View Full Version : Some Updates!
01-18-2010, 08:39 PM
here some updates, unfinished Salkowski Motorsports billet runner LSX High Velocity runner intake manifold (H.V.R.M), and some progress on the throttle body.
01-18-2010, 08:41 PM
wow looks badass... this may sound dumb but why build your own?
01-18-2010, 08:48 PM
it will work better then any thing on the market. I like the challenge, and am trying to design real parts for real racers. I will be making a casting mold for this manifold so people that dont want a billet runner setup can still own the same design only in a cheaper casting. I will be selling the cast versions for $675 and the billet versions are going to be $2,000. The top plenum will bolt on like any other tunnel ram, and will accommodate dual carbs, single dominator or 4150, or like mine a throttle body. I will flow test the manifold on the flow bench with the heads on , and will be doing a wet flow on it also.
01-18-2010, 08:50 PM
very cool. I suppose if i had the tools I would build all my own stuff also.
Domestic Disturbance
01-18-2010, 11:39 PM
it will work better then any thing on the market. I like the challenge, and am trying to design real parts for real racers. I will be making a casting mold for this manifold so people that dont want a billet runner setup can still own the same design only in a cheaper casting. I will be selling the cast versions for $675 and the billet versions are going to be $2,000. The top plenum will bolt on like any other tunnel ram, and will accommodate dual carbs, single dominator or 4150, or like mine a throttle body. I will flow test the manifold on the flow bench with the heads on , and will be doing a wet flow on it also.
Will the cast versions have that long of runners?
01-19-2010, 05:40 AM
01-19-2010, 07:42 AM
I think its cool as hell that you are making all these badass parts for this engine, but correct me if Im wrong, your building it with Radars help, in Radars shop, and calling it Salkowski Motorsports?? The parts do look great and I cant wait to see it run but give credit where dredit is due
01-19-2010, 08:25 AM
No offense, but Radar and I are good friends, and he lets me use his machines, but every thing is made by me and my own design. I do things for him (welding) ect. and he lets me use his shop.
01-19-2010, 08:28 AM
So please dont bash, all this stuff is Salkowski Motorsports built. Call (Roger) Radar if you dont believe me. R&J PERFORMANCE #319-988-3595
01-19-2010, 08:46 AM
Mike, first of all I want to say Im not bashing your work at all and admire what your doing and trying something different, those parts as cool as hell.. but how do you plan on building these intakes and selling castings and billet intakes when you have to use other peoples machines to build them?? I have seen the parts that radar needs welded up and he sends them to H+W Speedshop to have Scott weld them up including your old yates heads I believe. I just found it odd there was no mention of R&J Performance till after it was brought up
01-19-2010, 09:09 AM
work looks good, but I wouldn't bother flow-bench testing them. It's a waste of time when it comes to intake manifold design.
01-19-2010, 09:12 AM
Mike, first of all I want to say Im not bashing your work at all and admire what your doing and trying something different, those parts as cool as hell.. but how do you plan on building these intakes and selling castings and billet intakes when you have to use other peoples machines to build them?? I have seen the parts that radar needs welded up and he sends them to H+W Speedshop to have Scott weld them up including your old yates heads I believe. I just found it odd there was no mention of R&J Performance till after it was brought up
Sounds like to me your jelous of his fab work, since all of us have seen your scab i mean fab work here i am proable right.
01-19-2010, 09:18 AM
I am jealous actually, work looks great and should work good too.. you havent seen any of my fab work but it doesnt surprise me you bash it anyway
01-19-2010, 09:23 AM
work looks good, but I wouldn't bother flow-bench testing them. It's a waste of time when it comes to intake manifold design.
To help with distribution and wet-flow characteristics for the carb'd versions I would imagine? Just curious why it would be a waste of time?
01-19-2010, 09:31 AM
work looks good, but I wouldn't bother flow-bench testing them. It's a waste of time when it comes to intake manifold design.
To help with distribution and wet-flow characteristics for the carb'd versions I would imagine? Just curious why it would be a waste of time?
Dont question him he is a real fab guy.
01-19-2010, 10:54 AM
GEEZ Scott..... are you trying to get your e-thug card here lately? haha just kiddin but you have been pushing the edge of being a dick lately. no offense if i were doin it id want someone to point it out to me.
01-19-2010, 10:59 AM
work looks good, but I wouldn't bother flow-bench testing them. It's a waste of time when it comes to intake manifold design.
To help with distribution and wet-flow characteristics for the carb'd versions I would imagine? Just curious why it would be a waste of time?
Well for a Carb'd N/A version it may be helpfull to determine those factors, but for pure performance and power...the flowjet will not tell you what needs to be done. There has been countless hours and tries in the forced performance applications to flow-bench test intake manifolds and it really does just show the balance of each runner in comparison to the plenum..which seams beneficial but in real world testing those results have little to do with how the manifold will perform.
A flow-jet also does not simulate real world applications, such as pulse-frequency and the balance between cylinders while running. The best way to test manifolds is to do it on a dyno or track.
Muff, I don't expect you to know what you're talking about or if anything know a tiny bit about fluid dynamics. You also obviously don't realize what good fabrication is compared to "shiny parts".
What Mike here is doing is awesome work, he's going about it the right way, I was just lending friendly advice and skip the flow-bench testing and go straight for dyno/track numbers.
