View Full Version : DP II Alarm

02-18-2011, 01:39 AM
Ok, so my damn hood sensor was like a little loose and like a few millimeters
short from fully securing underneath my hood, so every once in a while i would
unlock my car and have to push the corner so it would recognize the hood,
well anyways i added another nut to the bolt tonight to make it a little longer
close my hood and hear a weird snap, the fucking plastic end busts off,
my car alarm wouldnt shut the fuck up so i had to rip the damn wires out of
the loud speaker, probably just woke up all my neighbors at 115 in the morning haha,
so now i had to find something to use as the plastic end till i get a new one
and rewire the loud speaker, all im thinking is some random plastic and a shit ton of crazy
glue. and now when i unlock my car the key fob wont stop vibrating lol fuckin a.

02-18-2011, 08:39 PM
Ahh to be young and not think...

02-18-2011, 09:19 PM
Exactly what I was thinking. To be honest, I didn't know people still used car alarms.

02-19-2011, 01:04 AM
all i was thinking is this is fucking loud so i clipped the wire anyways it was on the car when i got it lol im taking it all out because i can't find a replacement sensor

02-19-2011, 01:11 AM
lol car alarms.. I think they're more trouble than they're worth.
The talon had one, and I had a plethora of wiring issues with that car here and there, but at one time my car alarm would randomly go for about 3 seconds on every little bump. I tried a bunch of things and never could figure out the damn thing. It just stopped doing it at one point.

And then the horn which didn't work at all when I bought it, after about 3-4 months after having wiring issues once and fixing them - the horn started randomly going off whenever it felt like it. It was hilarious and embaressing. I finally near completely re-wired it and it worked fine after that.

Anyway I went off on a stupid story, car alarms are pretty dumb unless it's installed right and it's an actual decent one.

Hell, at least you don't have VATS