View Full Version : Bobama screws over vets!! specificlly me...
04-16-2010, 07:39 PM
Sooooo about 9 months ago, one of the things bush and congressed pushed through... (giving a slight bonus to disabled vets who were injuried in Iraq and Afgan an extra $250 to compensate them for their injuries)
Sooo I got $208 (taxed) for my payment... yay i think... nothing huge just something nice.
Soooo my tax lady... a friend of the family, her son is a Marine and this happend to him as well... Well she calls me after she sends my taxes in and says my taxes are rejected because of the $250 they paid to all the disabled vets. I say why? she said that it got overturned by BoBoma, and now it is required by all of us to pay it back before our taxes are processed.
Just though that you would like to know. Canada, I keep seeing your commercials about how awesome it is up there where the Olympics were... Can i come?
04-16-2010, 07:45 PM
damn man. thats gay as hell....sorry to hear that
04-17-2010, 08:16 AM
It was a "vote for change." Guess no one really said in what direction....
04-17-2010, 06:30 PM
It was a "vote for change." Guess no one really said in what direction....
precisely. i notice a lot of those outspoken Obama fans from the election are a LOT quieter these days....
04-17-2010, 06:40 PM
Yeah, If I chopped my nuts off with a rusty knife, that would be change.... Change is not always a good thing. However, I knew from the second I found out he was running that no matter who he went against, he would be our next president.
04-18-2010, 07:19 AM
Yeah, If I chopped my nuts off with a rusty knife, that would be change.... Change is not always a good thing. However, I knew from the second I found out he was running that no matter who he went against, he would be our next president.
Yep...I really pissed my neighbor off recently. I said something bad about Obama and he said "That's my guy, I voted for him!" I said "Of course you would." (This guy is white collar PC to the max). I told him the only reason most people voted for Obama is that our society is too PC these days, and they didn't want to be called racists, and to cognitively feel better about themselves and to convince themselves and others of their lack of racism, they checked Obama in the voting box. On top of that, it really had nothing to do with policy: They just wanted to go around telling everyone they were the ones who voted in the first black president regardless of his ability. Now, I'm no Mccain lover, but Obama is a joke. Anyone who bought into the Obamaganda should jump off a cliff. Just like this medical stuff- stupid. I'd rather vote for a bill that releases all medical staff from any obligation when they deny someone who has no insurance rather than forcing it on the nation.
04-18-2010, 08:28 AM
*Puts flame suit on
I'm not going to lie I voted for Obama.
My reasoning was this:
I could vote for an old white man (McCain) and he'd probably die in the office, or I could vote for a black man (Obama) and he'd probably get assassinated in the office. I thought a assassination would be way more awesome to see than some man die of old age.
04-18-2010, 09:55 AM
i wont flame you for voting for the guy. i figured it would be lose-lose, so i didnt vote for either of them. just as your 1 vote is doing your small part in getting him elected, i did my little part to keep both guys i didnt want in office out of it.
it always reminds me of that South Park episode; "i guess i just dont see the difference between a giant douche and a turd-sandwich..."
04-18-2010, 10:14 AM
i wont flame you for voting for the guy. i figured it would be lose-lose, so i didnt vote for either of them. just as your 1 vote is doing your small part in getting him elected, i did my little part to keep both guys i didnt want in office out of it.
it always reminds me of that South Park episode; "i guess i just dont see the difference between a giant douche and a turd-sandwich..."
Same here...
04-18-2010, 12:23 PM
I don't think the race card played as big of a role as one might think. The biggest issue was that the republicans put a guy that had tried numerous times to get into the presidential race before and had failed. Out of all the candidates that the Republican party had, it's a fucking joke that McCain got the nomination. Plain and simple.
I find it real hard to talk about politics with my dad (Burt Reynolds Sr.). You see, he was one of the asshole delegates for Alabamabamarama here in Iowa. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me beings how he has had his own small business for a 10+ years now and, to me, had been doing pretty well under the "evil Bush giving all the money to the rich" plan. I don't even bother anymore. Leads to a big pissing match.
I voted Libertarian, although I don't even think I could tell you who the candidate was. I just want the government to stay the fuck out of my life. We have enough laws, we don't need to help other countries that don't want our help, and It's my strongest belief that if you're lazy and don't want to work, you shouldn't. You also shouldn't be getting my money for being a lazy pile of shit either. This is a country founded on Capitalism. There should never be a business that is "too big to fail". That's the biggest crock of shit I think I've heard yet. Why don't you tell that to all the people that have lost their jobs at a smaller company. Oh, I guess it's ok for them to fail. They weren't big enough. :roll: What a fucking joke.