01-19-2010, 11:13 AM
He does send some stuff to H&W, but I do weld heads and other things also. I just wanted everyone to see what I have been building. Radar and I are pretty tight, He lets me work there and I help him out, weld,clean,build, Or help him with the race car. You name it,thats how everyone did it back in the day. I will not get in a match here, I just want to race. If you would have looked on my website, you would have seen,I have been trying to get his name out on the internet and getting a website set up for him. The only reason I am going to flow bench it , is in naturaly aspirated apps. The runner length is designed for my cubic inches.
01-19-2010, 11:22 AM
looks great!
01-19-2010, 11:38 AM
someone just told me that you arent even a welder tb your just a camera man. And yes I do know what good fabercation is I can just look at that elcamino and figure out that it is night and day nicer and more original than anything coming out of your camp.
01-19-2010, 11:51 AM
You know I have nothing against you Mike we talked a few times just always short on time, I did sound like a dick there "I must of had too much coffee this morning" but I was just looking at it from the other side, if I was loaning someone my welder, tools and possibly some knowledge I would personally be a little offended if they started selling parts they built in my garage, especially without my name on it. Im sure Radar doesnt mind much as not much bothers him anyway, he's cool as hell. I know there is alot to be had by tuning intake runner length for a given combination, rpm, cid, etc.. with pulse frequency's and plenum volume playing a larger role with a NA and carb on top too. I would be interested to watch this wet-flow test and what can be done to influence it too since I havent seen one done before. Good luck with it and get back to work your running outta time fast
01-19-2010, 11:56 AM
someone just told me that you arent even a welder tb your just a camera man. And yes I do know what good fabercation is I can just look at that elcamino and figure out that it is night and day nicer and more original than anything coming out of your camp.
I can weld, i'm just not to the level my brother is. I am the one that designs all the parts. I'm not going to argue with you. The el camino has some good fab, but the welding isn't that great. What's so difficult about routing some pipes? Honestly? What is "so original" on that el-camino. Please don't tell me the air-water set-up.
The twins are very cool guys, and I have a lot of respect for them guys. That el camino is extremely nice, no one can deny. It seams your the only one having problems with other fab work other then allgo and his buddies.
Why don't you go back to playing with your bike like usual and stay out of everyone's ass.
01-19-2010, 12:20 PM
There is alot of good welders around this area and they all seem to have one thing in common, they do it for a LIVING or have in the past.. Anyone that has tried to weld with anything other than a MIG welder will tell you it takes practice and lots of it, Scott at H+W, Trevors bro, and Chris all do this, or have done it as a job and all of them can lay down some awesome looking beads. That doesnt mean everyone else cant fabricate, if you looked at the welds on some of fastest cars in the country they have some nasty looking stuff on them. Then again Im 1/2 circle track redneck so what do I know.
01-19-2010, 12:26 PM
True that^
I've seen some extremely high dollar cars have some fab work that most would say "that's crap"...but it works. Anyone can sit here and critique people's work when they don't do any themselves. I don't knock anyone's work because respect is a two way street. Muff obviously doesn't realize that, and it boggles me how you still act like a 12yr old e-thug.
01-19-2010, 12:45 PM
muffs just jumping on another dick...
01-19-2010, 12:47 PM
Pretty sure he is a 12 year old e-thug!! Pot head dog walker if I remember right
01-19-2010, 12:49 PM
muffs just sucking on another dick...
Nothing new here :baby:
01-19-2010, 01:11 PM
What the fuck are you bringing my name into this for? Where have I ever said anything on here about your shop? Its funny you say his welds arent that great huh? Have you ever been on a real car site like yellow bullet or turbo forums, nmra? doubht it cause thats where people who dont know him from anywhere say his welds and fabercation skills are unreal, 10 time world champion BoB Kurgan straight out of his mouth said his skills are 2nd to none. You see you say on here no one ever says anything bad about your welds and fab skills well I got news for you why would they, they are your friends you think they are going to tell you to your face that they dont like it? I am not saying your guys stuff isnt good by any means but to set back here and read that lorenzzos skills arent that great is pretty funny stuff.
I agree 100% about welds on some of the fastest shit around they always look like dog turds aka big hp
01-19-2010, 01:27 PM
this dont need to become a shop war! everyone talking on here does from what ive seen good work... but the lorenzoo comment was outa line (even thought I dont think you ment it how it sounded ) his welds arent human!
01-19-2010, 01:37 PM
Sorry to muddy up Mike's post, but saying Lorenzo's welds arent that good is one STUPID statement. We have been all over the midwest with his car, Allgo's, and others. Everywhere we have been people have commented on how well the craftsmanship, fab work, and especially the weld work was done. And Lorenzo is the guy who did all of that. Give credit where credit is due....
01-19-2010, 01:41 PM
What the fuck are you bringing my name into this for? Where have I ever said anything on here about your shop? Its funny you say his welds arent that great huh? Have you ever been on a real car site like yellow bullet or turbo forums, nmra? doubht it cause thats where people who dont know him from anywhere say his welds and fabercation skills are unreal, 10 time world champion BoB Kurgan straight out of his mouth said his skills are 2nd to none. You see you say on here no one ever says anything bad about your welds and fab skills well I got news for you why would they, they are your friends you think they are going to tell you to your face that they dont like it? I am not saying your guys stuff isnt good by any means but to set back here and read that lorenzzos skills arent that great is pretty funny stuff.
