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View Full Version : IAF has been Sold - More to come soon

11-15-2010, 07:07 AM
Hello All,

I just wanted to update you that I have reached an agreement on the sale of IAF. I will formally announce the new owner this evening, but to answer the main question you probably have right now: the new owner is a local car enthusiast that many of you already know. He has a lot of good ideas for promotion of the site and a lot of capability to do so.

In short, IAF will remain a car forum for local car enthusiasts just like it always has been. Again I will formally announce the new owner this evening, and I hope all of you who are passionate about seeing this site go forward and grow will extend your hand to him for help.

Please check in this evening for the announcement! :)


11-15-2010, 10:49 PM
I am really happy a local will own it and hopefully the admin and mods stay the same. I really like your decision Zac...Thanks, I just wanted it to stay local owned.

11-16-2010, 05:56 AM
Thank you, Rob. Like I told the moderators the other day, I could have gotten more money for it if I sold it on the open market, but I would much rather see IAF grow and expand after I'm gone and in order to do that, I had to be able to sell it to someone I trust.

I have never personally met ImportEvolution, but I have heard a multitude of people tell me that he is a good guy and an upstanding businessman so I'm leaving IAF in good hands for sure.

11-16-2010, 11:22 AM
The new owner really is a good guy and has a a been a long time friend. Im sure he has a lot of things in store for the site and will hopefully get some action like back in the early years of CRU. Its great that this went to a local. Good move guys.