View Full Version : More cameras
08-19-2010, 01:57 AM
Well going home other night had right lane blocked right at j and 380 and installing camera on the overpass sign for coldstream and 29th exit coming up. Insidious as you can see the 60 mph sign right ahead. Then next night blocked left lanes at j and 380 more cameras we need a sticky or something where these all are or something. They flashed me there tonight at 2:15 am why idk only going 52 mph. Et streets are like 26.5/27 dia more than stock my 25" dia. It sets off the abs when pumped up. Had them on still cause I'm lazy then the bs w Derek.
08-19-2010, 04:03 AM
i heard on the news that the two cameras will be monitored the together- meaning even if they dont catch you speeding, if you pass one and get to the other one "too fast", they'll still issue you a ticket for speeding inbetween them. bullshit. first they dont need to physically catch you speeding to give you a ticket; now they dont even have to have a pic of it. the effect of speeding will give you a ticket. lame.
08-19-2010, 04:26 AM
It's a bs way of making money, a coworker got a 85$ ticket and it said not turned into dot or on record or reported to insurance. Just send money basically. Those bastards only good place be the crap street and 30 u know where. Well I propose loser pays all if caught only fair thing to do.
Though 150% better than a record and losing ur license and btw you see the newest defense? so fk them and lil dog too. I'll act all stupid if caught by a leo and have my handicap tag out.
08-19-2010, 08:03 AM
is that for north bound as well?
i have a bike rack blocking my plate all summer. I am too lazy to take it off between rides and i have never been questioned about it ( knocking on wood ) so it is staying on till i do or it is too cold to ride.
08-19-2010, 08:23 AM
1st Ave & 10th St. E EB/WB
1st Ave & L St. W EB/WB
2nd Ave. & 3rd St. SW NB
2nd Ave. & 6th St. NB/WB
2nd Ave. & 10th St. SE NB
Center Point Rd. NE & Collins Rd. Ramp (North) NB
Williams Blvd.& 16th Ave. W EB/WB
Edgewood Rd. & 42nd St. NE NB/SB
I380 Fixed Point NB
I380 Fixed Point SB
I have mixed feelings about these. I don't like them because it is just another way for the greedy ass city to make a bunch of money. However, we just moved (well, are still moving but almost done) into the "rolling Green" area and there is this punk ass in a white Integra that seems to think 33rd ave, from Bramble to the stop light on edgewood is a fucking drag strip! I think they need to focus the cameras in more residential areas to be honest. Catch these asshole going 60+ in a 25mph zone rather than just going a little too fast on the interstate or other major, busy, wide, non-residential roads.
08-19-2010, 08:36 AM
they tried to do the "timing
thing with the "Ipass" system on the way to Chi town. I believe the government said that was illegal and they couldnt do that.
Hope its not a state by state thing. This is getting to be bullshit. CR is one of the TOP cities for this camera bullshit.
08-19-2010, 09:09 AM
we need to vote out whoever is responsible for those. that would be cool if someone vandalized the cameras at night. I'm sure they are not cheap to replace.
08-19-2010, 10:05 AM
we need to vote out whoever is responsible for those. that would be cool if someone vandalized the cameras at night. I'm sure they are not cheap to replace.
Im very surprised that nobody has yet. I would have thought someone would have done something to the red jeep at least. I wouldn't touch it but with all the criminals in CR i really would have thought at least one would have been shot out!
O wait! The chi town gang bangers that is turning this city into a dump dont have cars so they dont care. The megabus is only $1 from chi to ic. We all know they dont have any money so CR has to go after the people who have jobs and can pay.
08-19-2010, 12:50 PM
O wait! The chi town gang bangers that is turning this city into a dump dont have cars so they dont care. The megabus is only $1 from chi to ic. We all know they dont have any money so CR has to go after the people who have jobs and can pay.
I like you!
08-19-2010, 01:07 PM
we need to vote out whoever is responsible for those. that would be cool if someone vandalized the cameras at night. I'm sure they are not cheap to replace.
Im very surprised that nobody has yet. I would have thought someone would have done something to the red jeep at least. I wouldn't touch it but with all the criminals in CR i really would have thought at least one would have been shot out!
Yea I'm surprised the jeep hasn't accidently caught on fire.