I agree 100% about welds on some of the fastest shit around they always look like dog turds aka big hp
LoL i knew you were going to take it wrong. I was making a point...that someone could say Lorenzo's welds aren't great, but they work and look just fine to me. I was stating that Mufflover never has anything good to say unless it's coming from you or 90notch. ONCE again it wasn't anything against you, nor was anything against 90notch or his brother. I believe I even stated i had a ton of respect for those guys...did I not?
So calm down old man.
01-19-2010, 01:44 PM
Trevor never said his fab work sucks, he was just making a point about Muff drooling over the ElCamino is all, when certain people see the elcamino they see lots of big polished tubes and gets a hard-on.. Other people look at it from a do-it-yourself standpoint and see what kind of work and time have been put into it, Trevor no doubt knows the time and effort put into that car. Look at the turbo manifolds he made that his brother welded up, that is top notch fab work that also took time!! I would put Scott, Trevs bro, and Chris all in the category for welding "unless its blocks, heads, structural then I'd pick Scott hands down!!" but I wouldnt go as far as saying its the best I have ever seen, havent you seen Marcella sheet metal manifolds?
01-19-2010, 01:45 PM
TB so you are not the one welding that T-Fab stuff then your bro is? I'm not starting shit Im just wondering.....
The el-camino has some sick fab work when I saw it at the track. Allgo car looks killer I saw him making that scoop for the ysi at Allgos shop and it was all so clean.
So "radar" has a shop then and it is R&J PERFORMANCE? then is like a side business you are starting then Mike?
Im just trying to figure some stuff out here.
01-19-2010, 01:48 PM
Marcella is king with making the welds look robotic!! I was skeptical at first thinking that it was robotic but that man should be a freaking sergeon!
I think you guys were taking it the wrong way about Lorenzo. You're kind of taking it out of context. The guy has skills, and i appreciate that.
I'll say it again, i have respect for him and his brother and wouldn't put it past them guys to make quality stuff.
I'm sure if Muff was in here saying how his stuff his crap you guys would be all over his ass too.
01-19-2010, 01:50 PM
TB so you are not the one welding that T-Fab stuff then your bro is? I'm not starting shit Im just wondering.....
Correct, although I never stated that I was the one doing the welding. I can weld, just not to the standard that i want for production pieces.
01-19-2010, 02:15 PM
I like how u say u have respect but then say his shit is not that impressive.
01-19-2010, 02:19 PM
This old man will beat the shit out of you!
Domestic Disturbance
01-19-2010, 02:24 PM
Mike, what CID and RPM range are you running on your new setup? I think you've mentioned it before, but I forget.
01-19-2010, 02:34 PM
TB your words arent coming through in text the way your thinking it... or they are and allgo is right that you say you respect them but also say his work is not up to par with your shop which dont make sense
01-19-2010, 02:39 PM
Trevor, where and the hell do you get off even misrepresenting a stupid comment about Chris's welding abililtys, The guy does hands down perfect work, and all the fab work that has went into the elcamino and Steveo'os car is A1 top notch, have you ever taken the time to actually look the car over, at all the unique fab brackets etc that he has made for that car...NEVER thought that stuff would come out off your mouth, yes your brother or whom ever weld for you does nice work, but I truely dont think theres a comparison, Yes Jesses manifold looked good in the photos I have yet to see it, I think you may have opened up a bad can of worms here.
01-19-2010, 02:50 PM
This old man will beat the shit out of you!
ooh boy here we go again, let me guess your gonna say that YOU will fight him when in reality you bought a professional fighter you havent told anyone about to fight for you!! :Hangman: HAHAAaa
01-19-2010, 02:53 PM
wow scott im seriously loosing more and more respect for you with every post. I know your a cool guy act like it.
01-19-2010, 02:56 PM
I just like making fun Joe.. You must of missed the 1 million page shit storm on here at the start of the year, if how I feel about Joe affects you in some way Im sorry non of this is geared toward anyone but him
01-19-2010, 02:57 PM
Good one. No just like i have always said to your pelican arm ass. Talk tough on the internet is all cool but u better be able to back it up which we know you
Simon Cowell
01-19-2010, 02:59 PM
I think its cool as hell that you are making all these badass parts for this engine, but correct me if Im wrong, your building it with Radars help, in Radars shop, and calling it Salkowski Motorsports?? The parts do look great and I cant wait to see it run but give credit where dredit is due
Do you have any idea how the business world works? This stuff is done all the time with much less involvement then mike is doing. shits made in china all the time an re-branded. A company can send over a drawing to a machine shop and have it copied and you think the company is going to give props the the cnc shop when they advertise the product for sale???? if anything that info is protected. your jealous
01-19-2010, 03:00 PM
Good one. No just like i have always said to your pelican arm ass. Talk tough on the internet is all cool but u better be able to back it up which we know you
At least Im not the one calling out people on the internet over fab work!! Act your age UNCLE JOE
You got enough hair spray and gel in there to make Jersey Shore Jealous, I'll just flick my cigarette in that direction and you'd be burnt to the ground faster than your car can run the 1/4!!! :biggrin:
Simon Cowell
01-19-2010, 03:04 PM
This old man will beat the shit out of you!
