, 10:12 AM
If you get a turbo with a lot of spool, you'll get tired of it quick, especially once you go from having a lot of spool to very little spool.
The talon's 20g if I remember right, spooled around 3800rpms. It was a great turbo, but the FPGreen on the laser, when I got it, wasn't spooling until 5200rpms. After switching to a tial external gate / getting rid of boost leaks via my tial bov + everything else I did to it.. When I first took on the street after the winter, it made full boost at about 3600rpms, it was a wild ride to say the least. After tuning it was so insane it'd get sideways in second gear if i punched it on the street. This really was amazing in any street action I did, it wasn't a pain trying to start off in the perfect gear, or finding sweet spots in mph for my car.
My point with all this, is just to say that I can somewhat understand your attraction to a big spool - it is cool feeling suddenly being sucked into your seat. However its nothing in comparison to having a crazy lower spool and being able to just drop a gear and go as opposed to having to drop two gears at times.
The only thing I can see of being beneficial of a bigger spool for you is wheel spin, but being that from my knowledge you are a 'street' person, I can't imagine that being much use to you. + like I said, a quicker spool is MUCH better for the street so you're not trying to set up races at a good mph/rpm for your spool if doing a roll. Also helps with bogging from a stop, but you may spin more.
That's my two cents. I'm no turbo guru or anything, I just know the mere basics that I picked up along the way.
I'm not a big honda guy either, so maybe there are other reasons FWD guys want a higher spooling turbo.
09-23-2011, 10:33 AM
thx for the input garret, i remember that LS.... thing was beast! Anyway, i think im gonna go with the turbo i posted above. Its smaller yet will give me what im lookin for, keep in mind that both of them are still entry level turbos!!! I dont want a turbo that spools at 2900rpm... I dont want a turbo that spools at 5000rpm... i wanna find sum sort of middle ground. I knew as soon as i posted what size turbo i wanted everyone was gonna tell me to get sumthin else, happen to sherman as well. Im not a complete dick, i will take ur guys advice into concideration, but if its what I want its what ill buy. <-not tryin to sound like a dick. When im drivin around on the street, i dont need it to spool so fast... the only time it should ever be in boost is when im on it and up in the Rs, its the way hondas are. They get their power upstairs and thats how i wanna keep it, u can drive in the city under 3500rpm and be completely bone stock like the turbo isnt even there. Ive said once and ill say it again, no matter what honda it is, as soon as you boost it its a highway pull car, cuz the only gear ull hook in is 3rd on up. And in that case ull be up in the Rs anyway. There is zero logic be the reasons i want a "bigger" turbo, i just do.
09-23-2011, 10:34 AM
I wondered if someone would say that "The only thing I can see of being beneficial of a bigger spool for you is wheel spin"
What the hell. Dont put a big turbo on your car to help with wheel spin. You dont spin because you aren't making any power.... buy tires.
Its like saying you should lower your car to get better mpg becasue you will have less wind resistance....
09-23-2011, 10:36 AM
If it spools at 2900 and pulls to your red line what is the problem with that? Why wait for it? :) just my 2 cents
09-23-2011, 10:41 AM
So...why do you want something that takes longer to spool dallas? What is the actual reasoning behind it?
09-23-2011, 10:50 AM
Im not sure, i just like the feeling of bein "pulled" into the seat..... where as like riding in my rents turbo PT cruiser, it "puts" you in the seat suddenly. All cars u guys are mentioning all come stock with turbo, so they are made to hit full boost very soon at low rpm. I dont know why, it just feels like an all motor car or sumthin. im just wierd like that
09-23-2011, 11:29 AM
I cant speak for the Pt cruiser, however stock the subaru is tuned and boost controlled to spool smoothly to avoid any hard hit feeling to make it more controlled power to have better traction and cornering ability. You dont want to be on the throttle mid corner and power suddenly hits. Smooth power works, especially if you are traction limited (which you very much are). A tiny turbo may have traction issues just because it may "hit" hard. A larger turbo will just be unusable for the street. Something in the middle may work better for you. But your reasoning is just not justifiable. "feeling" the power come on, means its not there yet, which means my stock forester would have already driven past you (had I not sold it). Mamamia's post was good, you need usable power. If you want 300whp, find a turbo good for about 350-400whp. That should work for you. If your stuck on the PTE entry level turbos, maybe the 3254 or 4831. Just a suggestion, I dont work with the entry line to much.
09-23-2011, 11:36 AM
thats the one i posted on the 6th page... 4831B, its good for 375. its still big enough if i ever wanna up the boost i can.
09-23-2011, 11:47 AM
thats the one i posted on the 6th page... 4831B, its good for 375. its still big enough if i ever wanna up the boost i can.
I was hoping you would lean towards that option.
09-23-2011, 12:02 PM
now that we got the turbo out of the question, what about the rest of the kit i posted?
09-23-2011, 12:19 PM
Im not sure, i just like the feeling of bein "pulled" into the seat..... where as like riding in my rents turbo PT cruiser, it "puts" you in the seat suddenly. All cars u guys are mentioning all come stock with turbo, so they are made to hit full boost very soon at low rpm. I dont know why, it just feels like an all motor car or sumthin. im just wierd like that
The PT hits hard then dies off quickly. Its a stock tune for Daily driving and highway passing. Your car will be completely different. Im not trying to talk you into a differenet turbo, you know your power goals and know the turbo you want but like colton said the reasoning is off. How "hard" it hits will depend on your tune. I know I can have my wrx hit hard right away (which is what i like) or in a few tiny adjustments to the WGDC I can have it build slower.
Sounds like you know what you want and looks like a good turbo good luck in your project. Only thing i have to say is please dont base any knowledge off of the turbo PT..... they are boosted to the moon on a small turbo. (21psi stock i think)
09-23-2011, 12:22 PM
there is no way that thing is on 21psi...... i was thinkin more like 8psi, shit it only runs mid-15s, lol
09-23-2011, 12:36 PM
Typical stock boost numbers for that motor are 14psi. Some see less.
The pump, turbo, wastegate, intercooler and injectors are all parts we carry.
09-23-2011, 12:53 PM
So much turbo drama still? Just buy a CX racing Gt35R...there $300 and it does the job, word has it they make good power, and last as long as you use a restrictor!
