View Full Version : Opinions: Supercharger vs. Nitrous
09-16-2010, 09:52 PM
this is a long way off, but i figure its never too soon to start researching and getting opinions.
for the last couple years, my plan for my Duster was to build the low-deck big block and slap nitrous on it. but lately, ive really been getting second thoughts to going with a centrifugal supercharger instead(not really into the big roots-style blowers). part of me thinks i could start off with nitrous, then swap to a supercharger later; but the other part of me says just do it right the first time and be done with it.
nitrous seems cheaper and easier to me at first glance; but constantly filling bottles and what not sounds like it would add up in price quick. it'd be cool to just fill the car with race fuel and go. im not sure how the two options compare tuning wise; although i plan to stay carbureted either way. what do you guys think about meth-injection for the S/C option? i dont know a lot about how it works; links to good reads would be cool.
a big concern of mine is how the car will react with either of the combos. having that big block alone in a 3000-3200lb car with a 108" wheelbase sounds like a handful; i cant imagine the torque it would make down low if it were supercharged...
i'm sure i'm going to get some single sentance responses telling me to go one way or another, which is fine; but i really am looking for some good, detailed imput, and maybe some links and what not about tuning with each of them.
so there it is; discuss!
09-16-2010, 11:09 PM
do you have a link to your project thread and its status?
09-17-2010, 04:48 AM
My vote supercharge it. Power there all the time.
09-17-2010, 05:13 AM
I too vote supercharge it
09-17-2010, 07:25 AM
Depends what you want to do with the car IMO, if you build a nitrous car you can have low enough to compression to run pump gas, drive it around like a all motor car and have it reliable. I would think that big block will have more power than you can use on the street NA anyway so the only time you would use nitrous is at the track, and how many times are you going to do that in a year??
As much as I love the way a big ass procharger sounds and looks I have heard alot of horror stories about the blow through carbs and people swapping to EFI after spending alot of money on it, you would have to be pretty devoted to the project to make it work AND be driveable. The price a decent blow thru carb you could buy a direct port nitrous kit installed, flowed, with jets and everything from Induction Solutions. I would love to see you install a big blower on it Dustin
09-17-2010, 08:53 AM
Im going to be honest,nitrous is a pain in the ass. I would put a vortech on it and be done with it.
09-17-2010, 09:17 AM
First time I've heard of nitrous being a pain.. Why do you say that?
09-17-2010, 09:48 AM
supercharger would be best for a lot of street but I'm not sure on the carb tuning thing. but think of this, you can install nitrous in one day and take it back off in a day. I bought a nice used kit, used it for one year and sold it for about the same price and went turbo the next year.
09-17-2010, 10:28 AM
I would say if running race gas isnt out of the question, "this is only an idea here so take it easy" you can run methanol and have a real wicked big block just NA. It is very cheap fuel at less than 2 dollars a gallon and you can run crazy compression, super small radiator because it runs so cool.. just a thought
09-17-2010, 11:08 AM
Plenty of S/C combos running pump gas, lots of cars come from the factory supercharged, no race gas needed. 03-04 Cobra's are a perfect example. Hell Allgo's Z06 is strictly pump gas too. Head design, cams, play a big part in what you can, and can't get by with. Never have seen a factory built car come with nitrous....
09-17-2010, 11:53 AM
i'm sure i'm going to get some single sentance responses telling me to go one way or another, which is fine; but i really am looking for some good, detailed imput,
Wanted to save room for everybody else.
09-17-2010, 03:40 PM
Depends what you want to do with the car IMO, if you build a nitrous car you can have low enough to compression to run pump gas, drive it around like a all motor car and have it reliable. I would think that big block will have more power than you can use on the street NA anyway so the only time you would use nitrous is at the track, and how many times are you going to do that in a year??
As much as I love the way a big ass procharger sounds and looks I have heard alot of horror stories about the blow through carbs and people swapping to EFI after spending alot of money on it, you would have to be pretty devoted to the project to make it work AND be driveable. The price a decent blow thru carb you could buy a direct port nitrous kit installed, flowed, with jets and everything from Induction Solutions. I would love to see you install a big blower on it Dustin
this is pretty much why i wanted to go with nitrous anyway. i liked the idea of the engine not constantly under the stress of forced induction; especially if i planned on street driving it a lot. also, the twins' fiasco and 2 years worth of trying to make a blow-thru carb work scares me a lot too. im just afraid i wouldnt have the funds OR expertise to really make a high-powered fuel injected/forced induction power plant work.
i suppose theres a lot of things i'm not even thinking of on the supercharger route; but i will say the idea of having more money in the induction setup than in the rest of the motor kinda scares me....
