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View Full Version : Hey bikers! ("mountain" bicycles, not motorcycles)

11-22-2010, 11:02 AM
So, I was thinking about getting back into biking a little bit. We went for a walk yesterday and found out there is a pretty bad ass "course" just a couple blocks down the street and it made me miss it. I don't want to get crazy and buy another $500 bike because last time it got stolen after having it only 4-5 weeks.

Anyways, I was at Wal-Mart today (I know, STOP already right...) and seen a pretty decent looking bike for $150 and was wondering if anyone has some input on it. It is a Genesis V2100 (Made by Kent), 26", dual suspension, front disc brakes, rear V brake, Shimano gearing. Also looked at a Huffy Black Widow, 26" also, Shimano gears, front and rear discs, dual suspension, etc...

I know they both suck but I look at it like choosing between a Civic and an Accord. They both suck, neither are worth modding, I probably won't be "happy" with either but they are in my budget so...

11-22-2010, 11:43 AM
Avoid the dual suspension and the budget disc brakes. The v-brakes will be better, and the rear shock will be a heavy hindrance. Try a used bike from Hall or, Sugar Bottom bikes etc. Sometimes Scheels has ok deals too. Wheres the trail at?

11-22-2010, 12:28 PM
Avoid the dual suspension and the budget disc brakes. The v-brakes will be better, and the rear shock will be a heavy hindrance. Try a used bike from Hall or, Sugar Bottom bikes etc. Sometimes Scheels has ok deals too. Wheres the trail at?

right here off Queen dr. if you are driving down highway 30, it's all that forest to the right as you come up on the Edgewood exit. There wasn't really anything there a few years ago when I biked back there but now they have a bunch of different trails, and some pretty gnarly obstacles. It's not really HUGE but it is pretty big and some of it looks like it would be just plain deadly! LOL

Why no dual suspension? I jumped off the rock wall (like 8' high I think it is) back there on my Mullet and it hurt like hell, then I took my dads $100 mongoose with dual suspension and it was a much better landing, other than blowing the tire. I like the way the suspension is setup on the Genesis though, not the typical style that "bounces" around when you are peddling hard. If it matters, I am mainly into "gravity assisted mountain biking". Not a lot around here really though, at least, that I am aware of. Other than the place I just found, I have only ever went to the trails at Lake McBride. No street use on the bike at all either.

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5060/0001675192688500x500.jpg (http://img4.imageshack.us/i/0001675192688500x500.jpg/)

11-22-2010, 12:40 PM
the mullet is awesome, I still want one. If its just down hill stuff go ahead and try rear suspension, I am going to go back to hard tail once I find what I want.

11-22-2010, 12:47 PM
the mullet is awesome, I still want one. If its just down hill stuff go ahead and try rear suspension, I am going to go back to hard tail once I find what I want.

I liked my mullet but only for about a month and someone stole it. Well, actually, Robert Miell has/had it somewhere so I don't ever expect to get it back, along with $5K~ in other stuff he stole as well. I got a measly $675 in the class action lawsuit but I doubt I will ever see that either... ANYWAYS...

I liked that bike a lot but didn't get a ton of use out of it, only took it out 3-4 times and never got crazy with it. I like to ride a lot in the winter because I HATE the heat and there aren't many others out riding that time of the year usually. You should check out this place if you haven't already. Someone is building some pretty interesting stuff back there.

11-22-2010, 03:14 PM
Those trails are pretty sweet some friends and i added a few things to them. They go to some part off of 33rd ave... And if you into riding like bmx doubles i can show you a set of trails that me and my buddys built abt 3 years ago...

11-22-2010, 05:53 PM
I ride a single speed with a 5" fork. Also is one for street and "gravity assisted" biking. The trails you are talking about are ran by LAMBA. They have a website that tells you about rides and work dates. Since it is somewhat a city park you can't have anything to risky there. So no real fun stuff. I would agree with Colton and look for a nice used one. If you are looking to ride at Beverly which is the one your talking about I would look into a non full suspension bike due to the hills out there. You don't want to lug a heavy full sus around. Just personal pref.
Are the doubles down by van vecthen park?
We have some down hill trails that we have been working on. Still need a lot of work but enjoy riding.

11-22-2010, 06:05 PM
I bing mapped the beverly park area. Saw some trails and some sort of bridge type structures. Looks fun...If the boss does decide to take off wednesday too I may have to check it out.

11-22-2010, 09:39 PM
i say fuck it all and go 20". BMX all the way.

Are the doubles down by van vecthen park?
We have some down hill trails that we have been working on. Still need a lot of work but enjoy riding.

i know the trails; although i've never actually been there. i know the guys who built them, and knowing them, i'm a bit intimidated by them already, but i'll have to go give them a try next year.

11-22-2010, 09:59 PM
yeah those doubles are pretty good sized. I haven't been down to the jumps this year but they needed some tlc last time I saw them. If you feel like riding jumps check out cedar falls. a little bit of everything up there.

11-22-2010, 10:26 PM
I ride a single speed with a 5" fork. Also is one for street and "gravity assisted" biking. The trails you are talking about are ran by LAMBA. They have a website that tells you about rides and work dates. Since it is somewhat a city park you can't have anything to risky there. So no real fun stuff. I would agree with Colton and look for a nice used one. If you are looking to ride at Beverly which is the one your talking about I would look into a non full suspension bike due to the hills out there. You don't want to lug a heavy full sus around. Just personal pref.
Are the doubles down by van vecthen park?
We have some down hill trails that we have been working on. Still need a lot of work but enjoy riding.