09-23-2011, 01:11 PM
there is no way that thing is on 21psi...... i was thinkin more like 8psi, shit it only runs mid-15s, lol
WTF does that have to do with anything? My Conquest was running like 14-16psi and I bet it was probably in the 15's. Wasn't Ryan running 10's on 8-10 psi?
I am not a huge turbo guy and you seem to be somewhat into them so that statement is pretty odd... I just can't help but laugh when someone says something like that. Throw a tiny ass turbo on an engine and boost 20psi, then throw a bigger turbo on it and boost 8psi. sure saying "I am running 20psi" might sound cooler to your buddies but the guy running 8psi on a bigger turbo will be far, far ahead of you. It is all about air flow and efficiency, not boost pressure.
09-23-2011, 01:16 PM
I wondered if someone would say that "The only thing I can see of being beneficial of a bigger spool for you is wheel spin"
What the hell. Dont put a big turbo on your car to help with wheel spin. You dont spin because you aren't making any power.... buy tires.
Its like saying you should lower your car to get better mpg becasue you will have less wind resistance....
As I stated, I'm not a FWD man so it might be false. I simply have heard of FWD doing that before, didn't really say it was right. I apologize as I wasn't clear in what I meant on that. It obviously isn't a realistic reason/fix for wheel spin.
With proper suspension/tuning/tires even FWD will hook, spool should not be a factor in getting it to hook. This still is my opinion.
And honestly, about getting sucked into your seat and all that. It's still the same really, you just get slammed even harder in your seat and stay sucked into it - it's a much better experience in my opinion.
I'm torn between them all though, I also love a v8, getting pinned in the seat from the moment the pedal goes down.
09-23-2011, 01:23 PM
Why does turbo size always throw this site off sideways? Lol. Anywho...I made a GT4088 with a T4 .82 housing spool on a BONE STOCK B18 with full boost at 4500rpm.
sounds way too fast of spool for a 1.8l with a 65mm turbo and that big of a turbine housing.
dallas i wouldn't worry about you having super fast factory spool and then the turbo falling off. if honda would have balls to turbo a factory 1.8l it would probably be around a 38mm turbo like the t25 which mitsu ran in the 2.0l eclipse and talon. So your 48mm turbo will make way more power and still spool good.
09-23-2011, 01:27 PM
if honda would have balls to turbo a factory
Turbo CRZ would be my new vehicle...
09-23-2011, 01:28 PM
WTF does that have to do with anything? My Conquest was running like 14-16psi and I bet it was probably in the 15's. Wasn't Ryan running 10's on 8-10 psi?
I am not a huge turbo guy and you seem to be somewhat into them so that statement is pretty odd... I just can't help but laugh when someone says something like that. Throw a tiny ass turbo on an engine and boost 20psi, then throw a bigger turbo on it and boost 8psi. sure saying "I am running 20psi" might sound cooler to your buddies but the guy running 8psi on a bigger turbo will be far, far ahead of you. It is all about air flow and efficiency, not boost pressure.
Careful now. This is where it gets dirty.
09-23-2011, 01:29 PM
thx ryan.
09-23-2011, 01:30 PM
Typical stock boost numbers for that motor are 14psi. Some see less.
The pump, turbo, wastegate, intercooler and injectors are all parts we carry.
Yeah i guess 14psi... I know there is a car that boosts 20-21 stock, i thought it was a PT i was wrong :(
09-23-2011, 01:31 PM
As I stated, I'm not a FWD man so it might be false. I simply have heard of FWD doing that before, didn't really say it was right. I apologize as I wasn't clear in what I meant on that. It obviously isn't a realistic reason/fix for wheel spin.
With proper suspension/tuning/tires even FWD will hook, spool should not be a factor in getting it to hook. This still is my opinion.
And honestly, about getting sucked into your seat and all that. It's still the same really, you just get slammed even harder in your seat and stay sucked into it - it's a much better experience in my opinion.
I'm torn between them all though, I also love a v8, getting pinned in the seat from the moment the pedal goes down.
Wasnt "calling" you out just stating that is a dumb reason to run a big turbo. Sounds like you agree too.
09-23-2011, 01:31 PM
Careful now. This is where it gets dirty.
I like it dirty... :)
Am I wrong? I will be the first to admit I don't know a ton about turbos but I think I know "enough". I mean, 10psi on a T25 is not going to be anywhere near 10psi on a GT45. I know that might be an extreme example but isn't it more about air flow and efficiency than it is boost pressure? I mean, a smaller turbo is going to have to be at a much higher boost pressure to make the same power as a bigger turbo. In turn, wouldn't that make it work a lot harder than the larger turbo and thus be a lot hotter and less efficient than the larger?
Pretty much you, Ryan and Trevor are the people I listen to when it comes to turbos.
09-23-2011, 01:34 PM
WTF does that have to do with anything? My Conquest was running like 14-16psi and I bet it was probably in the 15's. Wasn't Ryan running 10's on 8-10 psi?
I am not a huge turbo guy and you seem to be somewhat into them so that statement is pretty odd... I just can't help but laugh when someone says something like that. Throw a tiny ass turbo on an engine and boost 20psi, then throw a bigger turbo on it and boost 8psi. sure saying "I am running 20psi" might sound cooler to your buddies but the guy running 8psi on a bigger turbo will be far, far ahead of you. It is all about air flow and efficiency, not boost pressure.
High boost E85 stock turbo Evo > 35r EVO......
09-23-2011, 01:41 PM
High boost E85 stock turbo Evo > 35r EVO......
high boost, E85 35R evo > high boost, e85 stock turbo...
There are exceptions to every "rule" of course. Just like if you are running a larger turbo with no intercooler and pump gas, you will probably be better off with a smaller turbo, intercooler and high octane. I was basically saying that with both setups in their "ideal" application, the bigger one should make better power, more efficiently at lower boost levels.
09-23-2011, 01:57 PM
high boost, E85 35R evo > high boost, e85 stock turbo...
There are exceptions to every "rule" of course. Just like if you are running a larger turbo with no intercooler and pump gas, you will probably be better off with a smaller turbo, intercooler and high octane. I was basically saying that with both setups in their "ideal" application, the bigger one should make better power, more efficiently at lower boost levels.
Yeah your right i was just saying there can be times were small and high boost beats big turbo. however the cars were set up completely different.
"the bigger one "should" make better power, more efficiently at lower boost levels." <- correct. I just in the mood today to cause problems. I have been to quiet and nice latly.