04-18-2010, 01:34 PM
The problem is no matter who gets into office they cant make everyone happy, Im sorry about your situation but you cant make 250million people happy with change. We needed change and we need even more of it. Some of the ideas are great others not so much, obama said if anyone else had a better Idea "republicans" to come tell him. Hes open to anything just trying to get our country to not start a war with each other witch was the way we were headed. I for sure was not voting for some stupid republican that cares about him self to much and put zillions of dollers to the millitary for nor fucking reason and let the country die, but hey we would have had a sweet army and no country. I have friends in the millitary and to me everything I have heard is how wastfull they spend money. And how noone knows what the hell to do even officers in charge. So Again sorry for how your affected by change, hell i get screwed on self-employed taxes every year but thats just life!
04-18-2010, 02:14 PM
to me everything I have heard is how wastfull they spend money. And how noone knows what the hell to do even officers in charge.
Yeah, so let's let them get into our healtcare system too beings how the government is SOOOO efficient with money. I mean hell, look at the postal service, DOT, etc, etc. Yeah, GREAT plan :bigthumb:
04-18-2010, 02:28 PM
Too bad the race card was played. Over and over and over. That is all you saw leading up to the election, Black President. That is the main reason he won. You should look up some of Jay Leno's videos from when he went to the streets interviewing african americans in Harlem. Gave them false facts about Obama as reasons to vote for him, and they were like "Hell yes". What a joke.
Domestic Disturbance
04-18-2010, 02:42 PM
What killed McCain was changing his policies to run for president. And Palin, that womans a tard. I was a big McCain fan post the 2008 election run.
04-18-2010, 06:29 PM
My main prblem imo is every congress person has a corporate penis stuck up their azz. I don't care who it is.
04-18-2010, 07:46 PM
Obamas moral compass is so fucked up he probably forgets he is the president of the United States most mornings…….
04-18-2010, 09:32 PM
Obamas moral compass is so fucked up he probably forgets he is the president of the United States most mornings…….
Agreed. He spends more time trying to be a Celeb than anything else. I mean shit, he even admitted about a month ago he didn't really want to get elected...and I'm "LEADING" his comments, but it seems like he just wanted the glory. He is doing everything opposite he said he was going to do. This is because he got in office, got to read the top secret information, and found out a world of information Bush knew that changed his mind...THUS...middle east troop surge. Fuck political correctness, I just say bomb the damn place and win wars like we used to. Our boys have too much PC shoved up their ass to combat our enemies these days.....
04-18-2010, 10:08 PM
04-18-2010, 10:37 PM
The problem is no matter who gets into office they cant make everyone happy, Im sorry about your situation but you cant make 250million people happy with change. We needed change and we need even more of it. Some of the ideas are great others not so much, obama said if anyone else had a better Idea "republicans" to come tell him. Hes open to anything just trying to get our country to not start a war with each other witch was the way we were headed.
I hate it when obama says he is open to ideas, it's such a copout how he says it. Healthcare is a prim example conservatives giving him tons of ideas, and it is clear they were not heard. The man has to have an agenda, based of the way he handles opposition. I think this country is more at war with it's self now than when he took office.
I for sure was not voting for some stupid republican that cares about him self to much and put zillions of dollers to the millitary for nor fucking reason and let the country die, but hey we would have had a sweet army and no country. I have friends in the millitary and to me everything I have heard is how wastfull they spend money. And how noone knows what the hell to do even officers in charge. So Again sorry for how your affected by change, hell i get screwed on self-employed taxes every year but thats just life!
This is my take. This government does only a few things well, and having a strong military is one of them. The whole reason primitive people established a government was for protection from others. And there is no other way around spending zillions of $ on the military, if you want one that's worth a darn. Also, those zillion $ funds a lot of technical innovation. For example the company I work for builds computing infrastructures for a lot of military applications, and without that funding a lot of that technology might not exist. Makes more since to spend money on that, rather than all the social programs that encourage people not to work.
04-18-2010, 11:50 PM
The vets that got screwed are the ones in VA care, as they will now have to purchase insurance or get fined
04-19-2010, 12:00 PM
What killed McCain was changing his policies to run for president. And Palin, that womans a tard. I was a big McCain fan post the 2008 election run.
