View Full Version : Damn it Cedar Rapids!
04-08-2011, 04:10 PM
13 mph over..
You suck Cedar Rapids! :) :)
Quick question, does this count against my actual driving record? Or is it similiar to the redlight cams here in Des Moines where its just basically between you and the city?
04-08-2011, 05:13 PM
It doesn't go on your driving record because they can't prove who is driving.
04-08-2011, 05:20 PM
Cool, that's a relief.
Several times i'm sure I could have gotten dinged for going faster than 13 over..i'll gladly pay this one at 13 over. Well, maybe not gladly.
04-08-2011, 05:34 PM
dammit man; if we wouldve seen you that day, we could have warned you where at the cameras are now. its funny how everyone knows where they are on 380, and trafrfic uniformly slows down at the same time, heh.
04-08-2011, 05:36 PM
The car looks good though! :)
04-08-2011, 05:39 PM
i thought they didnt even issue tickets on those unless it was 12 over?
04-08-2011, 05:49 PM
They don't, they are set to go off at 67. Sucks cmart was going 68!!
04-08-2011, 05:52 PM
dammit man; if we wouldve seen you that day, we could have warned you where at the cameras are now. its funny how everyone knows where they are on 380, and trafrfic uniformly slows down at the same time, heh.
You did see me! ...I was booking it on may to Rob's memorial.
And actually its my own fault. I remember reading about them from the threads on here..I'm such an idiot.
04-08-2011, 07:17 PM
that sucks, you were nice enough to drive all the way to rob's funeral and end up getting a ticket.
04-08-2011, 09:03 PM
I don't live in CR but I make it up there a lot, and I remember the thread and always watch myself haha
04-08-2011, 09:35 PM
I was livid about these stupid things when they were first installed, but once I found out that they have them set to only ticket you if you're going 12 over or more, then I became a lot more open to the idea. I think that's a reasonable buffer.
It still does suck that people from out of town get dinged because they don't know that they're there. There's a sign that tells you, but it's easy to miss. I still struggle with how they really help anything... it's not like C-Mart is now going to stop speeding. He just won't speed through that area of Cedar Rapids anymore. There's not a soul in here that doesn't speed right back up once they pass that camera.
Personally, I wish the tickets were on a system that made them a little friendlier to out-of-towners and others who just didn't know. Make the tickets real cheap for 1st time offenders... say $10 or $20. Just enough to cover processing and postage. Then when someone gets busted a 2nd time and so forth, make the tickets increasingly expensive. $100 for 2nd offense, $125 for 3rd offense, etc.
I can't talk too bad about them since my fiancee works for the CRPD :(
04-08-2011, 09:51 PM
Ya the ones on the interstate ding you at 67mph (12mph over) and in town I believe is 6mph over the posted speed limit. I can live with the interstate buffer. Town is a little trickier but so far haven't had a problem. I dont mind that they put the cameras up on the interstate around the S bend, it is a pretty "dangerous" stretch of road for people who dont know how to drive. So far it seems like they have only put them up in spots that see a lot of accidents, caused by running lights and speeding mostly. Hell, its hard to believe but CR is one of the safest towns to drive in...according to some American Family Insurance survey a little while back. I'd go insane if I went and drove around in Texas, Ive only heard stories lol, you rarely see a car without body damage! However, I hear they do like 90mph on the interstate and act like its a damn NASCAR race...guess it could be fun lol
Anyway Zac, I agree with the "handicap" for out-of-towners.
04-09-2011, 08:31 AM
It's cases like these that the human interface can make a judgement call. Oh late headed to a funeral and from out of town, ok, slow it down.
Sucks for cmart,sorry dude.
04-09-2011, 12:26 PM
Eh, its no biggie. The way I see it, I was speeding and got caught. I have no issues with paying the fine.
Especially beings that it doesn't affect my driving record. It would be one thing if it was like 57 in a 55, but in this case, I was legitmately speeding. Guilty as charged.