ooh boy here we go again, let me guess your gonna say that YOU will fight him when in reality you bought a professional fighter you havent told anyone about to fight for you!! :Hangman: HAHAAaa
thats is pretty funny
01-19-2010, 03:05 PM
I just like making fun Joe.. You must of missed the 1 million page shit storm on here at the start of the year, if how I feel about Joe affects you in some way Im sorry non of this is geared toward anyone but him
no i remeber all that shit and thats just what it was.. SHIT. that deal was a two way street and there was crap on both sides IMO but the comment to joe isnt really what im talking about its more an example of what im saying, and that is that you are copin a tude on these forums lately for what seems like no reason and its making you look like a ass and i know your not. I just want everyone to get along and go racing and have a good time then get drunk and crash shit in the parkinglot!! and we cant do that if everyone is pissed of at everyone else over dumb comments. End of rant
01-19-2010, 03:18 PM
That was pretty good... coming from a overweight balding 25 year old. Not arguing either just clearly statong facts kinda like statement above
01-19-2010, 03:22 PM
I just like making fun Joe.. You must of missed the 1 million page shit storm on here at the start of the year, if how I feel about Joe affects you in some way Im sorry non of this is geared toward anyone but him
no i remeber all that shit and thats just what it was.. SHIT. that deal was a two way street and there was crap on both sides IMO but the comment to joe isnt really what im talking about its more an example of what im saying, and that is that you are copin a tude on these forums lately for what seems like no reason and its making you look like a ass and i know your not. I just want everyone to get along and go racing and have a good time then get drunk and crash shit in the parkinglot!! and we cant do that if everyone is pissed of at everyone else over dumb comments. End of rant
Yeah there was some shit wayyy before that deal as well but last thing we need to do is go there.. I enjoy going up to Eddyville and racing with everyone up there, you and many other people on here know I would do anything short of donating a kidney to help them out and have a beer and BS later. Im not trying to make any more enemies and obviously not trying to get old friends back either
01-19-2010, 03:25 PM
That was pretty good... coming from a overweight balding 25 year old. Not arguing either just clearly statong facts kinda like statement above
Im overweight with pelican arms!! Im starting to sound like some sort of mutated human T-rex.. Your just jealous cuz Im half your age, 2/3 your weight, and 1/2 a second faster :neener:
01-19-2010, 03:34 PM
Yeah there was some shit wayyy before that deal as well but last thing we need to do is go there.. I enjoy going up to Eddyville and racing with everyone up there, you and many other people on here know I would do anything short of donating a kidney to help them out and have a beer and BS later. Im not trying to make any more enemies and obviously not trying to get old friends back either
If there was shit before I dont think i know of it. Last I remeber right before you two got into it over your race Joe was telling me what a good guy you were and that I could trust you on what you said when you were looking at the cobra that he clued you in on.
and I agree on your comment bout helping guys out or whatever you could do to help anyone completly but that does not change how your acting lately... and im not talking about you and joe.
01-19-2010, 03:46 PM
yeah maybe I've just been excessively bored lately sticking my nose where it dont belong. None of this had anything to do with me in 1st place anyway. Just have a hard time with my "friends" or whatever youd call em TRYING to jew 500 bucks outta my pocket, then actually weasling 250 out of my pocket without even working with me to get it back.. Oh well thats the way he works I guess and Im the asshole for not being nice.
01-19-2010, 04:07 PM
yeah maybe I've just been excessively bored lately sticking my nose where it dont belong. None of this had anything to do with me in 1st place anyway. Just have a hard time with my "friends" or whatever youd call em TRYING to jew 500 bucks outta my pocket, then actually weasling 250 out of my pocket without even working with me to get it back.. Oh well thats the way he works I guess and Im the asshole for not being nice.
yea loosing the 250 blows not to mention how it went down.. but had you just ran you may have not lost anything! because if you havnt noticed you tend to win alot haha! Now we will switch to me and my only oppinion, you can race for fun and you can even race and talk shit and be mean before hand then once the race is done its all done! but the second money is brought into the picture anything can happen. I personally will never lay money down against a friend or even someone i simply respect and get along with because its not worth the risk in my opinion but im sure somepeople think im a puss for that and thats just fine by me.
90 notch
01-19-2010, 04:16 PM
shop wars? i didnt know i had a shop. i dont have to come on here and sell myself cause im lorenzo sooooooooonnnnnn! trevor i got one word for your stainless manifolds '' backpurge ''. lorenzooooooo.
01-19-2010, 04:21 PM
shop wars? i didnt know i had a shop. i dont have to come on here and sell myself cause im lorenzo sooooooooonnnnnn! trevor i got one word for your stainless manifolds '' backpurge ''. lorenzooooooo.
your ego is longer than your hair! haha but you can back it so its ok haha
01-19-2010, 04:53 PM
What's with this $250 race story? My interest is peaked.
