View Full Version : Just for kicks Joe avg building the big 3 ponycar

12-25-2010, 05:57 PM
Well being off work I tried this close as I could build the big 3's ponycar. Same options as I have in my sterling gray car. List price this zip code and any rebates. Well ford you don't know w/o further checking it was 1k, we will throw that out though. I had to go 2010 srt 8 the 2011 is not listed yet for build your own. Overall all 3 don't give u any gear choices in a auto. I hope ppl complain but prob due to corporate mpg. Why did I do this? I was bored and motor trend said camaro cheaper, well per accessory it's fairly close.

chevy camaro
http://www.chevrolet.com/tools/byo/byoC ... &pvc=19984 (http://www.chevrolet.com/tools/byo/byoCustomizeVehicle.do?year=2011&brand=camaro&title=&region=70&evar10=byo_path_buildbytrim&pvc=19984)
Dodge it does have a 2k rebate right now..
Ford mustang gt my exact deal figure joe avg paying 31k.