View Full Version : 5 points
12-27-2009, 03:48 PM
What do you do with your harnesses that are out of date? My set won't be certified this year and I'm gonna pick up a new set over the winter. Any of you guys just sell them or are they just destined for the landfill?
12-27-2009, 03:56 PM
I hang them from the ceiling and use it as a sex swing for your mom...
Do you really think anyone around here really wants to help you out when all you do is talk shit??
12-27-2009, 04:14 PM
Throw it on Ebay or craigslist. I know people down south will buy used ones that are outdated to use in their dunebuggies and stuff. Or some 16 year old ricer will buy it for his civic, either way you get some cash out of it.
I hang them from the ceiling and use it as a sex swing for your mom...
Do you really think anyone around here really wants to help you out when all you do is talk shit??
I know the guy has been rubbing a lot of people the wrong way but damn...
Shit's getting ridiculous around here.
12-27-2009, 04:33 PM
Well if he comes on the board for no other reason but to talk shit to everyone for no real reason, I guess its just me but I dont see why anyone would want to help him out.
12-27-2009, 07:05 PM
^ True Dat
12-27-2009, 07:51 PM
not to be a dick to either side, but wouldnt this thread be difinitive proof that he's not here only to talk shit? just calling them like i see them...
12-27-2009, 08:07 PM
I've never talked shit to anyone here period without said person wanting to start shit first, PERIOD. That's what I have yet to see. The only difference is I don't cower when it gets heated and actually support my opinions without resorting to changing the subject to "who's car is more badass" unlike some other people on the boards. Like I said, prove me wrong, or I guess you can go back to telling me about my car you know NOTHING about obviously, beings how it has nothing to do with the topics everyone is butthurt about.
12-27-2009, 10:38 PM
I've never talked shit to anyone here period without said person wanting to start shit first, PERIOD. That's what I have yet to see. The only difference is I don't cower when it gets heated and actually support my opinions without resorting to changing the subject to "who's car is more badass" unlike some other people on the boards. Like I said, prove me wrong, or I guess you can go back to telling me about my car you know NOTHING about obviously, beings how it has nothing to do with the topics everyone is butthurt about.
What is there to tell you about?
It's a practically stock T-5 305 Tuned Port with a 150 shot of nitrous thirdgen... nothing to tell.
Hell its more stock than my 350 bird
12-28-2009, 06:39 AM
Guess you got it figured out then, huh? By the same reasoning, I guess I shouldn't be worried about too much about you due to the fact Laser's are slow, right?
12-28-2009, 07:47 AM
Shit I've argued with the guy too but come on guys let it roll off. The guy was asking a completely valid question, no need to more or less tell the guys he's an asshat and that you aren't going to help him.
Sparkles, I suggest selling them on eBay, I hear they sell pretty well there. Otherwise sell em at the next swap meet at Hawkeye Downs in April.
12-28-2009, 07:51 AM
Thanks for the info guys. I'll probably throw them on Ebay later today. If anybody is interested in them, let me know. 3" Black regular style latch. Set of 2.
12-28-2009, 08:09 AM
Try getting ahold of the manufacturer I heard you can send them in and have them restiched and recertified but I havent tried it myself. I cant remember how the saying goes, something like "dont shit where you eat" so if you actually plan on using this forum to get help with things, I would suggest not acting like a complete asshat anymore
12-28-2009, 08:11 AM
Hell its more stock than my 350 bird
This outta help you out if you're looking for numbers. Coarse with all of the rust weight reduction you got, it should be a little quicker. But then again, all of the dust and mud might counteract that so nevermind.
12-28-2009, 08:23 AM
Try getting ahold of the manufacturer I heard you can send them in and have them restiched and recertified but I havent tried it myself. I cant remember how the saying goes, something like "dont shit where you eat" so if you actually plan on using this forum to get help with things, I would suggest not acting like a complete asshat anymore
I appreciate the advice, and to be honest, you've earned a little bit more respect from me as of late (not that you or anyone really cares). I tend to treat everyone else the way they treat me in the first place. I've never been the first person to sling shit first. I have a harsh, I don't give a shit, not intimidated attitude...yes, but I know there are other people on this forum in which haven't acted like total dicks that probably feel the same way I do on a lot of it. Would I take back a few things I've done or said? Sure. What intelligent, open minded, observant person wouldn't? But to say I'm an asshat for having a different opinion than the "clique" on here and then retaliating when I get called names is a little bit of a undeserved generalization. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion. Anyways, thanks for the advice. I might give them a call today too.
12-28-2009, 09:16 AM
Try getting ahold of the manufacturer I heard you can send them in and have them restiched and recertified but I havent tried it myself. I cant remember how the saying goes, something like "dont shit where you eat" so if you actually plan on using this forum to get help with things, I would suggest not acting like a complete asshat anymore
I appreciate the advice, and to be honest, you've earned a little bit more respect from me as of late (not that you or anyone really cares). I tend to treat everyone else the way they treat me in the first place. I've never been the first person to sling shit first. I have a harsh, I don't give a shit, not intimidated attitude...yes, but I know there are other people on this forum in which haven't acted like total dicks that probably feel the same way I do on a lot of it. Would I take back a few things I've done or said? Sure. What intelligent, open minded, observant person wouldn't? But to say I'm an asshat for having a different opinion than the "clique" on here and then retaliating when I get called names is a little bit of a undeserved generalization. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion. Anyways, thanks for the advice. I might give them a call today too.
You aren't just an asshat for a different opinion.
You are an asshat because you simply talk shit and make statements that don't make sense when someone dishes you some shit.
Good example:
This outta help you out if you're looking for numbers. Coarse with all of the rust weight reduction you got, it should be a little quicker. But then again, all of the dust and mud might counteract that so nevermind.
I don't remember ever asking for exact numbers, I already knew numbers and I've viewed that page many times before.
Yeah I know my car's such a rust bucket too, got some rust on my lower drivers rocker panel and a soft floorpan... damn what a bucket - still looks better and probably goes better than your 305.
However there is my point, why post the factory numbers of your car?
You always tell everyone "You dont know shit bout my car" as if it's a big secret car running 10's. I already knew most all of the stock ratings for third gens. You run a nitrous on your stock 305 - my point stands... What is there to tell you about your car?
12-28-2009, 09:35 AM
Thanks for proving MY point. I didn't say anything or fling any shit in your direction till you did first. I've had my own opinions of your rust bucket piles of shit girl cars ever since I've seen you on the car forums, but I've kept it to myself. You wanted to let loose first so I figure all is free game.
You wanted to bring up power differences, so I thought I would show you. Sorry, forgot you knew everything already, beings how you've "built" anything. So far all I've seen you do is buy, sell, put up for sale, change your mind, blah blah blah all day with cars. The baddest ass mod you probably have ever done is changing your oil with synthetic or putting on a sweet K&N filter. You buy em already "built", drive em like shit, put them up wet, and promote iron oxide. Just look at the turd burglar crew you hang out with. Multi colored, ebay turbo kit, civics "running the streets" looking for 15 second races on the internet to get lined up in the middle of December. You've the true epitome of college, has more money than brains, only knowledge is what he looks up on google, douche.
