View Full Version : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW THIS IS ONLY A THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-15-2010, 09:57 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW THIS IS ONLY A THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got off the phone with Christian and we talked about opening the last 10.5 race to any rear suspension car. So anything goes just as long as it is on a 10.5 (no W's) or up to a 325 radial. Something needs to be done to get some more cars in the lanes for this class. So don't read this and get pissed and not say anything. We need all the input we can get. There are all kinds of fast cars in the 5 state area that are on a small tire and fit the suspension rules but dont show. Then there are cars that almost fit the class and want to race but the rules ban them from racing the class. Yes, they may be faster but they have to do it on our ground on a small tire! This weekend should show that the fastest car does not always win. Does the class need to pay more? We should feel lucky Quick Performance is on board. Just wanting to try something to keep this class going. Will it be around next year? Do we need to do something to get more cars?
Input is needed. If nothing is said then it will stay the way it is and hope for the best.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW THIS IS ONLY A THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-15-2010, 10:24 PM
i think until they get more cars they should definetly consider this. the fact that its the same 6-10 cars everytime is really killing it for me. i dont compete though. im talking from a spectator standpoint. but i figure it has to be the same for competitors.
08-16-2010, 07:28 AM
Hopefully I can make it out still later this year to help with car count. Sounds like a good idea to me, anything that needs to be done to keep the class around is a must
08-16-2010, 09:19 AM
I dont care either way, I am going to be there like I have all year long, just remember though you might lose some of the slower cars if they think there is going to be some real fast shit there, so to me it might be a wash.. lose 2 to gain 2???
How did the double header turn out? who won?
We need to get little Joe and terry to the next one and that will help car count out to..
08-16-2010, 11:52 AM
Economy is down Money is tight so i can simply not afford to go to every one of them. My car fallls into the slower half of the feild and if a ton of fast shit that done meet the rules start showing up im out! It's already tight enough for us slower guys to sqeak rounds off.
red 95
08-16-2010, 04:17 PM
You will loose some cars that have paid sence the start. We let them in, so if i switch my car to a 4 link this winter were still good next year then right. That is one of the best things is to see who can hook with the stock suspension. And yes the track was shit this weekend everyone was slower and spinning. But still had a blast.
Question for you John is explain, In the elimanation rounds a driver has a buy all he needs to do is break the beams and move on to the next round. But he elects to run it all out and crosses the center line to the next lane. Shouldn't that be a D.Q. but you guys move him to the next round. No different than a red light in my book. Might be wrong but shed some light on this rule for me please.
By the way get you car ready for sept. we need car count.
08-16-2010, 04:35 PM
Who won then.. both races??
08-16-2010, 04:48 PM
You will loose some cars that have paid sence the start. We let them in, so if i switch my car to a 4 link this winter were still good next year then right. That is one of the best things is to see who can hook with the stock suspension. And yes the track was shit this weekend everyone was slower and spinning. But still had a blast.
Question for you John is explain, In the elimanation rounds a driver has a buy all he needs to do is break the beams and move on to the next round. But he elects to run it all out and crosses the center line to the next lane. Shouldn't that be a D.Q. but you guys move him to the next round. No different than a red light in my book. Might be wrong but shed some light on this rule for me please.
By the way get you car ready for sept. we need car count.
On a bye run all you have to do is break the beams and you win, makes no difference what happens after that.
08-16-2010, 04:54 PM
Just leave the shit the way it is and spread the word about it. Im sure the guys that ran true 10.5 in the true street would come if the pay outs were right.
08-16-2010, 04:58 PM
Keep in mind I was there to help. This not my BABY NOW! I just was there to help smooth out what happen last time. Rock had too much stuff going on. I was not paid at ALL! I did it for the love of the sport and to help out every driver that needed it. Well it seems we need to keep it were it is at. I dont want the guys to not show who have been here all year. We all need to do something to get the car count up!
Now to what Brett did. You are correct. all he had to do was trip the beams. Not sure about the rule for that. But we can call HNRA and see what they say. I think they will tell me to pack sand! So he trips the beams, DONE! he makes it to the next round. Then he cross the center line. Race was over after he TRIPPED THE BEAMS! He could of red lit and still went to the next round!
Now is that car safe! HELL NO! I am going to tell him not to come, NO. We need the cars!