09-23-2011, 02:24 PM
This Thread turned into another turbo thread. Its simply really the smaller the motor the more PSI you need to go faster, Turbo Size is based on engine size and powerband desire. I cant put a 16g on my viper it wouldnt do shit, yet I need 2-71mm turbos to make lots of power where a 1.6L honda would never spool a T4 71mm
09-23-2011, 02:26 PM
Have to stay on the topic of stock internal street cars. Cant be comparing large turbo built motor cars.
I can think of an instance of a stock turbo wrx whoopin up on a 35r dsm from a roll, all due to spool. By the time the damn thing spooled the wrx was already stopped at the next intersection.
09-23-2011, 02:32 PM
The largest factor in horsepower per pound of boost is displacement of the motor. Or more accurately, flow capability of the motor but that generally is more with bigger displacement. You can put a t72 on the b18 but it won't make 600whp at 11psi like my setup might be around that number now.
09-23-2011, 02:40 PM
Thats because a larger displacment will not allow the turbo high high boost's, you can get a 35r on a evo to hit 40psi, you could never get that same turbo to hit anything close to that on say a 5.0L The larger motor will out spin the turbine housing and the turbo will never be able to spin fast enough to fullfill the bigger motors Air needs... biger motor need biger turbo.
Like I told dallas before a 1.8L honda would have a good fun powerband with a small turbine houseing 30R (.48) or just down to a 28RS turbo. Ive rode in and tuned a 1.6L with a journal Bearing 50Trim and it was to big, or has to big of exhuast housing.
09-23-2011, 03:02 PM
will someone please find me an air flow map of the turbo im buying? i cant find it, heres the turbo:
09-23-2011, 03:19 PM
PTE doesnt release compressor maps.
09-23-2011, 03:31 PM
sounds way too fast of spool for a 1.8l with a 65mm turbo and that big of a turbine housing.
dallas i wouldn't worry about you having super fast factory spool and then the turbo falling off. if honda would have balls to turbo a factory 1.8l it would probably be around a 38mm turbo like the t25 which mitsu ran in the 2.0l eclipse and talon. So your 48mm turbo will make way more power and still spool good.
The graphs on the 5th? page brother. Give Brian at Wrenchs a call, hell...the thing was T4 even. Seemed to work just fine. Derek can vouch it, Nick drove he can vouch it. Everyone here seems to be afraid of big turbos for some reason. Dallas drove my car on a stock GSR with that tubro in September of 10, he loved it...
09-23-2011, 04:15 PM
You didn't log boost on your dyno so how would I tell from the graph. I'm not doubting it didn't make good power or was drivable but from other peoples spool results that turbo shouldn't hit 20psi or so until 5500-6000rpms . I don't know if your guessing or going off of memory but if you actually logged boost @ rpm's i doubt you would see full boost at 4500rpm's. I think you were running open exhaust for a while so that would help but still that seems too fast for that size turbo.
just search large turbos on b18's like the 35r (61mm) or the pte 6262's or the 6567 billet (65mm billet), those guys all take 5k rpms or more to hit full boost.
09-23-2011, 04:18 PM
didn't wrenches close down?
09-23-2011, 05:09 PM
Ya, wrenches is closed
09-23-2011, 05:18 PM
Brain is still tuning through Mid States though.
Just an FYI, don't know if they still are, but SpeedInc is selling the Aeromotive Stealth340 fuel pump on sale. E85 compatible and flows 30% more than a Walbro.
That's what I threw in my car. I'm probably on my 8th tank of E85. No issues.
09-23-2011, 08:51 PM
Walbro just came out with this pump, flow about 45% more than a walbro 255lph hp pump. I think I can sell it for around $115, have to check though its brand new
09-23-2011, 08:51 PM
09-24-2011, 12:11 AM
thats F***in sweet..... try to see/make sure they have an install kit for a 90-93 integra. If so ill buy it
09-24-2011, 09:07 AM
link above fixed. I'm going to order some of those new pumps in and see how big they are. the normal walbro 255 can support 550whp though so you could save some money and just get that one and I know it will fit and I have the install kit for the integra. also the regular 255 takes less amperage to run.
09-24-2011, 09:26 AM
Here is some good pump comparision data.
09-24-2011, 09:41 AM
the bosch didn't do as well in this test
09-24-2011, 10:01 AM
Any test can be skewed by who they want to win, my link as well. I know from my experience on the dyno with multiple cars the 044 is solid. 2 walboro's leaned out on my car after 15 psi, 1 denso supra pump was good until about 19 psi, 1 044 was still good a 25 psi on pump gas. 2 044s are able to run afrs in the 9s on e85 at 30psi, which means my fuel pressure is over 90 psi on boost. To each their own, but rx-7s require huge amounts of fuel and run a pump to the edge. 044s have a failure rate of near zero, and are simply proven to move more fuel where it counts, in the car at wot.
09-24-2011, 10:08 AM
whoops, graph image fixed, posted the wrong one the first time. i don't think ams would falsify the results but who knows. they sell all of the pumps. perhaps one of the pumps were off in one of the test.
this test was really cool
09-24-2011, 10:15 AM
09-24-2011, 11:41 AM
My car has 2 bosch 044's and made 930whp on E85, not sure if it ran out of fuel then or not.
09-24-2011, 04:37 PM
is it still at 930whp or was that with nitrous?
09-24-2011, 04:51 PM
Nitrous? Its on pump gas now iirc...those are on his e85 tune
09-24-2011, 07:09 PM
i thought the previous owner had ran nitrous. i wasn't aware of jesse dynoing the car since he owned it
09-24-2011, 08:03 PM
I think all of the numbers are from the previous owner
09-24-2011, 08:18 PM
The only problem I see with that pump is 1) It's new and relatively untested 2) it's physically different than the typical in tank design. You could probably get it to fit, but it's not going to be a drop in type of deal like the 255 and Stealth 340.
09-24-2011, 09:32 PM
i can see one pump fitting fine but duals could be tricky on that new walbro
Domestic Disturbance
09-24-2011, 10:27 PM
I'm torn between them all though, I also love a v8, getting pinned in the seat from the moment the pedal goes down.