09-17-2010, 07:19 PM
I am with Scott on this one! the big block in the fox is going to be getting nitrous. As he stated, how often are you really going to need/use the kind of power a blown big block can make? I fairly mild big block can do 500HP with ease, more than enough for most "street use". Blow thru carbs are also a little worry of mine as I am converting the RX7 to a singe turbo, blow thru setup but I wouldn't let that detour you too much. There is enough info/knowledge out there now days that I don't think it would be a huge problem.
I use to talk a lot of crap about nitrous "back in the day" but after actually using it, I am a big fan. nothing like knowing you have an extra 200HP (or whatever you run) on tap whenever you think you "need" it. You can still have a nice weekend/daily driver that isn't continually under stress and still make a shit ton of power at the track.
09-17-2010, 08:35 PM
Really depend on it main use and if your motor is built for boost or not. Boosted engine is under stress all the time and needs to be built accordingly. Nitrous on the other hand, under a small shot, can be pretty reliable on a "stock" motor. Get some forged pistons and spray 200. I've ran nitrous on steet cars for a few years now and it's definitely got it perks. Cheap to buy, usually keeps its price if you decide to sell it, and doesn't really require traditional tuning except for timing retard, provided you're talking a wet kit. But keep in mind, the price of nitrous has gone up quite a ways lately and having bottles in your freezer sucks. That reason right there is why I'm going with a D1SC this winter.
09-17-2010, 09:46 PM
. Never have seen a factory built car come with nitrous....
Just because a buddy from another car forum is buying one of these do I know about it. Not that it even matters, just saying.
09-17-2010, 11:17 PM
Considering race gas prices and you saw what casey martin ran like so e85. A guy could say fill a 55 gal old race fuel barrel and bring it home use it never run out late at night. Nitrous or s/c at 9.5/1 10/1 compression w decent heads. Been proven to make lots of power esp w s/c and there are some success stories w carb and s/c but at most 8# max. Look on youtube. You could run nitrous too w decent parts for special occasions. Low boost should get you 700whp. Look at allgos vette. 427 w 6/7#. It might be enough to beat the 03 on a roll.
Find a roller w decent body. You could spend a fortune one reason I got rid of 69 just paint alone is $$$ unless you know someone. Heck paint like urethane is like 125 to 200 a gal at least depending on color. Then clear coat. I seriously would think about that, no bs. Find a old race car roller w cool paint. If 1 or 2k for it you just saved a fortune. Who want's to spend 6k on body work and sheet metal, painting all that. Trust me I tried to make 69 worth it but in the end I would be losing. And still not have a/c etc. fk that. Times are hard buy a good racing roller. Take your's ok to the scrap yard don't get mad just saying think about that. Better yet just buy a finished bb mopar duster or demon. And then do stuff you want. Could be cheapest best way ask George or Ed.
09-18-2010, 08:16 AM
also one thing to keep in mind; getting a supercharger for a big block Mopar is not as easy as getting one for a SBC or mod motor. kits are few and far between, and are priced acordingly. same goes with fuel injection for them. as far as costs go; building a big block Mopar is in the same neighborhood as building an FE ford...
Find a roller w decent body. You could spend a fortune one reason I got rid of 69 just paint alone is $$$ unless you know someone. Heck paint like urethane is like 125 to 200 a gal at least depending on color. Then clear coat. I seriously would think about that, no bs. Find a old race car roller w cool paint. If 1 or 2k for it you just saved a fortune. Who want's to spend 6k on body work and sheet metal, painting all that. Trust me I tried to make 69 worth it but in the end I would be losing. And still not have a/c etc. fk that. Times are hard buy a good racing roller. Take your's ok to the scrap yard don't get mad just saying think about that. Better yet just buy a finished bb mopar duster or demon. And then do stuff you want. Could be cheapest best way ask George or Ed.
i understand your point; and have seriously considered it; but what the hell would be the fun in that? i am attached to the car; and willing to spend the money to save it and do what i want to with it. besides, my car is just rough enough to not want to fully restore, but just solid enough to be a decent canidate for a track car. its to the point where i wont mind chopping it up; where as with a solid survivor; i would feel bad chopping it up and making a racecar out of it.
by the way, i suppose i should share some of the plans for the car. it will be running the B1 headed low deck big block, tubular front suspension, powerglide with transbrake, Dana 60 rear. planning on going with a ladder bar setup with a basic 10 point cage most likely. shooting for under 3200lbs; decently light for a big block car.
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