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View Full Version : very sad but true

09-29-2010, 10:37 PM
Found this out today but happened like 15 years ago. My old neighbor I don't really know because he died of a heart attack shortly after I moved in and the family moved. He wasn't very old either, in his 50's I think.

Anyway he had a paralyzed son. I think he is a quadriplegic. I found out today that his son was paralyzed when he was 8 years old. His dad was giving him a ride on his motorcycle and he was wearing a superman outfit and cape. Cape got caught in the wheel or something like that and broke his neck. Not sure on any more details. But that is just sad. As a father that would be very hard to have to deal with that for the rest of your life.

My 3 year old daughter loves wearing princess costumes and stuff like that , even when we go out in public to the grocery store or whatever so it just hits close to home.

09-30-2010, 07:24 AM
Thats a freaky thing that happened.

When i was in Sturgis two summers ago we met up with a guy that was wearing a towel as a cape. after a long ride we stopped and got off the bikes. His towel had a "U" cut into it wear it was resting on the tire. Lucky he was tall enough that the back tire never caught it. He didn't wear it again after that.

Must be a air void behind the bike that sucks stuff back toward the bike down low.

09-30-2010, 08:16 AM
Im buying my nephew a helmet for christmas.

09-30-2010, 06:53 PM
You talking bout Garret Fry? If so I'm fairly sure he was riding with a blanket with his father. I went to school with him. Pretty cool guy.