08-19-2010, 02:15 PM
1st Ave & 10th St. E EB/WB
1st Ave & L St. W EB/WB
2nd Ave. & 3rd St. SW NB
2nd Ave. & 6th St. NB/WB
2nd Ave. & 10th St. SE NB
Center Point Rd. NE & Collins Rd. Ramp (North) NB
Williams Blvd.& 16th Ave. W EB/WB
Edgewood Rd. & 42nd St. NE NB/SB
I380 Fixed Point NB
I380 Fixed Point SB
I have mixed feelings about these. I don't like them because it is just another way for the greedy ass city to make a bunch of money. However, we just moved (well, are still moving but almost done) into the "rolling Green" area and there is this punk ass in a white Integra that seems to think 33rd ave, from Bramble to the stop light on edgewood is a fucking drag strip! I think they need to focus the cameras in more residential areas to be honest. Catch these asshole going 60+ in a 25mph zone rather than just going a little too fast on the interstate or other major, busy, wide, non-residential roads.
+1 to that
My yard backs up to F ave between 19th and 13th and there's guys racing open pipe crotch rockets there at like 1-2 in the morning on week days . Those guys have to be doing 30+ over sometimes - in front of apts that kids play at.
don't vandalize the cameras btw! if they need more money to replace the ones that get wrecked theyll just put more up probably lol
08-20-2010, 07:22 AM
1st Ave & 10th St. E EB/WB
1st Ave & L St. W EB/WB
2nd Ave. & 3rd St. SW NB
2nd Ave. & 6th St. NB/WB
2nd Ave. & 10th St. SE NB
Center Point Rd. NE & Collins Rd. Ramp (North) NB
Williams Blvd.& 16th Ave. W EB/WB
Edgewood Rd. & 42nd St. NE NB/SB
I380 Fixed Point NB
I380 Fixed Point SB
I have mixed feelings about these. I don't like them because it is just another way for the greedy ass city to make a bunch of money. However, we just moved (well, are still moving but almost done) into the "rolling Green" area and there is this punk ass in a white Integra that seems to think 33rd ave, from Bramble to the stop light on edgewood is a fucking drag strip! I think they need to focus the cameras in more residential areas to be honest. Catch these asshole going 60+ in a 25mph zone rather than just going a little too fast on the interstate or other major, busy, wide, non-residential roads.
+1 to that
My yard backs up to F ave between 19th and 13th and there's guys racing open pipe crotch rockets there at like 1-2 in the morning on week days . Those guys have to be doing 30+ over sometimes - in front of apts that kids play at.
If its the group im thinking about the cameras wont stop them. Non of those guys run plates. Everytime they go to get pulled over they just run from the cops.
08-20-2010, 08:12 AM
1st Ave & 10th St. E EB/WB
1st Ave & L St. W EB/WB
2nd Ave. & 3rd St. SW NB
2nd Ave. & 6th St. NB/WB
2nd Ave. & 10th St. SE NB
Center Point Rd. NE & Collins Rd. Ramp (North) NB
Williams Blvd.& 16th Ave. W EB/WB
Edgewood Rd. & 42nd St. NE NB/SB
I380 Fixed Point NB
I380 Fixed Point SB
i think both on 380 are north bound
08-20-2010, 08:47 AM
yep both are north bound, they want to setup the first automated timing deal with those 2 cameras. They will remember your plate number on both cameras, measure the time it took to travel that certain distance and if you average a certain speed then your toast. So you can NOT speed passing the cameras but if you go too fast between them you still can get screwed
08-20-2010, 08:56 AM
Yeah true, i don't care that much really but its kinda annoying. Don't get me wrong, I am very far from being a law abiding citizen as far as driving goes- but i never mess around in residential areas. Ill risk injuring myself or wrecking my car but id never want to hit someone's kids or pets etc. Plus, 20 over on the interstate causes less accidents than 20 under... are they ticketing grandmas doing 50-55 in 70 zones too?
08-20-2010, 09:31 AM
Plus, 20 over on the interstate causes less accidents than 20 under... are they ticketing grandmas doing 50-55 in 70 zones too?
probably not iirc the posted minimum is 45
08-20-2010, 10:26 AM
we mineaswell be be driving f'ing geo metros if we can't even get on our cars once and a while. there is no fun anymore, no open road freedom. its no longer a safety issue, its a matter of fund raising. we are just robots on the highway, whats next is they will have GPS data on every car.
08-20-2010, 11:34 AM
Back in AZ people would shoot them out!
