View Full Version : Carrying 2 firearms
01-31-2010, 09:31 PM
What's your opinion?
01-31-2010, 09:37 PM
From a trained statistician's viewpoint, having two possible survey responses that actually mean the same thing really destroys the reliability of the answers recorded.
01-31-2010, 09:50 PM
Ditto to the above and why carry two? If you can't stop your threat in 1 shot then you dont need to be carrying a firearm in my opinion. One shot one kill. If you miss people get hurt and could die.
01-31-2010, 09:54 PM
OMG! The same misunderstanding has leaked it's way over here. Never said anything about carrying two, just said people are within their legal right to. This survey should be either about legal right (should be stated) or should be about perceived subjective judgement. You can't survey both at the same time.
01-31-2010, 11:16 PM
he never mentioned your name at all in this thread...
it's not like it says "SaNdMaNsSi" is planning to carry two pistols, is he stupid?
02-01-2010, 07:07 AM
Okay my viewpoint on the subject is if someone was to carry two handguns for his CCW its quite pointless. The fact is if you cannot do what it was you set out to do in one clip of one gun you do not deserve to have a CCW to begin with. If a police officer carries more than one that is because he has a job where he may in fact need another, we are civilians who more than likely would never need to use one. Thats just my thoughts on the whole thing.
02-01-2010, 07:21 AM
It is also a stat that only 15% of your shots will hit your desired target in the event you need to draw and fire.. The likely hood of actually needing to pull a firearm is very very low around here anyway, but if you HAVE to you might need more than 7 shots, its not the movies here where you hit him with a 9mm in the leg and they fall down dead. If you are being attacked you fire untill the threat is stopped. I wouldnt like to be the one in front of a civil court jury trying to explain why you had 2 pistols at the time, they dont see things the same as we do.
02-01-2010, 07:44 AM
you might need more than 7 shots
Then buy a handgun with a double stack mag if that is going to be an issue. After all, a single stack has about 6-7 rds and a double has about 15 so you could get away with using one. Unless of course you think someone needs 30 rds :Hangman:
02-01-2010, 08:20 AM
Well if you like 1911's, 15 rounds generally is not a option. I can see where he is coming from with 2 firearms but I would rather just have extra mags since I wouldnt be shooting both guns at once anyway. Its all open to interpretation and opinions, and with guns NO ONE is ever wrong
02-01-2010, 08:26 AM
Well if you like 1911's, 15 rounds generally is not a option. I can see where he is coming from with 2 firearms but I would rather just have extra mags since I wouldnt be shooting both guns at once anyway. Its all open to interpretation and opinions, and with guns NO ONE is ever wrong
That is my thoughts, why carry two when you could carry an extra mag?
Carry one pistol, and a grenade. as mentioned when you consider accuracy under pressure, if you miss with 7-12 shots just lob the grenade.
02-01-2010, 10:49 AM
I think it's stupid to carry two weapons. If you're in a situation where you need to draw your weapon, you aren't going to have the time to draw the second should you empty the clip without hitting the threat or if your first weapon malfunctions. One of two things is going to happen, the threat is going to turn tail and run as soon as you draw the first weapon or he is going to shoot you while you fumble with the second weapon. In either case the second weapon is going to do absolutely no good.
I think any civilian who carries two is doing it for the badass factor more than the functionality of having a backup.
02-01-2010, 11:03 AM
I like to see the stat on the number of gun yeilding people who end up getting stabbed with a blade, that is a under rated weapon by alot of people. Even if you hit the guy a few times in the chest he can still swing that blade at your gut or throat on the way down.
02-01-2010, 11:27 AM
Once again, you are still on the assumption that I will carry two. Never said I will. And once again, all I'm stating is that it is legal. You consistently miss the point.
No, I'm not missing the point. I never denied that is was legal. I said it would be stupid and unnecessary for a civilian to carry 2 firearms. I think everyone on here has pointed out why also.
As far as the poll question, take it for what it says. Is it stupid to carry 2 firearms so long as it's legal for you to carry a weapon?
