View Full Version : Always wanted a top view
10-28-2010, 08:09 PM
Looks like the City of CR did also so they sent me a copy for $75.00 fucking azzholes :biggrin:
10-28-2010, 08:11 PM
Yeah dude if you were only going 10 over you wouldn't have gotten a ticket. I'm pretty sure 12 over was their lucky cutoff its was on the news
10-28-2010, 08:21 PM
Slow that bad boy down eddy.. I wasnt even next to
10-28-2010, 08:22 PM
shit you coulda just gave me the 75 and not been speeding. bahahah!
10-28-2010, 08:25 PM
HAHA, maybe they should use the money to fix the road, picture looks like it was taken on the moon!
BTW: I Cant make out your stickers :supz:
10-28-2010, 10:13 PM
By the looks of that picture i will bet my car you were on the phone!
10-28-2010, 10:15 PM
this is funny, i cant stop gigglen over it haha! :supz:
10-28-2010, 11:07 PM
Here you go then do 90..... ... re=related (
Want a faster all the time one? Suppose to be legal, man it's sweet... fk those cameras. We should of thought of it.
10-30-2010, 06:49 PM
if you had your tailgate down they wouldnt have got you ED...gotta luv CR dont ya
10-30-2010, 08:16 PM
if you had your tailgate down they wouldnt have got you ED...gotta luv CR dont ya
Thats a DAM good point!
11-01-2010, 07:15 PM
I got nailed 2 weeks ago in downtown Davenport picking up some parts at 3E from one of those "mobile speed enforcement vehicles". BS. I'd like to burn that damn thing.
11-02-2010, 06:02 PM
7 mph is the cut off, or well six is, 7+ you get a picture. It was in the paper a while back, no tickets under 7 over were issued, and the pictures that who ever found the jeep on their street. Accept it or pay a sin tax. That sin isn't worth the tax. You get were you were going maybe 10 sooner. Thought I got nailed when it was on back street around westdale then again on Wilson but must have been at +5 or 6.
Boss's kid had 4 in about 3 weeks worst one as 21+ on Collins, and he knew it was coming because he was running late. He's still driving, lucky he's not my kid $450 tax in a few weeks, car sold, he's pedalling.
11-02-2010, 06:45 PM
Yeah I noticed that Jeep over by my house I was like WTF. They have a hyundai too from what I remember. Channel 9 and channel 2 both did stories on the speed cameras.
11-03-2010, 09:02 AM
if you go to the CRPD website it tells you where the Jeep will be that week. This week is highway 100 and wilson ave.
11-07-2010, 11:49 PM
if you had your tailgate down they wouldnt have got you ED...gotta luv CR dont ya
Thats a DAM good point!
Yea just leave that thing down no cop ever give you any crap. I hate revenue tricks, all it is plain and simple. Oh yea tell those citizens it's all about safety, pure b.s. So far I slow down at the zones then go like hell then slow down, why cause it's bs and at 2300+ and no traffic. Had the 03 up to xx mph between diagonal and j. Then creep at 53 mph at j. I might just get that loover and go xxx for grins. I'm sure like at work the reviewer will go wtf was that? They set a port trailer radar deal at work. Well somebody went 53 a 15.. The basturd. Whoever did it is still unknown.
11-08-2010, 12:00 AM
if you go to the CRPD website it tells you where the Jeep will be that week. This week is highway 100 and wilson ave.
Guess a test 11 vs 03 on s/c is out on 100 unless I white cardboard snkeatr and dsm4dnr over our plates.... Now that's funny. No, I won't do it but think for a sec. U think they are that stupid? Scope it out, put on cardboard over by there do the run, then over by there take it off. Make it look all official. Big question is who should be snkeatr and who should be dsm4dnr? What u think Kitch?
11-08-2010, 12:45 AM
I hope some law abiding semi trying to avoid a accident rear ends the jeep and cr pd gets a massive lawsuit because the jeep is not a emergency vehicle. Nor has any markings as such. All for a few $ is that jeep causing a serious safety hazard. The cops tag any vehicle for being parked on side of road for 24hrs wtf does this not apply to the jeep? The damn thing should be towed away and impounded like Joe avg. You see why i'm always ticked off? Back in the old days if caught w some beer they would either take it or pour it out and you were told to go home and not do it again. Now they hang u by the ballz. All for $... Everything is $.
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