01-19-2010, 05:00 PM
ohhhh the good ole days lol. Well to answer a few questions that where directed towards me, I am a Tig welder full time at a high end tool and die shop in waterloo, I had a shop about 3 years ago and was forced to leave, do to being on a flood plain and having conflicts with the insurance company because of it. I specialize in 25.5 and 25.2 cages, custom race turbo systems, sheet metal intakes. I have been doing this for years and when I find another shop I will quit my full time job and go at it again. Radar lets me build what I want, and he knows I am trying to make money and design bad ass parts. He is giving me a chance to use his machines and shop because he knows what kind of parts I am capable of making. I refuse to fight on here, I just want to race, and when racing season comes, every one better be on there game.
01-19-2010, 05:02 PM
and by the way Chris is a amazing welder. As a tig welder my self, Its rare I say this.
01-19-2010, 05:07 PM
Hey Mike sorry to fuck up your post, got any new pics of the car?
01-19-2010, 05:13 PM
What's with this $250 race story? My interest is peaked.
Assuming its the Allgo vs Scott race
Basic summary:
Allgo bought a new cobra without Scott's knowledge. Scott lined up a race with Allgo to race his other cobra ( supposedly Scott had no knowledge of there being another cobra).
It was brought up that Scott agreed to race Allgo's cobra - it was never specifically noted which one. Kind of crappy yeah but hey, it's drag racing - race what you bring
Link to thread
viewtopic.php?f=40&t=12641&start=60 (
Sorry for thread derail haha
01-19-2010, 05:24 PM
Mike, what CID and RPM range are you running on your new setup? I think you've mentioned it before, but I forget.
347ci iron block LS. 8000-8500 rpm
01-19-2010, 05:29 PM
Hey Mike sorry to fuck up your post, got any new pics of the car?
+1 lets see some detailed pics of the car. and on a side note i just realized i posted my build in this section and im not even a msca member haha my bad
90 notch
01-19-2010, 06:11 PM
That was pretty good... coming from a overweight balding 25 year old. Not arguing either just clearly statong facts kinda like statement above
Im overweight with pelican arms!! Im starting to sound like some sort of mutated human T-rex.. Your just jealous cuz Im half your age, 2/3 your weight, and 1/2 a second faster :neener:Scotty,are you good at math??1/2 a second faster :rolleyes: Man i don't think you could give yourself enough credit!!Steve o
01-19-2010, 06:19 PM
shop wars? i didnt know i had a shop. i dont have to come on here and sell myself cause im lorenzo sooooooooonnnnnn! trevor i got one word for your stainless manifolds '' backpurge ''. lorenzooooooo.
I guess I have to explain this shit again. I said it was taken out of context that you guys thought I said the work was crap. I said over and over I respect what you guys do and that car is amazing no buts about it. I thought that was clear?
I was simply pointing out that ANYONE can come on a website and say so and so's work is crap and blah blah when THEY themselves aren't making anything. I was not saying that someone's work was better then others. I don't really care. There is talent everywhere and no one is the best. I never said I or my brother was better then anyone, nor did I say that "lorenzo" can't weld.
If you guys can't fucking read what i am typing instead of having a damn cobb up your ass then whatever. I was trying to make a point to mufflover, not any of you.
oh and btw, all of our stainless manifolds are back-purged, don't stoop to Mufflovers level and try to knock someone's work.
01-19-2010, 06:19 PM
ohhhh the good ole days lol. Well to answer a few questions that where directed towards me, I am a Tig welder full time at a high end tool and die shop in waterloo, I had a shop about 3 years ago and was forced to leave, do to being on a flood plain and having conflicts with the insurance company because of it. I specialize in 25.5 and 25.2 cages, custom race turbo systems, sheet metal intakes. I have been doing this for years and when I find another shop I will quit my full time job and go at it again. Radar lets me build what I want, and he knows I am trying to make money and design bad ass parts. He is giving me a chance to use his machines and shop because he knows what kind of parts I am capable of making. I refuse to fight on here, I just want to race, and when racing season comes, every one better be on there game.
Mike, everything looks awsome, Looking forward to seeing it run, hopefully this year?
01-19-2010, 06:50 PM
Trevor, where and the hell do you get off even misrepresenting a stupid comment about Chris's welding abililtys, The guy does hands down perfect work, and all the fab work that has went into the elcamino and Steveo'os car is A1 top notch, have you ever taken the time to actually look the car over, at all the unique fab brackets etc that he has made for that car...NEVER thought that stuff would come out off your mouth, yes your brother or whom ever weld for you does nice work, but I truely dont think theres a comparison, Yes Jesses manifold looked good in the photos I have yet to see it, I think you may have opened up a bad can of worms here.
I agree with Ed that Chris is an amazing welder, and from what I've seen in pictures Mike Is and awesome fabricator.
There is an UNBLEAVEABLE amount of talent on this board I cant believe you guys are argueing about this stuff
looks really good mike!
01-19-2010, 06:59 PM
I agree with Ed
01-19-2010, 07:18 PM
I'm still wondering where the half second quicker than Allgo came from? Did Scotty run 8.30's somewhere this last year?! If so I must have missed it.......
01-19-2010, 08:17 PM
What's with this $250 race story? My interest is peaked.
Assuming its the Allgo vs Scott race
Basic summary:
Allgo bought a new cobra without Scott's knowledge. Scott lined up a race with Allgo to race his other cobra ( supposedly Scott had no knowledge of there being another cobra).