I miss that feeling :(
09-24-2011, 10:31 PM
a1000 ftw
09-25-2011, 01:11 AM
I miss that feeling :(
Wanna ride? :)
09-25-2011, 07:50 AM
i thought the previous owner had ran nitrous. i wasn't aware of jesse dynoing the car since he owned it
The car had went from stock, to nitrous, to superchaged, to twin turbo all in about a year with the previous owner, yes all numbers are from previous owner dynos. its runs better now from me street tuning it then it ever did on pump gas when I got it. I did try the E85 map out and its way off not sure why but the fuel map was not even close, it needs put back on the dyno and tuned for the e85 some day but I feel like I can crank it up enough on pump for now.
09-25-2011, 09:29 PM
high boost, E85 35R evo > high boost, e85 stock turbo...
There are exceptions to every "rule" of course. Just like if you are running a larger turbo with no intercooler and pump gas, you will probably be better off with a smaller turbo, intercooler and high octane. I was basically saying that with both setups in their "ideal" application, the bigger one should make better power, more efficiently at lower boost levels.
Few things about small vs big turbo. A its about what the driver wants. The response will be a lot better with a smaller turbo than a bigger one. By the time the bigger turbo spools the small one is in boost 1k rpm earlier. Granted the big turbo might real them in on the top end. I know which I rather drive and what is fun.
I know if my car had the graph from the other page I would hate it.
I drive the highway and am always in vacuum unless passing or going up hill. Its all how much you like to use the skinny pedal.
I think you need to address suspension and tires because with that much power on a fwd your just going to blow them off.
09-26-2011, 07:37 AM
Honda guys don't address thing like that until a few years later when it fails at the track and on the street outside an 80 roll...then when they have the money for good tires and suspension etc, they will sell them and start another build.../ stereotyping
09-26-2011, 12:15 PM
^stereotyping is the under statement of the year...... everyone thinks because im boostin a honda that im gonna runs ebay susp. and only want highway rolls. oh and its doesnt mean anything, "its another ricer boosted honda"... theyre dead wrong, i told everyone once already im stayin away from ebay shit! im doin this build right, susp will be megan EZ streets, tires will be hankooks 205/50/15s..... and ill have a set of radials put on my spare set of 15s. this car will be DRIVEN!!! im not gonna boost it and say its too nice to drive.....
09-26-2011, 12:54 PM
Doing it right but not forging the bottom end?
09-26-2011, 02:00 PM
its gonna be on 15lbs...... theres people running up to 20lbs on a BONE STOCK bottom-end with 200k miles. LS motors are built well and hold boost.... im doin rod bolts and headstuds. Theres no need for a $3,000 bottom-end build for 15lbs. the stock engine can handle 300whp no problem i have seen so many turbo setups on stock b series engines.
09-26-2011, 06:14 PM
If building a bottom end is doing it the "right" way then ig I really fucked up when I did a oem rebuild on my GSR and then sold it and the turbo kit.. car ran amazing and when it got boosted ig it made 390whp
09-26-2011, 07:50 PM
a1000 ftw
plus voltage regulator to keep it going, they seem to run hot.
As for building the motor, I know a lot of people say what they have done but if your in there it seems like forged wouldnt be a bad idea. I'll look into it more for the b18 and see what seems to work.
09-26-2011, 08:49 PM
i guess i didnt do my built LS right because i didnt sleeve it. o well, still made 500+whp
09-27-2011, 06:49 AM
What did any of these cars run? How long will they last? And NONE of you guys even did the turbo setups..
09-27-2011, 07:53 AM
300whp on a stock b-series is nothing, that power level is childs play. No need to throw two grand at a block to forge it at that level
09-27-2011, 07:57 AM
We are talking abt building a motor here.. Personaly I DID NOT turbo my car no I had all the shit minus oil lines and the car was just more work than I want to deal with so I sold it... when it got turbo it made over 300hp with just rod bolts and headstuds
09-27-2011, 08:24 AM
not sure if these motors are similar at all but lt1 dan's uncle, brian, in CR has a turbo prelude and was running 11-13psi on the stock h22 and put an impressive hole in the block
09-27-2011, 08:48 AM
not sure if these motors are similar at all but lt1 dan's uncle, brian, in CR has a turbo prelude and was running 11-13psi on the stock h22 and put an impressive hole in the block
Not a honda guy but i think H22's are different. cant remember why but somthing with the block.
09-27-2011, 10:31 AM
I never said it wouldn't make the power, I just don't see it holding for a LONG period of time in most cases...never said it can't be done...I would just view the "right" way would be to forge it...
09-27-2011, 11:18 AM
ls1's have been 800whp+ stock not forged but I also wouldn't consider that a good way to do things as it won't last. just depends what the safe long term level is for the b18 and I don't know what that level is.
4g63's can run at 400whp for a long time stock but mitsu > honda :)
09-27-2011, 11:35 AM
h-22 Are way different from a b18.. if i remember right the h22 are Fiber Reinforced Metal and close deck not very strong stock.
09-27-2011, 12:20 PM
h-22 Are way different from a b18.. if i remember right the h22 are Fiber Reinforced Metal and close deck not very strong stock.
Closed deck is a good thing.
92-96 closed-deck
97-01 open-deck
Fiber Reinforced Metal sleeves on the block.
09-27-2011, 01:05 PM
Closed deck is a good thing.
92-96 closed-deck
97-01 open-deck
Fiber Reinforced Metal sleeves on the block.
Yes a close deck is a good thing but as a stock motor still can't seem to hold much power for long with out sleeving it and what not
09-27-2011, 03:11 PM
The motor wont even come out of the car.... pistons and rods will come out the top and get new rings and ARPs pressed in, then its gettin put back together with ACL rod bearings. then a new cometic headgasket and ARP headstuds, ill break it in hopefully over winter. Ill save for the kit, and "HOPEFULLY" be boosted next spring/summer. But to everyone here in good ole cedar rapids, thats doin it the cobb way and half assing it. Im on honda-tech and a few other honda forums gettin nothin but support from the honda community. but its ok, i was told it doesnt matter what ppl say.... do what YOU want and be happy with it.
09-27-2011, 03:17 PM
Id recommend Clevite 77 over the ACL. Clevite uses a softer metal so if a problem does occur the damage goes to the bearings which are very cheap in comparison to say a crank or rods.
Also, if your dont want new rods or pistons, Id not even change the bearings and just open the oil pan and do the rod bolts.
I skimmed ebay for piston and rods kits you can get for around $700 with piston rings too ofcourse.
