View Full Version : Herro everybody
12-07-2010, 06:21 PM
Well obviously im new here.
Umm, lets start out my names Kaleb, i live in CR, im only 17 years old.
I love racing. Ive loved it since a kid. The first Fast and Furious had a big influence
too. haha. Well i Own a 98' Audi A4, 2.8L Quattro, sadly...i would of liked to get the 1.8T.
its work though. Its a 5 speed with a shit ton of miles haha. Recently did a new clutch install. My throwout bearing was shredded :biggrin: So i replaced that, along with everything else besides the fly wheel. Also got a new slave cyclinder put in. Got it all put back together, with the slight problem damn shift linkage bent while putting trans back in. WOO. Had to get that ordered and my car will be back in commish tomorrow haha. Everything is purdy much stock. Umm i love sound systems, i have 2, 5 1/2 inch pioneers in the front doors, 2, 6 inch pioneers in the back doors, 2, 12 inch pioneer subs with a 760 watt.
About my
I like working on cars, I probably don't know half the shit all you guys know haha, but i try. My dad's usually my working partner and he's got the knowledge so that helps. I like going fast, but my governor decided i was going to fast :drool: But yeah, i love imports from the 90's alot and older muscles cars late 60's and 70's. I dont care much for newer muscle cars(im going to get the hate from all you) but i really dislike camaros, and any 80's and 90's muslce cars haha. i dont really know what else. so yeah.
Hey everyone.
This is the only picture i got now. Dirty and in the middle of all hell haha. Ill get a fully tomorrow.
12-07-2010, 08:13 PM
Welcome. I can forsee some hate comin your way for the comment about modern muscle cars. I love the newer fbodies personally, especially the 98-02 ws6 t/a's :)
nice car
12-07-2010, 08:21 PM
Hahaha i was actually just reading through random threads, and saw the arguments on one of yours :P
And thank you, if i ever get the money i will eventually start putting it into my car haha
Enough though i just dropped,
$400-all new tires
$215-valeo clutch cit
$150-new shifting linkage
12-07-2010, 08:36 PM
Its ok if he hates modern muscle cuz he drives an AUDI which as we all know is car excellence
12-07-2010, 08:39 PM
Hey now. lol I dont necessarily hate the whole car, engines are fantastic yes, i wouldnt mind a v8 myself but looks, ehh. They could of tried harder haha
12-07-2010, 08:49 PM
I like the thirdgen camaros and fox body mustangs myself (single headlights)
12-07-2010, 08:54 PM
Ill give you the fox body mustangs. lol but im still not so sure about the camaro. I was about to put money down on an 84' gt350 it was black and white. sooooo sexy but someone got there like 2 hours before me i guess and already put money on it the dealer said. sad story but oh well.
12-07-2010, 08:58 PM
84ick I had an 85 fox body and hated that thing but it was quick. Sorry camaro trumphs all
12-07-2010, 09:06 PM
Haha well i thought it was nice. My dad's ex had a fox body mustang, it was the indy pace car version idk what year that is though. Im still not agreeing on the camaros haha. Everybody has one, you need to go more original, but when i graduate im going to start a project. My dads got an old 70' Cougar in the garage, with minor front and back bumper damage. Probably need some engine restoration, or a whole new engine to say the least. Its not in too bad of condition, its a nasty off yellow color with green leather interior though haha.
12-07-2010, 09:09 PM
cop car in the background?
12-07-2010, 09:11 PM
cop car in the background?
Yessir :biggrin: My dad works for Radio Communications, they do alot of electrical work for police cars, but i do my work on my car there. Bigger,heated garage with more tools haha
12-07-2010, 09:14 PM
i love turd gens. I dont know why, I'm partial to them, mainly the trans am body style 86+(i think that was the years) and the 91-92 Firebirds in certain colors.
This for example for me is one of my favorites.
And oh what I'd give for one of these..