Domestic Disturbance
02-01-2010, 12:51 PM
If shooting them isn't stopping them, maybe you need to up the caliber. .357 snub noses for everyone! Out of the rare likely hood you ever need to use your gun, the % of situations you'd ever encounter that would require a second weapon has to be so little I really can't see the point. If you are worried about hitting them or stopping them if you actually do, adjust accordingly. You can get high cap low recoil quick shooting guns, or a high powered gun that will stop them without question if you can hit them with only 6 shots and you have wrists of thunder. Know what gun you're most capable of using and is most appropriate, not just cool.
I know I'm going to have that problem when I try to get a ccw, because I have little experience with handguns as is and also want a lot of guns that probably aren't the best choice.
On an additional sidenote, someone carrying like 6 ppk's would be hilarious. You could probably land all the bullets on someone too and they'd keep going. Just finish them off with a chop to the back of the neck.
02-01-2010, 01:07 PM
"So you're telling me it was one guy with six guns, and he was a senior frigging citizen?"
02-01-2010, 01:09 PM
Lol...why stop at two.
Domestic Disturbance
02-01-2010, 01:23 PM
that picture is win. Boondock saints is the shit.
I love this website ... ock_Saints (
02-01-2010, 02:07 PM
That picture of the old man is badass!!
02-01-2010, 02:45 PM
haha, "im guessing there were six shooters waiting for them"
Domestic Disturbance
02-01-2010, 03:10 PM
there was a FIREFIGHT!
02-01-2010, 10:05 PM
1) Guns can malfunction. What if you limp wrist and get a malfunction that wont clear? What if you get shot in the hand (very common as that is what shooters focus on- the gun, which is obviously where your hands are)?
2) There are MANY accounts of offenders not dropping after being hit the first time. This isn't the fucking movies. :rolleyes:
3) There was a recent mall shootout where an off duty cop (same as a CCWer) was carrying a five shot revolver with no speedloads. He was quoted as being afraid for his life because he was outgunned and chose to engage the suspect.
4) 2 is 1, 1 is none.
Would I personally carry two weapons? No. I'd rather carry an extra mag or 2 and take my chances that my gun works 100%, but I will not call someone who chooses to carry 2 pistols stupid. They are trying to be prepared for every possible scenario and I can't fault them for that.
02-01-2010, 11:24 PM
The intentions are good but not really the practical way to go about it. 1. get a reliable gun, not necessarily a pretty one. glocks are fucking ugly but theres a reason a lot of people carry them 2. practice practice practice
02-02-2010, 07:52 AM
I like to see the stat on the number of gun yeilding people who end up getting stabbed with a blade, that is a under rated weapon by alot of people. Even if you hit the guy a few times in the chest he can still swing that blade at your gut or throat on the way down.
that's why my second weapon is a nice fixed blade knife. people say "don't bring a knife to a gun fight" but I am sure many people have been stabbed trying to get their piece out. keeping a pistol completely concealed at all times doesn't exactly make it easy to grab when needed. My step dad carrys his around in a little binder looking deal, I prefer a shoulder harness, pistol on one side and two clips on the other.
02-02-2010, 09:07 AM
Most people can cover 21' in less time it takes to draw & fire, I'm not sure a knife would be much quicker, depends I guess on method of carrying each. Keep firing until the threat has stopped. Don't stand your ground, move. Pratice and go shoot some IDPA for better pratice in somewhat real situations, USPSA for fun.
02-02-2010, 09:24 AM
I guess I can't really think of any situation where you wouldn't see a conflict coming beforehand that would necessitate 2 guns. Things would have to get pretty heated between 2 people before it really came to that. In which case, you are REQUIRED to notify the person before such an incident takes place that you have a firearm. Otherwise, you could be in some serious trouble.