04-09-2011, 01:17 PM
Just don't pay it. There's nothing they can do. It doesn't go on your record, and the DOT will still issue you registration every year. What they aren't telling you is they can't legally do anything to you because they can't prove who is driving, therefore they can't put it on your license, they can't deny you registration, and they can't sue or collect against you. I know Corbutt was on tv threatening to bring a collections agency into the mix because about 70% of the people aren't paying their tickets, but you know why he hasn't? To bring in a collections agency you have to have a legally binding contract between 2 entities to be able to send them to collections/attack their credit. There is no binding contract between the citizens and the city for these cameras, thus, it was just an idle threat. When you get a cell phone, you sign a contract: that's why they can send you to collections. Until Corbutt comes to my door and has me sign an agreement with the city, I won't pay a single one. And guess what: I just renewed all of my vehicles, there's no mark on my credit, and the cops don't have it in their system. Enough said.
04-09-2011, 04:06 PM
People should put up signs along the road to warn the public.
04-10-2011, 09:52 AM
Just don't pay it. There's nothing they can do. It doesn't go on your record, and the DOT will still issue you registration every year. What they aren't telling you is they can't legally do anything to you because they can't prove who is driving, therefore they can't put it on your license, they can't deny you registration, and they can't sue or collect against you. I know Corbutt was on tv threatening to bring a collections agency into the mix because about 70% of the people aren't paying their tickets, but you know why he hasn't? To bring in a collections agency you have to have a legally binding contract between 2 entities to be able to send them to collections/attack their credit. There is no binding contract between the citizens and the city for these cameras, thus, it was just an idle threat. When you get a cell phone, you sign a contract: that's why they can send you to collections. Until Corbutt comes to my door and has me sign an agreement with the city, I won't pay a single one. And guess what: I just renewed all of my vehicles, there's no mark on my credit, and the cops don't have it in their system. Enough said.
It would take 90 days to go on your me pay it..It will show up sometime, somewhere
04-10-2011, 12:03 PM
I'm with Joe on this one. You gotta realize your in a society that you're guilty till proven innocent. We're in a recession and EVERYONE is trying to find revenue from any means necessary. I've been without a ticket for a few years now, but within the last 2 months, I've been pulled over 3 times and have 2 speeding tickets to show for it. One was 71 in a 65. Yeah, 6 over on an interstate road. But, just like Casey is saying, I was guilty. The law is the law I guess.
It's only a matter of time before these are in the same boat as the red light cameras. In Waukee, it took them quite a few months to get those tickets to stick, but they got it done one way or the other. They'll do the same to these speeding cameras. Get used to it. They're gonna go up a lot more places I'm sure. There's none in Des Moines...yet. I did hear a few months back that they're planning a system on the belt way though.
04-10-2011, 01:30 PM
Yeah regardless of whether or not they have a mechanism to force you to pay your ticket now, they will have one eventually. It's no different from a parking ticket in the sense that just because you didn't sign for it doesn't mean you aren't legally obliged to pay it. They can't prove who parked the car illegally, but the owner of the car gets stuck with the ticket.
In other states like Arizona, they just take the non-payers to court and they'll make you pay that way (plus significant additional dollars for their trouble).
04-10-2011, 11:34 PM
It doesn't show up. You would receive a collections notice before it went on credit. That being said, I hate this F-in money-grab of a city. I will vote for anyone in the next election that says they will take these things down. I don't care if they run on a ballot of "I will take down the cameras, but eat your babies." I'll still vote for them.
04-11-2011, 01:00 AM
got two of these in the same day from that stupid red jeep they sneakily post around town. now i check there website and it tells you where it will be everyday.
04-11-2011, 12:45 PM
They don't, they are set to go off at 67. Sucks cmart was going 68!!
Actually I think they are set off at 7 mph over the speed limit. The one he got the ticket at is tricky, the 60 mph speed limit sign is a few hunded feet up ahead but where the cameras are, its still 55. So lots of people get snapped because they start to speed up too soon.
04-11-2011, 07:54 PM
Per CRPD the interstate ones are set at of last september at least.
04-11-2011, 08:08 PM
^ Correct. A ticket has never been given for less than 12 over with those speed cams. In town and on the interstate, they're all set to 12 over.
04-11-2011, 08:11 PM
I was told in-town was like 7 over or something...
04-11-2011, 08:20 PM
Actually I think you're right on that Justin. My bad - 12 on the interstate and 7 in town.
04-11-2011, 09:41 PM
I'd feel bad but I have like 3-4 of those sitting here.
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