Then theres the BC rods you can get from work here for around $395.
09-27-2011, 05:07 PM
actually i heard great things about clevite, might use those..... as for the rod bolts, i did just wanna put new bearings in and put the ARP rod bolts in while the rods were still in the block. But its next to impossible, cuz u gotta press the old rod bolts out and u cant do that if theyre still in the block. So,... theyll come out. itll make it easier
09-27-2011, 10:34 PM
I never said it wouldn't make the power, I just don't see it holding for a LONG period of time in most cases...never said it can't be done...I would just view the "right" way would be to forge it...
its all in the tune. 300whp on a bseries is a cake walk with reliablity IF and only IF it is tuned right.
09-28-2011, 05:16 AM
its all in the tune. 300whp on a bseries is a cake walk with reliablity IF and only IF it is tuned right.
fifdy is right, you are only as strong as the weakest link and if you use sub par stuff on a budget you are gonna be living on borrowed time.
09-28-2011, 05:18 AM
plus voltage regulator to keep it going, they seem to run hot.
As for building the motor, I know a lot of people say what they have done but if your in there it seems like forged wouldnt be a bad idea. I'll look into it more for the b18 and see what seems to work.
you are thinking of the 11102
09-28-2011, 06:40 AM
So then let me ask who will be tuning this car?
09-28-2011, 06:42 AM
fifdy is right, you are only as strong as the weakest link and if you use sub par stuff on a budget you are gonna be living on borrowed time.
I've barrowed a S**T load of time then, because I used a ton of cheap parts to begin with....and the only thing that every broke were the expensive things? Hell, I used stock Alxes when everyone siad I couldn't...and never broke one, ever. I realize good parts are a must, but tuning for me has been the key. Not crazy $1500 turbos, Hell the turbo I used on Schermans car was a $300 ebay turbo! And put down over 500whp. Seemed to last...
09-28-2011, 07:08 AM
how long has the car been making 500whp, one month? I consider long term to be 3+ years of abuse. at least thats what I would expect my motor and turbo to last
09-28-2011, 08:08 AM
Yeah seemed to last how long, three weeks so far? That is not a good indicator of long term longevity.
09-28-2011, 08:19 AM
Tuning is extremely important on those is my understanding. Im most familiar with boosted d-series motors, but its not terribly different in the end. The Rods will go if the tune is awesome, or the ring lands will if the tune sucks. If it was me I would say 10psi max, and build a motor on the side.
09-28-2011, 08:57 AM
how long has the car been making 500whp, one month? I consider long term to be 3+ years of abuse. at least thats what I would expect my motor and turbo to last
I had an Ebay IC/BOV/IC piping on my last car...Didn't miss a beat. I used a CX racing T70 on my CRX...lasted two years...and then some being I sold the car. Some shit breaks...but I always seem to break expensive stuff before cheap stuff. And yes, I've only had this turbo on here a month, but I drove the car a lot unlike others do. I put on average 50miles a day on it. I daily drove the thing. I would figure it would have a problem soon if it was gonna have on. But, hey...I'm not the turbo guru around here.
09-28-2011, 09:33 AM
I had an Ebay IC/BOV/IC piping on my last car...Didn't miss a beat. I used a CX racing T70 on my CRX...lasted two years...and then some being I sold the car. Some shit breaks...but I always seem to break expensive stuff before cheap stuff. And yes, I've only had this turbo on here a month, but I drove the car a lot unlike others do. I put on average 50miles a day on it. I daily drove the thing. I would figure it would have a problem soon if it was gonna have on. But, hey...I'm not the turbo guru around here.
lol dude, the intercooler, bov and piping arent really detrimental the survival of the motor. I wouldnt run them myself but to each their own.
Hell the turbo I used on Schermans car was a $300 ebay turbo! And put down over 500whp. Seemed to last...
Good to hear Sherms motors holding together, You got a dyno chart on that? What size is that turbo?
09-28-2011, 10:04 AM
I have ebay intercooler and piping on my WRX. It fit with some wiggle work but works great.
I feel like this went to a turbo honda bash thread. Everything has the weak points (mine is 3rd gear :( ) Sounds like he has his mind made up so let him build it and tune it and go from there.
09-28-2011, 10:09 AM
Haha and how many passes at the track did that car last again?
09-28-2011, 10:15 AM
not a fan of ebay turbos, although boostedsohc's 300whp build went 12,000 miles on an egay 57trim, but then after that one he couldn't get good luck with another one. I still would want a turbo that'd last longer than that though obviously.
I've only ever had experience with the 20g on the talon and the FP Green on the laser. Both fantastic turbos that took more than their share of abuse and are probably still kickin' today. I know the 20g is anyway.
Our buddy runs a Bullseye 57 Trim, I believe it was $600 new. He ran it on his civic for 20k+ and LOTS of abuse at 25psi+ from 300whp to 415whp until he dropped a valve and the valve went through the turbo. Now that turbos rebuilt and on his new integra.
Sure its a few extra, but I've just seen bad luck around ebay turbos and I haven't seen much bad luck with non-ebay turbos.
Of course.. good tuning goes a long way.
When it comes to intercoolers, ebay is a decent source. A basic intercooler is a pretty simple design and even the child labor used to make them (probably) can get them right. However making big power I'd still rather trust a known name for a 'race' level intercooler
09-28-2011, 10:42 AM
Of all the china car parts the intercoolers are the safest among chinese stuff, no moving parts. Even if they aren't the most efficient they work. Extreme Turbo Systems told me they've inspected many designs and a lot of the china ones are sprayed with epoxy during the final manufacturing step to ensure they seal and after about a year they can leak.
09-28-2011, 11:29 AM
Haha and how many passes at the track did that car last again?
My point, the shit that I had more money into always broke. Sorry for cluttering this up dallas...I think 14 pages of this is BS...
09-28-2011, 12:22 PM
My point, the shit that I had more money into always broke. Sorry for cluttering this up dallas...I think 14 pages of this is BS...
Im still trying to help Dallas pick the right components. I dyno chart of your current setup and turbo specs would help tremendously. Dallas isnt shooting for 500hp, so he could get a smaller turbo than you chose. Or if the china turbo doesnt list specs (likely, idk why they just dont) whatever it claims to be would help some.