This isn't the wild west. WW3 isn't going to start when you're out buying groceries at HyVee. Ninjas are not out roaming the streets looking for you. Like said before, In the .000000000000000000000001% chance you will ever possibly draw your gun in public, I'm sure there's even a smaller chance that you would even need to fire it. And if you do, I will hope to God that you:
1)have a decent gun that will stop the person from doing what they are with 1 shot.
2)have the training, knowledge, and skill to end the threat quickly
3)have the strength and courage to deal with the consequences
This is a pretty serious subject if you think about it. Do you have the right to carry 2 firearms? Yes. But really, IMHO, they type of person that would do so is the type of crazy, conspiracy theory, nutjob, ego maniac, Rambo wannabe I don't want carrying a weapon anyway.
And as far as the Security Officer being the same as a CCWer comment, I surely hope you're not implying that a person who's JOB it is to protect people at their place of work is no different then a normal citizen that wants to have the option of carrying a sidearm in the RARE case they may need it. They're job is no different then a Police Officer's except that they are stationed to a more defined area.
02-02-2010, 09:55 AM
One shot stop is extremely rare. Check out this link when you have an hour to burn.
02-02-2010, 10:11 AM
Ok, I'll bite. Let's just say for the sake of discussion, that I'm wrong and that someone get's shot and it doesn't stop them. Better yet, you empty 2 fucking clips at a person and they still keep coming (you must've done something awesomely fucking stupid in the first place then if they're not armed themselves and shooting back at you at this point). So you're going to have enough time to draw a second firearm and start shooting with it? I HIGHLY doubt that would ever be the case. You're not Chuck Norris. Ninjas are not coming out of dark alleys to attack you.
Unless you are a Peace Officer of some kind, you will never come up with an argument that supports a normal civilian carrying 2 firearms, when carrying an extra clip or 2, having a decent sized caliber pistol, and having the correct personal protection ammo is just as effective. Like I said, if it's not, then you shouldn't be carrying a firearm in the first place. Don't get me wrong, if you have the ability and willingness to get your CCW and use it, I strongly encourage you to do so. It's a right that is going to come into jeopardy if people don't stand up for it. This argument isn't about whether you have the right to carry 2 sidearms. It's about the necessity of it.
02-02-2010, 11:39 AM
Well it is "fairly" common to have a gun jam as well, and we know how murphys law works..
02-02-2010, 12:34 PM
I'm not endorsing 2 guns in anyway, just that one shot generally doesn't stop most people right now, and if that person has a knife or gun they can still kill even if they will be dead in 2 minutes. It's enough trouble to carry one, can't ever see wanting to carry 2.
Heck I don't even bother with a backup mag, I agree with your 0.001% chance I'll ever need it for self defense, most likely only to kill a deer I hit with my car.
The most interesing thing in the Glocktalk link is how little difference in that guy (CSI inverstager) opinion between 9mm & up wounds, including 5.56 & 7.62x39(I suspect FMJ ammo). In his opinion 9mm up is all the same in stoping power. 380 & down have inadequate penetration to be dependable. And how much damage the human body can take and keep living/fighting.
Yeah, guns jamb, but haven't had one yet that I can't clear faster than drawing another one.
02-02-2010, 01:56 PM
Yeah it would be a close one, but that would be one of the few scenario's I could use to justify carrying 2, doesnt take long to drop one weapon and pull out another one. whereas figuring out why it jammed, clearing the jam, then chambering another bullet would certainly seem to take more time.. Too many variables, but I could see that being reason enough for someone to justify it, not me, but someone maybe.
02-02-2010, 05:03 PM
And as far as the Security Officer being the same as a CCWer comment, I surely hope you're not implying that a person who's JOB it is to protect people at their place of work is no different then a normal citizen that wants to have the option of carrying a sidearm in the RARE case they may need it. They're job is no different then a Police Officer's except that they are stationed to a more defined area.
I was speaking about an off duty cop, NOT a security officer. Off duty cop is mostly the same as a CCWer in the sense that they carry concealed, which is the only similarity I was attempting to point out.
You can have your opinions of those who choose to carry two weapons but I bet they aren't loosing any sleep because you think they're idiots.