I'd already have one if they weren't so expensive. Even base formulas are pricier than their z28 counterparts but they are just so much sexier
Anyway, i'll quit cloggin your thread haha.
Have you ever ran the Audi? I'm not familiar with the 2.8's
12-07-2010, 09:17 PM
The first trans am ill give you is pretty damn sexy. The second one.....looks like a mix between a bat mobile and something i should be picking to find boogers :D
Oh and no i have not ran it. Ive done a couple fun stop light runs for fun but nothing
for times or anything.
I went against a 97 Altima, Auto. Won obviously.
I went against a 99' Integra, was either 5 or 6 speed idk. He pulled out ahead of me,
but i came back to pass him before the next light.
And there was a vette i tried racing. Obviously lost but yeah haha.
12-07-2010, 09:18 PM
welcome. how fast is the quattro?
12-07-2010, 09:18 PM
You have a 98 A4 and you think that modern muscle cars designers could've "tried harder"? :suspect:
12-07-2010, 09:22 PM
I took it out on 380 towards waterloo outside of CR got it to between 130-135 and boom, shut offs haha. Damn governor. i need to get it removed.
But i havent ran it on a track to get times or anything, i actually joined this forum to learn about places to race around here
and chat with dudes about cars
Oh and to sparkles yes. Its either didnt didnt try hard enough, or they tried too hard.
One of the two
12-07-2010, 11:11 PM
what kind of racing? drag racing? theres tristate in earlville iowa, cedar falls raceway, and cordova.
or you could autocross your car and use that german handling to its full potential...
Domestic Disturbance
12-08-2010, 01:23 AM
what kind of racing? drag racing? theres tristate in earlville iowa, cedar falls raceway, and cordova.
or you could autocross your car and use that german handling to its full potential...
You forgot jackstand racing! The cheapest and most lethal of all. My shit will run 10s next summer fuck a honda :sleep:
As for not liking camaros, everyone has opinions. Atleast you have them, and don't follow the crowd. Mustangs are still gay though. :neener: Welcome
12-08-2010, 05:32 AM
I like how people are like too many people drive that so I wanna drive this to be different like everbody else. It's not orginal... It's not what you drive, it's what you do with what you got.
12-08-2010, 06:52 AM
Dope ride dawg, you running NOSS on your whip? I'll race you, 2g buy in, winner take all
12-08-2010, 08:03 AM
I took it out on 380 towards waterloo outside of CR got it to between 130-135 and boom, shut offs haha. Damn governor. i need to get it removed.
But i havent ran it on a track to get times or anything, i actually joined this forum to learn about places to race around here
and chat with dudes about cars
Oh and to sparkles yes. Its either didnt didnt try hard enough, or they tried too hard.
One of the two
I got popped on that stretch about 3 years ago.... i passed a off duty cop at about 100 then took it up to 145-150.... he called me in and many miles down the road when they caught me they were not happy! cop who pulled me over was cool but still wrote me a 26 over ticket. I took it to court and wrote a letter to get them to drop it to 24 over so i could keep my license :cop:
12-08-2010, 09:00 AM
Poor forester is governed to 130, and gear limited to 150. Fozzy bouncing off the 6,800 rev limit can do 157.5mph.
Tune fixes the first prob, higher redline and bigger wheels fixes the second.
The hood scoops rip off at 160 too. :banghead:
12-08-2010, 09:31 AM
Mine had been "tuned" (used term lightly) at the time so i didnt have a governor but my speedo was passed the 140 mark (highest my speedo goes) but i was around diffidently into the mid 6,000 rpm range
12-08-2010, 11:33 AM
so you seriously think this look isnt "trying hard enough"? lol just playin' man, to each their own.. jpg
12-08-2010, 11:37 AM
I'd have to say that looks better than an A4.
I like Audis but come on.
Just giving ya a hard time. Welcome.
