View Full Version : whoops, I think Rob missed a 2011 stang vs camaro video
07-08-2010, 09:28 PM
With all the new mustang vs camaro videos being posted. Rob must have missed this one. No biggy, I'll post it up for ya
Mustang 13.2 @ 109
Camaro 13.0 @ 111
I wonder how much quicker the camaro would be if it had lower rear end gear ratio like the mustang?
07-08-2010, 09:34 PM
07-08-2010, 09:41 PM
Good, a stock for stock comparison by a reputable source. GM, Number 1! :D
07-08-2010, 09:46 PM
Camaro: 3,850lbs, 6.2L
Mustang: 3,650lbs, 5.0L
and we all know if it's not on a track, it don't count...
07-08-2010, 09:52 PM
thats weird that every other comparison has the gt running 12s and this one has it at 13.4
07-09-2010, 12:56 AM
Dude, some have that glass roof, 3.31's, electronics package, big azz wheels. I already told you guys what I will get, I like the sync so gotta get leather unfortunately. And btw the vmp video is back w a different song. In it you will see a stang vs camaro at the track. I know some cars will be better than others, drivers etc. etc. mostly I give you guys crap.
On the street anything can and does happen as I can attest to. You guys seen my vid of me winning when no way should of. And I didn't even jump. That's a huge deal if one car leaves just 1 sec early, well the outcome if fairly equal will be guy leaving early. Now let's see smoking tire, motor trend and even hang on popular hotrodding a premier chevy rag said the stang was quicker. See my sig I don't make stuff up.
Here's the vmp video again, first stock w yea mt dr and then tuned and dr. 3.14' gears. This is pretty much The wheels to have 18". Idk all the options. If you start checking all kinds of boxes here comes mo pork, esp a convt. or the glass roof one. Btw that lady can't drive, way too many redlights though the camaro race was legit (not a redlight).
07-09-2010, 06:07 AM
The Goverment Motors Camaro has to win at least win One drag race out of a 100, they still have to sell a few here and's funny how the gm nutswingers will all gravitate towards that one, and have selective memory loss with all the others... Reputable source, yeah right!!!
07-09-2010, 06:09 AM
remember fords equal job security
07-09-2010, 06:18 AM
Kind of like mountain dew = breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you..Isn't it ironic that your sig advertises your NON running GM product???....
07-09-2010, 06:24 AM
mountain dew? I don't know where you got that but it's stupid. As for my sig it was to mock uncle T. What do you own again?
Domestic Disturbance
07-09-2010, 12:22 PM
I wonder how much quicker the camaro would be if it had lower rear end gear ratio like the mustang?
Thats one of its biggest issues right now. Supposedly someone is coming out with gears for them soon. People are running 9's on the stock ratio haha.
Nice thread. Now the Ford nutswingers can all cry about the gm nutswingers liking this. Yes we heard what the 5.0 can do, this thread is just funny. For the 1st time in history the gt is quicker than the camaro and its the 2nd coming of Christ :neener:
07-09-2010, 01:11 PM
Nice thread. Now the Ford nutswingers can all cry about the gm nutswingers liking this. Yes we heard what the 5.0 can do, this thread is just funny. For the 1st time in history the gt is quicker than the camaro and its the 2nd coming of Christ :neener:
LOL dec 21 2012 some say end of the world so I figure better get that new stang now and I don't even have to pay it off later. Is that sorta like 2nd coming of the mighty 5.0? Sorry d/d I gotta go to work now. If I was lt uncle t, I'd have 10 pgs by now. I'll maybe see u later late. I had to buy street tires last wk, a death trap on dry pavement.
07-09-2010, 01:14 PM
Domestic Disturbance
07-09-2010, 01:46 PM
correction, gears are available now.
slow ride
07-09-2010, 03:30 PM
We need to see some real cars in person at our tracks to really know which is the faster car. All these ringer cars owned by shops that race at downhill tracks below sea level don't tell the story. Hell my car with the previous owner and cam only went 11.15 @121, but that was at Houston Raceway Park in very low DA with a drag pack wheels/tires. The mustang will have quite a 60ft advantage at the track due to the solid rear end that can take a beating. I don't think the camaro rears are that great ( humm strange weak rear) and with the pig weight of the car will break often behind a manual. From a roll(where weight doesn't matter as much) I can't see the mustang pulling on a new camaro and all that says is it will feel faster to the driver.