Why are you so butthurt over someone wanting to? Does it affect you in any way?
02-02-2010, 09:06 PM
And as far as the Security Officer being the same as a CCWer comment, I surely hope you're not implying that a person who's JOB it is to protect people at their place of work is no different then a normal citizen that wants to have the option of carrying a sidearm in the RARE case they may need it. They're job is no different then a Police Officer's except that they are stationed to a more defined area.
I was speaking about an off duty cop, NOT a security officer. Off duty cop is mostly the same as a CCWer in the sense that they carry concealed, which is the only similarity I was attempting to point out.
You can have your opinions of those who choose to carry two weapons but I bet they aren't loosing any sleep because you think they're idiots.
Why are you so butthurt over someone wanting to? Does it affect you in any way?
Same reason you have vehicles you USED to own in your sig. Makes me feel badass.
02-02-2010, 09:48 PM
Big Hp carries two guns with him all the time.
02-02-2010, 11:03 PM
And as far as the Security Officer being the same as a CCWer comment, I surely hope you're not implying that a person who's JOB it is to protect people at their place of work is no different then a normal citizen that wants to have the option of carrying a sidearm in the RARE case they may need it. They're job is no different then a Police Officer's except that they are stationed to a more defined area.
I was speaking about an off duty cop, NOT a security officer. Off duty cop is mostly the same as a CCWer in the sense that they carry concealed, which is the only similarity I was attempting to point out.
You can have your opinions of those who choose to carry two weapons but I bet they aren't loosing any sleep because you think they're idiots.
Why are you so butthurt over someone wanting to? Does it affect you in any way?
Same reason you have vehicles you USED to own in your sig. Makes me feel badass.
Being butthurt over something makes you feel badass?
Shall I change it back to Derek's Audi?
02-03-2010, 09:30 AM
And as far as the Security Officer being the same as a CCWer comment, I surely hope you're not implying that a person who's JOB it is to protect people at their place of work is no different then a normal citizen that wants to have the option of carrying a sidearm in the RARE case they may need it. They're job is no different then a Police Officer's except that they are stationed to a more defined area.
I was speaking about an off duty cop, NOT a security officer. Off duty cop is mostly the same as a CCWer in the sense that they carry concealed, which is the only similarity I was attempting to point out.
You can have your opinions of those who choose to carry two weapons but I bet they aren't loosing any sleep because you think they're idiots.
Why are you so butthurt over someone wanting to? Does it affect you in any way?
Same reason you have vehicles you USED to own in your sig. Makes me feel badass.
Being butthurt over something makes you feel badass?
Shall I change it back to Derek's Audi?
You need to learn to read. Having an opinion that differs from someone else's doesn't make someone "butthurt". Especially when it's explained why. However, obviously it's struck some accord with you that necessitates you needing to make your penis feel bigger. And sure, you can change it back to Derek's Dad's Audi if that'll help you sleep at night. Better yet, why don't you change your last name to Lingenfelter and say you own a TT Vette. You'd feel like a champ then.
02-03-2010, 09:33 AM
thats pretty hypocritical of you to tell him he is trying to make his dick feel bigger by calling you butthurt when in all reality you were using his sig against him for the same always seem to fall off of the subject if you have nothing to retaliate with by finding another way to sir, are a peice of shit.
02-03-2010, 09:44 AM
thats pretty hypocritical of you to tell him he is trying to make his dick feel bigger by calling you butthurt when in all reality you were using his sig against him for the same always seem to fall off of the subject if you have nothing to retaliate with by finding another way to sir, are a peice of shit.
It was a sarcastic response that didnt' really feel intelligent enough to debate, so I sunk down to the level of a moron to fight a moron. That was my mistake. Kind of like how I'm going to tell you I have no ambition to debate you and would just like to say I'm looking forward to you calling me a piece of shit to my face this spring. We'll see how large your mouth is at that point. Bring all your nutswingers and your 12 second wonder too. Whoops, 11.9. My bad.