08-20-2010, 11:36 AM
right that's my point- studies show every 1mph under the speed limit someone goes on the interstate is more accident causing than over, but 5 over is a ticket while 5-10 under is not... why is this? Because more ppl speed so ticketing them is the cash cow.
I wish they would just put up toll booths like most other states and charge everyone 1$ instead of every 100th driver 100$.
08-20-2010, 11:40 AM
right that's my point- studies show every 1mph under the speed limit someone goes on the interstate is more accident causing than over, but 5 over is a ticket while 5-10 under is not... why is this? Because more ppl speed so ticketing them is the cash cow.
I wish they would just put up toll booths like most other states and charge everyone 1$ instead of every 100th driver 100$.
I'm not disagreeing, differences in speed cause accidents not speed itself.
Its about the dollar, not about safety which is sad. Just like the red light cameras increase accidents by a large percentage, as people will slam on their brakes at the last minute to avoid a ticket.
08-20-2010, 12:49 PM
that AND they always turn down the yellow light duration when they put cameras in to rake in more cash.
Adding 2-3 sec to the yellow light time stops more accidents than the cameras do, that has been proven repeatedly.
Like they said earlier though, not having the ticket affect driving record is nice at least. otherwise 3 of these and you are suspended!
08-20-2010, 05:15 PM
I guarantee if the flood of 2008 didn't happen, these camera's would not be up. Its strictly for fucking people out of money and its horseshit. I remember reading somewhere...oh wait, its the 2010 Iowa DOT manual that stated you should keep up with the flow of traffic on any road. So what this means if everyone is doing 70 and the speed limit is 60mph, every single person doing 70 is getting snapped on cam and ticketed which contradicts what is taught in the manual. This is why the cameras are horseshit and need to be gotten rid of. Search for the word Flow
"Driving too fast is a major cause of traffic accidents. Driving too slow is also an important cause of traffic accidents. Try to drive with the general traffic flow on any road."
It does not state, "try to drive with the general traffic flow while maintaining under/with the speed limit."
"Appropriate Speed"
"The speed you can drive your vehicle depends on the posted speed limit, the road conditions and the weather. The faster your vehicle is going, the more distance it will take to turn, slow or stop. For example, stopping at 60 mph does not take twice the distance it takes at 30 mph as one might think, but over three times the distance. The posted speed limit is the FASTEST speed you can legally drive under ideal driving conditions. The following general limits have been set:
• 20 mph in any business district;
• 25 mph in a residential district or school district;
• 45 mph in any suburban district, or for any vehicle pulling another vehicle unless it was designed for that purpose;
• 50 mph on unsurfaced secondary roads from sunset until sunrise, and for all trucks on secondary roads at any time of day;
• 55 mph on all primary roads, urban interstate highways and secondary roads, including unpaved roads from sunrise to sunset; and
• 70 mph on rural interstate highways."
Regardless what the speed is you can legally drive, they either need to removed the statement out of the manual telling people to "try" to keep up with the General traffic flow. Or get rid of these fucking cameras and allow it. /endrant ( and no I haven't gotten a ticket from the fucking things )
In the end its just to make money and something needs to get done about it.
"You know what my motto is in traffic? Cop didn't see it, I didn't do it" - George Carlin.
08-20-2010, 08:27 PM
I guarantee if the flood of 2008 didn't happen, these camera's would not be up. Its strictly for fucking people out of money and its horseshit.
AMEN!!!! The city has gotten COMPLETELY out of control since the floods and someone needs to step up and do something. Do you all know about the "civil penalty/impoundment fee" they have now too? I believe that came about just after the floods too, I doubt it is a coincidence. If your vehicle gets towed for a number of reasons (DUI, DWI, suspended license, no proof of insurance, no registration etc...) not only do you have the tickets, the tow fee, the storage fee, the court fees and the police department surcharge but now there is a $500 fee as well.
I learned this the hard way myself. Even after showing proof of insurance in court, I had to pay the $500 fee. I had just gotten knew insurance cards, the ones in the vehicle had expired like 2-3 days ago and the new ones where on my table at home (about 3 blocks away from where I got pulled over). They threw out the ticket but I still had to pay the storage fees, tow fees, court costs and the $500 penalty.
08-22-2010, 08:02 PM
yeah a cop actually told me about that, if you even have SR22- which means they can look in their database and see if you have insurance; they can hook your car if you don't have the paper proof with you...
Also, if your car made out of the impound in CR without anything missing consider yourself lucky.