And I think it's hilarious you think you know what I own, lol. It's no secret, you already got it figured out, like I said. :yawinkle: But like I said, by your reasoning, the only thing you must own is a pea shit rustbucket of a DSM. You haven't the slightest clue about what or how many cars I own, have owned, built, sold, or bought. You think you know of 1. WOW, pat yourself on the back. Beings how you think you run with the big dawgs and wanna run your mouth, what do you say to a little money race then? If not, STFU and let the big boys talk till you own something quicker than 13s.
12-28-2009, 10:00 AM
Thanks for proving MY point. I didn't say anything or fling any shit in your direction till you did first. I've had my own opinions of your rust bucket piles of shit girl cars ever since I've seen you on the car forums, but I've kept it to myself. You wanted to let loose first so I figure all is free game.
You wanted to bring up power differences, so I thought I would show you. Sorry, forgot you knew everything already, beings how you've "built" anything. So far all I've seen you do is buy, sell, put up for sale, change your mind, blah blah blah all day with cars. The baddest ass mod you probably have ever done is changing your oil with synthetic or putting on a sweet K&N filter. You buy em already "built", drive em like shit, put them up wet, and promote iron oxide. Just look at the turd burglar crew you hang out with. Multi colored, ebay turbo kit, civics "running the streets" looking for 15 second races on the internet to get lined up in the middle of December. You've the true epitome of college, has more money than brains, only knowledge is what he looks up on google, douche.
And I think it's hilarious you think you know what I own, lol. It's no secret, you already got it figured out, like I said. :yawinkle: But like I said, by your reasoning, the only thing you must own is a pea shit rustbucket of a DSM. You haven't the slightest clue about what or how many cars I own, have owned, built, sold, or bought. You think you know of 1. WOW, pat yourself on the back. Beings how you think you run with the big dawgs and wanna run your mouth, what do you say to a little money race then? If not, STFU and let the big boys talk till you own something quicker than 13s.
Rofl, you're now in the big boys league with your 305 huh?
You never back your shit up - how can you expect anyone to take your bullshit seriously.
Those "turd burglers" actually look for anything 11-low 13 second races - good try buddy.
Yep I buy cars built, makes me feel good knowing my firebird under you is considered BUILT - haha intake/chip/exhaust - damn built as fuck. Rust bucket of a DSM huh? Have you ever even seen Drifte's talon? Probably nicer than any car you've ever owned.
Drifte's car is the only car I've bought with a major list of stuff done. I even told Drifte when I was looking at the car that the only thing I didn't like about it was that I wouldn't be building it myself as I had hoped to find a stockish DSM to do so with. My buddies all went apeshit on me though and said it'd be retarded to buy a near stock DSM for 500 less than drifte's car.
Good lord I have a lot of money I know. I sold my Mustang for 4800 to get rid of my loan on it, payed off the loan, spent 2700 on my firebird. Laser was taking a shit on me so I needed a new DD - I ended up getting a new fun/project car that CAN be a DD... So much buying and selling pointlessly due to my mass amount of money.
Since you know so much about my friend's cars even - please talk shit about them all you'd like, be fun when they blow you out of the water. Ebay turbo kit huh? I can already see you don't know shit.
You say stuff in the past and then completely turn around into a hypocrit and say the opposite when you run out of shit to say.
Very nice to see a 3rd gen that's not rusted all to hell. Great find. Suddenly my car's a rust bucket? LOL
The fact is I've never talked shit about what I have here and made ridiculous claims. I've always admitted my shit ain't fast - although it's on its way now finally. You on the other hand keep claimin "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I GOT" "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT CARS I HAVE" and apparantly now you think you "run with the big dawgs" and you're part of the "big boy talk" yet you have NEVER brought anything to this board to prove anything special about yourself. Until you show us some 8-11second mystery car - we know what you have and it's a pile of shit for what you make it out to be. Do I like your T/A? Yes it's a nice car. But for the claims you make when it seems to be all you have - it's shit.
All you are here is a complete dumbass who tries to appear a real "hardass" when all you really are is some dumbass who has skin that's easy to get under. Perfect for people like Mufflover to fuck with you - you make it easy.
12-28-2009, 10:06 AM
Thanks for proving MY point. I didn't say anything or fling any shit in your direction till you did first. I've had my own opinions of your rust bucket piles of shit girl cars ever since I've seen you on the car forums, but I've kept it to myself. You wanted to let loose first so I figure all is free game.
You wanted to bring up power differences, so I thought I would show you. Sorry, forgot you knew everything already, beings how you've "built" anything. So far all I've seen you do is buy, sell, put up for sale, change your mind, blah blah blah all day with cars. The baddest ass mod you probably have ever done is changing your oil with synthetic or putting on a sweet K&N filter. You buy em already "built", drive em like shit, put them up wet, and promote iron oxide. Just look at the turd burglar crew you hang out with. Multi colored, ebay turbo kit, civics "running the streets" looking for 15 second races on the internet to get lined up in the middle of December. You've the true epitome of college, has more money than brains, only knowledge is what he looks up on google, douche.
And I think it's hilarious you think you know what I own, lol. It's no secret, you already got it figured out, like I said. :yawinkle: But like I said, by your reasoning, the only thing you must own is a pea shit rustbucket of a DSM. You haven't the slightest clue about what or how many cars I own, have owned, built, sold, or bought. You think you know of 1. WOW, pat yourself on the back. Beings how you think you run with the big dawgs and wanna run your mouth, what do you say to a little money race then? If not, STFU and let the big boys talk till you own something quicker than 13s.
Sparkles just so where clear I still think your a dipshit... but nice post.
12-28-2009, 10:29 AM
sparkles you sound like a 12 year old; BUT HE STARTED IT WAAHHHH
your irrefutable, impeccably supported arguments simply baffle everyone on this board.
we now return to sparkles arguing in a circle and disputing semantics
12-28-2009, 10:48 AM
I don't think he's all that bad, he can be a dick at times but he usually has a point.
12-28-2009, 11:51 AM
Wow, where do I start?
Rofl, you're now in the big boys league with your 305 huh?
Lol. Sure, yeah.
Those "turd burglers" actually look for anything 11-low 13 second races - good try buddy.
Nobody cares about your buddies multicolored shit boxes and your 4 year old camera skills.
Yep I buy cars built, makes me feel good knowing my firebird under you is considered BUILT - haha intake/chip/exhaust - damn built as fuck.
Wasn't talking about that, but ok. You've probably never owned anything that's been built before the next mentioned...
Rust bucket of a DSM huh? Have you ever even seen Drifte's talon? Probably nicer than any car you've ever owned.