As for my junk being ready, not going to happen. If you think I am not here to support the class you are wrong. I left my money in the race when my shit broke. It help a few of the slow cars go father. If it came down to there being 8 car and one more was needed to bump the pot I will be the one buying a tech card. I will race the truck and still put the Tree on you Guys!
08-16-2010, 05:03 PM
Just leave the shit the way it is and spread the word about it. Im sure the guys that ran true 10.5 in the true street would come if the pay outs were right.
The cars are here we just need them to show. I just dont know how to get more money. We raise the entry fee and then the racers get pissy. I am not afraid to put some cash in and my shit is broken! Hell I can donate a case of oil or hell how about some hot dogs!
08-16-2010, 05:06 PM
Race one was winner Paul Johnson and runner up was Brett Mieier.
Race two was winner Brett M. and runner up Christian H.
08-16-2010, 06:21 PM
yeah crossing the center line shouldnt DQ a racer when racing a bye run.. I've even gone as far as to just break the beams then back up, not even driving down the track! but that doesnt matter, if I was to suggest anything to raise car counts I would have to say allowing wheelie bars.. Im pretty sure thats what kept Joe and Terry away from the class. I dont think wheelie bars SHOULD be allowed in the class permanently but if you just want car count then I say go ahead
08-16-2010, 06:22 PM
oh yeah and congrats to both Paul and Brett!!!
08-16-2010, 06:32 PM
Time to ask the Bullet!
08-16-2010, 06:37 PM
LOL, you do want the big dogs coming up dont ya!?!! Get some of the true street guys to show up since they need some event to race.
red 95
08-16-2010, 06:45 PM
Thanks for clearing it up guys.
08-16-2010, 06:53 PM
Were not done yet? Seems it may of been DQ!
08-16-2010, 07:03 PM
On page 46 of the rules book under disqualifications it states any part of the car or tire that crosses a boundary is a DQ. Doesn't specify bye runs but that just means on any run. Bye or 2 cars.
08-16-2010, 08:12 PM
if it was a broke bye run he can not cross line, if it was a competion bye run he can cross line crash do what ever just has to break beam..
08-16-2010, 08:27 PM
I think the Economy and lack of funds is keeping cars from racing, I know it costs the eddy b camp a bit to race. with Bottles empty and filling 3 bottles we got $150 there another $25 for gas in the car, then atleast $60 or more to go to eddyvill and back, now add entry fees and food etc. and thats without wear and tear on the car Im guessing from empty bottles to fresh plugs and on the race track in eddyvill were looking at around $250-$300 just to break any beams! Thats a bit of change when the economy is down and hours are short!
08-16-2010, 08:55 PM
no wheelie bars in my opinion, Lorenzooo and torrey make a ton more power then all of us and they dont need them..just my 2cents
08-16-2010, 09:34 PM
no wheelie bars in my opinion, Lorenzooo and torrey make a ton more power then all of us and they dont need them..just my 2cents
Yeah like I said I dont agree with it for a PERMANENT rule, defeats the nature of the class. but to fill the class up the next couple races and keep the class alive "sounds like thats what its coming to" I would not be against letting in 4 link or wheelie bars. I really really want a class to race in around this area so whatever it takes to keep it around, just have to make sure people racing under the rule exceptions understand this 100% before expecting to compete in all the races.
08-17-2010, 12:46 AM
Scotty get that car running, hell Allgo needs some close competition. Like Sherman says it pretty much is a Torrey runaway. I really liked the manual final, it was a .1 difference and very damn close imo. Truth is fords and mo fords are runnin wild over you... Back in old days it was gm always, so if I get excited well just know I've seen 100+ races w gm as the winner. So don't get on my sh-t, it's the facts around here. You know I like the Eddy B camp like my lil bro. :supz: And a lot of you guys. Dukin it out is well great.
08-17-2010, 07:02 AM
Torreys only won 2 of them I think so I wouldnt really say its a run away but he usually has TQ wrapped up pretty good. Hopefully we can have a close race if mine ever runs this year, it will take quite a few runs for me to get the car figured out all over again though.. We'll just have to see
08-17-2010, 10:50 AM
Training wheels are for kids and wheelie bars are for sissy's! Let'um hang!