12-08-2010, 11:41 AM
so you seriously think this look isnt "trying hard enough"? lol just playin' man, to each their own.. jpg
:heart: :heart:
12-08-2010, 12:23 PM
so you seriously think this look isnt "trying hard enough"? lol just playin' man, to each their own.. jpg
mmmmmmm budweiser!
12-08-2010, 12:55 PM
12-08-2010, 01:01 PM
:WORSHIP: OMFG. That's awesome.
12-08-2010, 02:20 PM
It kinda reminds me of a frog for some reason
12-08-2010, 06:24 PM
HAHA Nice. It looks like the pink eclipse with big ass wheels I see driving around CR.
12-08-2010, 06:30 PM
HAHA Nice. It looks like the pink eclipse with big ass wheels I see driving around CR.
Don't make fun of my G ride. I pimp the hoes with that bright rie rocket.
12-08-2010, 08:00 PM
i still think that car looks like someone should be picking it llike a nose. and no pics of the car i got sent the wrong damn part. f'n retards
12-08-2010, 08:11 PM
boo them
12-09-2010, 11:27 AM
still rather drive a pink 6 eyed TA than a forester wagon LOL, just playin..
12-09-2010, 12:15 PM
still rather drive a pink 6 eyed TA than a forester wagon LOL, just playin..
hey, no fair. you cant use your words, only photoshop.
12-09-2010, 01:25 PM
i still think that car looks like someone should be picking it llike a nose. and no pics of the car i got sent the wrong damn part. f'n retards
Is that you and your gf in your picture?
12-09-2010, 02:14 PM
all I see is cleavage, theirs people?
Dont hate cuz im straight
12-09-2010, 02:36 PM
Looks yummy
12-09-2010, 07:52 PM
Yessssir lmfao. Cars back up and goin, no pics yet though it was dark when i finished. On my Way home tonight a freakin like 98' TAURUS tried racing me from a stop light. Like he thought he was going to win? ok lmfao
12-09-2010, 08:33 PM
hey, no fair. you cant use your words, only photoshop.
in that case...when did the fozzy get so looooooooooong? haha
12-09-2010, 08:51 PM
I love racing. Ive loved it since a kid. The first Fast and Furious had a big influence
This is probably a bad thing!
12-09-2010, 09:46 PM
I love racing. Ive loved it since a kid. The first Fast and Furious had a big influence
This is probably a bad thing!
Hahaha whyy?
Domestic Disturbance
12-09-2010, 10:12 PM
Start fast and furious quotes on my que
12-09-2010, 10:23 PM
Do you live your life a quarter mile at a time?
12-09-2010, 10:34 PM
Lmfao, i just liked the movie.
"You owe me a 10 second car"
12-09-2010, 10:36 PM
I wanna race your laser sometime though, hey ill probably loose with my all stock but i dont care! I race for fun anyways, if i loose i loose whatever haha
12-09-2010, 10:40 PM
I wanna race your laser sometime though, hey ill probably loose with my all stock but i dont care! I race for fun anyways, if i loose i loose whatever haha
You can race my daily.
It's fast.
I have proof jpg
I had someone bet me it couldnt do 100
12-09-2010, 10:41 PM
Haha whats your daily? And whats the liters on the laser? jw since mines a 2.8 AWD
12-09-2010, 10:48 PM
laser's just factory displacement 2.0
daily is my $800 5speed 1.5 civic jpg
12-09-2010, 10:51 PM
Well when its nice i wanna race against your laser. Ill race your honda too. BUT if loose against your honda....omg :banghead: i would just pay you haha, i would feel so ashamed lmfao
12-09-2010, 10:54 PM
i'm sure it will be a much closer race with the honda then it will with the laser
12-09-2010, 10:58 PM
i'm sure it will be a much closer race with the honda then it will with the laser
I don't know how to take that, good or bad. haha
Either way im sad. i wish i had like 20grand i would do an engine swap
and just drop all that money into my car lol
12-09-2010, 11:01 PM
i'm sure it will be a much closer race with the honda then it will with the laser
I don't know how to take that, good or bad. haha
Either way im sad. i wish i had like 20grand i would do an engine swap
and just drop all that money into my car lol
better yet, sell that crapper .i'm not saying Audi's are bad, but in your situation, its far pointless to try to make your n/a 2.8 fast, basically why I got rid of my v6 mustang back in the day... just stop yourself before you dump money into it and get no gains.