If I bought one it would be the mustang though. Stronger rear, handles better and much lighter. I'd rather the mustng have a lsx in it though ;)
07-09-2010, 03:30 PM
mountain dew? I don't know where you got that but it's stupid. As for my sig it was to mock uncle T. What do you own again?
:big grin:
07-09-2010, 04:41 PM
im a lover not i fighter ill take one of each please
07-09-2010, 05:16 PM
The Goverment Motors Camaro has to win at least win One drag race out of a 100,
Government Motors? Last time I checked, which was this last April, GM payed the government back, plus interest, plus the interest it would have accumulated over the rest of the year. Seems they are doing pretty well again. :butthead:
Last time I checked, Car and Driver is a reputable source. I don't think they'd still be in business if they weren't. I guess if you want to write me up a thesis on why they aren't with sited sources of when/where, feel free. :bigthumb:
Like Kitch said, this is the GM fanboys victory thread. You've got like...20 others on this forum to hang out in :supz:
Kind of like mountain dew = breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you....
What does this have to do with anything? Make an insult about his post please, not a personal attack.
im a lover not i fighter ill take one of each please
I would too, if my family didn't dis-own me first.
07-09-2010, 05:53 PM
All I know for most the races ford lined up auto camaros vs auto mustangs and everybody said the stang was faster in the 1/8 even car craft said as much. All I gotta say it should be interesting.
vmp tuning is like down in orlando not exactly premier ne cold below sea level air. And slow ride they say those heads stock for stock outflows all others, lsx and hemi even yates to .475 lift. And the cam is like .475 and .430 lift way hi for a 4 valve stock. Better block than ford gt. So all I'm saying its a different engine than the old. Once and if they get cam timing figured out that could be a big break through for joe avg. I guess I'll find out if I'm talking out my azz... Then u all can laugh. We got snaketr s/s here tonight though like uncle t he talks about and doesn't do.
07-09-2010, 06:12 PM
Heres a good article for you Sledge if you really think GM has repaid everything, you are sadly mistaken:
07-09-2010, 06:14 PM
Then u all can laugh. We got snaketr s/s here tonight though like uncle t he talks about and doesn't do.
Who you talking about?
07-09-2010, 07:22 PM
Who knows. I'm surprised anyone can understand anything he says.
07-09-2010, 09:04 PM
07-09-2010, 11:30 PM
Todd beck drove his 2010 s/s camaro in to work, his plate says snaketr yet like uncle t he won't run my pos ford! Got it...Kinda pizzes me off cause he's a poser then. I'd put bus lengths on his sorry azz just like I did the 06 gto. Got it... If he can't bring my pos snake down then get rid of the fkn plates. He won't run period... dig, roll, any speed, etc. Got it.. I was in a hurry to get to work why I said that, only a few ppl know who I was talking about. Now you all know and I don't care..
I was going to get pics of the 2010 w co. camera and post it up here but work sucked, we were short 2 ppl and busy. maybe tomorrow.. Here's a funny.... Beck ran practically out the door to be gone before I got my old azz to my car... I guess 381 whp scared him. At least I got some ballz to run somebody.. isn't like it's even 50 dollars. Course I might tease him a lot.. So krustin or one of you run to him and say Rob's calling ur sorry azz out. OK ppl that's the details that a 10 yr old could read.
And I like the zr1 engine fine... Funny is you all used to bitch to hi heaven.. oh you have a power adder stock that's not fair... Well sorry azz gm only put a s/c on the v6 and 4's now who's fault is that? You ppl change ur tune to fit the moment or yr. I have heard so much bs through the yrs nothing surprises me so don't get ur panties in a bunch, study ur enemy I say. Why I say post up mopar and gm stuff or whatever. I want to see what they can do even if they can dominate w xxx mods or stock. Only a dumbazz would think one brand/engine is the answer. OK I'm done ranting bad night as I said.
