View Full Version : dumb eBay sellers (rant)

12-07-2010, 04:01 PM
I love eBay, I use it a LOT but I cannot stand people who sell shit with NO IDEA of what they are selling. I needed a V-band flange/clamp kit so I looked around and found a mild steel one for like $20. I emailed them BEFORE I bought it to make sure it was the size I needed (has to match up to the turbine and fit a 3.5" downpipe) which is 3.5" inner, 4" outer. I told them the inner and outer dimensions I needed it to be just to make 100% sure there would be no problems. They said it was exactly the dimensions I needed, so I bought it.

I get it and it is NOT what I needed. I get it and it is 4" inner and 4.5" outer. so, I email them and the apologize and again I tell them EXACTLY what I need and they said they must have just sent me the wrong one so they would send me the right one and give me $5 to ship the wrong one back. So I do...

Yesterday I get the "right" one. Except, it is wrong AGAIN! This one is 3.25" inner and 3.75" outer! So I am pissed as it has now been two weeks since I placed the original order. I tell them they are incompetent and ask them how hard it is to measure the damn thing before they send it or AT LEAST read the box as it says 3.25" RIGHT ON THE DAMN BOX! So, emailing is not enough, I call them to bitch them out. They said they do not have the size I need. They sent me the next size down from the first one they sent me.
I kindly ask them why the fuck they told me twice they had what I needed when I told them the measurements and he had no answer. So I leave them negative feedback and then get this:

I understand that we got you the wrong item, but we also gave you a full refund so that you were not at a lost, now you're putting us in a position where we're at a lost due to the negative feedback, that does not seem fair, if you're in a time sensitive project, don't buy something that requires shipping time.

The stuff in bold is what REALLY pissed me off. I knew I wouldn't be needing it for a couple weeks so I was in no real hurry. Now is when I need it and I don't have it because of their dumbfuckery...

I responded with this, via email (as it is an eBay dispute now so I was trying to keep it clean as they will be reading through all of it) and then called them to say what I really wanted to say.

Shipping time would NOT have been an issue if you sent me the right item the first time! Hell, even if you got it right the second time I would have gave you positive feedback. Now I have to find the right one, buy it and wait another week because of you guys. Yes, I got a refund and reimbursed for return shipping. I did not however get back the 2 hours of my life I wasted running back and forth to the post office or the gas I wasted driving to the post office and back 4 times because of you.
As a seller, it is YOUR responsibility to know what you are selling! it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you send the right item the first time. it is YOUR responsibility to make 100% SURE that you send the right item the SECOND time if you do screw up the first time. I told you EXACTLY what I needed before I bought this item and you told me that is what I was buying! it is YOUR fault you got a negative feedback, NOT MINE!

12-07-2010, 04:20 PM
and YES, I could have spent $150~ and got the right one the first time but I didn't and I won't. I will not spend 5x+ as much for something because it comes in a box with a "brand name" on it. This is not a vital piece, it's not a piston, it's not a crankshaft, it's not a cylinder head or a turbo, it's a frikking chunk of metal and a clamp.

I buy Marshmallow Mateys instead of Lucky Charms and they taste 10X better for 1/2 the price bitches!

12-07-2010, 05:29 PM
I hear you on that. Worse than that though is when the seller doesn't even know what their product is for. I was looking for some 2ga Talon AWD side skirts, saw a set on eBay that was advertised as 95-99 Eclipse, 95-98 Talon side skirts. I emailed the seller asking what they were actually for, pointing out that there were several different side skirts used. Seller replied with they fit all models, he knows, he's owned one before.

12-07-2010, 06:40 PM
I have a giant bag of marshmellow mateys! I've generally had pretty good service with people on ebay, except when i need a wiring harness, if i recall it was a 12 pin, but anyways i basically had this same problem, except they were not going to pay for return shipping, i went bitch mode haha and had and ebay dispute and finally got what i needed, then realized that automotive electronics had what i wanted. i was pissed lol

12-07-2010, 09:09 PM
I spend some time on eBay. It's safe to say the stupidity can go both ways. As a seller, the more info the better, as a buyer read the damn information.

Keith good luck on the search. The precision v-bands are priced well and I think would work.