02-03-2010, 10:07 AM
Oh great, more super intelligent insults from sparkles!! Way to go guys, he's like a dog, once he starts barking you just cant shut him up..
02-03-2010, 11:13 AM
Any other time you'd be correct, but it's really getting old. It doesn't really matter what someone says on here or what they facts they have to support it. You'll always have the 19 year old "know it all" and all of his nutswinging friends saying stuff to you on the internet they'd never say to your face. Kinda funny how that works. All in all though Scott, I know you hate me and I could care less if you choked on a chicken bone, but I still have more respect for you than some of the pubescent twat waffle dipshits on here that like to argue and call names instead of sounding halfway intelligent.
02-03-2010, 11:47 AM
Oh great, more super intelligent insults from sparkles!! Way to go guys, he's like a dog, once he starts barking you just cant shut him up..
That's what I'm finding as well. Must've fallen on a sand castle as a child and filled his vagina pretty full.
02-03-2010, 11:53 AM
Any other time you'd be correct, but it's really getting old. It doesn't really matter what someone says on here or what they facts they have to support it. You'll always have the 19 year old "know it all" and all of his nutswinging friends saying stuff to you on the internet they'd never say to your face. Kinda funny how that works. All in all though Scott, I know you hate me and I could care less if you choked on a chicken bone, but I still have more respect for you than some of the pubescent twat waffle dipshits on here that like to argue and call names instead of sounding halfway intelligent.
....This is coming from a person that isn't sounding all that intelligent themselves. How do you know everyone's age on here? Also, age has little to do with intelligence. Maturity maybe, but not intelligence. You seem to be defining yourself with the "know it all comment." You obviously pounce on anyone that says anything to you, you don't take any criticism, constructive or otherwise. As for the "real-world" comment, I will always say to someone's face what I say on the internet. I fear no one for any reason. Finally, ".....the pubescent twat waffle dipshits on here that like to argue and call names instead of sounding halfway intelligent...." So....What does that make you? The waffle maker?
02-03-2010, 12:16 PM
First off, I wasn't referring to you with those comments, but if you feel the shoe fits for you, I guess that says something, doesn't it? Second, you're saying I'm arguing because of someone's criticism? Go back and read dude. I was replying to a name calling quote. Not someone's well thought out opposite opinion. It's winter. We're bored. We all like to argue and twist shit other people say into whatever suits us and our objective. Carry on...with 2.
02-03-2010, 01:42 PM
And as far as the Security Officer being the same as a CCWer comment, I surely hope you're not implying that a person who's JOB it is to protect people at their place of work is no different then a normal citizen that wants to have the option of carrying a sidearm in the RARE case they may need it. They're job is no different then a Police Officer's except that they are stationed to a more defined area.
I was speaking about an off duty cop, NOT a security officer. Off duty cop is mostly the same as a CCWer in the sense that they carry concealed, which is the only similarity I was attempting to point out.
You can have your opinions of those who choose to carry two weapons but I bet they aren't loosing any sleep because you think they're idiots.
Why are you so butthurt over someone wanting to? Does it affect you in any way?
Same reason you have vehicles you USED to own in your sig. Makes me feel badass.
Being butthurt over something makes you feel badass?
Shall I change it back to Derek's Audi?
You need to learn to read. Having an opinion that differs from someone else's doesn't make someone "butthurt". Especially when it's explained why. However, obviously it's struck some accord with you that necessitates you needing to make your penis feel bigger. And sure, you can change it back to Derek's Dad's Audi if that'll help you sleep at night. Better yet, why don't you change your last name to Lingenfelter and say you own a TT Vette. You'd feel like a champ then.
Honestly, it appears you are the only one trying to make your penis feel better. I was do a light hearted jab at ya and you're still crying like a bitch with a skinned knee.
You're failing to realize that on the topic of carrying two guns, we're almost all on the same side. Why do you continue to berate and (attempt to) belittle others, when in fact they are arguing the exact same thing as you are?
You make e-life entertaining on here and DS, but you're acting like mufflover here. WTF happened?