09-28-2011, 01:22 PM
well ive already picked the turbo, and its not by anymeans a cheap turbo IMO. the only thing im goin cheap on is the manifold... and sohc are way different than Bseries, if this was a sohc than i would agree with only running 10psi. But the point im tryin to make is this motor with have rod bolts and headstuds and people make more power with less on LS motors. they hold! Garrot, how much did u make on ur Junk yard LS, and how many pounds was it on? Yes, u guys are making sense... and if i was shooting for anymore whp, or anymore psi i would do a lot more.... but the fact is it will be driven everyday, so i dont need a lot of power. But hey, its honda so its just another ricer........
09-28-2011, 03:11 PM
Why does turbo size always throw this site off sideways? Lol. Anywho...I made a GT4088 with a T4 .82 housing spool on a BONE STOCK B18 with full boost at 4500rpm. Being these engines run to 7-7500rpms, it worked great for me, and I was able to use the turbo for what it was worth later on... Not saying get something that big, just stating bigger stuff never hurts...if used in a decent manner.
The graph I made with the B18...and Gt40, It spooled great on the street I think?
Bone stock..........didn't even change the filter. And drove it for 3 months, only reason I pulled it was because I had my new engine finished.
09-28-2011, 03:21 PM
How much boost did you throw at it to make those numbers?
09-28-2011, 03:24 PM
You either didn't have full boost at 4500 or weren't running much boost. That power band is very narrow to be much fun on the street, a smaller turbo with the same setup would have left you in the dust. By the time your in your power band the same sutup would be well ahead of you. But if you were happy with it, thats all that matters.
09-28-2011, 04:22 PM
here is a great dyno, look hard at the torque line as its hard to see but its Casey's dyno , 600+ lb ft of torque from 2500rpms and up
09-29-2011, 08:05 AM
yea but with a honda, and hitting 15lbs at 2500rpm....... even if im in 5th gear itll blow the tires off. Now the turbo im using, will prolly hit 15lbs around 4000rpm or so, and if im in 3rd and stand on it with out brake boosting itll be a "build up" and by the time it hits full boost ill be moving faster and wont blow the tires off, itll spin, but it wont blow em off. Now, can we please get off the turbo subject, i already have it picked..... Theres a couple guys on honda-tech tryin to find install kits for the new walbro, you find anything?
09-29-2011, 09:18 AM
No I'm bringing some in on my next order, my initial guess would be to try the same civic install kit used for the gss342 255lph pump because the inlets are similar. But I have lots of walbro install kits and filters in stock here so I'm sure you could get it in with what I have in stock.
09-29-2011, 09:33 AM
ill just make this easy, PM me a price for pump number 341 with install kit number 400-965.
09-29-2011, 09:36 AM
Also thought about this guy here:
09-29-2011, 09:56 AM
$85 for the 341 with 965 kit in stock all the time here.
Also thought about this guy here:
Who manufactures that pump ?
09-29-2011, 12:57 PM
Just talked to xenocron on the phone. They told me its an over seas company in europe, (germans always got good shit lol), and they have had a few come back but it was more or less wiring issues OUTSIDE the pump. They come with a 1 year warranty, and even if it was wiring outside the pump theyd replace it. Oh, and theyve had this for sale for a lil over a year and i guess a lot of high HP guys are usin it. So, now its a toss up.... do i pay $85 for a walbro 255, or $140 for a "german style" 340?
09-29-2011, 01:08 PM
If you're on a budget it should really depend on whether you need it for your goals.
That being said you're getting more pump for the money with the Walbro. 3LPH/$1 with the walbro vs. 2.43LPH/$1 with the other. Given the reputation/reliability it doesnt make much sense unless you need more than one Walbro but less than two.
09-29-2011, 01:11 PM
very true, prolly just get the walbro.... lol, but what if i want people to here my fuel pump from a mile away? lol jkjk
09-29-2011, 10:31 PM
just get a walbro..
My laser was at about 450-500whp on a single walbro 255.
It's more than enough, and they generally aren't loud and not to mention how cheap they are.
09-30-2011, 06:51 AM
Also thought about this guy here:
Thats the pump I just used on scherm's car. Its really loud and anoyying...but other than that, it held up. Seems to be working fine still.
Domestic Disturbance
10-02-2011, 10:18 PM
Xenocron? Is that really a brand name? Sounds like a transformer
10-03-2011, 09:04 AM
Xenocron? Is that really a brand name? Sounds like a transformer
Xenocron is a deceptocon, he dies in dark of the moon.
10-09-2011, 09:01 PM
Thought you guys might like this :) 0245_n.jpg
10-10-2011, 02:22 PM
I think we saw your car when we were out riding friday night.
10-10-2011, 02:35 PM
yeah the bank looked busy friday night. It was too nice out to stand around and talk and not ride.
Later that night i striped the teeth off of my rear sprocket :) makes one hell of a sound.
10-31-2011, 12:33 AM
Finally lowered the car!!!!! heres whats its lowered on:
EG struts w/ skunk2 lowering springs in the rear
DA struts w/ skunk2 slip on coil-overs up front (6kg/mm)
Rides REALLY smooth, and not bumpy at all!
Yes the mud flaps touch the ground everyonce in awhile :)
10-31-2011, 07:47 AM
looks better. you going to raise it back up for the snow?
10-31-2011, 09:21 AM
you going to raise it back up for the snow?
10-31-2011, 12:11 PM
shit no!!! lol. I already got contracted to plow ;) No plans to raise it, i drove my 4 door slammed all winter last year and never had an issue. not worried about it.
10-31-2011, 06:31 PM
it looks like its got a nice stance now. lowered cars will get around fine. only thing you have to watch out for is the damn ice chunks that will take out a front lip.
10-31-2011, 10:19 PM
And don't go to fast on the interstate.
11-01-2011, 06:12 PM
oh dude, this thing rides as smooth as it did before, just needs an alignment :(
11-01-2011, 06:44 PM
did andrew ever get an alignment machine?
11-03-2011, 03:36 PM
ok, im gonna try to get some more opinions on the turbo im using. Im looking to have it on 14-15lbs on the street and go to the track on 18lbs. The guys on honda-tech are sayin for a fun street car look for full boost around 3500-4000. Heres the specs i can find:
Rated at 375hp- PTE4831B
• 48mm inducer compressor wheel
• "B" compressor cover 2.8" inlet/2.0" outlet
• T31, 76 trim turbine wheel
• Turbine housing options:
- T3 .48 or .63 A/R with 4 bolt discharge
• 360° journal bearing system
Still not sure if i should use the .48 or .63 A/R housing.