I didn't vote because it sounded like Obama was feeding everyone what they wanted to hear and i knew he wouldn't do it right....but i didn't vote for McCain simply because he has a high chance of dieing and his replacement would be the worste of all of them...Palin.
There's one thing you can count on in life. Dieing and paying taxes!! We can't get away from them and until we get a president that doesn't just want funding for whatever he wants then taxes will continue to rise. Nothing can be done.
04-19-2010, 01:17 PM
What killed McCain was changing his policies to run for president. And Palin, that womans a tard. I was a big McCain fan post the 2008 election run.
I didn't vote because it sounded like Obama was feeding everyone what they wanted to hear and i knew he wouldn't do it right....but i didn't vote for McCain simply because he has a high chance of dieing and his replacement would be the worste of all of them...Palin.
There's one thing you can count on in life. Dieing and paying taxes!! We can't get away from them and until we get a president that doesn't just want funding for whatever he wants then taxes will continue to rise. Nothing can be done.
could have voted for ron paul
04-19-2010, 05:06 PM
What killed McCain was changing his policies to run for president. And Palin, that womans a tard. I was a big McCain fan post the 2008 election run.
I didn't vote because it sounded like Obama was feeding everyone what they wanted to hear and i knew he wouldn't do it right....but i didn't vote for McCain simply because he has a high chance of dieing and his replacement would be the worste of all of them...Palin.
There's one thing you can count on in life. Dieing and paying taxes!! We can't get away from them and until we get a president that doesn't just want funding for whatever he wants then taxes will continue to rise. Nothing can be done.
could have voted for ron paul
Ron Paul was awesome...suggested hiring mercenaries and paying by the ear for killing pirates. Friggin awesome.
04-19-2010, 06:23 PM
The rediclous military spending is because no one wants to fix it.
Say a unit of 150 people who are mechanics are allotted $100k a year as a budget for everything they will need.
This is how it works... if they only need $40k of that 100k then great they save money! wrong... the unit HAS to spend the 100k or its budget the following year will be what they spent the previous year. So Then something goes wrong and say one of the giant 20 ton lifts breaks. Well that lift costs 50k so then they cant afford it and the lift stays broken.
Instead of having this limits, they should just encourage the units to run off of what they need and save the rest of the money knowing that IF somethign does go wrong and they do need to spend more then usual they will be able to. But thats not how is works right now and no one is or will do anything about it.
It needs to be fixed. But you can go fuck yourself if you think that Bomba cutting my Blowed up $$ is helping for your change. Fix the budget where there is PROBLEMS and quit screwing with the people who are paying your bills so that you can be a worthless pedestrian in my free world.
04-19-2010, 09:41 PM
What killed McCain was changing his policies to run for president. And Palin, that womans a tard. I was a big McCain fan post the 2008 election run.
I didn't vote because it sounded like Obama was feeding everyone what they wanted to hear and i knew he wouldn't do it right....but i didn't vote for McCain simply because he has a high chance of dieing and his replacement would be the worste of all of them...Palin.
There's one thing you can count on in life. Dieing and paying taxes!! We can't get away from them and until we get a president that doesn't just want funding for whatever he wants then taxes will continue to rise. Nothing can be done.
could have voted for ron paul
Ron Paul was awesome...suggested hiring mercenaries and paying by the ear for killing pirates. Friggin awesome.
yup, also suggested a flat tax and cutting out government programs that arent completely necessary
04-20-2010, 06:03 AM
What killed McCain was changing his policies to run for president. And Palin, that womans a tard. I was a big McCain fan post the 2008 election run.
I didn't vote because it sounded like Obama was feeding everyone what they wanted to hear and i knew he wouldn't do it right....but i didn't vote for McCain simply because he has a high chance of dieing and his replacement would be the worste of all of them...Palin.
There's one thing you can count on in life. Dieing and paying taxes!! We can't get away from them and until we get a president that doesn't just want funding for whatever he wants then taxes will continue to rise. Nothing can be done.
could have voted for ron paul
Ron Paul was awesome...suggested hiring mercenaries and paying by the ear for killing pirates. Friggin awesome.
yup, also suggested a flat tax and cutting out government programs that arent completely necessary
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That almost sounds like it makes sense. There's no room for things like that in Washington!
04-24-2010, 11:43 PM
corps and banks and now china owns the usa government... someday you will believe me. I am sure this will get overturned somehow for the vets. +200 is def better than 0.
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