02-03-2010, 01:49 PM
First off, I wasn't referring to you with those comments, but if you feel the shoe fits for you, I guess that says something, doesn't it? Second, you're saying I'm arguing because of someone's criticism? Go back and read dude. I was replying to a name calling quote. Not someone's well thought out opposite opinion. It's winter. We're bored. We all like to argue and twist shit other people say into whatever suits us and our objective. Carry on...with 2.
I said nothing about the comments pertaining to me, I'm just standing behind the others who are commenting on the board against your incoherent angry babble. The comments you are making don't have to have anything to do with me for me to stick up for other people. You're standing on one leg all alone here. I don't argue just because it's winter....
02-03-2010, 02:04 PM
Honestly, it appears you are the only one trying to make your penis feel better. I was do a light hearted jab at ya and you're still crying like a bitch with a skinned knee.
You're failing to realize that on the topic of carrying two guns, we're almost all on the same side. Why do you continue to berate and (attempt to) belittle others, when in fact they are arguing the exact same thing as you are?
You make e-life entertaining on here and DS, but you're acting like mufflover here. WTF happened?
LOL. Tell you what. Go back and read the dialogue between you and I and see where it started to deviate from the topic at hand and who said whatever it was to make it happen. You're basic argument is that you should be able to poke a dog with a stick through a fence and he should just sit there and look at you and not bark or bite. You called me butthurt. I made a smartass comment back (that really wasn't even that big of a deal). That's the facts, and for 1 reason or another, I'm the bad guy. Yeah, makes perfect sense.
02-03-2010, 02:12 PM
I said nothing about the comments pertaining to me, I'm just standing behind the others who are commenting on the board against your incoherent angry babble.'re a nutswinger that has to hide behind everyone else instead of debating the topic that was directed at you and you alone? (BTW that was a question and in no way inferring you are a nutswinger unless you answer yes. If it's no, please explain)
SEE! ^
02-03-2010, 02:21 PM
I spell shit out very very clearly, and when it doesn't go your way, you start throwing out idiotic, immature, garbage names and comments, and for some reason it's ok for you only.
02-03-2010, 02:31 PM
You do argue like your butt hurt
02-03-2010, 02:36 PM
same shit, EVERY time with sparkles, im not sure why anyone still bothers...if your so high and mighty then why do you fail to tell us ANYTHING about you or your cars? your far lower in the shit scale just for the fact that you talk shit with NOTHING to back it up...would you like to set up a friendly $$ race with my 12 second wonder this spring?
02-03-2010, 03:02 PM
same shit, EVERY time with sparkles, im not sure why anyone still bothers...if your so high and mighty then why do you fail to tell us ANYTHING about you or your cars? your far lower in the shit scale just for the fact that you talk shit with NOTHING to back it up...would you like to set up a friendly $$ race with my 12 second wonder this spring?
Because carrying 2 firearms has nothing to do with how fast my cars are. I like how that's how you settle differences of opinions when you run outta garbage to spew. " car's faster than yours" Oh...ok. Even if that were so, what's your point?
And Fifdy, as far as talking shit to you with nothing to back it up, how do you figure. I've already said come run your mouth to my face. You'll find out quick what how I'll back up mine.
02-03-2010, 03:14 PM
Kinda sounds like Sparkles=Allgo=Mufflover
02-03-2010, 03:16 PM
and here comes the tough guy shit, so your going to beat me up if i come an meet you? give me a break...i was simply stating that you have no problem talking shit about my car which i take a fair bit of pride in when you yourself wont even tell us anything about what you have...YOU brought my car into this, my original comment had nothing to do with cars...
02-03-2010, 04:11 PM
and here comes the tough guy shit, so your going to beat me up if i come an meet you? give me a break...i was simply stating that you have no problem talking shit about my car which i take a fair bit of pride in when you yourself wont even tell us anything about what you have...YOU brought my car into this, my original comment had nothing to do with cars...