Just sell it and find an LS1 or something.
There are enough audi people out there you could probably sell it for a enough to get an LS1 or something, they arent that expensive and are great just stock.
12-09-2010, 11:04 PM
i'm sure it will be a much closer race with the honda then it will with the laser
I don't know how to take that, good or bad. haha
Either way im sad. i wish i had like 20grand i would do an engine swap
and just drop all that money into my car lol
better yet, sell that crapper (i'm not saying Audi's are bad, but in your situation, its far pointless to try to make your n/a 2.8 fast, basically why I got rid of my v6 mustang back in the day... just stop yourself before you dump money into it and get no gains)
and buy something like an LS1
Find a buyer and its gone haha. But Theres an integra RSX Type S for sale. 106k, Royal Blue, 6 speed i want, its just so damn sexy
12-09-2010, 11:08 PM
i'm sure it will be a much closer race with the honda then it will with the laser
I don't know how to take that, good or bad. haha
Either way im sad. i wish i had like 20grand i would do an engine swap
and just drop all that money into my car lol
better yet, sell that crapper (i'm not saying Audi's are bad, but in your situation, its far pointless to try to make your n/a 2.8 fast, basically why I got rid of my v6 mustang back in the day... just stop yourself before you dump money into it and get no gains)
and buy something like an LS1
Find a buyer and its gone haha. But Theres an integra RSX Type S for sale. 106k, Royal Blue, 6 speed i want, its just so damn sexy
idk, there aren't many newer cars I'd like to buy as most of them you can spend less and have more money to put into building it. The only newer cars I'd buy would be an Evo / LS1 / Cobra and put money into. I'd get a WRX to daily drive though.
The RSX's are nice but they definitely arent on the top of my list for a project car.
12-09-2010, 11:11 PM
If i had an evo i would cry everyday i looked at it haha. Yeah i probably wouldnt put any money into the RSX i would just race people for fun like i do now anyways. I just love the look of integra's. And the only money i put into my car is for repairs nothing to make it faster, like i said im mostly just recreational until i save up enough cash for a project car.
Domestic Disturbance
12-10-2010, 12:33 AM
clutch, I take it you aren't seeing the 1/4 mile time in mamamias sig?
12-10-2010, 05:57 AM
Why would you street race for fun if you weren't planning on owning anything fast? That's like taking swimming lessons in the baby pool...
12-10-2010, 05:59 AM
Wow, this kid has watched waaaaaay to much fast and furious. Dude, he runs an 11.7 your 2.8 will probably pull a 14. I like VW's and Audi's and all but the 2.8 is a pretty worthless engine, a 1.8 would have been better. BTW, size isn't always everything.
12-10-2010, 10:34 AM
Haha whats your daily? And whats the liters on the laser? jw since mines a 2.8 AWD
Whats your liters?!? thats a good one
12-10-2010, 10:39 AM
I wanna race your laser sometime though, hey ill probably loose with my all stock but i dont care! I race for fun anyways, if i loose i loose whatever haha
Ill set ya out 5 cars and race you for 50bux...if you win, you take the money, and the respect haha
12-10-2010, 10:53 AM
And he takes you and my cars haha
12-10-2010, 11:43 AM
Haha whats your daily? And whats the liters on the laser? jw since mines a 2.8 AWD
Whats your liters?!? thats a good one
hahahaha. my 5.7 4x4 will win any race cause i got more liters right?!?
12-10-2010, 11:52 AM
Haha whats your daily? And whats the liters on the laser? jw since mines a 2.8 AWD
Whats your liters?!? thats a good one
hahahaha. my 5.7 4x4 will win any race cause i got more liters right?!?