I know if i get the .63 itll be good if i ever want more boost, just worried itll hit full boost way late.
11-03-2011, 03:44 PM
Turbine housings are about $200-$250 if I remember correctly, so pick one. If its not what you want, try the other. If its common enough, you can sell the one you dont want.
11-28-2011, 05:03 PM
little update:
Alignment done
new water pump
new T-belt
Today i had my dad build me a mock-up intercooler so i can test fit it and cut the bumper to fit. Should be doing that this weekend. The intercooler ill be using is a 28x7x2.5, getting it from Heres a pic of the mock-up, (keep in mind its for test fit)
11-28-2011, 06:37 PM
Holy shit, you plasti dipped an intercooler.
11-28-2011, 06:40 PM
Holy shit, you plasti dipped a fake intercooler.
11-28-2011, 07:21 PM
Holy shit, you plasti dipped an intercooler.
Its not plasti dip.
Its (i think) Its asb plastic. its some kind of plastic
11-28-2011, 07:59 PM
thx james. Yea, its abs plastic. its actually slightly bigger than the one im buying so its perfect for mock up, that way when i mount the real one it wont rub against anything. Also found an intercooler piping kit for my car! turbo stuff for the DA integra is hard to find, just sayin lol.
11-28-2011, 08:22 PM
i can't wait for your turbo to be tearing up the streets
11-28-2011, 09:09 PM
doubt itll "tear up the streets", lol.... but thx :)
11-29-2011, 02:20 PM
Holy shit, you plasti dipped an intercooler.
I literally LOL'd at this ^
11-29-2011, 03:05 PM
I literally LOL'd at this ^
Thanks. Evidently, you're the only one that got it.
12-10-2011, 08:03 PM
So today i ordered a Low-temp thremostat from mishimoto, its not much but it helps. OEM opens at 178, and the new one will open at 140..... $48
12-10-2011, 08:08 PM
$48 for a thermostat? WTF did it come with a lapdance coupon?
12-10-2011, 08:11 PM
haha he's pulling our legs unless it came with a billet housing
12-10-2011, 08:34 PM
I can see that price, the $100 bill is the new $10
12-10-2011, 08:55 PM
...I hope its made out of gold
12-10-2011, 09:30 PM
$60 on their site.... looks like he got a deal!!
12-10-2011, 09:42 PM
12-10-2011, 09:53 PM
i put one of those in this year and watched temps on the laptop. it definitely kept my car from getting up to temperature longer. but in the summer after 15 minutes my car just couldn't stay below about 185 degrees unless i was on the interstate for an extended amount of time.
12-10-2011, 10:32 PM
Another reason Hondas are ghey.
12-11-2011, 06:36 AM
Also it depends on if he is changing his tune for that low of a Tstat...Most computers don't go into closed loop until a certain temp, I think for most its around 160-170, so some guys will see performance decrease unless the computer is changed to compensate. Not sure about hondas though. The OEM one sounds to be around the proper temp.
12-11-2011, 10:38 PM
i have one of those sitting around you know...should have asked if i still had it.
12-12-2011, 05:22 AM
If your gonna run 140 why not just run a retsrictor?
12-12-2011, 05:51 AM
Jacob, u dont have a T-stat..... u have the low temp fan switch. And yes u can change the settings while tuning..... and camaros and mustangs are just as gay as any honda cuz everyone and mother can make one fast. I still like the fact that this site is full of nothing but haters :) love all around
12-12-2011, 06:04 AM
damnit, youre right. my bad.
12-12-2011, 06:42 AM
Don't even go there sid ...and why in the fuck do you want to run an aluminum motor at such a low temp?
12-12-2011, 07:51 AM
I guess if not wanting to pay 70 bucks for a thermostat makes me a hater then I'm definitely a hater.
12-12-2011, 08:15 AM
Your argument would make sense if you ever showed proof that you've made one fast.
12-12-2011, 10:37 AM
and camaros and mustangs are just as gay as any honda cuz everyone and mother can make one fast. I still like the fact that this site is full of nothing but haters :) love all around
Can you build a honda that can bust out of the 16s?
12-12-2011, 10:45 AM
He did run 14's with an engine swap and nitrous if I remember correctly.
12-12-2011, 11:41 AM
He did run 14's with an engine swap and nitrous if I remember correctly.
14.2 or 14.1 I believe. NAWZ!!!!
I will say that car would have gone mid 13s if he would have taken it to the track on the big N20 pill.
It kept up with the Regal when it was a 13.50s car... but it was rated at like 150+ shot on a DRY kit. Good god.
12-12-2011, 11:57 AM
dallas ran a 150 dry shot when it was keeping up with your regal?
12-12-2011, 01:12 PM
If i remember right i told him 150 was too much and the day at the track he popped his motor.... Dallas you could have let me go first before you blew. I had to wait for them to clean up your mess :)
12-12-2011, 04:29 PM
that B16 blew at the track with my 75shot..... i took out the big pill a few days after i ran brian. Why would i run such low temps on an all aluminum motor? hmm, idk better go ask that question on honda-tech too cuz a big number of honda guys run these t-stats. No i havent made a camaro or mustang go fast, why? cuz theyre fuckin gay!!!!! thats why. Heres an idea, if all anybodys gonna do is give me a bunch of shit i will have ZERO issues with having ryan delete my account. U guys think im just some idiot who doesnt know shit, well ill be the first to say when it comes to V8s im the last person u should ask...... Hondas on the other hand, well for some reason all my friends seem to think i know what im doing other wise they wouldnt ask for my advise or my help. Fuck yall if u doubt me or my capabilities..... End rant, and fuck off
12-12-2011, 05:04 PM
12-12-2011, 05:22 PM
dallas, you should've used one of our new fuck off smilies
12-12-2011, 05:23 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! omg, that shits funny... wheres the like button?