08-22-2010, 08:31 PM
I would rather have tolls honestly then cameras, at least we could all go the "speed of traffic" and just pay them bastards a yearly fee for a I-pass thingy. I guess the way of turning the econamy around for the city is to raise the price of everything and take more from the middle class.
08-22-2010, 11:31 PM
Well they flashed me again tonight at 11:15 idk why the fk, I was going only 55 to 50 on speedo, but looked out my rearview mirror at the northbound coldstream one and 4 were lit up for a sec. maybe its my imagination, fk I just hate fkn big bro. Even though it's just money its the idea and who knows when the courts might say 100% fine w criminal charges and notify the ins co? That would really blow.
08-22-2010, 11:46 PM
I guarantee if the flood of 2008 didn't happen, these camera's would not be up. Its strictly for fucking people out of money and its horseshit.
AMEN!!!! The city has gotten COMPLETELY out of control since the floods and someone needs to step up and do something. Do you all know about the "civil penalty/impoundment fee" they have now too? I believe that came about just after the floods too, I doubt it is a coincidence. If your vehicle gets towed for a number of reasons (DUI, DWI, suspended license, no proof of insurance, no registration etc...) not only do you have the tickets, the tow fee, the storage fee, the court fees and the police department surcharge but now there is a $500 fee as well.
I learned this the hard way myself. Even after showing proof of insurance in court, I had to pay the $500 fee. I had just gotten knew insurance cards, the ones in the vehicle had expired like 2-3 days ago and the new ones where on my table at home (about 3 blocks away from where I got pulled over). They threw out the ticket but I still had to pay the storage fees, tow fees, court costs and the $500 penalty.
They are dicks they can look up and see if you have ins or not and the old way was you show ins they dropped the whole deal on that. They are fkn money grabbers. The whole damn state. What ever happened to the lotto will take care of everything? Money grabbers, never enough. Now you gotta be 100% on the ball or they get $. I got enough bills and a guy wants to get a new car they fk u hard there too. You wait they w end up w somer kind of bs like 24 mpg on hiway or u pay more for plates or some sh-t. Then the clunker laws too, 10 yrs or newer. Never have 30$ plates again. C.r. and other cities ought to be bigger dicks w city stickers like mo. does, mo bs and inspections mo bs. U see why I get so pizzed off esp w my co. always coming up w mo b.s.? So Derek, Fastrac, etc. sorry sh-t just pizzes me off. Just want some good racing w/o bs. Like our manual deal. That was great.
08-23-2010, 09:05 AM
I would rather have tolls honestly then cameras, at least we could all go the "speed of traffic" and just pay them bastards a yearly fee for a I-pass thingy. I guess the way of turning the econamy around for the city is to raise the price of everything and take more from the middle class.
if they tax me much more ill be in the poor house then ill qualify for handouts!! haha
08-23-2010, 10:15 AM
Also, if your car made out of the impound in CR without anything missing consider yourself lucky.
Nothing missing but it was damaged pretty good. Ended up suing ProTow though and after about 4 months and three different "hearings" or whatever you want to call it, they finally paid me.
I am just trying to figure out if there is a way I can become an illegal alien. Maybe denounce my US citizenship, move to Mexico and become a citizen there, jump the border and be set for life!
08-23-2010, 06:44 PM
Any political move is about the dollar. Follow the money, there's always a trial. Not to get off subject, but purely as an example: Gay Marriage. Iowa legalized it solely for marketing purposes and to regulate it as commerce ;)
*Government sucks, all forms...its all about making a buck off of those who don't have a buck.
08-24-2010, 07:25 AM
I think my buddy might have set the record for fastest speed.....
He was hauling ass on his bike and passed a red jeep. He said he saw a flash. It was really dark and he was probably going 140-150mph. I guess we will see how good the camera is.
(this happened this weekend so only time will tell now)
08-24-2010, 08:00 AM
I think my buddy might have set the record for fastest speed.....
He was hauling ass on his bike and passed a red jeep. He said he saw a flash. It was really dark and he was probably going 140-150mph. I guess we will see how good the camera is.
(this happened this weekend so only time will tell now)
might be close, I passed a couple doing 140+ in the Integra. No plates though so, no worries for me :bigthumb: unless they have James ass on file or something as he was hanging it out the window when we passed! LOL
08-24-2010, 08:53 AM
This is what needs to be done.