08-17-2010, 11:08 AM
Scotty get that car running, hell Allgo needs some close competition. Like Sherman says it pretty much is a Torrey runaway.
Torrey Run-Away? I think not... I raced him first round both races saturday and won them both. I don't think he qualified #1 in either race.
I think the problem is everyone gets all scared of the big bad turbo cars. Yes, it's fast, but he's on the same suspension and tires as the rest of us which is the great equalizer. Same way I got past Joe at CFR... it's all about getting down the track.
08-17-2010, 01:12 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
Witch is exactly the reason the rules need to stay the same as they are now because it gives the guy that is a few tenths off the pace like me and you a chance at going rounds!
red 95
08-17-2010, 06:13 PM
Well said!
08-17-2010, 07:25 PM
my 2 cents (which have a normal value of 0) is to let the 4link guys in and f*** wheelie bars! if the 4 link guys mop up then try and add some additional rules to keep things a little more level... now ill also say I hate all of what I just said but its better than loosing a class completly.
08-17-2010, 07:27 PM
I talked with christian to day and the rules will stay the same! We will just keep racing the same 8 cars the rest of the year! Unless we get all the people with there 10.5 cars to show! There are people who have them and just leave them at home. Maybe I just need to go buy a boat! HAHA!
The same thing will happen next year. The same cars will show and it will start to get boring. Then there will be no one watching. Hell there is no one watching now! Seems I will put my 5.60 car back togther and run some more 5.60 next year. When I talked so much smack last year to get the CFR guys to come down I and everyone got waxed by them. So that made me spend the cash to go faster.
Now my junk is down and and wishing I was racing. This year i wanted to be In the 5.50. That is what it took to win last year, 5.48 is what I think scott ran.Well now I want to run with Torrey. That is why there is a 91mm turbo sittin in my house, I want to be able to run with him. But why There will be the same 8 cars.
08-17-2010, 07:43 PM
I call b/s on the turbo haha
08-17-2010, 07:46 PM
Soo basicly what needs to be done is get everyone out for this last race September 11th. There are plenty of cars are out there, it's just a matter of getting everyone to the track the same day.
I completely understand its tough at times to make all the races, I can't always do it, and I wouldn't expect everyone too either.
But lets send this year at E'ville out on a good note! Get a good car count, so we make sure this deal can keep rolling for next year. :supz:
08-17-2010, 08:05 PM
I will be there... pm eddy b (oldskool) and get him to get terry and little joe to come, I will work on skinny (red notch with white hood that was crawling there last weekend) streetsweeper should come out to.. big hp is not racing this year at all he is working his way back into my pit
Rouge,me,skinny,torrey,terry, little joe, streetsweeper,red stang,nova,vito,white capri?, twin turbo stang at earlier race? who else?? 9 secondsnake>
I wish we could get some test n tune before the race I am finishing up on the xi trim gear drive kit from kurgan and need some test passes..
08-17-2010, 08:14 PM
if someone gives me 10,000 dollars and come help me work on my car ill be there!
08-17-2010, 08:15 PM
Maybe we need to get a flyer together and post on some sites and speed shops etc!
08-18-2010, 01:50 AM
Scotty get that car running, hell Allgo needs some close competition. Like Sherman says it pretty much is a Torrey runaway.
Torrey Run-Away? I think not... I raced him first round both races saturday and won them both. I don't think he qualified #1 in either race.
I think the problem is everyone gets all scared of the big bad turbo cars. Yes, it's fast, but he's on the same suspension and tires as the rest of us which is the great equalizer. Same way I got past Joe at CFR... it's all about getting down the track.
Don't I know about getting down the track, my turd is the worse car ever drove stock like at the track, Yea I worked a lot of sat and sundays to miss runs and yea I like sonic blue and yea I'm old as crap and barely holding together. I have really enjoyed every race w you guys I saw at cfr that sat. I just want Scotty to be there, hell he was the first guy trying to hustle me, reminded me of lil bro in his bbc nova. We all want you guys to succeed, that's no bs. I've had gm friends like since the 69 z28's so been around and old.
08-18-2010, 07:46 AM
I should be able to make it out this year, probably be making some test passes with only 1 fogger on. I would hate to melt this thing down after taking 6 months to put together!! Sounds like the rest of the year should be interesting with a few cars making big changes. Buckett switching to turbo?