It was brought up that Scott agreed to race Allgo's cobra - it was never specifically noted which one. Kind of crappy yeah but hey, it's drag racing - race what you bring
Link to thread ... 1&start=60 (
Sorry for thread derail haha
WOW. That's an hour of my life I'll never get back.
01-19-2010, 08:17 PM
No I was just talking shit trying to piss off uncle joe!! I know he isn't .5 seconds slower but it just sounded better at the time!! He better step it up this winter or he might be 1\2 second slower!! I got faith in the mod motor though, we'll just have to wait and see.. if mike can get that twin turbo mechanical alcohol injected machine running then it might get interesting as well!!
01-19-2010, 09:55 PM
i think trevor has been severely misinterpreted in this thread...both guys do good work and i dont think he was shitting on chris' work in any way...just an observation..
01-19-2010, 09:59 PM
i said a few pages back to trev what he was trying to say was not what he was typing
01-19-2010, 10:17 PM
ohhhh the good ole days lol. Well to answer a few questions that where directed towards me, I am a Tig welder full time at a high end tool and die shop in waterloo, I had a shop about 3 years ago and was forced to leave, do to being on a flood plain and having conflicts with the insurance company because of it. I specialize in 25.5 and 25.2 cages, custom race turbo systems, sheet metal intakes. I have been doing this for years and when I find another shop I will quit my full time job and go at it again. Radar lets me build what I want, and he knows I am trying to make money and design bad ass parts. He is giving me a chance to use his machines and shop because he knows what kind of parts I am capable of making. I refuse to fight on here, I just want to race, and when racing season comes, every one better be on there game.
Mike, everything looks awsome, Looking forward to seeing it run, hopefully this year?
the motor is all ready to put together, bearing clearances are all perfect, just waiting on cam bearings, for some damn reason summit is taking forever with them.
01-19-2010, 10:20 PM
i could have saved you some money on those!!!
01-19-2010, 10:25 PM
hook me up.
01-20-2010, 04:10 AM
i'll come back and finish reading all the posts later, but really, what do you guys want Trevor to say? that he and his brother do alright work, but if people want their stuff "perfect" they should go to Chris? he's running a business- and to a certain extent, a lot of the argument is just preference. i think a lot of the fabricators are pretty awesome around here, and wouldnt think twice about having any of them do things for my car. its just the whole, "your welder isnt as good as my welder" shit that doesnt make sense to me. it all looks good- lets leave it at that; even though i know no one will...
01-20-2010, 07:43 AM
I dont want him to say anything but I was only responding to his post that he says, chris welds are not that great, and how hard is it to run some pipes, to me if someone says they have respect for someone they wouldnt say anything at all.
01-20-2010, 09:20 AM
reading and comprehension: FAiL, causing 4 pages of BS.
01-20-2010, 10:18 AM
reading and comprehension: FAiL, causing 4 pages of BS.
everyone should know you cant rely on us to read and comprehend anything! tb please explain this to me with a big ass piece of paper and a box of crayons because you typing isnt working for us haha
01-20-2010, 10:23 AM
i'll come back and finish reading all the posts later, but really, what do you guys want Trevor to say? that he and his brother do alright work, but if people want their stuff "perfect" they should go to Chris? he's running a business- and to a certain extent, a lot of the argument is just preference. i think a lot of the fabricators are pretty awesome around here, and wouldnt think twice about having any of them do things for my car. its just the whole, "your welder isnt as good as my welder" shit that doesnt make sense to me. it all looks good- lets leave it at that; even though i know no one will...
he by no means needs to tell people lorenzo is better but from a "business owner" its best to leave out any comments about other guys work. trust me i have been there and done this with no good results. but yea they are all good no doubt about it
01-20-2010, 11:42 AM
reading and comprehension: FAiL, causing 4 pages of BS.
everyone should know you cant rely on us to read and comprehend anything! tb please explain this to me with a big ass piece of paper and a box of crayons because you typing isnt working for us haha
haha perfect!
01-20-2010, 11:51 AM
I dont want him to say anything but I was only responding to his post that he says, chris welds are not that great, and how hard is it to run some pipes, to me if someone says they have respect for someone they wouldnt say anything at all.
Good Point.
01-20-2010, 11:52 AM
Its considered bad taste to talk crap about another auto shop and VERY frowned upon.
01-20-2010, 12:20 PM
Apparently I do need crayons, cuz none of you are getting it. Take it as you will...i forgot there is no arguing with you guys.
01-20-2010, 12:47 PM
Mufflover and me really started a good one this time, LOL this is just normal for our forum, Im surprised everyone gave up so quick and easy.. Winters going by fast, we'll be racing soon anyway then the bs will slow down
01-20-2010, 01:11 PM
Apparently I do need crayons, cuz none of you are getting it. Take it as you will...i forgot there is no arguing with you guys.
Everyone can buy you a box of tissues, why did you delete my post? If it doesnt go your way do you grab your ball and run?
01-20-2010, 01:21 PM
Apparently I do need crayons, cuz none of you are getting it. Take it as you will...i forgot there is no arguing with you guys.
Everyone can buy you a box of tissues, why did you delete my post? If it doesnt go your way do you grab your ball and run?
No, i'm just tired of you being an idiot..not only to me but to everyone else that doesn't have their balls in your mouth. So go about as you will, with plenty of nut-sack dripping from your chin.
