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08-20-2010, 04:49 PM
I applied for a position with nestle's in waverly, ia....they needed a bulk material handler..which ive done stuff like this at a previous job. so i filled out an app online for them...like ive done 4 times in the past. only this time i get a call for an interview...i go in for my interview, which is 2 parts with 2 different people....i basically told them all the crap i did at my previous jobs and how i could easily adapt to this position here, and sold myself to them.....i kinda walked out of the interviews (which were this past wednesday) thinking to myself i totally have this job....well 4:30pm today i get a phone call from the hr rep, offering me the job pending, my physical,drug test, and back ground checks...which there is nothing there, so i totally have this one in the bag...its 2nd shift which is 4-midnite (oh well ill take what i can get) and the base pay is 17.73 an hour plus a 35 cent shift premium....then 50 cent raises every 6 months till i cap out at 19.60....im super stoked right now....dong odd jobs here and there, and then truck driving for the past 3 years to make ends meet are hopefully finally to an end...as ill be set financially with this job.....im way excited...the wife is even giving me celebratory sex tonite lmao....awesome! maybe i can finally turn my maro into the fucking beast she has always been a dream to me of...

08-20-2010, 11:31 PM
I really need to start looking around for jobs in the CR / Des Moines area or even council bluffs / cedar falls.

I'm willing to do about anything to get out of Burlington.
I wish I hadn't even bothered with college but I'm nearing the end so I might as well finish it out. Hopefully I can finish this next semester depending if I can get all the classes I need into a schedule.

Glad to hear things are working out good for ya, it always worrys me about finding a job and being financially set.

08-21-2010, 06:13 AM
see i had the same worries as you, about finidng a job i like, and being financially set....my depression and bi polar really fucked with me job wise for a while. id get a job after being unemployed for a period of time, and my bipolar part of me would say fuck the job before i even started, or i would do one shift and say fuck it....i got into truck driving cuz it pays the bills, but is not my dream job, or something i want to do the rest of my life....and me never going to college really fucked with my head too, thinking all i could get was shitty jobs due to no college experience. all i have is on the job experience, like every where..so for me to land this job is a huge worry off my back, to where no i can look for a house sometime in the future, instead of renting this "haunted" house...so yeah i think i deserve this job...but i dont want to get ahead of myself

08-21-2010, 12:21 PM
just an FYI, there are 3 open routes at Pepsi right now, and they're just about always hiring in the warehouse.

08-21-2010, 03:04 PM
thanks but no thanks Dustin....i worked at coca-cola (hmm my last name is coake, pronounced coke, weird) but i hated it there....i actually got fired cuz i drank some mt dew on the warehouse floor, while building pallets for a grocery store haha

08-22-2010, 07:16 PM
they are pretty crazy about that at the pop and beer companies. i wont say ive never had a coke or Dr. pepper since ive worked at Pepsi, but usually when i have a choice, i'll usually drink Pepsi products.

08-22-2010, 07:31 PM
well i did it on purpose...it was the last day of work, after i gave my 2 weeks notice...so cracked open a dew. lol

08-23-2010, 12:07 PM
i just gave my current boss my notice...yea im even happier bout getting this new job...my current boss is a dick. lol....

08-23-2010, 02:33 PM
i just gave my current boss my notice...yea im even happier bout getting this new job...my current boss is a dick. lol....

I've always wanted to do the 'ole

"Fuck You, Fuck You, Your Cool and Fuck You! I'm OUT!!"

Closest I ever got was "Fuck you, fire me then! Oh, by the way, I have been fucking your daughter for the last 6 months asshole!" (she WAS a virgin) He wasn't too upset until he found out I was telling the truth and then he showed up at my front door! LOL Said he was going to kick my ass and to "step outside". So I did, with a .357 magnum in my hand, he left and I kept fucking his daughter for about the next 4-5 months! HAHAHA!!!

08-23-2010, 04:05 PM
LMAO niiiice

08-24-2010, 04:18 PM
i did all my damn testing for this job today. back assessment, hearing assessment, physical and drug test. and passed everything with flying colors!!

08-25-2010, 12:24 AM
Blue collar, mo money u make bigger dicks management is. The money well they got u by the ballz. Own u then. Anyway congrats. :supz: I have to put this disclaimer in.. not at my present job. It's great for sure. I'm buying a new stang.

08-25-2010, 08:40 AM
i honestly did not understand what u had just wrote Rob

08-25-2010, 09:17 AM
Didn't suppose to. I could get into trouble. And got a new stang on the way. It'll be my new baby. Think about, it mo money, mo bs. They want us to do it all. Someday you guys will understand and will think d/a Rob was on target. Prob be worse by then, way it's been that way w me. So enjoy it now, I know I did at u guys age. Comprendere ?

08-25-2010, 09:31 AM
lol wtf?

08-25-2010, 12:33 PM
Well mo money u make mo bs u take. That's it in a nutshell. And enjoy ur time while young, old sucks trust me. All I was saying. :supz: You'll make it. Just lighten up a lil. At 39 I had no issues or worries, at 45 it all changed.

08-25-2010, 02:57 PM
lol I'm already having an early mid-life crisis, realizing i'm no teenanger anymore and I got shit to start worrying about! haha

08-25-2010, 03:01 PM
I find that you have to read Robs posts fairly quickly to understand them and you have to ignore the punctuation.

lol I'm already having an early mid-life crisis, realizing i'm no teenanger anymore and I got shit to start worrying about! haha

LOL... right! I just turned 24 and am considering my life half over so mid life crisis time for me too!

08-25-2010, 09:09 PM
ok figure this out, my current boss tells me if i dont stay driving with him, he will call the people that is doing the background check (that already called him about my info) and tell them that im a pos, dont show up on time, and abunch of other lies and bs....i asked him why he said he will do this, he says he signs my paychecks and can do anything he wants, and his lawyer backs him up...wow what a dick

08-25-2010, 11:27 PM
If he does that'll be a nice fat paycheck for you when your lawyer gets through with him.

08-26-2010, 04:36 AM
Youre lucky ive been trying to get in there for quite some time. Im kind of tired of not making shit for money at the casino in wloo.

08-26-2010, 09:55 AM
i just got off the phone with nestles...my current, now ex boss...was blowng alot of smoke up my ass stating he could prevent me from getting this job...well they already had my background check in as he was telling me he could tell them that im a pos worthless employee...haha so thats a huge worry off my back...and i now have a start date of september 7th...YAY