Yes, you bought one of the very few nice examples of a DSM. Pat yourself on the back again. But, once again, your low IQ level has put the blinders on and it's plain to see I was referring to the other 2 abortions you have and flaunt proudly. And to be honest, I've owned 2 of that exact car and each were EXTREMELY clean. I won't buy anything that isn't or has been molested in any way. Weren't modded as heavily as Drifte's, but yes, just as clean.
Drifte's car is the only car I've bought with a major list of stuff done. I even told Drifte when I was looking at the car that the only thing I didn't like about it was that I wouldn't be building it myself as I had hoped to find a stockish DSM to do so with. My buddies all went apeshit on me though and said it'd be retarded to buy a near stock DSM for 500 less than drifte's car.
Oh, don't kid yourself. You're still retarded. Case in point...
Good lord I have a lot of money I know. I sold my Mustang for 4800 to get rid of my loan on it, payed off the loan, spent 2700 on my firebird. Laser was taking a shit on me so I needed a new DD - I ended up getting a new fun/project car that CAN be a DD... So much buying and selling pointlessly due to my mass amount of money.
So...let me get this straight. You got a DSM that's a pile for a DD and you needed a new one, so you bought another DSM for a "reliable" DD that you're not going to have looking like your other 2 shitboxes driving them around in the winter?
Since you know so much about my friend's cars even - please talk shit about them all you'd like, be fun when they blow you out of the water. Ebay turbo kit huh? I can already see you don't know shit.
Bring it on Pumpkin.
You say stuff in the past and then completely turn around into a hypocrit and say the opposite when you run out of shit to say
I never seem to run out of things to say though, do I?
Suddenly my car's a rust bucket? LOL
Uhh...yeah? Didn't you talk it all up like it was the poo when you got it and then later on tell us it's needing panels replaced?
The fact is I've never talked shit about what I have here and made ridiculous claims. I've always admitted my shit ain't fast - although it's on its way now finally.
Whew! Finally on your way to 13s. Atta boy :WORSHIP:
You on the other hand keep claimin "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I GOT" "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT CARS I HAVE"
You don't. Think I've made that pretty clear.
and apparantly now you think you "run with the big dawgs" and you're part of the "big boy talk" yet you have NEVER brought anything to this board to prove anything special about yourself.
Leaps and bounds quicker than you and any of your ricer buddies, I can assure you. Never been in my own car that has ran 9s, so yes, you're partially right. Trust me cupcake, my cars have seen quicker times than yours will ever see.
Until you show us some 8-11second mystery car
Would showing you slips automatically get me any respect on here? Uhh...highly doubt it.
- we know what you have and it's a pile of shit for what you make it out to be.
No, no you don't. That's the funny part.
Do I like your T/A? Yes it's a nice car.
Which one?
But for the claims you make when it seems to be all you have - it's shit.
I've only made 1 claim that I feel is pretty accurate.
All you are here is a complete dumbass who tries to appear a real "hardass" when all you really are is some dumbass
Say dumbass one more time. I don't think I got it.
who has skin that's easy to get under.
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. Yeah...Ummm, no. Quite the opposite actually. Although it is pretty ironic I can get you guys to keep responding to my "dumbass" comments though considering this statement. You have no idea how long it took me to reply to this. Please make your next one a little bit shorter in order for me to respond more promptly. Thanks. :yawinkle:
12-28-2009, 11:52 AM
Sparkles just so where clear I still think your a dipshit... but nice post.
Thanks...I think?
12-28-2009, 11:54 AM
I don't think he's all that bad, he can be a dick at times but he usually has a point.
Yeah, I know. I'm trying to work on it. Winter sucks and I'm trying to get my post count up.
12-28-2009, 01:08 PM
Wow, where do I start?
[quote=Mamamia]Rofl, you're now in the big boys league with your 305 huh?
Lol. Sure, yeah.
Those "turd burglers" actually look for anything 11-low 13 second races - good try buddy.
Nobody cares about your buddies multicolored shit boxes and your 4 year old camera skills.
Yep I buy cars built, makes me feel good knowing my firebird under you is considered BUILT - haha intake/chip/exhaust - damn built as fuck.
Wasn't talking about that, but ok. You've probably never owned anything that's been built before the next mentioned...
Rust bucket of a DSM huh? Have you ever even seen Drifte's talon? Probably nicer than any car you've ever owned.
Yes, you bought one of the very few nice examples of a DSM. Pat yourself on the back again. But, once again, your low IQ level has put the blinders on and it's plain to see I was referring to the other 2 abortions you have and flaunt proudly. And to be honest, I've owned 2 of that exact car and each were EXTREMELY clean. I won't buy anything that isn't or has been molested in any way. Weren't modded as heavily as Drifte's, but yes, just as clean.
Drifte's car is the only car I've bought with a major list of stuff done. I even told Drifte when I was looking at the car that the only thing I didn't like about it was that I wouldn't be building it myself as I had hoped to find a stockish DSM to do so with. My buddies all went apeshit on me though and said it'd be retarded to buy a near stock DSM for 500 less than drifte's car.
Oh, don't kid yourself. You're still retarded. Case in point...
Good lord I have a lot of money I know. I sold my Mustang for 4800 to get rid of my loan on it, payed off the loan, spent 2700 on my firebird. Laser was taking a shit on me so I needed a new DD - I ended up getting a new fun/project car that CAN be a DD... So much buying and selling pointlessly due to my mass amount of money.
So...let me get this straight. You got a DSM that's a pile for a DD and you needed a new one, so you bought another DSM for a "reliable" DD that you're not going to have looking like your other 2 shitboxes driving them around in the winter?
Since you know so much about my friend's cars even - please talk shit about them all you'd like, be fun when they blow you out of the water. Ebay turbo kit huh? I can already see you don't know shit.
Bring it on Pumpkin.
You say stuff in the past and then completely turn around into a hypocrit and say the opposite when you run out of shit to say
I never seem to run out of things to say though, do I?
Suddenly my car's a rust bucket? LOL
Uhh...yeah? Didn't you talk it all up like it was the poo when you got it and then later on tell us it's needing panels replaced?
The fact is I've never talked shit about what I have here and made ridiculous claims. I've always admitted my shit ain't fast - although it's on its way now finally.
Whew! Finally on your way to 13s. Atta boy :WORSHIP:
You on the other hand keep claimin "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I GOT" "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT CARS I HAVE"
You don't. Think I've made that pretty clear.
and apparantly now you think you "run with the big dawgs" and you're part of the "big boy talk" yet you have NEVER brought anything to this board to prove anything special about yourself.
Leaps and bounds quicker than you and any of your ricer buddies, I can assure you. Never been in my own car that has ran 9s, so yes, you're partially right. Trust me cupcake, my cars have seen quicker times than yours will ever see.
Until you show us some 8-11second mystery car
Would showing you slips automatically get me any respect on here? Uhh...highly doubt it.
- we know what you have and it's a pile of shit for what you make it out to be.
No, no you don't. That's the funny part.
Do I like your T/A? Yes it's a nice car.
