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View Full Version : 2002 Sentra Spec V

01-27-2011, 01:24 PM
I'm not really going to put a lot of effort in to selling this, but we ARE looking to get something AWD for my wife and it would jumpstart things. If anyone is interested just let me know and we'll take it from there.

The car is a black 2002 Sentra Spec V. 130k miles on the car, about 80k on the engine. The old one spun a crank bearing. Paint on the hood and front bumper is not good. The car is mostly stock with Koni yellows, a header and rear sway bar. Tires are brand new (200 miles?) Kumho Ecsta ASX.

Recently replaced:
- Rear brake flex lines
- One rear caliper (wasn't the problem)
- All brake pads
- 1 CV joint
- Radiator


01-27-2011, 02:15 PM
Put that wheel back where it belongs.

Nice little cars. When my gf was picking a car it was between one of those and her lancer. Probably should have gone for the nissan, but the lancers been really reliable. Might be selling it soon too.


01-27-2011, 02:23 PM
Prolly could of picked a better picture than one of you cornering so hard a wheel is coming off the ground when your trying to sell the car haha

slow ride
01-27-2011, 04:36 PM

01-27-2011, 04:39 PM
Fixed. ;)

slow ride
01-27-2011, 04:53 PM
Thanks. I like the picture though.