View Full Version : WTB: Cadillac 500

Domestic Disturbance
11-22-2010, 01:33 AM
Haven't seen many lately, but if anyone knows or comes across a Cadillac 500 for sale let me know. Thanks

11-22-2010, 08:46 AM
Just got rid of a '73 cadillac 500... Couple days late man...

Domestic Disturbance
11-23-2010, 01:25 AM
73 is still high comp too isn't it? WTF...

11-23-2010, 07:36 AM
I think 71-72 was

11-23-2010, 08:51 AM
73 is not high compression end of 72 is when OPEC tightened its grip

Domestic Disturbance
11-23-2010, 11:28 AM
IC. I knew it was the early 70s ones. Not that I'm that concerned to find a high compression one or not, as it wont be going in anything fast.