No, I don't think so skippy. You are generally the one that wants to bring the cars into car-less discussions when you run out of intelligent things to say. And yes, please, when you see me later this year, I thoroughly invite you to come call me a piece of shit to my face so I can relocate your teeth. Especially how I'm "all shit talk and no action" according to you. The only intelligent thing you've done is not say anything about my family.
02-03-2010, 04:31 PM
so im "generally" the one that does it, so that makes it ok for you to also? and i dont run out of intelligent things to say, almost every post you make evicts a less than intelligent response and you feed off of it continuing to make yourself look like a jackass....and what makes you think i would see you later this year? no one here even knows who the hell you are and ive never seen anything you drive or have driven at ANY track or street race (in my neck of the woods)...but maybe theres a reason for that....although i suppose you said you like to hang out at wrenchs and brag about your shiny bottle..
02-03-2010, 04:32 PM
and i would have no reason to say anything about anyones family, the person talking on here is the one looking like a tool...not them
02-03-2010, 05:27 PM
Kinda sounds like Sparkles=Allgo=Mufflover
Eat shit and die pelican
02-03-2010, 07:40 PM
I said nothing about the comments pertaining to me, I'm just standing behind the others who are commenting on the board against your incoherent angry babble.'re a nutswinger that has to hide behind everyone else instead of debating the topic that was directed at you and you alone? (BTW that was a question and in no way inferring you are a nutswinger unless you answer yes. If it's no, please explain)
SEE! ^
Sure....I'm a nutswinger if that's what you want to think. How do you figure I'm hiding behind people...I've come right out and argued my point to you to the point of exhaustion. There's really nothing else to say. Talking to you is like talking to a retarded brick wall. I don't even get what the last part of your comment meant, so I won't even bother trying to figure it out. You might as well pick on someone else, I'm bored of you.
02-03-2010, 07:44 PM
Sparkles, your E-penis must be huge. Your real life one...well...probably not so much.
02-03-2010, 07:59 PM all for having a healthy debate...but this is out of control. OPINIONS are just that. OPINIONS. everyones differs. why should we call people nutswingers, pubescent little twat waffles, and pieces of shit? E-THUG = GAAAAAAAAAY
Nothing in this thread is a fact, its opinion. Nobody will every agree with anybody else because of this. So, agree to disagree.
02-03-2010, 08:14 PM
How do you figure I'm hiding behind people.
Umm...perhaps because you said you were?
I'm just standing behind the others who are commenting on the board
I cold be wrong though. Remember, I'm just an angry guy that doesn't have any facts to back anything up.
02-03-2010, 08:16 PM
Sparkles, your E-penis must be huge. Your real life one...well...probably not so much.
And you wonder why I flip shit back at you... :roll: Perhaps because say dumbass shit like this after you run out of intelligent things to say.
02-03-2010, 08:17 PM
so im "generally" the one that does it, so that makes it ok for you to also? and i dont run out of intelligent things to say, almost every post you make evicts a less than intelligent response and you feed off of it continuing to make yourself look like a jackass....and what makes you think i would see you later this year? no one here even knows who the hell you are and ive never seen anything you drive or have driven at ANY track or street race (in my neck of the woods)...but maybe theres a reason for that....although i suppose you said you like to hang out at wrenchs and brag about your shiny bottle..
Yeah, you really are a piece of shit too. :neener:
02-03-2010, 09:12 PM
How do you figure I'm hiding behind people.
Umm...perhaps because you said you were?
I'm just standing behind the others who are commenting on the board
I cold be wrong though. Remember, I'm just an angry guy that doesn't have any facts to back anything up.
stop refering to your OPINIONS as FACTS :banghead:
02-03-2010, 10:46 PM
How do you figure I'm hiding behind people.
Umm...perhaps because you said you were?
I'm just standing behind the others who are commenting on the board
I cold be wrong though. Remember, I'm just an angry guy that doesn't have any facts to back anything up.
Standing by people is not the same as hiding behind them. I never used the word hide.