08-24-2010, 11:25 AM
I think you might just be imagining things. The interstate and highway cameras do not use a flash system, it is infrared. There was an article in the gazette. They use infrared on the highways and interstates otherwise if you have cars constantly speeding, the flash would be blinding drivers on the other side of the highway. It was a safety issue.
08-24-2010, 01:29 PM
I am just trying to figure out if there is a way I can become an illegal alien. Maybe denounce my US citizenship, move to Mexico and become a citizen there, jump the border and be set for life!
lol. sadly the only people with rights, and protection. the illegals.
10-17-2010, 06:10 PM
I just saw on the way to work that they added a new set on the northern 55 mph section of south bound 380. I will make sure on my way home but i am fairly sure i saw them. No more leaving late for work for me
10-17-2010, 06:39 PM
You can also add another set at L st SW and 380 right by the Sheriffs office as you come off the 380 ramp.....
10-18-2010, 07:01 AM
yep they where there right by the ones on north bound
10-18-2010, 10:25 AM ... ement.aspx (
Bottom right side of the page they list where the Red Jeep will be during the current week.
10-18-2010, 12:48 PM
Bottom right side of the page they list where the Red Jeep will be during the current week.
They're still socialist douchebags for pulling that one...
10-18-2010, 01:35 PM
Check this out wonder if these things work or not.....
10-30-2010, 12:59 PM
I'm a little late to the party, but just wanted to add... you'll only get a ticket if you're going more than 12mph over the posted limit, which I think is fairly reasonable. Plus the red Jeep is hardly ever out... I work at the PD and it's almost always sitting in our lot.
10-30-2010, 01:15 PM
I'm a little late to the party, but just wanted to add... you'll only get a ticket if you're going more than 12mph over the posted limit, which I think is fairly reasonable. Plus the red Jeep is hardly ever out... I work at the PD and it's almost always sitting in our lot.
12 over is really reasonable IMO. Is that what all the cameras are set to on 380?
10-30-2010, 08:37 PM
I've gone 5 over at j on 380 n no ticket. Thinking of other crap at the time. But the louver can work imo just look at blinds in ur house. And that damn jeep gave my coworker a big amount to pay, well cause 80 mph. That day I was prob going 75 in 65 there but a big azz truck was in right lane and I was in left lane. Jeep never saw nothing. Just like me till ppl told me later. Not that I do even 12 over but those co. can require a quota of x a week if not they can ask for a new contract of taking in more %. It's all over the news nothing about safety, all about $ pretty much. Look it up yourself. Ask yourself why would a co. put up this stuff and it costs $ if not making x dollars a week. Come on a co. needs profits plain and simple no way going to lose $ or they fold.
Sorry some may be offended not my intention but a private co. is only supported by money they take in for doing something or somebody else does something to give them money. In Arizona a big camera area, the co. have redid the contracts cause the city wanted to raise the time between yel and red. Org. the co. had city set yel to red real short so they make $. I kid u not. Co. want to make most money they can.
10-30-2010, 09:36 PM
I'm a little late to the party, but just wanted to add... you'll only get a ticket if you're going more than 12mph over the posted limit, which I think is fairly reasonable. Plus the red Jeep is hardly ever out... I work at the PD and it's almost always sitting in our lot.
12 over is really reasonable IMO. Is that what all the cameras are set to on 380?
Yeah all the interstate cameras are set to 12 over. I'm about 99% sure the street ones are 12 over, too. I'll try to remember to ask an officer tonight.
10-31-2010, 09:48 PM
is the new set close to wilson on yet? cuz i may have a 500 ticket coming to me....
11-02-2010, 09:30 AM
is the new set close to wilson on yet? cuz i may have a 500 ticket coming to me....
By Wilson? I think the only ones they have up and running right now are Northbound at Diagonal Drive & 29th Street, and Southbound at H Ave. The only one close to Wilson is the NB one at Diagonal.. and those are up and running. It takes 2-3 weeks for them to process the tickets, so you should know in a couple weeks. :biggrin:
11-02-2010, 02:04 PM
i was south bound. but i was hauling ass and saw what looked like a new set of cameras before the wilson exit.... I looked it up and CRPD doesnt say antying about any cameras there.
can they get a clear shot and a motorcycle plate at 120mph?
Domestic Disturbance
11-02-2010, 02:08 PM
how are we supposed to run from the cops if they have these speed cameras up... damn!
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