Yea those are the trails i was down there actually like a week ago they still look good just need a lil lovin.... They where pretty scary to ride at first and then i just said F it and went for it lol fun

11-22-2010, 11:05 PM
I baught a 2010 Trek 4500 series from scheels on sale for around 700 this summer only have road it around the neighb orhood a few times. I might part with this for the right amount of money.

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 29,r:2,s:0 (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://brianoh.com/Images/blog/trek4500.jpg&imgrefurl=http://brianoh.com/blog/page/2/&usg=__JEHwSjmvpRSom2K1BNGt0IH0dfg=&h=500&w=800&sz=80&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=wvgVZuiQfzNBPM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=205&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTrek%2B4500%2Bseries%26um%3D1%26hl%3D en%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2ACEW_enUS367%26biw%3D1579%2 6bih%3D606%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=561&vpy=95&dur=75&hovh=177&hovw=284&tx=154&ty=103&ei=eFnrTJDRD4G6ngfvmuzRAQ&oei=eFnrTJDRD4G6ngfvmuzRAQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0)

Domestic Disturbance
11-23-2010, 12:17 AM
I have a Specialized Hardrock fs I'll sell you. Has some shit done. New tubes, tires, pads, seat, seat post, medal pedals, forget what else. Its just taking up room, too tall for it now.

11-23-2010, 07:53 AM
I told you'all my budget... LOL

12-02-2010, 09:50 AM
am i the only roadie here? every one here seems to prefer mt. bikes

12-02-2010, 10:15 AM
am i the only roadie here? every one here seems to prefer mt. bikes

too many stupid ass drivers for me to want to ride on the road! I like mountain biking because at least if I die doing that, 99% chance it is completely my fault. If you die on the road, 99% chance it is NOT your fault but that of a stupid ass drivers. Plus, I enjoy the scenery, tranquility and dodging trees at 20mph+.

12-02-2010, 11:01 AM
You probably already know this, but just like cars you get what you pay for. Not to be an ass, but the bikes you see at walmart etc. are junk. Most of the time people have to bring them into the bike shop to get them fixed from the start. the components are not intended to be thrashed on some mtn bike trail. hell they arent even that good for tooling around town. I have been working at bike shops for almost 9 years and the biggest pain in the ass comes in the form of department store bikes. it sounds like you have fun thrashing the trails so i would recommend getting a bike with better components than the cheap $10 dollar derailleurs you see on the walmart bikes. The Trek 4500 that george has is a step in the right direction, but like you said budget is the killer. I know that i dont know you that well, but thought i would throw in my 2 cents for what it worth!

12-02-2010, 11:05 AM
I forgot that the mtn bike trails in beverly park are pretty cool, but if you looking for some mtn bike trails that have about 80% climbing then seven oaks in boone is the ticket. I could swear that someone told me earlier this summer that the van vecthen bmx trails were torn down? I love the cedar falls trails even though i lawn darted myself into the ground there and had spinal fluid coming out the nose :) oh well, all in fun!

12-02-2010, 11:14 AM
I forgot that the mtn bike trails in beverly park are pretty cool, but if you looking for some mtn bike trails that have about 80% climbing then seven oaks in boone is the ticket. I could swear that someone told me earlier this summer that the van vecthen bmx trails were torn down? I love the cedar falls trails even though i lawn darted myself into the ground there and had spinal fluid coming out the nose :) oh well, all in fun!

spinal fluid out the nose?!

I dont ride roadies because it gives me the same old view I had in the car. Also my Bruiser3's weight gives me 4 times the workout no matter where I ride, so I may as well go off road. Sugar bottom made some nice changes this year, was fun. I dont like knowing what turn/bump etc is coming up. I just like to go as fast as I can and enjoy the suprises. Often times the surprise is the guy in front of me missed his gear and im sliding sideways at him hoping I dont knock him out (havent hit you yet Ryan..)

BTW..Ryan, when you go to put your foot down and theirs nothing but a cliff...tell us how that feels :rolleyes:

12-02-2010, 11:48 AM
am i the only roadie here? every one here seems to prefer mt. bikes
roadie here. fuji robauix team 61cm ,full carbon wheels and all the goodies.

12-02-2010, 02:00 PM
am i the only roadie here? every one here seems to prefer mt. bikes
roadie here. fuji robauix team 61cm ,full carbon wheels and all the goodies.

Do you guys wear the tights/spandex? LOL

just playin.

12-02-2010, 05:38 PM
I also have a road bike. Just love hauling ass. Wish I could find a place that had hills with corners that is smooth.

I don't think the jumps at Van Vecten got torn down. I was only working on our trails a couple times this year which is bad.

If you don't mind making a road trip, Rays MTB is opening up a indoor park in Milwaukee.

12-03-2010, 07:16 AM
no tights here lol. Radar and I go riding everyday. I ride the mountain bike during fall and winter.

12-03-2010, 07:30 AM
No kiddin? I used to ride everyday, college campus pretty much required it. Cedar Falls trails seem never ending too.

12-08-2010, 11:49 PM
roadie here. fuji robauix team 61cm ,full carbon wheels and all the goodies.

I have an 09 felt f85 compact (felts 105 level aluminum bike with a carbon fork and seat post the geometry is more set for racing than comfort) I would like to get a set of carbon wheels for it some day. I have quite a few goodies as well. I feel kind of bad adding almost 10 lbs to a 19 lbs bike

it's a blast going down a hill in full aero tuck at almost 50 mph

12-09-2010, 08:19 AM
Those skinny tires freak me out. I ride some fattys.

heres a big tree

2-3 foot drops are butter
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k27/drifte/th_IMG_0352.jpg (http://s84.photobucket.com/albums/k27/drifte/?action=view&current=IMG_0352.mp4)
^horrible quality, I'll have to get the original from Eric.