View Full Version : hows the track at this time of year?

10-25-2010, 01:02 PM
Hows the track at this time of year? Never ran this late but I'd like to get to cordova before they close.

The air is obviously better but is their going to be traction with the colder trackl?

10-25-2010, 01:23 PM
Well although it was my first time running my car when i went there, i will say traction is really really more dependent on your suspension/tire setup than it usually is.

I'm sure even my talon would of had issues with spinning with the way it was the other week.

If you go during the day when it's still 60+ out then it should be decent.
However it's getting so dewy / moist / cold out already, that racing later in the evening just isnt any good for moderately quick cars.

My street tires should of performed better than they did, especially my last run which I spun through 1st and some of 2nd.

On the bright side though, if you hook the colder air definitely will help it run a lot better!