You use my quote which says STAND BEHIND retard, not HIDE behind. You are all kinds of ghey tonight.
02-03-2010, 10:48 PM
Sparkles, your E-penis must be huge. Your real life one...well...probably not so much.
And you wonder why I flip shit back at you... :roll: Perhaps because say dumbass shit like this after you run out of intelligent things to say.
Nah, I just took a new approach. Saying semi-retarded shit...I figure if you can't understand intelligent conversation, I will speak moron- A language you DO understand.
02-04-2010, 09:35 AM
Sparkles, your E-penis must be huge. Your real life one...well...probably not so much.
And you wonder why I flip shit back at you... :roll: Perhaps because say dumbass shit like this after you run out of intelligent things to say.
Nah, I just took a new approach. Saying semi-retarded shit...I figure if you can't understand intelligent conversation, I will speak moron- A language you DO understand.
I can pretty much guarantee it's not anything new for you, sport. :baby:
02-04-2010, 11:15 AM
Sparkles, your E-penis must be huge. Your real life one...well...probably not so much.
And you wonder why I flip shit back at you... :roll: Perhaps because say dumbass shit like this after you run out of intelligent things to say.
Nah, I just took a new approach. Saying semi-retarded shit...I figure if you can't understand intelligent conversation, I will speak moron- A language you DO understand.
I can pretty much guarantee it's not anything new for you, sport. :baby:
Comeback fail.
02-04-2010, 11:23 AM
sparkles, EVERY single person on this site has had an argument with you and im pretty positive that NO ONE would have your back on damn near anything, when everyone else thinks your wrong in what you do, dont you think you should take a step back and wonder if you just might be wrong?
02-04-2010, 09:18 PM
sparkles, EVERY single person on this site has had an argument with you and im pretty positive that NO ONE would have your back on damn near anything, when everyone else thinks your wrong in what you do, dont you think you should take a step back and wonder if you just might be wrong?
I find it very hard you can comment for EVERY person on the board. Not only that, but I can guarandamntee you're wrong.
Everyone thinks I'm wrong in what I do? Like what? Having an opinion and talking shit back to people AFTER they start it with me?
If you have an intelligent post that, while maybe complete opposite of my views, doesn't have a bunch of stupid ass name calling in it and is actually a well thought out statement, then I usually reply with the same with no BS. JUST LIKE THIS! LOOK AT YOUR LAST POST....LOOK AT MY REPLY! NO TALKING SHIT IS THERE?
And yes, it does occur to me I may be wrong time to time. That's what debating shit is about. But while we're on that subject, let me ask you directly Tyler. Do you ever think that maybe YOU are wrong once in a while? You ever think that possibly your ignorant responses when you run out of constructive things to say deserve a "not so nice" comment back?
In the end, it's the internet. Things get misinterpreted and everyone gets tougher. I think a majority of it's hilarious and I sleep pretty decent at night. I have not a problem seeing anyone on here and having a beer with them with the exception of 1 on here. I'll let you figure out who that is if you want.
02-05-2010, 09:43 AM
sure i KNOW im wrong from time to time, but when i speak for everyone on the board saying not really anyone likes you, im basing that judgement off of the fact that i have never once seen someone that has agree'd with a majority of the shit you dish on here, you come on here flinging shit like a cocky asshole and then wont share ANY information about yourself, oh and lets not forget the tough guy shit, gotta love a true e-thug that brings a good ol punch in the face into every arguement where he gets mad...if your so well liked then i would like to see someone post up and say it, go ahead, flood me with the support you have here..
02-05-2010, 10:21 AM
And like the broken record that I've played since day one, do you think that I care?
02-05-2010, 11:14 AM
then leave.
02-05-2010, 11:43 AM
Lol, na. I think I'll stick around. Who made you the bouncer anyway?
02-05-2010, 12:06 PM
Why would you join a message board if you aren't looking for friends...
02-05-2010, 12:36 PM
im not the bouncer, i just made a friendly suggestion that if you arent here to do anything good then gtfo...
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