Which one?
But for the claims you make when it seems to be all you have - it's shit.
I've only made 1 claim that I feel is pretty accurate.
All you are here is a complete dumbass who tries to appear a real "hardass" when all you really are is some dumbass
Say dumbass one more time. I don't think I got it.
who has skin that's easy to get under.
hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. Yeah...Ummm, no. Quite the opposite actually. Although it is pretty ironic I can get you guys to keep responding to my "dumbass" comments though considering this statement. You have no idea how long it took me to reply to this. Please make your next one a little bit shorter in order for me to respond more promptly. Thanks. :yawinkle:[/quote:2gce4ot2]
I can't help but wonder if you really see how much more of an idiot you're making yourself look like. God help I cause you any loss of time in responding to a internet post, if you had so much time to respond in the manner you did to the last - I'm sure you lurk the forum enough that you have plenty of time to waste.
Basically you proved my point again.
You keep talking as if you have some big bad ass secret car - yet all you've showed us is a couple shitboxes and a 305 on nitrous. Sorry "cupcake" but until you do some big unveiling - all you are is some big mouthed kid with a 305.
I never said my Firebird was fast as fuck or a garage queen. I bought the fuckin thing for $2700 and it was a good deal if you ask me. Motor is about perfect shape with around 65,000 miles on it - I have a soft drivers floorpan - of which I already have the new floorpan it just needs put in. Hell the current one could even stay in it - it's not falling out underneath you. You make retarded assumptions on the little information you get and you wonder why whenever you talk shit people wonder where the fuck you are coming from.
You obviously didn't know how to take care of a DSM in anyway whatsoever if you think they are just plain unreliable. Sure they can be a btich here and there but built right they can be perfectly reliable. My buddy's 93 low 12 talon has gone little over two years now with no major issue of any kind. He rebuilt his tranny recently just because his 4th gear was getting weak and that was it.
Drifte's talon is built even better than his is - with proper maintenance and care it'll be fine.
Come on down to Cordova sometime, if you want to bash on my friend's cars - I'm sure they'd love to blow your doors off. Then you can come on here and say about how you got wasted by some "ricers." Come get some.
I wouldn't be talking about IQ levels when you're on here as stated before playing the "They started it" card that the rest of us haven't done since 1st grade.
Your sorry excuse for an internet tough guy attitude is getting old and everyone see's through it.
12-28-2009, 01:51 PM
The more this goes on the more I like sparkles. This whole thread humors me greatly.
12-28-2009, 02:07 PM
The more this goes on the more I like sparkles. This whole thread humors me greatly.
i just kindof wish everyone involved in this thread could take a step back and look at it with a completely clean slate POV. without the previous bullshit being brought up so much, i think everyone could see how ridiculous it is...
12-28-2009, 02:23 PM
i just kindof wish everyone involved in this thread could take a step back and look at it with a completely clean slate POV. without the previous bullshit being brought up so much, i think everyone could see how ridiculous it is...
I will say its gotten far - from simply me telling him his car was basically stock to walls of text hahaha.
This shit happens every winter, I'm sure we all remember the Scott vs Allgo stuff last year hahaha
Seems that a lot of car people get naturally moody in the season, myself included. Oh well - count em down, like 4 more months.
12-28-2009, 02:27 PM
Seriously this is just friggin retarded.
12-28-2009, 02:29 PM
^ agreed..
12-28-2009, 02:29 PM
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm a nutswinger that talks up my friends cars and says they're gonna beat other people. My feelings are also hurt, so I feel the need to justify my cars to people that are making fun of me.
Your boring me at this point. :sleep:
12-28-2009, 02:34 PM
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm a nutswinger that talks up my friends cars and says they're gonna beat other people. My feelings are also hurt, so I feel the need to justify my cars to people that are making fun of me.
Your boring me at this point. :sleep:
Looks like you're out of talk anyway :)
I just figured if you're going to talk shit about my "ricer" friends you'd be willing to run them - guess not :)
I think this thread has hit rock bottom
12-28-2009, 02:37 PM
I'm down. I already told you that. Is your attention span that of a fish or what?
12-28-2009, 02:42 PM
I told you to come to Cordova and you didn't respond. Guess your ability to read isn't so much better than a fish either? No I don't mean this Friday - but we go out there a lot in the spring/summer. My "ricer" friends and myself and others would all be willing to line up next to you.
12-28-2009, 03:30 PM
I told you to come to Cordova and you didn't respond. Guess your ability to read isn't so much better than a fish either? No I don't mean this Friday - but we go out there a lot in the spring/summer. My "ricer" friends and myself and others would all be willing to line up next to you.
God you're an idiot. The fish statement was referring to your attention span, not reading skills. You don't even make this fun now. You're boring me still. I'm done responding to your nonsense, useless, making shit up posts.
12-28-2009, 04:05 PM
I told you to come to Cordova and you didn't respond. Guess your ability to read isn't so much better than a fish either? No I don't mean this Friday - but we go out there a lot in the spring/summer. My "ricer" friends and myself and others would all be willing to line up next to you.
God you're an idiot. The fish statement was referring to your attention span, not reading skills. You don't even make this fun now. You're boring me still. I'm done responding to your nonsense, useless, making shit up posts.
Holy fuck you know exactly what I was talking about - you're just at such a fucking loss you'll pull anything from any set of words wont you?
Again avoiding the fact I'm openly offering you a chance to back your shit up at the track.
It's obvious you've been proved wrong and you know it. You're the one who has been making up shit - thats what has gotten you into the shit you're in here.
Good choice to stop now - now if only you can stop talking shit to others too.
12-28-2009, 04:17 PM
Good god can't you take the dick measuring to PM or something?
12-28-2009, 04:22 PM
ive seen a lot of these arguments where someone calls someone out on their own terms, then calls the other guy a punkout when they wont jump through all the hoops. could this all be settled by a few passes at the track? possibly, but i doubt it. people will find shit to talk about no matter what. it seems to elude everyone that sparkles likes to talk shit, rile everyone one up, and not play his car card just because someone on the internet he's never met called him out.
everyone seems to be calling everyone immature, but no one is being the adult and just ignoring the childish behavior. i think everyone just needs to admit that if nothing else, all of this shit talk gives us something to do in this cold weather...
12-28-2009, 04:39 PM
well if that is someones intentions on a website then they have NO business being here...
12-28-2009, 04:42 PM
Yeah but if you admit your arguing for no reason other than boredom it kinda kills the motivation and feels like you gave up!!