01-20-2010, 01:24 PM
Hey is your shop a corp.? Just wondering? Is the number in the phone book? Can I borrow one of your tissues to wipe the paste off my chin from your girl?
01-20-2010, 01:26 PM
lol weak sauce, that the best you can do? back to my girl. Should i play along...
"oh oh, atleast I have a girl"...grow the hell up you rah-tard
01-20-2010, 01:29 PM
Sounds like a good post to get ran over by the ban-bus!!
01-20-2010, 01:30 PM
Apparently I do need crayons, cuz none of you are getting it. Take it as you will...i forgot there is no arguing with you guys.
Everyone can buy you a box of tissues, why did you delete my post? If it doesnt go your way do you grab your ball and run?
No, i'm just tired of you being an idiot..not only to me but to everyone else that doesn't have their balls in your mouth. So go about as you will, with plenty of nut-sack dripping from your chin.
it really is true... you go out of your way to put other people down and make people get worked up. Its the INTERNET, real tough dude. :baby:
You dont have shit your self so you ride your buddies coat tails and bash on everybody else who is doing there own thing and doing there own work. your lame dude and frankly under us all..... probably waiting for some more nuts to drop in your mouth.
01-20-2010, 01:31 PM
someone just told me that you arent even a welder tb your just a camera man. And yes I do know what good fabercation is I can just look at that elcamino and figure out that it is night and day nicer and more original than anything coming out of your camp.
I can weld, i'm just not to the level my brother is. I am the one that designs all the parts. I'm not going to argue with you. The el camino has some good fab, but the welding isn't that great. What's so difficult about routing some pipes? Honestly? What is "so original" on that el-camino. Please don't tell me the air-water set-up.
The twins are very cool guys, and I have a lot of respect for them guys. That el camino is extremely nice, no one can deny. It seams your the only one having problems with other fab work other then allgo and his buddies.
Why don't you go back to playing with your bike like usual and stay out of everyone's ass.
the welds arent that great,whats so hard about routing pipes,what is so original on it. wow after reading it again I dont know how anyone on here would think you werent talk shit.
01-20-2010, 01:31 PM
yeah we wouldnt be losing much if he did get banned, all we get is the random "cool" or frequent shit starting/bashing..
01-20-2010, 01:32 PM
01-20-2010, 01:32 PM
01-20-2010, 01:33 PM
You guys would miss me
01-20-2010, 01:33 PM
01-20-2010, 01:34 PM we wouldnt.
01-20-2010, 01:35 PM
You guys would miss me
unless you're another one of those that live on 2 screen names, saying how great you are to yourself...i wouldn't put that past you.
01-20-2010, 01:41 PM
01-20-2010, 01:41 PM
I don't think a regular forum poster troll or not has ever been banned from here
01-20-2010, 01:42 PM
01-20-2010, 01:51 PM
Dont post so fast!! Give the poor guy time to get the balls out of his mouth so he can reply
01-21-2010, 06:30 AM
Apparently I do need crayons, cuz none of you are getting it. Take it as you will...i forgot there is no arguing with you guys.
Everyone can buy you a box of tissues, why did you delete my post? If it doesnt go your way do you grab your ball and run?
OUCH! this one got to be good!
01-21-2010, 07:41 AM
Man its dead in here, Mike post up more pics of the car or start talking shit or something!!
01-21-2010, 01:37 PM
hey scott is that your cobra in your avatar? looks sweet if it is. Now all you guys can go fuck
01-21-2010, 02:22 PM
hey scott is that your cobra in your avatar? looks sweet if it is. Now all you guys can go fuck
that car is officailly refered to as K-villes old cobra haha and yes its his. now :roll:
01-21-2010, 02:30 PM
I might have to start changing some stuff around then so people know!!
Mufflover I really think your retarded for thinking that would motivate anyone to talk smack, weak ass
Domestic Disturbance
01-21-2010, 02:43 PM
There is an UNBLEAVEABLE amount of talent on this board I cant believe you guys are argueing about this stuff
Agreed. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Iowa Auto Forums. I was beginning to think it'd changed this winter :rolleyes:
slow ride
01-21-2010, 03:41 PM
I know everyone was getting soft and mushy. Intard net wars is the only way to get through the winter.
01-21-2010, 04:59 PM
the irony of some of the biggest shit talkers on this forum suddenly adhering to a "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything" policy is absolutely hilarious to me.
01-21-2010, 05:28 PM
am i a shit talker? i dont think i am but im curious to here others opinions?
01-21-2010, 05:37 PM
i wouldnt say so- but really; i dont think its necessarily a bad thing if you are. i spout off a lot as well- no denying that; it's just kinda funny to see. still not really taking sides- just an observation.
01-21-2010, 05:45 PM
i wouldnt say so- but really; i dont think its necessarily a bad thing if you are. i spout off a lot as well- no denying that; it's just kinda funny to see. still not really taking sides- just an observation.
I'd say you generally look at something with an open mind regardless of any previous things said by such person.
01-21-2010, 05:47 PM
me or K-ville? i'd say i try to do that as much as i can, but i know that sometimes i let past expiriences affect my thinking.
01-21-2010, 06:36 PM
i just like to get along rather than have drama...
