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View Full Version : Dont kick it cuz u dont like it

10-20-2010, 12:39 AM
Im writing this in hopes of maybe finding a way to vent. I woke up and got ready for work yesterday, go outside to leave. and Here Is my cat Pud waiting for me on the back steps(like she does often). only this time it was different. I find her bleeding from the right side of her head, her right eye shut, and what looks like a foot print on her head...Pud is a very loving,outgoing little cat, she will go up to anyone in hopes of just getting acknowledged that she is there. But for someone that more than likely dislikes cats, decides to make their point known that they dis like cats, decided to kick her in her head until she is bleeding, and pretty banged up from it....Sure its just a cat, but still, this kind of crap pisses me off to no end. Im a guy yes i know, but animal abuse of ANY kind will make me unbelievably pissed off...Ok change the the topic around...say i dont like the color of your car, does that give me the right to say take a hammer to the headlights and bash them in just cuz i dont like it? NO it sure doesnt...Does it mean that when a complete stranger comes up to talk to me, and i dont find their conversation interesting, does that give me permissiopn to say punch you in the throat just cuz? once again the answer would be no....Now explain to me how a person that can dislike a particular type of animal, especially a very loveable animal at that, can just decide to kick her and cause actual physical harm? I just dont get it....She was kicked hard enough to leave a heel print on her head, so yea that very easily could have knocked her out cold, or even worse taken her life. which im thankful that neither of the last two happened....but still, it had to hurt. And the fact that someone kicked her, probably felt better aboput themselves at the end of the day, cuz they caused damage to something they dislike....Luckily i have had time to rationalize my thoughts and somewhat calm down, but it still is in my head, that someone beat up my pet, which is kind of like a child to me...Sure i would love to find out who did this, and give them a very big piece of my mind...But what makes me sad is she got the crap literally kicked out of her, but she is still that loveable attention craving pet that she always is..she is sometimes kind of a burden due to her insane love she has towards people...but all she wants is you to let her in your lap, or maybe just pet her for a little bit. she has never attacked anyone in the 4 years ive known of her, sure she can tear the snot out of a bird/squirrel/mouse, but thats a given. so why beat up on something that hasnt caused you harm , for except her maybe being in your way? I could see if the cat was acting violent towards a person, say attempting to attack you (but still how bad can a cat get, wow they scratch you and maybe draw some blood, no biggie) or growling,hissing, or maybe just acting not right. but still you just dont beat on it until you feel as though your done...people just piss me off sometimes...mainly the people that are screwed up in the head so much that they feel as though they can do ANYTHING they want, and not deal with any consequences....If you dont like it, keep it to yourself. damn....

shes soooooo verocious

i might get a pic of her tomorrow

10-20-2010, 07:02 AM
I really wish I would've waited till the end of the day to read this. It just made the rest of my day pretty pissy. Some people are just wast of skin fucks.

10-21-2010, 05:24 AM
Do you let your cat out to roam free without tags? If so anything can happen, it sucks but you should know better if thats the case. Once you let a house cat outside, they get addicted to go outside. Keep it in the house or not at all imo. But I agree whoever kicked your cat is an asshole.