12-28-2009, 05:22 PM
I don't ever remember punking out. Dustin does make a good point though. I'm getting called out by a guy on his terms with a cars that aren't even his. He's got a big mouth when he has nothing to lose in the situation. If that's the case, maybe he could tell his buddy to come down this way, this weekend, for some money. Or I guess he could punk out on my terms. :roll:
12-28-2009, 05:45 PM
I don't ever remember punking out. Dustin does make a good point though. I'm getting called out by a guy on his terms with a cars that aren't even his. He's got a big mouth when he has nothing to lose in the situation. If that's the case, maybe he could tell his buddy to come down this way, this weekend, for some money. Or I guess he could punk out on my terms. :roll:
You're the one who decided to talk shit about my friend's cars when you don't even know the guys. In fact if you would read, I said any of us including myself would be happy to line up against you at the track. You said "bring it on" which in most people's minds would mean you were accepting the challenge. So if so, bring your wheels to the track. Might want to bring that secret car you've got.
12-28-2009, 07:23 PM
I don't ever remember punking out. Dustin does make a good point though. I'm getting called out by a guy on his terms with a cars that aren't even his. He's got a big mouth when he has nothing to lose in the situation. If that's the case, maybe he could tell his buddy to come down this way, this weekend, for some money. Or I guess he could punk out on my terms. :roll:
You're the one who decided to talk shit about my friend's cars when you don't even know the guys. In fact if you would read, I said any of us including myself would be happy to line up against you at the track. You said "bring it on" which in most people's minds would mean you were accepting the challenge. So if so, bring your wheels to the track. Might want to bring that secret car you've got.
Your still talking? If you wanna call people out, you better get to fixing those bad rings and putting on your wicked cold air intake buddy.
Well I got my 350 Bird with great intentions of fixing up the body mainly - getting heat back into it - then start modding it.
However I know so little of engine mechanics it's embaressing - I can change my own oil and thats about it. The most extensive work I've done was putting a Cold Air Intake on my old mustang and my friend's z28 for him. Wooptie doo.
Now 2 months after buying my firebird which I still love to death - still running low 14's - has started smoking really bad. It had a tad bit of smoke at startup which I was told by many was probably just bad valve stem guide seals - and now its smoking at idle too and I'm being told it definitely looks like my piston rings are ruined.
I pretty much am at a complete loss and am helpless - I can't get anyone I know to help me with it and I can't afford a shop bill - so yeah - that's my horror story.
Currently selling it because I have no other real option.
I still love it - has been tons of fun while I had it.
I've tried to read up on it and see if the rings are anything I could fix myself but it simply isn't possible with my limited knowledge and inacessibility to tools.
12-28-2009, 07:31 PM
well, I didn't read through all of this crap as I am sure it is once again just a pissing contest but...
If you decide to throw the harnesses out, I'll take... I'd give ya like $5 if need be :) wanting them for a little "side project" of mine...
12-28-2009, 07:40 PM
well, I didn't read through all of this crap as I am sure it is once again just a pissing contest but...
If you decide to throw the harnesses out, I'll take... I'd give ya like $5 if need be :) wanting them for a little "side project" of mine...
Tell you what, I'll give you those and some money for your SC if you're still selling it.
12-28-2009, 07:46 PM
I don't ever remember punking out. Dustin does make a good point though. I'm getting called out by a guy on his terms with a cars that aren't even his. He's got a big mouth when he has nothing to lose in the situation. If that's the case, maybe he could tell his buddy to come down this way, this weekend, for some money. Or I guess he could punk out on my terms. :roll:
You're the one who decided to talk shit about my friend's cars when you don't even know the guys. In fact if you would read, I said any of us including myself would be happy to line up against you at the track. You said "bring it on" which in most people's minds would mean you were accepting the challenge. So if so, bring your wheels to the track. Might want to bring that secret car you've got.
Your still talking? If you wanna call people out, you better get to fixing those bad rings and putting on your wicked cold air intake buddy.
Well I got my 350 Bird with great intentions of fixing up the body mainly - getting heat back into it - then start modding it.
However I know so little of engine mechanics it's embaressing - I can change my own oil and thats about it. The most extensive work I've done was putting a Cold Air Intake on my old mustang and my friend's z28 for him. Wooptie doo.
Now 2 months after buying my firebird which I still love to death - still running low 14's - has started smoking really bad. It had a tad bit of smoke at startup which I was told by many was probably just bad valve stem guide seals - and now its smoking at idle too and I'm being told it definitely looks like my piston rings are ruined.
I pretty much am at a complete loss and am helpless - I can't get anyone I know to help me with it and I can't afford a shop bill - so yeah - that's my horror story.
Currently selling it because I have no other real option.
I still love it - has been tons of fun while I had it.
I've tried to read up on it and see if the rings are anything I could fix myself but it simply isn't possible with my limited knowledge and inacessibility to tools.
Damn you're really goin deep arent ya? E-stalkin on other sites haha. Again punkin out and bringing up other things.
Just an fyi - the valve seals were done and it no longer smokes. Yeah that happens when you pull shit from the past.
Surprised you haven't found my facebook yet hahaha.
Keep sidesteppin
12-29-2009, 10:29 AM
I've already answered your fucking question dipshit. Do you want me to send you a certified letter or something? No sidesteppin about it.
As far as stalking you...bitch please. It's pretty hard not to see your moronic posts beings how we both live in the same region and post thusly on the boards. They usually end up with everybody making fun of you for being such a dipshit not being about to figure out RPOs and such. I just haven't chimed in until now. Like I said, first to fling mud, all is free game. Not to mention the fact that I believe it was you that wanted to do some digging on me in the first place. TROLL!
Did you get your K&N on or did you have to call for backup?
12-29-2009, 10:37 AM
If that's the case, maybe he could tell his buddy to come down this way, this weekend, for some money. Or I guess he could punk out on my terms. :roll:
There ya go princess. Bring whatever piles you want to, along with your velcro Spiderman wallet full of 1 dollar bills.
12-29-2009, 10:49 AM
You're the one who talked their cars down.
I told you they and myself would be perfectly willing to line up against you at Cordova.
You said to come down this way. (By the way, Des Moines is north of Burlington - not south, I won't give you shit over it. I figured your geographical skills aren't any better than your reading skills) Like I said, come to Cordova.
You never responded that you'd come to Cordova.
Lotsa side-steppin if you ask me.
I never had a problem with the intakes actually, since you're so worried :)
The valve seal replacement as well actually turned out to be pretty easy.
I don't recall getting a ton of shit for not being able to figure out a RPO code?
You really running out of shit to talk that bad you need to keep trying to bring up shit from other forums?
This in certain proves you're nothing but a big mouthed asshat here to talk shit and not much else - when you run out of things to say you try to bring up shit thats been posted on another forum not really relevant at ALL to here.
I'm just saying, proves my point all you have is a big mouth.
Hell if I wanted to spend my time lurking other forums to find you and your posts, considering the ass you've made yourself out to be here to people local to you, I'd bet I'd find a LOT of fun stuff to post from other forums with people non-local to you. But again - I don't have time to lurk around on other forums digging shit up, maybe you do.
Lol again at the HE STARTED IT card. Someone needs to grow the fuck up. You started this for yourself by being an asshat in responses. No I don't mean in this thread - but when you went from being considered an average decent member here to being considered one of the douche bags who talk shit. The only person you haven't surpassed yet is Derek.