07-10-2010, 12:46 AM
Heres a good article for you Sledge if you really think GM has repaid everything, you are sadly mistaken:
The bailout loan is repaid. There is a difference between equity and debt. The debt is gone and the government's invested equity remains. You don't buy stock in a company for someone to pay you back immediatly, you buy it for an increase in Fair Market Value. Obummer bought low and wants to sell high, that is what this is all about. I'm sorry the writer of this article put a negative twist, which most of them do, on this situation. In summary, debt gone, invested equity remains.
07-10-2010, 07:03 AM
Spin it however you want, just like GM did in their commercial. Bottom line is WE the taxpayers are still owed about 43 billion. Unless you're not a taxpayer....
Taxpayers have not been made whole just yet.
IT MUST BE TIME to celebrate an economic miracle if General Motors — aka Government Motors — has paid back the taxpayers for the big bailout.
That’s what GM’s chief executive officer, Ed Whitacre, has been claiming in a national television advertising campaign. Whitacre says GM paid back loans from taxpayers to the tune of nearly $7 billion, and implies the company is poised to storm the automobile market with its new financial muscle and a bevy of innovative new products.
Not so fast, says Congressman Paul Ryan, R-Janesville. The ad is misleading, Ryan claims. GM has not paid back all the government bailout money. Taxpayers remain on the hook for huge sums.
General Motors did pay back $6.7 billion of a federal loan. But the company received more than $50 billion in a government bailout package, the lion’s share of which remains unpaid.
In fact, the federal government currently owns nearly two-thirds of General Motors. The Canadian government owns more than 10 percent. The United Auto Workers union owns most of the rest. GM’s private stock ownership structure was dismantled and reduced to worthlessness in bankruptcy proceedings.
The “new” GM is expected to issue public stock again in the relatively near future and, presumably, some of that money may go toward reimbursing taxpayers. But much of the public funding for GM could end up being a write-off to help the company return to private ownership.
IS THAT BAD? That’s debatable. Saving GM helped keep thousands of Americans working directly for the automaker, and thousands more working in related industries. The brutal economic downturn might have been considerably worse had the American auto industry crumbled to dust.
Still, out of respect for the taxpayers whose dollars saved the company, GM should be careful about its claims. Until every dollar is accounted for, the company cannot cast off the yoke of public protection.
GM is a great company with a great history. Surely, all Americans hope the company rebounds to even greater heights — including business volume to make reality the dream of reopening the Janesville plant.
But as Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., said in echoing Ryan’s comments: “... while GM has repaid the government $6.7 billion, it still owes billions of taxpayer dollars. Rather than misleading people, GM should be up front with the American taxpayers and present a clear plan to return the money. The autoworkers of Wisconsin hit by this terrible economy deserve honesty, not p.r. campaigns.”
THIS NEWSPAPER, like millions of American citizens, frequently criticizes politicians for frittering away the people’s money and paying scant attention to accountability. The series of bailouts for several of America’s biggest and wealthiest corporations put the process in painfully stark terms.
So let’s give a pat on the back to Congressman Ryan and Senator Feingold. Keep an eye on the money, gentlemen.
07-10-2010, 11:47 AM
Let's see this vid wo the rap music. It's the strickly performance hi nine sec 2011. In houston, texas I believe, not exactly east coast 50 deg temps. In the daytime no less. The Powershifting into the nines video, this 2011 does sound different imo. Sounds like a cammed engine. Now since they don't have cams yet for the new 5.0 well you figure it out. If all this works out sh-t I could change cam lsa and duration all I want. W my programmer and a custom file.
I told you guys and retold a dozen times. Yea it could use more c.i. but for a 5.0 hell lot better than the old one stock like w some spray. I can't vouch for it's durability yet but so far been impressive. ... 0attn_3mPz (
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