12-12-2011, 08:21 PM
that B16 blew at the track with my 75shot..... i took out the big pill a few days after i ran brian. Why would i run such low temps on an all aluminum motor? hmm, idk better go ask that question on honda-tech too cuz a big number of honda guys run these t-stats. No i havent made a camaro or mustang go fast, why? cuz theyre fuckin gay!!!!! thats why. Heres an idea, if all anybodys gonna do is give me a bunch of shit i will have ZERO issues with having ryan delete my account. U guys think im just some idiot who doesnt know shit, well ill be the first to say when it comes to V8s im the last person u should ask...... Hondas on the other hand, well for some reason all my friends seem to think i know what im doing other wise they wouldnt ask for my advise or my help. Fuck yall if u doubt me or my capabilities..... End rant, and fuck off
And you guys wonder why people talk shit about Hondas. Seems like every other post you're crying about "haters". Cry me a river.
12-12-2011, 08:58 PM
And you guys wonder why people talk shit about Hondas. Seems like every other post you're crying about "haters". Cry me a river.
Maybe you're a hater because your camaro is "gay"
12-12-2011, 09:09 PM
Camaros are gay. I concur.
Domestic Disturbance
12-12-2011, 10:55 PM
oh no he di'nt!
12-12-2011, 11:47 PM
Do they make these $70 thermostats for my talon... I want it to be as impressive as these 100-150whp hondas
12-13-2011, 05:06 AM
yep, they sure do..... But its not gonna help ur POS talon get any cooler. My cars actually worth sumthin, leaks no oil, burns no oil, no rust, and no body damage. And its called doing supporting mods before i boost the car, but i guess ur just too stupid to understand that concept.......
12-13-2011, 06:13 AM
God damn you're sensitive about Hondas
12-13-2011, 06:17 AM
I think I blew a funny fuse.
12-13-2011, 06:34 AM
yep, they sure do..... But its not gonna help ur POS talon get any cooler. My cars actually worth sumthin, leaks no oil, burns no oil, no rust, and no body damage. And its called doing supporting mods before i boost the car, but i guess ur just too stupid to understand that concept.......
12-13-2011, 07:17 AM
Maybe you're a hater because your camaro is "gay"
My Camaro isn't gay, it's FABULOUS!
Camaros are gay. I concur.
*Insert 3rd gen T/A, Hasselhoff joke*
yep, they sure do..... But its not gonna help ur POS talon get any cooler. My cars actually worth sumthin, leaks no oil, burns no oil, no rust, and no body damage. And its called doing supporting mods before i boost the car, but i guess ur just too stupid to understand that concept.......
Oh, He mad.
12-13-2011, 07:43 AM
12-13-2011, 07:54 AM
How does a $70 thermostat fit into a "budget build?"
12-13-2011, 08:03 AM
What's exactly "built" on the car is my question.
I'm going to do a build thread on the Protochicken. It's going to include " I bought it, vacuumed it out, put plates on it, got an air freshener (lie), and made a video (true).
About as much of a build as this car.
Please, post a thread about your next oil change and call it "My next mod".
12-13-2011, 08:14 AM
12-13-2011, 08:15 AM
I like how he called mamamia stupid because he doesn't understand supporting mods before boosting an engine. But the thing I found funny was that his supporting mod was a thermostat, while feeling no need to tear into the long block. Also I hate to break it but most people do not consider a $1500 car as being "worth something"...
Domestic Disturbance
12-13-2011, 09:45 AM rbAr4RWV-wk8xW6DJNC34_Smy6P
12-13-2011, 10:16 AM
I am just enjoying my new signature.
12-13-2011, 10:27 AM
He accented mine nicely as well
12-13-2011, 11:03 AM
yep, they sure do..... But its not gonna help ur POS talon get any cooler. My cars actually worth sumthin, leaks no oil, burns no oil, no rust, and no body damage. And its called doing supporting mods before i boost the car, but i guess ur just too stupid to understand that concept.......
Hahaha, damn you get riled up over this honda stuff.
Your car is worth something, what like 2k?
My car is a DD and has rust and is still easily worth more than your car. Oh it's faster too, and its pretty much all stock :)
Supporting mods? I must be stupid because I've never really seen the deal with low thermostats. You know more than me though, I mean shit man you've ran like 14's before! Color me impressed.
What's exactly "built" on the car is my question.
I'm going to do a build thread on the Protochicken. It's going to include " I bought it, vacuumed it out, put plates on it, got an air freshener (lie), and made a video (true).
About as much of a build as this car.
You know I just realized this thread is similar to my $700 DD thread.
I am just enjoying my new signature.
Hope you don't mind, I'm stealing that too. It can be like the old derek days.
12-13-2011, 11:11 AM
Somebody say something awesome I want a new signature
12-13-2011, 11:14 AM
I sat here typing a bunch of stupid crap to help out your signature problem, but I got nothing.
12-13-2011, 12:05 PM
you guys trying to run him back to jdmcity ?
12-13-2011, 12:06 PM
Somebody say something awesome I want a new signature
The hard part is, the competition is quite tough...
12-13-2011, 12:09 PM
He does call himself Dallas JDM Spinler and not Dallas IAF Spinler...
12-13-2011, 01:23 PM
I think the only reason some people are "making fun of" him on here is because of some of the things he says. If he finishes his car and it makes good power I think that will speak louder then anything he has said.
V8 RWD guys will always hate 4 cylinder FWD guys.
12-13-2011, 01:38 PM
I think the only reason some people are "making fun of" him on here is because of some of the things he says. If he finishes his car and it makes good power I think that will speak louder then anything he has said.
V8 RWD guys will always hate 4 cylinder FWD guys.
Words of truth, I really do not like E-Hating on people, but sometimes it just has to happen. Most guys here including myself enjoy about any car that is well built, Honda's included.
12-13-2011, 02:07 PM
cant we all just get along!?!? :group hug: no homo
12-13-2011, 04:36 PM
We're friends in person, but some of the things he says on here make me shake my head. Lol.
I don't think the type of car you have will automatically decide how you are treated.
I had a god damn FWD Buick and I didn't get too much shit.
Buuuuut, why would anybody want to make a Mustang fast? They are gay.
(I wish you guys could have seen the look on Mr. JDM's face when he rode in my slow-ass Cobra. I don't remember him saying it was gay even once during the ride! I'm pretty sure he shit himself at least 2 times.)
12-13-2011, 04:55 PM
I recall him begging me for a ride in my gay ass car too!
12-13-2011, 07:20 PM
I think I blew a funny fuse.
i seriously just about died when i read that!
12-13-2011, 07:39 PM
you guys trying to run him back to jdmcity ?
Just delete me, im done............
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