Mufflover is a douche but at least funny as fuck at times.
I'll be back in a few hours and I'm sure you'll have concocted a response that seems witty to yourself.
12-29-2009, 11:12 AM
HAHA, winternet racing at its best...
12-29-2009, 11:51 AM
HAHA, slow motion winternet racing at its best...
12-29-2009, 12:09 PM
You're the one who talked their cars down.
Yeah, and...?
I told you they and myself would be perfectly willing to line up against you at Cordova.
I have 0 interest in getting everything it takes together for the track to race you and your buddy's in their 13 sec wonders.
You said to come down this way.
So...are you going to or not?
(By the way, Des Moines is north of Burlington - not south, I won't give you shit over it. I figured your geographical skills aren't any better than your reading skills) Like I said, come to Cordova.
I don't remember anything said about Burlington, but thanks. Are you really that desperate for a witty response that you're going to argue semantics involving pulling out a map? Your parents must be proud.
You never responded that you'd come to Cordova.
Lotsa side-steppin if you ask me.
Nobody asked you. I already answered that. No I'm not going to Cordova in the middle of winter. I'm much better at bench racing :roll:
I never had a problem with the intakes actually, since you're so worried :)
Whew, thank God. I was getting scared. I'll be sure to call you next time I run into a problem with one.
The valve seal replacement as well actually turned out to be pretty easy.
Yeah, it should've been. Although, you probably should've left it alone. You could of always let your car sit at idle at family gatherings to keep the mosquitoes away. I'm sure you did a shitty job with that as well, so it's only a matter of time before it'll be back to smoking again. Please tell me how fixing the valve seal, fixed the piston rings you said were bad too? Hopes and dreams, or did you just do like Ken Herring and the Big Shwagg suggests and use Zmax?
I don't recall getting a ton of shit for not being able to figure out a RPO code?
This ring a bell?
There's a decoder program you can download on the main fucking page. Use the half a brain you have and figure it out yourself. I'm sure you'll retort with something about me stalking you. I've been on those forums longer than you have. Like I said, I didn't feel the need to make you look like more of a twat waffle than you already are, but I still remember, so I thought I would share. You didn't recall. I hope this racks your brain.
You really running out of shit to talk that bad you need to keep trying to bring up shit from other forums?
Guess I didn't have to look far for his crybaby "he's stalking me" response. Bitch please, I have much better things to do than check Craigslist and PM people from DS to get dirt on somebody.
This in certain proves you're nothing but a big mouthed asshat here to talk shit and not much else - when you run out of things to say you try to bring up shit thats been posted on another forum not really relevant at ALL to here.
It's completely relevant. You're a douche. You've proved that more than one place. I just like to share. No different than you.
I'm just saying, proves my point all you have is a big mouth.
...and if that were true, how would that differ from you? For fucks sake, you gotta talk up your buddies cars to race people before your own. You're a tool dude! Face the facts.
Hell if I wanted to spend my time lurking other forums to find you and your posts, considering the ass you've made yourself out to be here to people local to you, I'd bet I'd find a LOT of fun stuff to post from other forums with people non-local to you. But again - I don't have time to lurk around on other forums digging shit up, maybe you do.
Knock yourself out pumpkin. You've already started to attempt obviously. Check out DS and Thridgen all you want. You already know my SN. Prove yourself right.
Lol again at the HE STARTED IT card. Someone needs to grow the fuck up. You started this for yourself by being an asshat in responses. No I don't mean in this thread - but when you went from being considered an average decent member here to being considered one of the douche bags who talk shit. The only person you haven't surpassed yet is Derek.
You wanted to bitch about me bringing up your dipshit posts on another forum and get all butt hurt about it and wanted to know why. You want to act like a dipshit to me, all is fair. Now your trying to go back and save face for some reason because you got called out. Trying to shed the spotlight from yourself. Too late princess. Own up to what you say. I do. EVERYMUTHAFUCKIN WORD! If I'm wrong, I admit it. If I'm confused, I'll say it. End of discussion. Quit backpeddling.
Mufflover is a douche but at least funny as fuck at times.
I'll agree with that
I'll be back in a few hours and I'm sure you'll have concocted a response that seems witty to yourself.
12-29-2009, 02:49 PM
12-29-2009, 02:49 PM
[quote]You're the one who talked their cars down.
Yeah, and...?
I told you they and myself would be perfectly willing to line up against you at Cordova.
I have 0 interest in getting everything it takes together for the track to race you and your buddy's in their 13 sec wonders.
You said to come down this way.
So...are you going to or not?
(By the way, Des Moines is north of Burlington - not south, I won't give you shit over it. I figured your geographical skills aren't any better than your reading skills) Like I said, come to Cordova.
I don't remember anything said about Burlington, but thanks. Are you really that desperate for a witty response that you're going to argue semantics involving pulling out a map? Your parents must be proud.
You never responded that you'd come to Cordova.
Lotsa side-steppin if you ask me.
Nobody asked you. I already answered that. No I'm not going to Cordova in the middle of winter. I'm much better at bench racing :roll:
I never had a problem with the intakes actually, since you're so worried :)
Whew, thank God. I was getting scared. I'll be sure to call you next time I run into a problem with one.
The valve seal replacement as well actually turned out to be pretty easy.
Yeah, it should've been. Although, you probably should've left it alone. You could of always let your car sit at idle at family gatherings to keep the mosquitoes away. I'm sure you did a shitty job with that as well, so it's only a matter of time before it'll be back to smoking again. Please tell me how fixing the valve seal, fixed the piston rings you said were bad too? Hopes and dreams, or did you just do like Ken Herring and the Big Shwagg suggests and use Zmax?
I don't recall getting a ton of shit for not being able to figure out a RPO code?
This ring a bell?
There's a decoder program you can download on the main fucking page. Use the half a brain you have and figure it out yourself. I'm sure you'll retort with something about me stalking you. I've been on those forums longer than you have. Like I said, I didn't feel the need to make you look like more of a twat waffle than you already are, but I still remember, so I thought I would share. You didn't recall. I hope this racks your brain.
You really running out of shit to talk that bad you need to keep trying to bring up shit from other forums?
Guess I didn't have to look far for his crybaby "he's stalking me" response. Bitch please, I have much better things to do than check Craigslist and PM people from DS to get dirt on somebody.
This in certain proves you're nothing but a big mouthed asshat here to talk shit and not much else - when you run out of things to say you try to bring up shit thats been posted on another forum not really relevant at ALL to here.
It's completely relevant. You're a douche. You've proved that more than one place. I just like to share. No different than you.
I'm just saying, proves my point all you have is a big mouth.
...and if that were true, how would that differ from you? For fucks sake, you gotta talk up your buddies cars to race people before your own. You're a tool dude! Face the facts.
Hell if I wanted to spend my time lurking other forums to find you and your posts, considering the ass you've made yourself out to be here to people local to you, I'd bet I'd find a LOT of fun stuff to post from other forums with people non-local to you. But again - I don't have time to lurk around on other forums digging shit up, maybe you do.