NO WAY I got 7 liters so your screwed! I'll race your 5.7 liters against my 4.6 liters though
12-10-2010, 12:29 PM
i know of a guy who has a friend with an s4. only 2.7 liters though.
12-10-2010, 12:56 PM
i know of a guy who has a friend with an s4. only 2.7 liters though.
2.7? shit must be slow, my buddy's 2.8 s10 would walk it
12-10-2010, 01:58 PM
i know of a guy who has a friend with an s4. only 2.7 liters though.
Oh you know the guy whos friends brothers dad has that one S4 that puts bus lengths on 03 cobras.
This thread is major fubar :banghead: You gotta love it when someones interest in cars starts with Fast and Furious, and he admits it!!
12-10-2010, 02:57 PM
That is the worst influence on kids to get into the car hobby...
12-10-2010, 03:58 PM
Sorry dude I shouldnt be ragging on you so much, its just wayy too easy
12-10-2010, 05:21 PM
Yea, time to end raggin on our new guy, he's fully initiated now I think.
12-10-2010, 08:55 PM
Yeah. Besides, we all know my wife's G6 would walk all your asses.
12-10-2010, 10:16 PM
Im not sure what liters a G6 has.... but at least there is a rap song named after it right? so its gotta be quick.
Okay I'll to make this my last time of making fun of the FNG
12-10-2010, 11:02 PM
They're actually rapping about an airplane.
"so high like a G6"
"What is a G6?" was the Gulfstream G650, a twin-engine jet unveiled in 2008. Gulfstream reports the plane will have a top speed of Mach 0.925, a passenger load of 11 to 18 people and a wingspan of 99 feet. Many people believe this is the G6 the band members are talking about, despite the seemingly-unrelated lyric, "Poppin' bottles in the ice like a blizzard." ... tml?cat=33 (
Domestic Disturbance
12-11-2010, 02:18 AM
You guys gotta realize his age. 17 I think he said. Not all of us knew what we know know back then. I know I look at some posts I had from when I first got my car and go wtf.... just have to appreciate he's into a good hobby, and not into collecting stamps or pokemon or some shit.
12-11-2010, 02:57 AM
You guys gotta realize his age. 17 I think he said. Not all of us knew what we know know back then. I know I look at some posts I had from when I first got my car and go wtf.... just have to appreciate he's into a good hobby, and not into collecting stamps or pokemon or some shit.
When I was 17 I thought I was going to turbo my 1.8 laser :biggrin:
12-12-2010, 12:05 PM
at 17, i owned a rust box parts only '71 Duster i had dreams of resurrecting. by 18, i had my current '72 Duster and was building a 360 for it. broke into the 12's before i was 19. bummer though, took a few more years to break into the 11's.
12-12-2010, 12:28 PM
I didn't even get serious into cars until I was 20 which was in the year 2000 and I got an awd talon. very few people in my high school cared or talked about modding cars. The car scene seemed to get a boost around here in '99 or 2000 , then f&f came out in '01 . Nowadays it seems as though younger people in high school already are familiar and into modding . my friend greg's brother was modding his talon at age 15 before he had a license. its good for the hobby.
at 17, i owned a rust box parts only '71 Duster i had dreams of resurrecting. by 18, i had my current '72 Duster and was building a 360 for it. broke into the 12's before i was 19. bummer though, took a few more years to break into the 11's.
so when do the 10's come?
12-12-2010, 12:50 PM
They're actually rapping about an airplane.