08-18-2010, 09:39 PM (
We need to pull in some of these guys. Race is on the same day!
08-19-2010, 07:47 PM
Rouge,me,skinny,torrey,terry, little joe, streetsweeper,red stang,nova,vito,white capri?, twin turbo stang at earlier race? who else?? 9 secondsnake>
I wish we could get some test n tune before the race I am finishing up on the xi trim gear drive kit from kurgan and need some test passes..
There will also be a BBC/Nitrous 3rd gen camaro most likely. If we can get everyone out, it can be a great race.
Just saw that there is a "midnight madness" deal the night before. Track isn't great at those deals, but it allows for later testing, not to mention a good reason to hang out and drink some beer after the street tired cars take over the track...
08-19-2010, 07:48 PM
Maybe we need to get a flyer together and post on some sites and speed shops etc!
I like this flier idea... I'll see what I can knock out at work on lunch tomorrow.
*edit - I hope nobody minds if I rob some pictures from local cars to put on there.
08-19-2010, 09:22 PM
put some bumper draggin action on there. it will draw in a crowed haha lol!
08-21-2010, 08:23 PM
Why is everyone against wheelie bars if they are all the way up??? Everyone is running the same LITTLE tire. Shit, I run the ET streets! Not the slicks. Just cuz your cars can't do wheelies...
08-21-2010, 08:28 PM
Point is nobody wants to do wheelies......Haven't you figured that out yet??? Its about like doing dry hops after the burn out box, WTH for??
08-21-2010, 08:37 PM
Why is everyone against wheelie bars if they are all the way up??? Everyone is running the same LITTLE tire. Shit, I run the ET streets! Not the slicks. Just cuz your cars can't do wheelies...
Wow I hope your kidding... If I wanted to wheelie and waste all that wasted motion I would leave at 5000 rpms and throw it on the bumper but for what??
08-21-2010, 11:21 PM
Id rather have a hole in my oil pan then training wheels on my bycycle!
08-22-2010, 07:19 AM
George you do realize you would run quicker with no wasted motion right?
08-22-2010, 10:19 AM
Yea! it's called tune your suspension in to work and not drag the bumper! Wheelie bars are for women!
90 notch
08-22-2010, 01:23 PM
Why is everyone against wheelie bars if they are all the way up??? Everyone is running the same LITTLE tire. Shit, I run the ET streets! Not the slicks. Just cuz your cars can't do wheelies...
Their a tuning tool for testing,not a band-aid for raceday!
08-22-2010, 01:48 PM
"no wheelie bars in my opinion, Lorenzooo and torrey make a ton more power then all of us and they dont need them..just my 2cents"
No offense, but they both make more power than ever put to the ground on either car. Don't get me wrong those cars are badass and everyone puts the hard work in! But if they could put the power down, they couldn't keep the frontends on the ground at the eighth mile!!! They make almost double the power i do.
All-in-All, I guess thats the response i expected from everyone. You all want more cars, more cars, ...but no competition. I could give a shit less what everyone else is doing. I'm not a follower. Maybe my car does waste a shitload of motion/energy. But it speaks for itself... 9.70 @139 on MOTOR w/1.33 60ft. Everyone has different power adders, and different opinions, but we all have the same passion for the sport.
08-22-2010, 01:55 PM
Why is everyone against wheelie bars if they are all the way up??? Everyone is running the same LITTLE tire. Shit, I run the ET streets! Not the slicks. Just cuz your cars can't do wheelies...
Their a tuning tool for testing,not a band-aid for raceday!
I agree. You are totally right! ...but they are also for SAFETY. When you need a band-aid it's too late...Good luck finding body parts for an '82 firebird!
08-22-2010, 02:06 PM
Why is everyone against wheelie bars if they are all the way up??? Everyone is running the same LITTLE tire. Shit, I run the ET streets! Not the slicks. Just cuz your cars can't do wheelies...
My car does Willys... :bigthumb:
08-22-2010, 02:26 PM
God is your arm sore from patting yourself on the
08-22-2010, 02:35 PM
Didn't they make 3rd Gen firebirds from 82-92? Not much changed in that time body wise. Plenty of body parts out there i'm sure.....
08-22-2010, 06:38 PM
lol yeah Terry I got spare parts for 3rd gens by the groves.
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