Knock yourself out pumpkin. You've already started to attempt obviously. Check out DS and Thridgen all you want. You already know my SN. Prove yourself right.
Lol again at the HE STARTED IT card. Someone needs to grow the fuck up. You started this for yourself by being an asshat in responses. No I don't mean in this thread - but when you went from being considered an average decent member here to being considered one of the douche bags who talk shit. The only person you haven't surpassed yet is Derek.
You wanted to bitch about me bringing up your dipshit posts on another forum and get all butt hurt about it and wanted to know why. You want to act like a dipshit to me, all is fair. Now your trying to go back and save face for some reason because you got called out. Trying to shed the spotlight from yourself. Too late princess. Own up to what you say. I do. EVERYMUTHAFUCKIN WORD! If I'm wrong, I admit it. If I'm confused, I'll say it. End of discussion. Quit backpeddling.
Mufflover is a douche but at least funny as fuck at times.
I'll agree with that
I'll be back in a few hours and I'm sure you'll have concocted a response that seems witty to yourself.
THERE YA GO![/quote:1pc04b1i]
Wow it takes a lot of effort to go to Cordova doesn't it? A local great track that a lot of people around here go to.
This basically proves you're backin out - don't call people out and expect them to race on your terms 100%.. Hell Cordova is a great track it'd be the fairest way - obviously you're just a pussy.
I don't see too much shit flinging in that thread either on thirdgen - just some guy mad that I called someone a retard?
You keep saying I talk up my friend's cars. Yeah I compliment them - the fact is you insulted their cars because of a previous thread I posted with them. If you're going to insult them - at least grow a pair enough to come race them at the track. I can assure you they would never waste their time coming to Des Moines to run some 305. At least at Cordova they get to get some track times without any risk and some real races.
The funny thing though is really the amount of shit you talk.
Like I said, I've never made ridiculous claims and over-talked what I've got to people here. You do this constantly. You act like you know more than people here and then get pissed when you get showed up.
Sooo...back to the topic, are you saying that Fifdy's car is set up for nitrous and is now slower than an all motor car.
I just told you i realize it can be done, but thanks for the science lesson anyway, Mr. Wizard.
Being a dick to someone being rather nice informing you about something.
You come here and talk shit.. whenever you get called out your favorite response is "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I GOT" - when we know damn well what you have. Unless you post some mystery car and shit - thats all that you have.
You're the one backpedalling trying to shift the douche bag curtain from yourself to me.
Sorry - I can be a dick but I'm nowhere near what you are bud.
I mean look through my post history - before you really, I had no confrontations with anyone aside from Derek (we all have done it for fun) and Muff (who hasn't?)
You however have constantly got into it with multiple reputable members of the site who have been here for a long time. You derail multiple threads with the shit you spew. This all just proves you have way to much time on your hands.
The shit you talk could fill a book, continue.
12-29-2009, 02:54 PM
Well, I see that you read my response with nothing in return. You opened your mouth and mad this beast. Own up to your mouth. You keep wanting to bring up the fact that I said you started this all this trash talk first. Just so you STFU about it, I'll explain and draw you a picture. You say all I do is talk shit. Evidently my response isn't good enough for you beings how you keep wanting to make a federal case about me pointing out I'm not the one starting it. So in a round about way if you think about it, you're talking like a hypocrite. Calling me an asshat for talking shit, yet it's ok for everyone else here to do it, including yourself. Guess what Sally, keep beating that dead horse. You've run out of legs to stand on. While we're on the subject,
go to the bottom of the page and read the last post and the next few of mine that followed. That's the post that started it all. Please explain how anywhere in it I'm doing anything other than stating an opinion that OBVIOUSLY wasn't shared by a few people on here.
Awaiting your headache inducing response.
12-29-2009, 03:04 PM
Wow it takes a lot of effort to go to Cordova doesn't it? A local great track that a lot of people around here go to.
This basically proves you're backin out - don't call people out and expect them to race on your terms 100%.. Hell Cordova is a great track it'd be the fairest way - obviously you're just a pussy.
Backing out of what? I've never once said I'm going to get all the shit together that it necessitates to go a track hours away to race your 13 second wonders. It would've taken me committing to it in the first place in order to back out. Given the same thinking I guess you're the ultimate pussy beings how I flat out called out you, your friends you speak of, for money, and you have yet to answer. I think I'm being a lot more specific. Own up or shut up.
I don't see too much shit flinging in that thread either on thirdgen - just some guy mad that I called someone a retard?
You keep saying I talk up my friend's cars. Yeah I compliment them - the fact is you insulted their cars because of a previous thread I posted with them. If you're going to insult them - at least grow a pair enough to come race them at the track. I can assure you they would never waste their time coming to Des Moines to run some 305. At least at Cordova they get to get some track times without any risk and some real races.
...and I think I made myself clear with my last statement. Guess we're gonna have to call it a draw unless you want to prove my "305" wrong here.
The funny thing though is really the amount of shit you talk. Like I said, I've never made ridiculous claims and over-talked what I've got to people here. You do this constantly.
Never made a rediculous claim at all. Based on your zero facts that you have, what rediculous claim have I made?
You act like you know more than people here and then get pissed when you get showed up.
[quote:eicsxbap]Sooo...back to the topic, are you saying that Fifdy's car is set up for nitrous and is now slower than an all motor car.
I just told you i realize it can be done, but thanks for the science lesson anyway, Mr. Wizard.
You make absolutely no sense with this statement.
Being a dick to someone being rather nice informing you about something.
You come here and talk shit.. whenever you get called out your favorite response is "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I GOT" - when we know damn well what you have. Unless you post some mystery car and shit - thats all that you have.
You're the one backpedalling trying to shift the douche bag curtain from yourself to me.
Sorry - I can be a dick but I'm nowhere near what you are bud.
I mean look through my post history - before you really, I had no confrontations with anyone aside from Derek (we all have done it for fun) and Muff (who hasn't?)
You however have constantly got into it with multiple reputable members of the site who have been here for a long time. You derail multiple threads with the shit you spew. This all just proves you have way to much time on your hands.
The shit you talk could fill a book, continue.
Blah, blah, blah, I wish I could call you a has been, but a never were is more suitable.
12-29-2009, 03:14 PM
[quote]Wow it takes a lot of effort to go to Cordova doesn't it? A local great track that a lot of people around here go to.
This basically proves you're backin out - don't call people out and expect them to race on your terms 100%.. Hell Cordova is a great track it'd be the fairest way - obviously you're just a pussy.
Backing out of what? I've never once said I'm going to get all the shit together that it necessitates to go a track hours away to race your 13 second wonders. It would've taken me committing to it in the first place in order to back out. Given the same thinking I guess you're the ultimate pussy beings how I flat out called out you, your friends you speak of, for money, and you have yet to answer. I think I'm being a lot more specific. Own up or shut up.