01-21-2010, 06:59 PM
i just like to get along rather than have drama...
me too, but I think it might be too late for that
01-21-2010, 07:09 PM
i just like to get along rather than have drama...
me too, but I think it might be too late for that
in your case i think its fair to late with a few of them members in here
01-21-2010, 07:40 PM
[quote="K-ville":12tkg9lm]i just like to get along rather than have drama...
me too, but I think it might be too late for that
in your case i think its fair to late with a few of them members in here[/quote:12tkg9lm]
well so be it, those are pry the ones who i not get along with any way, but i could be wrong
01-21-2010, 08:06 PM
I like the drama it makes shit happen.
01-21-2010, 08:17 PM
me or K-ville? i'd say i try to do that as much as i can, but i know that sometimes i let past expiriences affect my thinking.
I was referring to you.
KVille- you like to stir it up sometimes, but overall, I'd say you kinda do what I try to do, but maybe a little less "in your face" as I do. Problem is, I don't car too much about anything. It's the internet. What can you do?
01-21-2010, 08:33 PM
I like the drama it makes shit happen.
confrentation makes things happen. Drama makes pissed off people not doing anything but being pissed off.
me or K-ville? i'd say i try to do that as much as i can, but i know that sometimes i let past expiriences affect my thinking.
I was referring to you.
KVille- you like to stir it up sometimes, but overall, I'd say you kinda do what I try to do, but maybe a little less "in your face" as I do. Problem is, I don't car too much about anything. It's the internet. What can you do?
If I stir something its usually with good intentions... like trying to get a race to happen rather than being a typing fest. I dont get in anyones face because theres a good chance I might meet face to face most of these guys throught next summer and I want it to be a good time with no drama.
01-21-2010, 08:36 PM
That's true. I salute you for having self control. That's something I have yet to learn. Probably never will.
01-21-2010, 08:46 PM
yea..... and i going to have to wear a bullet proof vest this year at the track
Domestic Disturbance
01-22-2010, 12:53 AM
I like the drama it makes shit happen.
Yup, you sucka's ready to get your asses handed to you? Idk by whom yet, but I'll figure it out.
01-22-2010, 07:30 AM
I think Allgo just decided to keep his mouth shut because he knows I would door his ass!!! He hasnt even tried to Jew me out of any money lately either, must be getting old
01-22-2010, 07:42 AM
I might have to start changing some stuff around then so people know!!
Mufflover I really think your retarded for thinking that would motivate anyone to talk smack, weak ass
Not what I was trying to do, just didnt know you had a cobra.But you still cool
01-22-2010, 08:46 AM
I think Allgo just decided to keep his mouth shut because he knows I would door his ass!!! He hasnt even tried to Jew me out of any money lately either, must be getting old
I think he used that money he so called Jewed out of you to make a few changes on his car this winter. Nothin like using someone elses money to make your own car faster!! :supz:
01-22-2010, 09:07 AM
LOL yeah good point, well I guess when your cars slow you cant win the big bucks so you gotta make it somehow.. He's good at that
01-22-2010, 09:26 AM
I might have to start changing some stuff around then so people know!!
Mufflover I really think your retarded for thinking that would motivate anyone to talk smack, weak ass
Not what I was trying to do, just didnt know you had a cobra.But you still cool
lame. your a tool dicklover and everyone can see it.
01-22-2010, 09:36 AM
LOL yeah good point, well I guess when your cars slow you cant win the big bucks so you gotta make it somehow.. He's good at that
You sure seem worried about him and his car this winter!! I know for a fact he's not worried about yours..... Just work a little more overtime and that money you lost will all be forgotten :yawinkle:
01-22-2010, 09:47 AM
Im looking for a little motivational shit talking to help me through my boring days behind this computer is all. The only thing Im worried about is whether Im going to eat mac and cheese or pizza for lunch!! Not sure I believe you about him not being worried though, I know he's just itching to jump on this thread and talk some shit too, just a matter of time before more pelican arm comments come flinging this way.. I wonder if the internet is broke on his phone or something??
01-23-2010, 12:16 AM
LOL.. i just now read all this, with starting my new job i have been getting to bed early cause the morning hours come quick! I have hardly any time to join in on the winter fun, as im trying to work and get the money to get some dyno time to get my junk crawlen so i can whoop all yall's ass's! BTW.. I happen to really like my Lorenzo welded intake tube! i think it's very perty!!!! :bigthumb:
Mike looks like the build is comming along great! I am itching to go bumper dragging already! lol
01-23-2010, 12:27 AM
mike ditch the junk ass LShit and get this
j/k i like lsx motors but oh my what i would give for the motor above!
Domestic Disturbance
01-23-2010, 01:53 AM
omg billet
01-23-2010, 08:24 AM
01-23-2010, 11:04 AM
that little motor i posted would work rather well in a 10.5 car :bigthumb:
02-05-2010, 06:28 PM
I have been wanting to post this for a while now lol, throttle shaft, and blade. When the tbody is bolted on the intake,the splined side will be on the drivers side. There is more material on the splined side of the tbody for bearing support under hard throttle and boost conditions.
02-20-2010, 09:45 PM
02-20-2010, 09:56 PM
lookin good you better hurry up its gettin nice out.... oh wait no its not
02-20-2010, 09:59 PM
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