View Full Version : My tiny good deed

06-05-2010, 09:01 AM
My tiny but incredible good deed begins like this......as some of you may know im a cat person. but the deed starts like this:

Im a truck driver, and had problem after problem unloading yesterday. what was supposed to be a day that lasted until 5pm, turned into a day that lasted till 2am today :(....but as i got held up at place after place, i was furious. and pissed off all at once. i get to this place in fairmont, minnesota (15 miles from st paul) and this place is similar to food waste in anamosa ia....they take scrapped food, candy,treats that is not consumable by people, grind it and introduce it to feed and feed it to live stock, horses, and other animals...well im siitting at this place for 3 hours. and im getting cooped up in my truck so i take a walk. watch the guys ahead of me load so i know what i have to do (never loaded at a place like this) well i see a few cats running around, but their too wild to even look at almost.

well i walk up to the scale where we load at and see a pit next to it. it is where excess feed drops into and is then cleaned up and reloaded. well i see a pile of this dust/feed in the corner, and a blob in the middle of it. looked like a bunched up rag or something....it looked weird to me so i just kept staring at it....and it moved a tiny bit.....so i reach down and grab it, and out pops tiny little legs. and a head pops up and starts sneezing. it is a tiny kitten. no older than 2 weeks, as his eyes just recently opened, and his ears are still folded. as im picking it up to put in my truck he is sneezing and weezing really bad. ( i would too if i was face down in a pile of powdery feed) i take him to my truck and try to dust him off with my hands....chunks and chunks of feed are falling off him. i didnt think he had much of a chance to be honest for the sneezing/coughing/weezing he was doing....i get all my stuff situated at this place, get loaded and begin my 3 hour trip to get unloaded. i had nothing at all in my truck to contain him, so in my lap he went for the 3 hour drive.

so i get going and had to put him on the passenger seat while i shift and what not. get it up to speed set cruise and put the little guy in my lap. he immediatly curls up and passes out. so he was in my lap for about 2 hours, when he started perking up. kicking, and starting to scream like an actual kitten now. so im actually happy cuz of this, but kinda stressed cuz i cant put him down cuz he starts screaming more. so i toughed it out got to the place to unload. and asked for a box. which they gacve me one. i put him in it and he screamed bloddy murder, but i can safley keep him in one spot now without worrying that he will fall off the seeat. so i hurry my ass to get my truck dropped off...made a trip to walmart to get a nursing bottle and formula for him, as he was trying to nurse on my shirt, my fingers, anything that was soft for him to try to latch on to he did...got him ome. and got him some formula. which he slammed down like a yaeger bomb.

so i kinda pet him and wrap him up in a towel in his box and watch him pass out...but it was kinda cute cuz right before he passed out he looked up at me and let out the tiniest meow before he dropped his head and fell asleep.

now im working on 5 hours of sleep, i cant sleep any longer due to my curiousity to see if hes doing ok. i open the bathroom (where i put his little box to keep our other pets from getting ahold of him) he opened his tiny little eyes and let out a tiny meow again as if he was saying hi...so that was all i needed to make me feel better. got him a bottle again which he slammed down, and now hes in his box again next to me as i type this whole thing up.

i sometimes can come off as a hard ass, or even a dick as ive been called. but most people dont know that im like a damn cat whisperer or something, as cats are just drawn to me for some reason. my wife tried holding him, and he wanted nothing to do with her. but i pick him up, curls up in my hand and nestles into my shirt. and out like a lite bulb LOL

but yeah i just hought id share thiss tory, as well i saved a life yesterday. and it makes me happy. all the shitty things that happened yesterday, and me still being pissed bout my rim on my camaro went away when i found this little guy which is appropriatly named Dusty


06-05-2010, 11:32 AM

I'm a major cat person myself.
Glad he got saved! He looks pretty awesome!

06-05-2010, 11:40 AM
he is pretty cool...im curious to see what he'll look like when he gets bigger, cuz he was a white/creme belly and same color tipped ears, and face....hes doing pretty good...he loves micro fiber towels to :)

06-05-2010, 11:52 AM
I hate cats...

06-05-2010, 12:04 PM
well tough. lol

06-05-2010, 12:17 PM
good work, but also good luck,hes probably about to get expensive on you.

06-05-2010, 12:42 PM
Make sure to get him spade and neutered!

06-05-2010, 12:45 PM
*Waits for Dustin to post about his hatred of cats and how they are the root of all evil.

06-05-2010, 01:32 PM
Make sure to get him spade and neutered!
thank you bob barker! lmao

06-05-2010, 03:27 PM
*Waits for Dustin to post about his hatred of cats and how they are the root of all evil.

i think everyone knows about it pretty well by now. i'm afraid you're a gonner already Steve- look at how easily he infiltrated your house! it was all a setup! playing on your sympathies!

06-05-2010, 04:07 PM
lol he has not passed the confines of his little box....he is either in his box or in my lap...that is it

06-05-2010, 05:53 PM
An agent of the green eyed man I presume....