I don't see too much shit flinging in that thread either on thirdgen - just some guy mad that I called someone a retard?
You keep saying I talk up my friend's cars. Yeah I compliment them - the fact is you insulted their cars because of a previous thread I posted with them. If you're going to insult them - at least grow a pair enough to come race them at the track. I can assure you they would never waste their time coming to Des Moines to run some 305. At least at Cordova they get to get some track times without any risk and some real races.
...and I think I made myself clear with my last statement. Guess we're gonna have to call it a draw unless you want to prove my "305" wrong here.
The funny thing though is really the amount of shit you talk. Like I said, I've never made ridiculous claims and over-talked what I've got to people here. You do this constantly.
Never made a rediculous claim at all. Based on your zero facts that you have, what rediculous claim have I made?
You act like you know more than people here and then get pissed when you get showed up.
[quote:339sqxkj]Sooo...back to the topic, are you saying that Fifdy's car is set up for nitrous and is now slower than an all motor car.
I just told you i realize it can be done, but thanks for the science lesson anyway, Mr. Wizard.
You make absolutely no sense with this statement.
Being a dick to someone being rather nice informing you about something.
You come here and talk shit.. whenever you get called out your favorite response is "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I GOT" - when we know damn well what you have. Unless you post some mystery car and shit - thats all that you have.
You're the one backpedalling trying to shift the douche bag curtain from yourself to me.
Sorry - I can be a dick but I'm nowhere near what you are bud.
I mean look through my post history - before you really, I had no confrontations with anyone aside from Derek (we all have done it for fun) and Muff (who hasn't?)
You however have constantly got into it with multiple reputable members of the site who have been here for a long time. You derail multiple threads with the shit you spew. This all just proves you have way to much time on your hands.
The shit you talk could fill a book, continue.
Blah, blah, blah, I wish I could call you a has been, but a never were is more suitable.[/quote:339sqxkj]
Your reading comprehension is very poor.
I plainly said you overtalk what you have. You try to talk to people like Fifdy like you're on equal playing grounds to them when all you have is some 305 on nitrous.
You think the civics are 13 second cars huh? You must know them inside and out.
I also never said anything about coming to Cordova in the middle of winter. I stated sometime in the spring/summer - as I knew you wouldnt come now.
You aren't being specific at all - you talked shit and said bring it. So I offered a chance at Cordova and you're backpedalling. It's like I said, they aren't going to drive 3 hours to run some 305, I wouldn't either. Going to Cordova - we'd all drive to run a BUNCH of other cars, get times, and run a 305 if it would show up.
If you can't commit yourself to a track 4-8 months away - then just back out now.
Your ridiculous claims go out to all your statements to people "You don't know what I got" as if you're saying you're going to be faster than people. No you don't say it exactly - but you obviously imply it, especially when you talk shit to people like Fifdy and others with 11sec and faster cars.
I'm off to work now - I'm sure you'll have more when I get home.
12-29-2009, 03:21 PM
No, you don't know what I have. No, I'm not implying my cars are quicker than anything you or the buddies you speak of own. I'M FLAT OUT SAYING THAT! No, I don't want to go to Cordova. Eddyville or maybe CF is fine with me. I'd prefer not to waste the gas and just race you on the street down here. It seemed to be ok in the dbag videos you took. Should be ok now.
12-29-2009, 04:36 PM
go to the bottom of the page and read the last post and the next few of mine that followed. That's the post that started it all
ok im going to say one thing to each of you and i dont want in on the b/s its just two things i just cant keep myself from saying... sparky the comment above is not all or even most of what truley created the confict or mud slinging in that thread it was more about the mustang owner's comments you made than your opinion on the cobra. just my .2
mamamia you really havnt done anything to help your own image here the way you are handling this.. i get that you feel attacked with the things that have been brought up but all your doing is enabling him to do what you dont like him for. the bottom line with knowing or not knowing what he does or dont have is that you do not know regardless of who you have asked or what you have read you do not know what he has and neither do I for that matter only he does!
ok im done now and i have no problem with either of you and i know how easy it is to have your blinders on when your in a flame war beings ive been in plenty myself and said dumb things as well, but i just felt obligated to chime in on you two haha
12-29-2009, 05:49 PM
Fuck you...
12-29-2009, 08:05 PM
I'll throw in $10 to the winner. We should get a pot going.
12-29-2009, 10:08 PM
No, you don't know what I have. No, I'm not implying my cars are quicker than anything you or the buddies you speak of own. I'M FLAT OUT SAYING THAT! No, I don't want to go to Cordova. Eddyville or maybe CF is fine with me. I'd prefer not to waste the gas and just race you on the street down here. It seemed to be ok in the dbag videos you took. Should be ok now.
I won't even comment on the part of you saying your car is faster than any of our cars - it's not worth arguing over anymore.
The fact is no one gets much out of a street run other than a rather long drive for a single race. My idea of you coming to the track is the fact we won't be using gas just to run each other, we'd end up at a track for a night and have a good time making other runs and seeing some other fun cars/runs.
At least going to a track, either way we end up having more fun aside from a single race.
Eddyville may be a possibility sometime in the spring/summer. I'll let you know if any of us ever plan to head there.
Aye Kvill I hear what you're saying. Going back through the thread it's easy to see a lot of posts both mine and sparkles are simply reiterations of other posts as the same exact things get brought up and then responded with the exact same things.
In the end we might as well wait until Spring/Summer when the tracks are open before we talk more shit about when/where we're going to run. It's also when we do a lot of road trips, me and friends cruise up to CR / QC regularly during the nice weather.. Burlington gets pretty boring. Who knows, a Des Moines trip may work its way in.
12-30-2009, 04:10 PM
sparkles ftw
12-30-2009, 07:58 PM
Nobody for the win.... they won't show besides here. It was entertaining for a lil while. My exp. been.. they bitch all the time, I accept they are unhappy in general like older women get, it's a proven fact btw. Keep that in mind you younger guys.
12-31-2009, 01:28 AM
sparkles you sound like a 12 year old; BUT HE STARTED IT WAAHHHH
your irrefutable, impeccably supported arguments simply baffle everyone on this board.
we now return to sparkles arguing in a circle and disputing semantics
VP, this forum is no place for big words like that
01-13-2010, 03:06 PM
sooooooo...... did you sell it lol?
I just stay out of these arguments. it more or less seems like two people just going back and forth.... in the end nothing chances so i say everyone smile and take everyday as a new day
01-13-2010, 05:51 PM
sooooooo...... did you sell it lol?
I just stay out of these arguments. it more or less seems like two people just going back and forth.... in the end nothing chances so i say everyone smile and take everyday as a new day
They're still sitting in the garage.
01-13-2010, 06:54 PM
no bites on ebay?
01-13-2010, 07:01 PM
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them at the moment. Probably just keep them if I can't get enough money from somebody. I'm trying not to liquidate all my stuff, but being laid off most of the year has been tough, and child support is a never ending motherfucker.
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