"so high like a G6"
"What is a G6?" was the Gulfstream G650, a twin-engine jet unveiled in 2008. Gulfstream reports the plane will have a top speed of Mach 0.925, a passenger load of 11 to 18 people and a wingspan of 99 feet. Many people believe this is the G6 the band members are talking about, despite the seemingly-unrelated lyric, "Poppin' bottles in the ice like a blizzard." ... tml?cat=33 (
Good info there!! Sounds like a nice private jet
12-12-2010, 12:57 PM
I 've been lucky when it comes to cars, broke into the 10's first time at the strip when I was 17 or so, I built "assembled" engine and transmission in the garage with helpful pointers from lots of people, then the same engine in my 2nd fox body went 9.5's with some nitrous on it when I was 18 or 19.. Not without my fair share of broken stuff though, defintly been learning the hard way on what worked and didnt work.
Sorry new guy, just making a little fun is all. Keep it up, but dont be busting balls on american muscle cars "old or new" too much around here or you will be eaten alive
12-12-2010, 02:20 PM
I started out in high school building a 79 Ghia Mustang with a 351w, after that I bought a 91 SHO, then a 97 SHO V8 and ended up with my Cougar which ended up taking to much time and way to much money. I had always been a Ford guy until I started playing with my GTP dd and that pretty much opened me up to just about anything.
12-13-2010, 03:24 PM
at 17, i owned a rust box parts only '71 Duster i had dreams of resurrecting. by 18, i had my current '72 Duster and was building a 360 for it. broke into the 12's before i was 19. bummer though, took a few more years to break into the 11's.
so when do the 10's come?
next time the car sees the track, i'm hoping it'll run well into the 10's on the motor on pump gas- but when that'll happen, who knows. we'll see what the Ram50 and wedding plans allow for.
12-30-2010, 03:11 AM
For one im not a fuckin dumbass i know liters doesnt matter. my bad i wanted to see how many liters the car had? and for trying to start a conversation.
12-30-2010, 07:15 AM
For one im not a fuckin dumbass i know liters doesnt matter. my bad i wanted to see how many liters the car had? and for trying to start a conversation.
Its all good dude, I was just messing around, you know how sarcasm and the internet doesnt always work well together. I think its cool theres more people interested in cars stopping by here
12-30-2010, 07:47 AM
its all good, nice to have you on here, we need some younger high school aged people on here.
01-10-2011, 12:58 PM
Gotta say I still love "The Fast and The Furious." If Trevor will own up to it, we used to pause the screen when they pan over all the parts laying out and try to name everything there. I do wish they would've gotten a 4g63 eclipse though. How disappointing. Welcome kid, when you want a real Audi, you'll have to come down and see Bryan.
Also Colton, if he's 17 then she is most likely 17 or under....just a thought, Cleavage is cleavage tho, never saw an ID. :yawinkle:
01-10-2011, 01:04 PM
When I was a bit younger, and we all met up off first ave, we stopped at a parking lot. Girls started circling us in a vehicle and flashing us...acceptable. We dont know why it happened, but its ok with me. Then Shermans date started flashing back at them...seemingly very acceptable. Then Sherm told me she was 15 :Hangman: . But that was my only experience in a flash off.
[edit] "boobies are exceptional" -Mike (not just "acceptable")
01-10-2011, 01:35 PM
I remember that! saw a lot of boobies that night
01-11-2011, 06:37 AM
I turboed my N/A 2.0 Talon when i was 17. That was fun. Spun like crazy but looking back i realize how slow it was compared to my other cars lol.
I do remember that Andrew pausing the screen and naming parts. Suprisingly there were actually almost all Supra parts laying there with some doubled parts and some that didn't belong. I don't care what anyone says, i enjoy watching all of the F&F movies. Whether it's for a laugh or just to see some cars/girls. Or to freshen up on some good quotes to use.
01-11-2011, 07:51 AM
When I was a bit younger, and we all met up off first ave, we stopped at a parking lot. Girls started circling us in a vehicle and flashing us...acceptable. We dont know why it happened, but its ok with me. Then Shermans date started flashing back at them...seemingly very acceptable. Then Sherm told me she was 15 :Hangman: . But that was my only experience in a flash off.
[edit] "boobies are exceptional" -Mike (not just "acceptable")
bahahahahahahahahahhaha :biggrin:
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